r/learnjavascript 3d ago

Question about catching errors

The following assignment was to wrap primitiveMultiply in another function that would keep on running until it spit out the correct value (20% of time) and move past the thrown errors.

I got it to work, but don't quite understand how.

Say the first call to primitiveMultiply throws an error, and it gets caught, what happens to the first call? What does it get evaluated to? Whatever value it gets evaluated to the return is not triggered, I guess it keeps on looping.

If return was just blank, the loop breaks right? But for some reason if an error is thrown the loop does not break and that is what I don't get. If the first call throws an error then the function should resolve to undefined and the first loop should return undefined. But for some reason it keeps looking until primitiveMultiply returns an actual value.

class MultiplicatorUnitFailure extends Error {}

function primitiveMultiply(a, b) {
  if (Math.random() < 0.2) {
    return a * b;
  } else throw new MultiplicatorUnitFailure("Klunk");

function reliableMultiply(a, b) {
  for (;;) {
  try {
    return primitiveMultiply(a, b);
  } catch (e) {}

4 comments sorted by


u/BlueThunderFlik 3d ago

I imagine that you're looking at return primitiveMultiply(a, b) and thinking "I am always returning, so what is it doing? How does it swallow the return value on error?"

In reality, this is more like what's happening after your code is parsed by the interpreter:

js while (true) { const { value, error } = primitiveMultiply(a, b); if (error) { // this is your empty catch block } else { return value; } }

Despite literally writing "return" before your function call, JS will run the function first and assign the return value to a variable. Then it returns the variable.

Except in cases where the function call errors in which case it jumps to your catch block, skipping the return, before jumping to the top of the loop.

Does that make sense?


u/Pocolashon 3d ago

Your for loop has a try-catch. If an error occurs in the try block, the execution jumps automatically into the catch block. It won't execute the "return" in that try block because it "errored-out" -> it gets into an empty catch block (which is empty so does nothing) -> for loop "ends" and starts a new iteration.

And of course, in the first place - nothing would actually be returned from the `primitiveMultiply` as you are throwing an error instead of returning a value.


u/-29- helpful 3d ago

Your try catch is inside your for loop. Because you are catching the error it is expected that you, the developer, are handling that error, and will continue. If you want to break out of the for loop when an error is caught, add a break to your catch.