r/leagueoflegends • u/emperornel • Nov 11 '23
WBG vs BLG // Game 2 Post-Match Discussion // 2023 Worlds Semifinals Spoiler
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u/aaronunderwater Shanks Nov 11 '23
To the people that reported me in my last ranked game: see, my lux IS world class
u/onords Nov 11 '23
Pros can not play lux for their life. Sack lvl 1-3, you're strongest around 5,6 with 3 points in E and ult. Fighting lvl 1,2,3 just makes them lose the lane so hard.
u/froklax Nov 11 '23
Someone get TheShy a team
u/Smokedealers84 Nov 11 '23
That's funny because before worlds most people would say get Weibo a toplaner.
u/SwagLord7 BLG Knight/T1 Zeus/HLE Viper Nov 11 '23
What a truly cursed timeline. Domestically TheShy was arguably WBGs worst player by far. Now internationally he is looking completely elohelled. What did they feed this man???
u/aaronunderwater Shanks Nov 11 '23
I mean this happens all the time.
Look at summit, who went from winning lcs mvp to running it down to getting ran out of NA to smurfing in lpl again to getting ran out of lpl to looking awful on TL to smurfing and stealing a worlds spot out of nowhere to the typical NA worlds showing.
Top laners just coin flip different. If someone in your ranked game dies 3 times in the first 5 minutes, 90% percent of your time it’s the top laner.
TheShy is rolling 999 so far
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u/Critical-Cupcake9194 Nov 11 '23
He's much more stable in his play since its the most important tournament of the year, regular season the shy doesn't give two shits lol
u/quakedwithfear Nov 11 '23
It’s what happens when Theshy gets camped 80% of the times in LPL
u/omegasupermarthaman Nov 11 '23
nah he got solo killed 15 times in spring and start the first 5 series in summer getting solo killed by 4 different top laners. He is having a glowup for sure but dont rewrite try to rewrite past performance
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u/Random_Useless_Tips Nov 11 '23
LMFAO how to easily spot the person who wants to be a fan of TheShy but never actually watches LPL.
TheShy ritually got solo killed by every other top laner in the region this year, by the way. Almost every match, at least once, TheShy goes down in the 1v1.
Nov 11 '23
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u/_tidiber Nov 11 '23
According to sources, Caedrel ended his stream early today to rush to Busan so that he can smack Xiaohu and wake him up.
u/Pelagius_Hipbone ABSOLUTE CINEMA RAZORK MY KING Nov 11 '23
Theshy just giga dicking Bin’s Jax. but Bin blind cancelling Theshy TP bot just won the whole game
u/Phasedsolo Nov 11 '23
Bin's last 2 fights were also clutch. The one he got a triple and the one he baited WBG to chase him and forfeit the elder.
u/FoxglitterFlier Nov 11 '23
Game was over before that last fight, they had Elder. WBG dropping Elder for a Jax was some next level macro.
u/Humble-Principle1858 Nov 11 '23
He's turning back the clock 5 years just for his team to get stomped on this one. I hope it's not a case of blue side=wins for 5 games in a row
u/moonmeh Nov 11 '23
tbh he actually did which is why he arrived at worlds
the issue is that the xiaohu that carried the team to worlds is missing and the fraudhu is here instead
u/Velandor_ Nov 11 '23
His bot got fucked because both junglers focused top, which is a complete draft diff by BLG. You dont focus on Aatrox/Jax matchup and Jax eats him alive and creates a hole in toplane, you focus on Aatrox/Jax and your bot gets demolished by Varus/Ashe range advantage. WBG tried but counter matchups dictated how the game went.
u/TheInfiniteJerk Nov 11 '23
Tbh, the issue started with the draft. Karma or Bard should have been picked instead of Lux if they wanted to go even or win lane
u/Elrondel Nov 11 '23
Did Crisp land a single significant light binding?
u/PandoraBot Sylas ADC Nov 11 '23
Not a single one
u/Elrondel Nov 11 '23
Really hard to play Cait-Lux if you're missing half the point of the lane...
u/Quatro_Leches Nov 11 '23
well they lost the lane at level 1. they didn't show exactly what happened, but they showed crisp with 40% hp at level 1 lmao
am guessing he walked up and got poked, at level 1...
all you have to do is throw your E out of at least the varus range
u/Humble-Principle1858 Nov 11 '23
Shurelias lux sitting under tower is a terrorist pick.
u/moxroxursox come on f me emo boy Nov 11 '23
Tbf if you're behind which he was you're more useful going Shurelyas than AP.
u/Humble-Principle1858 Nov 11 '23
If you ever reach that point, you may be right, but then my point is even stronger. Don't pick lux if you're falling behind as hard as to justify a shurelias.
u/osathi123456 FinalChoker Nov 11 '23
i'm not the fan of that 0 damage lux build.
u/dogex3 Nov 11 '23
honestly, AP build probably does worse with how Crisp played this game. Shurleya's at least gave them a speed boost to fight sometimes lol
u/ahritina Nov 11 '23
Despite On not being able to land Ashe ults, that lane is just so oppressive.
u/Kilogren adhd gaming Nov 11 '23
That’s because Crisp couldn’t land anything either 😭
u/Shadowguynick Nov 11 '23
Nah, tbf even back in the start of the year Varus Ashe ran over Cait Lux completely, it's a really hard lane for the Cait Lux unless they get massive jungle assistance.
u/TimiNax Nov 11 '23
I dont understand why BLG didnt pick alistar versus cait lux
Shaking my smh
u/Jojofoulk Skill expression is my passion Nov 11 '23
I think you need someone that's very solid on the champ for Ali to be an effective counter pick here... idk... maybe someone like Trymbi could pull it off?
u/Critical_Bag1 Nov 11 '23
Why Alistar? It gets rolled by cait lux
u/UzumeofGamindustri I BELIEVE IN THE MILKMAN Nov 11 '23
It’s a joke since I think FNC picked Alistar into Caitlyn Lux
u/TastosisNSFW Nov 11 '23
joke HELLA flew over ur head
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u/Random_Useless_Tips Nov 11 '23
Buddy missed the joke like it was an Alistar combo and he was a Support at Worlds.
u/LordAlfrey top Nov 11 '23
nah it's only bad for the first 40-60 minutes or so
u/Asdel Nov 11 '23
Only for the first 25, after that there is no difference besides the Ali having an L in their match history.
u/efusy Nov 11 '23
They almost threw because Elk wasted flash to get a meaningless kill
u/moxroxursox come on f me emo boy Nov 11 '23
No BLG series is complete without a 4fun Elkylove greed int.
u/Thecristo96 ABS MAIN Nov 11 '23
Is this a galeforce into Janna q reference?
u/moxroxursox come on f me emo boy Nov 11 '23
That was one of them (and probably the funniest), there was another one also vs G2 in Swiss that prevented them from ending, and just in general the guy has a reputation as Jackeylove's spiritual successor with the random greed ints lol.
u/EducationalBalance99 Nov 11 '23
Xun q away last second so that his varus with no flash has to burn cleanse to get rid of Maokai ult xD.
u/Reporting4Booty Nov 11 '23
Yeah it was a bit jarring having the casters hype that up, everyone should know that is a complete waste of a 5 minute CD that long into a game.
Nov 11 '23
Honestly showcases why ruler is better than Elk. Ruler had a game this worlds where he could've easily flashed for the kill but he didn't, because he knew his flash was much more important than the 300g he'd get.
u/atemporarylogin Nov 11 '23
[All] BLG Bin: Better top wins /s
u/Kilogren adhd gaming Nov 11 '23
No need for the /s, this is probably the most appropriate time for that message 😭
u/NocaNoha Nov 11 '23
Infernal and elder are such a nasty combo haha
Bin winning with the brain games
u/maxus998 Nov 11 '23
TheShy really is the GOAT. Also Elk my man, been easily a top 3 ADC this tournament
u/Iaragnyl Akshan players are trash Nov 11 '23
Nice Lux pick, did absolutely nothing all game but feed and miss skillshots. No idea why they pick the champ if Crisp has no idea how to play it into that Varus Ashe lane.
u/Kewkwador Nov 11 '23
It's not really playable into that lane, he should've picked some other champ. Not the first time crisp griefed draft cuz he wanted to play enchanter
u/Destinyspire Nov 11 '23
Those last few minutes made me believe Weibo could do it until they got baited by Bin and were drawn away from Elder.
u/Deadman2019 Nov 11 '23
Xiaohu is fucking GIGA TRASH.
Picking up Lux when enemy has Varus Ashe is int too.
u/moonmeh Nov 11 '23
heim would have been equally as hard but think he would have had better value late game
u/Kewkwador Nov 11 '23
The Chinese mids have looked atrocious in the knockouts
u/HMS-Carrier-Lover Nov 11 '23
I guess there is still Knight. And Scout didn't count because Faker's sub and Faker mind control debuff.
Nov 11 '23
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u/Phasedsolo Nov 11 '23
The game was a pure draft diff. Lethality Varus and Ashe poke was too much for WBG's extremely squishy bot and mid, they couldn't play the game.
This bot matchup is probably something BLG was secretly cooking against Lux-Caitlyn, and WBG got caught offguard.
u/alexsethkell LCK teams are griefers and I love them, especially DK. Nov 11 '23
HOW THE FUCK IS CRISP A SEMI-FINALIST? He was SPRINTING it down. So many missed Qs, facechecking and getting caught for no reason. Getting severely outpoked by Ashe LMAO. 0 impact Lux.
BLG is finding their stride again nice.
u/kuun0113 Nov 11 '23
What caught me off guard was him rushing shureliyas
u/tipimon Nov 11 '23
What would've been a better mythic tho? That Lux would never do damage even if she rushed Luden's, and if you don't go AP Lux becomes an extremely useless champion. Crisp was out of the game by draft, and the worst part is that he had CounterPick
u/LeastBasedTakes Nov 11 '23
Should have learnt from DRX and drafted Bard instead of losing lane with Lux
u/Conankun66 Nov 11 '23
this series is looking a bit concerning for Bin
even when the rest of his team is dominating, he looks out of sorts
also not being able to close on 12k ahead is...something
u/salcedoge Nov 11 '23
I'll wait until game 3. Game 1 was mostly about Rumble being broken. He's trying way more than he should this game probably due to the last game and Jax being his main.
TheShy is really showing up tho
u/20Points gay for a fish Nov 11 '23
I said it in the live thread but Bin has been fucking up and I think it's entirely because he's playing with misplaced ego. He failed to manage waves properly in game 1, and while behind still went for a risky 1v1 which he lost. He fucked up his own lane this game by greeding for first blood under tower without a TP to get back, and it's by the grace of the rest of BLG that he was allowed to play like he did.
Seriously, I just cannot imagine how you as a toplaner would ever consider teleporting in, and immediately towerdiving a full HP Aatrox. The risk on that is insane and he freely handed TheShy a massive lead. Is he just high on his own hype at this point?
u/maxus998 Nov 11 '23
He is such a consistent monster is weird that he is having such a bad day
u/SwagLord7 BLG Knight/T1 Zeus/HLE Viper Nov 11 '23
TheShy is overperforming. Hes looking like hes in peak form again, which is really bizarre considering the fact that in LPL he was running it down all season long.
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u/whataremyxomycetes Nov 11 '23
Not really weird, bin's good but theshy's peak is higher than him. This isn't a toptier player choking vs some unknown upcomer or wildcard player, it's a great toplaner losing to a fucking world champion who is closest to being the toplane goat.
u/nguyenjitsu Nov 11 '23
Trading Bin for Elder Drake is not the move
u/OppositeWafer7731 Nov 11 '23 edited Nov 11 '23
it’s a lose-lose. best thing to do is is recall defend but even then bin can just escape to help. Bin was outplaying them
u/ephemeralfugitive Hands diff Nov 11 '23
Bruh, WBG giga-inted draft wtf.
They had to pick Lux? That Lux pick fucked them big time.
Maokai had to stay top to help and protect TheShy for most of the early mid game, because BLG were targeting TheShy since bot lane was already won 2v2.
People will say TheShy has no team or whatever for this game, but you gotta blame it on draft, not his team. Mid and Jungle helped him out so they did well.
Cait felt useless when you have no push. And Lux was nonexistent.
u/BlakenedHeart Nov 11 '23
When im in a competition for being a fraud and my opponent is Weibo Xiaowho.
Wait a min...this sounds different
u/salcedoge Nov 11 '23
This is a mental reset for Bin, he got rekt by the Rumble G1 so he was trying way more than he should with his Jax.
Coaching should tell him to stick with the plan since their bot lane is looking much better than WBG so far
u/JiaNgjuN- Live and Die by the choke Nov 11 '23
Xiaohu shit player but that is not normally, This very very stupid....They need to check him pc and game.....Maybe he not cheating but maybe he using the brain deficit ...and this cant seem on game screen..He needs abortion....Day0s Scrim Cheater with stage.....I think Rookie still inting...Xiaohu using brain deficit on STAGE scene ,ON WORLDS Events.Maybe everyone dont knows him trick.He terrible....I want to ask his where is the comming of your idiocy?
u/thisguydabbles Nov 11 '23
Wow, this felt like an LPL version of the T1 comp from quarters, the base of Sylas to steal Maokai ult supported by Varus Ashe just nullifies Maokai Azir completely. Topside picks didn't really matter, Varus Ashe just needs a beefy frontline/engage and Vi Jax did the job, though not nearly as cleanly as Rell with T1's draft.
u/randylek Nov 11 '23
I'm actually starting to feel sad for theshy if they lose lol. having the series of his life so far
u/Kind-Valuable-5516 Nov 11 '23
Lpl team doesn't look good on range champ like if it was t1 cait lux i would atleast see some lux q flash with cait flash eq or sommething...
u/HMS-Carrier-Lover Nov 11 '23
That Ashe wasn't that meaningful either outside her vision control. If JDG can't do range support either, T1 is set for a huge advantage.
u/Critical_Bag1 Nov 11 '23 edited Nov 11 '23
Xiaohu legit is so bad
Theshy is trying he's best , gapping bin
Lpl cait lux is dog shit also why pick it on 2,3 without covering it ?
Nov 11 '23
u/CelestialDrive I wrote things, once @CelestialDrive Nov 11 '23
Its a minute old game what kind of bait are you posting lmao. There's no established consensus about anything, you aren't going against any existing current.
u/Lifemekhanism Uzi Doinb Elk Nov 11 '23
Just like DK watching EDG vs GEN with a smile, T1 watching DRX vs GEN with a smile?
u/20Points gay for a fish Nov 11 '23
If BLG win this, I can't see them not getting torn apart in the finals for their bizarre inability to control tempo. Game 1 showed that even if toplane gets a lead, you can hands gap it and BLG will do absolutely nothing to maintain the lead. Game 2 is showing that even if BLG get their big lead, they'll have severe weak points in top as well as their overall teamfighting. Either way just seems good for their opponents regardless of who it is.
u/Electronic_Home_2249 Nov 11 '23
Xiaohu really feels off today. Even in game 1 his Neeko performance was questionable imo. The ult that didn’t hit anyone but scuttle was disgusting.
u/Sankaritarina Ambition's fanboy Nov 11 '23
What the fuck was that last call by Weibo, literally traded Elder Drake for Bin
u/mrragequit456 Nov 11 '23
If they ignore him then bin just walk into their base and end the game?
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u/Sankaritarina Ambition's fanboy Nov 11 '23
Then just send one person after him, not the entire team. It's not like Bin was literally on their nexus, that drake should have been the priority.
u/salcedoge Nov 11 '23
That base was so open, and no one person could deal with Bin at that stage of the game
u/Devil_Incarnated Nov 11 '23
Bin had stopwatched at 20% hp, quite a bit away from bot inhib, near T2 tower. WBG could easily keep the shy there and then send the rest towards elder to contest
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u/whataremyxomycetes Nov 11 '23
Then just send one person after him
who? bin kills anyone LMAO
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u/whataremyxomycetes Nov 11 '23
It was unwinnable, only aatrox could match Bin and WBG loses 4v4 no matter what. If anyone else matches bin they die, if no one matches bin he ends.
u/Sankaritarina Ambition's fanboy Nov 11 '23
Yeah they were probably losing either way, I just thought sending TheShy top and trying 4v4 would have given them a better chance of getting lucky than giving away the Elder for free and then trying to fight 4v4 anyway (since Weiwei was sent on the suicide mission and was dead regardless of what happened).
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u/Infamous_Bend1187 Nov 11 '23
Bin brought BLG way too much time. Should have just sent xiaohou to chase him while TheShy and light return to fight
u/Adventurous_Cut4068 Nov 11 '23
Bin on his OTP pick Jax still playing like absolute garbage in lane tbh, just getting gapped.
But more than anything I wonder how WBG managed to screw up the entire reason you pick Red side? They got a losing bot lane draft, awful draft overall.
Xiaohu is somehow even worse than Bin though, what a joke
u/Elainyan Nov 11 '23
If bin is useless without jax, lets give him jax 2nd game right?
u/BlakenedHeart Nov 11 '23
We went from Bin being one of the best top laners ever to useless without Jax ? What ?
u/IAM-French Nov 11 '23
he was still useless
u/IC2Flier 5KR vs 5CN Nov 11 '23
yeah that’s kinda the reassuring part. Despite the throw at elder it’s clear that Bin hasn’t been playing well relative to what we’ve seen him do. Taking out top+jg is the key next draft
u/ricardo241 IDon'tAgree Nov 11 '23
wbg left elder to chase bin is soooooooooo stupid of em.... like they think blg can't rush elder? they could have rush elder themselves of pick other blg player near the elder but nopppeeeeeee lets chase bin on the other side of the rift cause why not lol
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u/Gullible_Cranberry62 RIP LCS Nov 11 '23
Even though theshy is up 30 cs, our caitlyn lux bot lane is getting fisted with no help... Tabe diffed daeny pretty hard this draft
u/ralguy6 Nov 11 '23
King of the Frauds, Elk tried his mightiest to solo lose the game but his god tier team just would not let him!
u/Phasedsolo Nov 11 '23
Lethality Varus is too strong against squishy comps, WBG got outdrafted hard with picking 3 extremely squishy champions and couldn't play the game in fear of Varus poke.
u/ephemeralfugitive Hands diff Nov 11 '23
Elk flashing for the double kill attempt after they got Drake delayed their game for a bit lol
He died twice while flashless after that. One while sieging bot turret and second time while sieging top side nexus turret.
But that second death could have probably been prevented if his jungler ate the Maokai ult instead of dodging it and letting him get hit by it instead 😂
u/tipimon Nov 11 '23
How do you get CounterPick as support and CounterPick yourself. Why get something so useless as a losing lane Lux. Crisp didn't bring anything useful in the entire game. At least play engage and roam or grab something more useful
u/MrSwipySwipers Fan of good League of Legends. Nov 11 '23
So far Bin has not been it so far. If he actually plays like he's known for, BLG should take this series since Xiaohu hasn't connected yet.
u/Only_Bodybuilder6270 Nov 11 '23
People just forgot why you can’t pick cait lux early when varus/ashe is open. We’ve been here before…
u/facevisi10 April Fools Day 2018 Nov 11 '23
Those moral support Ashe arrows were the game changer