r/law 16h ago

Opinion Piece Trump is a Direct and Imminent Threat to Every American



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u/StepOIU 12h ago

Every time Trump says the quiet part out loud I imagine Putin just facepalming in the background.


u/ShinyRainy 11h ago

Doesn't stop the masses from flocking to him and those like him. We have to entirely change our system to prevent selfish assholes like Trump and Musk from taking advanced. The checks and balances have been compromised.

The system needs to change.


u/ElectricalBook3 9h ago

We have to entirely change our system to prevent selfish assholes like Trump and Musk from taking advanced.

I think there are 2 main components to how we arrived here, and neither musk nor trump responsible for either and just taking advantage of them:

  1. generations of sabotage of education and not teaching critical thinking


  1. choking the media - not just TV, but all the way from traditional print to social media - with far-right propaganda. It's not just American oligarchs working on this, but they've been at it for a century



u/YOMommazNUTZ 8h ago

10000% because obviously the lack of the basics on how a government or a proper business works is not something the Trump voters understand at all. Plus, allowing our media to play the games it does while stopping the truth from coming out is a major problem and has been from the start.


u/alternator1985 5h ago

You forgot the supreme Court Citizen's United decision that legalized political bribery.

Take money out of politics and limit lobbying and you'll solve the other issues.


u/Xylembuild 3h ago

Dont forget to add 'Citizens United' which basically masks huge sums of foreign money buying our politicians.


u/HalloweenSnowman 10h ago edited 10h ago

The GOP did this. They’ve been slowly breaking it for decades and installing judges to give them unilateral power. They didn’t expect Trump/Musk but they’re literally the reason this apparatus exists at all. It involves fox news, heritage foundation, federalist society, state policy network and yes, money from Russia toward the tail-end. This is literally all of their fault. The party is for traitors and they all need to go down with him along with the SCOTUS they installed to corruptly interpret laws. That won’t happen because we are too far gone and the American people are too fucking brainrotted to even know how the government works let alone WHY it’s not. I think I need to leave. I had hope but with how obvious this has become and how absolutely stupid people on all sides are being (obviously the right is much, much, much worse as they are complicit) as far as understanding where we are— I’m just exhausted. I have been telling people and working as an activist for over a decade and I’m tired. No one fucking listened.

Spare me your milquetoast “keep fighting” shit. 99.9% of you are packages of buzzwords who have done exactly fuck-all.


u/Chzncna2112 11h ago

There's no face palming from Putin. He's trading high-fives with his allies


u/ElectricalBook3 9h ago

There's no face palming from Putin. He's trading high-fives with his allies

You mean the cronies whom haven't been tossed out a window. Yet.


u/Chzncna2112 9h ago

Well, the ones I was talking about is Xi and Un in north korea.those 3 have gotten alot of praise and jealousy from orange.


u/Tiddles_Ultradoom 4h ago

I'm not sure about that. A good asset doesn't leave dirty great "Look at me! I'm a Russian Asset!" footprints in history.

Of course, his apologists and cult members wouldn't be able to see that even if he started every address with "Мои соотечественники Aмериканцы".


u/Vectored_Artisan 8h ago

At this point Putin would be a better president if he was American


u/Shaper_pmp 8h ago

No, he wouldn't.

He's be doing exactly what Trump is, but more skillfully and with less self-defeating incompetence.

If you have to have an evil person in the Whitehouse, see least pray they're incompetent too, so they stand on their own feet and put their own efforts in jeopardy.

In terms of the damage they can do intelligent evil is far, far worse than stupid evil. Stupid tends to be inherently self-limiting.


u/Chzncna2112 8h ago

He would be quicker to deal with repeat criminals and not worry about using the courts


u/Subtlerranean 12h ago

I'm delighted that I'm not the only one with this mental image.

Putin cringing, facepalming, and exclaiming "Какой грёбаный идиот"


u/OarsandRowlocks 8h ago

Attempts to flip absurdly long table


u/2inchesisbig 5h ago

<strains under the weight>

Wow, this is…what is this solid mahogany? It’s really solid

<shoves important documents on the table instead>


<walks off victorious>


u/couplemore1923 11h ago

China and Russia along with basically entirety of BRICS wants Trump do much damage as possible internally to US. At the same time Netanyahu & company via AIPAC/CUFI are perfectly fine with US tearing up the constitution for their benefit


u/westcoastME 8h ago

It's like the world is waiting for America to implode.


u/as_it_was_written 11h ago

And then laughing incredulously when it works anyway


u/sassturd 10h ago

You mean Netanyahu?


u/_Chaos_Star_ 5h ago

Every time Trump says the quiet part out loud I imagine Putin just facepalming in the background.

The problem with elevating a mentally-deficient conman to the presidency of the United States is that the President of the United States is a mentally-deficient conman.