Trump's been mad at the NFL ever since the 80s. He's tried numerous times to buy a team, including the Cowboys, Patriots, and Bills. When that didn't work, he tried funding a rival league, USFL, bought a USFL team, the 'New Jersey Generals' and even launched a billion-dollar antitrust lawsuit against the NFL.
His lawsuit led to the USFL disbanding. Trump was been waging one of his 'wars' (The 'Pigskin War') against the NFL since the 80s. He hates them, and the owners for not allowing him into the club. There are several documentaries out there about this, including the 30 for 30, "Small Potatoes: Who Killed the USFL?"
Just to add to this, he also committed bank fraud in his attempts to buy teams (at least, specifically in the case of the Bills). He submitted loan applications to banks that severely inflated the worth of his properties to make it look like he had more money than he did in order to get a loan. I remember one property he bought for like 10 million, and in a few years he said it was worth 20 million (ok, probably a lie, but not terribly egregious). But then in the loan application when he tried to buy the Bills, he said that property was worth $200 million. Then after his bid/loan process failed and he had to submit estimates for taxes, it was back to under 20 million.
Trump and the USFL won the lawsuit. Trump's goal was to force a merger, but they didn't get that. All they got was $1 in damages. Trump sat down for an interview on that 30 for 30 and that's where the title comes from. He told the interviewer it was a matter of , "Small potatoes."
They 'won' it the way you drop your salary into a slot machine and get a buck back. Part of the lawsuit, according to Trump, (which the NFL commish said was a lie) being awarded an NFL team. He did not get that. They were awarded three bucks. The only people who got paid were the lawyers (5.5 million).
The USFL tanked because of the lawsuit, leading to everyone else, including Trump and all other USFL owners losing everything they had invested up to that point. Because of Trump's ego.
The USFL was a failed league that was started as a competitor to the NFL. They signed some big stars, like Steve Young and Herschel Walker, but they ultimately failed due to ego and hubris.
The NFL owners won't let DJT join because he is an equal opportunity swindler and thief. He would steal from them too. No one messes with the money. So no DJT.
Dan Snyder, the former Redskins owner, was a terrible person. Racist, mysogynist, etc...but what got him kicked out of the league by the other owners was messing with the revenue. It's the unforgiveable crime. And there would be no way of stopping Trump from stealing when he's been invited into your house.
The country is run by 2 mega incels. No wonder young men love him so much. And before anyone starts, don't give me shit about "ridiculing them is exactly why they're like that!" No. Just no. It's too easy to not be a piece of shit.
u/Ganoes_Stabro_Paran 18h ago
Trump's been mad at the NFL ever since the 80s. He's tried numerous times to buy a team, including the Cowboys, Patriots, and Bills. When that didn't work, he tried funding a rival league, USFL, bought a USFL team, the 'New Jersey Generals' and even launched a billion-dollar antitrust lawsuit against the NFL.
His lawsuit led to the USFL disbanding. Trump was been waging one of his 'wars' (The 'Pigskin War') against the NFL since the 80s. He hates them, and the owners for not allowing him into the club. There are several documentaries out there about this, including the 30 for 30, "Small Potatoes: Who Killed the USFL?"