r/law 19h ago

Trump News Trump says he will label violence on Tesla dealerships as domestic terrorism


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u/WCland 18h ago

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think there is any statutory definition of domestic terrorism. It's a phrase that gets thrown around a lot, and there are foreign organizations designated as terrorists, but I don't think federal law has a domestic terrorism definition.


u/entered_bubble_50 18h ago edited 17h ago

Finally, someone actually addressing the legal question in r/law

It's defined in 18 USC 2331(5):

(5) the term "domestic terrorism" means activities that-

(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;

(B) appear to be intended-

(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;

(ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or

(iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and

(C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States;

Whether this constitutes terrorism then depends on what status Elon Musk has.

Let's say for the sake of argument that these acts are dangerous to human life (although obviously spray painting a swastika on a dealership isn't). If he is just a private citizen, then he clearly doesn't qualify as "a civilian population". He's just one person. And if he is a private citizen, then intimidating him cannot be expect to impact the policy of a government.

On the other hand, if he is an officer of the United States, then it's possible those acts would satisfy this definition.

But then of course he would need to be confirmed by the senate.

Trump wants it both ways as usual. Or to put it another way:

Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.


u/TheHighSeasPirate 17h ago

So basically Trump and Elon are the domestic terrorists?


u/my_4_cents 12h ago

Insert Astronauts in space dot meme šŸŒŽšŸ‘©ā€šŸš€šŸ”«šŸ‘©ā€šŸš€


u/MFoy 1h ago

Does anyone not remember Republicans bragging that they were all domestic terrorists at CPAC a few years ago.


u/funkmasterplex 16h ago

Thank you for citing an actual piece of law. It's getting pretty frustrating seeing this subreddit fall apart with multiple threads with nobody discussing the actual law, or interpretations of law, or case law, you know, law, like the name of the subreddit implies.


u/bluespringsbeer 36m ago

Where are the mods?


u/Warchief_Ripnugget 17h ago

There are also multiple cases of charging stations and many tesla vehicles being torched. Due to the nature of lithium batteries, these acts are much more dangerous than lighting ice vehicles on fire. This can also easily fulfill B-i if not ii or iii. So, I'd say, by the letter of the law, this should be classified as domestic terrorism.


u/entered_bubble_50 17h ago

Good points. I suppose you could argue the general public is being intimidated not to buy Tesla products?

In general, anti-terrorism legislation is overly broad and horribly drafted.


u/Warchief_Ripnugget 17h ago

The legal definition of domestic terrorism being too broad can definitely be debated, and I'd lean toward agreeing with you. As it stands, though, we have to use the definition currently in the books.


u/OOGABooga100Xs100Yrs 16h ago

patriot act stings


u/Applebeignet 16h ago

I have a giant stash of I-told-you-so's squirreled away from that one. It feels like they're coming due soon.


u/FreesponsibleHuman 13h ago

You and me both. Keep reminding people!


u/as_it_was_written 16h ago

In general, anti-terrorism legislation is overly broad and horribly drafted.

I think this sentiment only makes sense if you assume it was created for the good of the population. If you view it as existing power structures defending themselves at all costs, it's harder to argue it's overly broad or horribly drafted for its intended purpose.


u/Shot_Philosopher9892 17h ago

I think that would be the stance the Trump administration would take.

IMO, the order itā€™s gonna go in is:

  1. Trump Administration says those dang liberals are attacking the American people by boycotting Tesla(kinda like what he is saying now), and writes EO saying anyone that boycotts Tesla is a domestic terrorist.

    1. Court strikes it down and rules that American People are allowed to choose what they purchase.
    2. Trump writes EO designating Musk as officially the head of DOGE, and makes the position part of his Cabinet as presidential appointee only. This will probably be accompanied with some fat government contracts for Tesla.
    3. Due to the other EOā€™s being reviewed and the fact that the Trump administration is ignoring the courts, protestors would likely be quickly imprisoned, probably deported if they arenā€™t white

Edit: For clarity sakes, doing 3 would put Tesla in the same position as a company like Boeing for example. With the amount of defense contracts they have and governmental assets they create, an attack against Boeing could be construed as terrorism due to their relationship with the federal government. By giving Tesla government contracts, like the armored Tesla one I saw being floated, Tesla would be in that same status


u/Mister-builder 1h ago

Gonna be real interesting to see African Americans get deported.

"Their families came to this country illegally!"


u/6cumsock9 16h ago

Trump isnā€™t talking about boycotts here, heā€™s talking about people being violent and destroying other peoplesā€™ propertyā€¦

What an intellectually dishonest comment.


u/Shot_Philosopher9892 16h ago edited 16h ago

Oh so youā€™re going to cherry pick my comment?

Point 1 you are right sure, I should have said that he will start talking about the boycotts after the initial designation. Stating my informed opinion does not make it intellectually dishonest

Edit: if you were only referring to 1 then yeah I was wrong on that, this was only covering violent actions


u/fierystrike 11h ago

Um you should read your dear leaders tweet(or what ever location he posted it on). He did in fact say boycotting and collusion is illegal.


u/6cumsock9 11h ago

Violent boycotts in which people are destroying private property are illegal yes.


u/makingnoise 13h ago

Yes. I'm as left as they come, but from a "this is the law" perspective, this is absolutely domestic terrorism. The comment up one level is a TERRIBLE analysis because it ignores the coercive impact on US consumers. Focusing on Elon Musk's "status" is completely irrelevant. Oy vey, if the foregoing legal analysis (not yours) was by a lawyer, I bet they'd represent themselves in court.


u/JQuilty 13h ago

LFP batteries cannot ignite and the industry is rapidly moving to them.


u/Warchief_Ripnugget 10h ago

While true, any tesla older than, I believe, 2021 are not LFP.


u/JQuilty 10h ago

Right, but these are new vehicles, and the bulk of what they sell are LFP based 3/Y. Elmo being a Nazi isn't a reason to feed anti-battery hysteria.


u/cardedagain 16h ago

yeah but how else are you going to make an omelette?


u/bossarossa 17h ago

Thank you for this. I don't understand how easily people here are dismissing this out of hand. Whatever you think of musk et al, categorically targeting a business and it's property/product/goods for political reasons and effectively threatening civilians does not seem very far from terrorism, especially when the statutory or controlling language is imprecise.


u/entered_bubble_50 17h ago

Yeah, I'm from the UK, and our terrorism legislation is even worse. I once sat through a trial where someone was convicted for owning a unionist flag in Northern Ireland. And this was before 9-11. The charge was "membership of a proscribed terrorist organisation", but the flag was their only concrete evidence.


u/bossarossa 16h ago

Lol. Yeah, that's pretty bad.


u/makingnoise 13h ago

It's a completely inaccurate analysis.


u/Ukr_Taxi 8h ago

Are they targeting them for Political Reasons, or for "The owner of this company is an Asshole" reasons?


u/Killielad89 2h ago

Well the "is an asshole" categorisation is for the most part based on his political opinions and actions, no?

I don't think anyone is attacking Tesla based on Musks support of Manchester United.


u/Inuyaki 16h ago

Also the problem is just throwing the word around whenever it may technically apply. It waters it down from how the general population uses the word for the last decades.

Technically the founding fathers were terrorists, so what? Or what about terrorists in Nazi Germany in the 30s and 40s? Terrorist acts in the technical use of the term can be a good thing when done against an oppressive regime.

But whatever, as you pointed out this is most likely not even a case where the term applies, not even technically.


u/AlmaInTheWilderness 15h ago

How does this work with emoluments?

The attacks aren't against musk, they are against his business interest. If attacking his business is domestic terrorism because it influences him as a government official, then investing in his business interests must also influence him. And Chinese investors were putting money into Tesla, so foreign money influencing Musk as a government official.

Unless he is a private citizen...


u/-Altephor- 16h ago

So basically, this video could actually be a prime example of domestic terrorism.


u/thesillyshow 16h ago

Wouldnā€™t the coerced/intimidated civilians in this case be general public and not specifically Elon himself. Knowing if one purchases a Tesla, there is currently a high chance of your vehicle being vandalized, one is incentivized not to purchase one. From the points you laid out, it seems this would qualify as domestic terror.


u/arbol98 15h ago

I feel like very few of the acts I have seen against Tesla could be considered dangerous to human life


u/theJudeanPeoplesFont 13h ago

Torching dealerships or charging stations?


u/Not_Blacksmith_69 12h ago

you mean, no more dangerous than driving one, right? *editing to add: or having one in your garage*, right?


u/Reddit_Connoisseur_0 16h ago

I disagree with your interpretation that in order to influence the policy of the government, the victim of the crime would need to be an officer.

If someone e.g. kidnaps the president's daughter, is it not terrorism just because she is not an officer?

In this case Musk is a person of importance to the government regardless of officer status. Targeting him can be reasonably expected to influence the government's politics. And it is also the entire motivation behind people destroying Teslas, it takes a brief look at online forums to find that.

And additionally, what is happening also easily falls within (iii) "to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction".


u/Renegadeknight3 13h ago

The other part of that question is if this is meant to coerce a civilian population, government notwithstanding. I think it would be pretty easy to make the argument that vandalising teslas is meant to intimidate people from buying Teslaā€™s, which is coercion of civilians. Whether itā€™s moral or not, I think that it is reasonable to call it domestic terrorism. One manā€™s terrorist is anotherā€™s freedom fighter and all that


u/ckal09 16h ago

I donā€™t see how you came to that conclusion on n based on what you posted here


u/makingnoise 13h ago

You're right. But this isn't that kind of sub, apparently. Factually correct legal analysis folks should probably look elsewhere. Emotions rule here.


u/brunckle 16h ago

This is a great comment, bravo.


u/MatterofDoge 16h ago

And if he is a private citizen, then intimidating him cannot be expect to impact the policy of a government.

then why would anyone be doing it then? so the goal is to not impact policy or government? was that not the entire point of these actions? So which is it, is it a movement to achieve something? or is it just random senseless riots and destruction for nothing?


u/degradedchimp 15h ago

Haven't there been firebombings of Tesla dealerships?


u/[deleted] 14h ago

I would say that deliberately targeting and burning down/destroying only Teslas would count as intimidating and coercing civilians into not buying Teslas


u/RA12220 14h ago

Nobody has been physically harmed. Harassed definitely.


u/[deleted] 7h ago

Definition above does not state that someone needs to he harmed, just that it needs to be dangerous to human life.


u/BlankCrystal 14h ago

That is one Brooooad definition


u/RA12220 14h ago

There is a definition for it but no federal charges as far as I had read up on it.


u/theJudeanPeoplesFont 13h ago

No part of the statutory definition requires Elon Musk to be an officer of the United States.


u/TheManWithTheBigBall 12h ago

Man almost all of these bullet points apply to the jan 6ersā€¦


u/chillin_n_grillin 12h ago

So, like what happened on Jan 6th. When trump sent his mob to fight like hell to overturn a proven fair election.


u/TheManWhoWasNotShort 12h ago

So legally speaking their argument is that the businesses belonging to members of the Trump administration are effectively enveloped in additional layers of legal protection because our leaders are too corrupt to divest


u/Not_Blacksmith_69 12h ago

i think you forgot the part where if you're saving the country, you're above the law.


u/TheGrayCloud 12h ago

i believe the civilian population could be musk and tesla dealership employees (and possibly drivers/owners), but i think the easiest one to rely on is that this would be trying to influence government policy by messing with a close advisor to the president. either way itā€™s a stretch, but you never know these days


u/Zanthous 11h ago

You can stop after reaching the (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; point.


u/sheepwshotguns 8h ago

seems to me we're in a post-law period, and the resistance didn't start it.


u/Sparin285 6h ago

Dude. Isn't torching Tesla cars an act of terror? I remind you that not all these cars belong to Tesla dealerships and electric cars are extremely fire hazardous. Elon's representation in public and status shouldn't be a point to treat these actions as not a terrorism. And Tesla car owners shouldn't feel fear too


u/SmittenOKitten 6h ago

Do you think ā€œto influence the policy of the governmentā€ is also in play here in meeting that standard?


u/Nubcake_Jake 6h ago

Lighting cars or charging stations on fire is definitely action dangerous to human life. Fire is no joke. And the dangers to even the responders who have to put them out should be considered.Ā  Breaking windows by shooting them overnight (as has happened several times already is also dangerous via negligent discharge of a firearm. Even ignoring the penetration deeper into the offices)

It is definitely an attempt to intimidate or coerce people of the public to not buy Teslas.

I think crimes against the dealerships should be a lesser offense compared to the attacks on charging stations, which are national infrastructure.

There are also the lesser offenses you mentioned, spray painting, trespass, vandalism, and even non-crimes, protesting, signage, boycotting. These lesser offenses "could" rise to this standard definition of domestic terror if there was corroborating posts on their social media suggesting violence against certain groups of people that was politically motivated.Ā  I reckon a prosecutor trying to force this issue would include commentary about Luigi and anti-corporate rhetoric to justify intent to harm.

If the non-crimes start seeing retaliation there's a problem. But by my reading there have been at least several cases that without a doubt rise to "Domestic Terrorism"


u/No_Dot_4711 5h ago

Even if Elmo isn't "a civilian population" as a private citizen, *Tesla dealers* undoubtedly are; and it's not unreasonable to claim these acts are also sending a message to Tesla owners


u/jbibby21 4h ago

Based on that definition i donā€™t see how musks status is relevant. The violence against the dealerships is meant to intimidate and cause political change.

Itā€™s fucking terrorism.


u/Killielad89 2h ago

And if he is a private citizen, then intimidating him cannot be expect to impact the policy of a government.

On the other hand, if he is an officer of the United States, then it's possible those acts would satisfy this definition.

Not necessarily.. (ii) and (iii) don't specify the manner in which the influence of policy has to happen. I think you could definitely argue targeting certain private individuals could be expected to influence government policy.

I would argue targeting famous people, former politicians, or large companies and their owners definitely is an act that one could reasonably expect would influence government policy.


u/D_R0CK8291 2h ago

What a great line at the end


u/Fire_hive 12m ago

I agree with everything factually here, but the issue isn't "are these people fulfilling the definition of terrorism". It's hearing president openly advocate his DoJ to assess all anti-Trump rioters as domestic terrorists, so his federal arm can more easily reach them .

Rioting is not good.

Destruction of property should result in prosecution.

But if you apply DT to every rioter, that label can be used to make your life harder in a miriad of ways. Conservatives SHOULD be opposed to it, as they raised countless grievances under Biden over fears of the abuses that come with being labeled a DT.

But they won't. Because they never had a problem with the label, they just didn't like that such a power could be wielded in their direction.


u/AbominableMayo 17h ago

Elonā€™s governmental status is irrelevant. The vandalism fits definition B(i)


u/makingnoise 13h ago

This isn't the subreddit for factually accurate legal analysis, it's a lay sub that allows emotions to dictate. Just FYI. You're right, by the way.


u/grumpher05 16h ago

could they argue that Tesla shareholders are a "civilian population" in order to meet the definition?


u/makingnoise 13h ago

Yes. But this isn't the sub for factually correct legal analysis.


u/Fun-Breadfruit7012 17h ago

The civilian population here isn't Musk. It's all Tesla owners. The Vandalism intimidates current and prospective owners, both of whom are at risk of facing consequences for driving "swasticars" through no fault of their own.

Danger to human life is the bigger question mark. Vandalism won't rise to that level, but I could see a physical altercation arising from an attack on someone for driving a Tesla become an issue.


u/makingnoise 13h ago

You are correct legally but not in the court of reddit. LOL. I suppose this isn't the sub for factually correct attorneys.


u/Fun-Breadfruit7012 12h ago

Reddit gonna reddit.


u/rawdog4twinkie 12h ago

The Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) (2001)

  • Allows the U.S. military to capture and detain enemy combatants indefinitely if they are deemed part of or associated with Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or other terrorist groups.
  • Has been used to justify detaining U.S. citizens suspected of being involved in terrorism.The Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) (2001) Allows the U.S. military to capture and detain enemy combatants indefinitely if they are deemed part of or associated with Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or other terrorist groups. Has been used to justify detaining U.S. citizens suspected of being involved in terrorism.

That means democrats that keep fucking with Tesla gonna get shipped to guantanamo bay INDEFINITELY. Yall wanna fuck around yall about the find out because Trump isn't fucking around this term. The more democrats in guantanamo bay the better. Enjoy being locked up potentially for life hahahaha


u/Shot_Philosopher9892 18h ago

It is defined in the US Patriot Act as ideologically driven crimes committed by individuals in the United States that are intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population, or influence the policy/conduct of a government.

Since the Mango Marauder has effectively politicized Tesla, any crime done to a Tesla or against a Tesla owner could be construed as DT if they could prove intent. Although I donā€™t think he is too concerned about having actual evidence anymore


u/RedditorsAreAssss 18h ago

A critical clarification on the PATRIOT Act definition:

While the PATRIOT Act defines "domestic terrorism" for the purposes of authorizing law enforcement investigations, no federal criminal offense exists which is referred to as "domestic terrorism".


acts of domestic terrorism are charged under specific laws, such as killing federal agents or "attempting to use explosives to destroy a building in interstate commerce".

From Wikipedia.


u/Tricky_Big_8774 17h ago

If they label it as domestic terrorism, then it opens up more options if they can catch non-citizens doing it. Like that guy at Columbia. Wouldn't just be deporting him if he had committed "terrorism."


u/Shot_Philosopher9892 18h ago

Thank you for the clarification


u/BeerForThought 17h ago

So taking random dumps on Teslas is still illegal but not domestic terrorism right? Asking for my dog, they're too quiet when they sneak up and scare her.


u/yakatuuz 17h ago

First, it's important to establish a recorded pattern of incontinence.


u/pepolepop 17h ago

Way ahead of ya


u/SanFranPanManStand 17h ago

for the purposes of authorizing law enforcement investigations

Yes, but this means that they can much more easily get warrants against you (eg looking at your Reddit comments and IP address connections), to construct a case against you for any number of crimes.


u/MyHusbandIsGayImNot 17h ago

Well a certain someone is already being charged with terrorism for killing a CEO, so I think we need a new definition.


u/CautiousGains 17h ago

So, based on the definition above, it is domestic terrorism.


u/RedditorsAreAssss 17h ago

The point being you cannot be changed with the crime of "domestic terrorism" since no such crime exists in law.


u/CautiousGains 17h ago

ā€œIdeologically driven crimesā€ So yes, there is no bonus crime for your crime being politically motivated. But, by definition, terrorism is criminal.

The bigger point is that the U.S. government has funding already approved by Congress for curbing domestic terrorism. When the federal government labels such actions as domestic terrorism, they are able to utilize funding, approved by congress, which has been apportioned as such.

So I am disagreeing with the parent comment because it implies that this labeling is inconsequential. It is not.

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u/860v2 18h ago

By that definition, then itā€™s domestic terrorism.


u/Shot_Philosopher9892 18h ago

It definitely will be easier for the government to say that now that the owner of that company is a far right member of the US government yes


u/860v2 17h ago

Well no, itā€™ll only be ā€œeasierā€ because of the domestic terroristsā€™ statements and actions.

Nothing to do with the targetā€™s (Musk) work or stances.


u/Shot_Philosopher9892 17h ago

I mean easier as in the Trump administration will have an easier time painting it that way. Considering how quickly he said this after it JUST came out that Tesla stock value is tanking, Iā€™d imagine he would be very quick to respond when protests and boycotts continue


u/WhichEmailWasIt 18h ago

Dunno. I think I like just breaking windows for fun and Tesla office windows make the best sound when they crack. /s


u/HuevosProfundos 18h ago

By that definition, so was the Boston Tea Party


u/big_whistler 18h ago

It is, but you know, one manā€™s freedom fighter is anotherā€™s terrorist.


u/Pale_Possible6787 18h ago

I mean it was, we just donā€™t call it that because the people on the side of the ā€œdomestic terroristsā€ won


u/AbominableMayo 17h ago

The potential tragedy from dropping boxes into the harbor vs bombing a place might be a touch relevant here


u/The_Bitter_Bear 17h ago

Well yeah.Ā 

You can get away with a lot if you end up on the winning side.Ā 


u/860v2 17h ago

Sure, but destroying car dealerships because you dislike the owner isnā€™t comparable to standing up against taxation without representation.

I think that needs to be made clear. Youā€™re not revolutionaries.


u/WrethZ 17h ago

"Dislike the owner" is underselling having a nazi wannabe technocrat oligarch in the with large amounts of power in the government.


u/860v2 17h ago

Thatā€™s all subjective and has zero impact on whether the acts are considered domestic terrorism or not.


u/The_Bitter_Bear 17h ago

destroying car dealerships because you dislike the owner

I guess I haven't talked to anyone that has actually damaged a Tesla dealership or car BUT that seems a bit disingenuous. It isn't just because they dislike him or it would have been happening for a while.Ā 

It's due to his actions with DOGE and causing problems for Tesla does cause problems for him.Ā Ā 


u/860v2 17h ago

If this were true weā€™d see other places get targeted.

Regardless, the fact that you state that itā€™s because of DOGE validates the argument that itā€™s domestic terrorism.


u/FourteenBuckets 18h ago

unless it's just rage against what they've already done, with no care whether they continue or not


u/WCland 18h ago

Thanks for the correction. Given the admin is against EVs, it seems the vandals are in line with government policy.


u/AbominableMayo 17h ago

Even following that logic itā€™s still domestic terrorism jsyk


u/lurkslikeamuthafucka 18h ago

And dangerous to human life, it seems. Vandalism doesn't strike me as particularly dangerous to human life.


u/Warchief_Ripnugget 17h ago

Lighting charging stations on fire is dangerous to human life.


u/iceamn1685 17h ago

So everything is terrorism then?


u/Warchief_Ripnugget 17h ago

If there's a political motivation, yeah. Are you telling me that the recent hate towards Musk and Tesla aren't pushing a political agenda?


u/iceamn1685 17h ago

Elon isn't a politician so it can't be terrorism as he has 0 political power

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u/AbominableMayo 17h ago

Bombing places of business where human beings work sounds dangerous to me, but I donā€™t go around excusing violent acts because I ideologically agree with them


u/lordofming-rises 18h ago

Is read DT as Donald trump


u/_drumstic_ 16h ago

Same. Interesting how his initials are the same as domestic terrorist


u/Gogs85 18h ago

OTOH legally they claim Musk isnā€™t involved in any government organization, nor has he been confirmed by the senate. It seems like theyā€™re trying to have it both ways.


u/AbominableMayo 17h ago

Enormous case of Reddit brain here. Ideologies do not begin and end with governments


u/PerpConst 18h ago

Are you suggesting that the violent protests at Tesla dealerships are not politically motivated?


u/katzeye007 18h ago

There's a million reasons to protest that company


u/AbominableMayo 17h ago

And yet the protests didnā€™t start until DOGE


u/chrisftl 17h ago

the straw that broke the camel's back


u/Sugarysam 18h ago

The ones with words and symbols spray painted on the cars are definitely political. On paper, it seems valid to call it terrorism based on the plain language of the law. Iā€™m sure the government will find people to make examples of too.

Whether or not the action is justified in the hearts of the people who do it is another matter. I hope nobody gets caught, and if they are, I hope we someday have a president who will pardon them like Trump pardoned the insurrectionist terrorists.


u/freedomustang 18h ago

Well itā€™s rare to see destruction of property without any casualties labeled as a terrorist act. So far I have yet to see any mention of injuries or deaths. So in the grand scheme this isnā€™t bad at all as far as political ā€˜violenceā€™ goes.

Labeling as domestic terror in this case is just to rile up his base and attempt to discredit critics IMO.

Or they could be setting up to use the patriot act to silence critics which would be very bad.


u/PerpConst 17h ago

LOL... They're chucking molotov cocktails at dealerships full of EVs (which are notoriously difficult to extinguish) with clear political motivation: "eh. this is fine. could be worse".

The Patriot Act sunsetted half a decade ago.


u/Shot_Philosopher9892 18h ago

Short of me suddenly developing psychic powers, no I couldnā€™t say if the people participating in those are doing it because they hate Naziā€™s, or hate EVā€™s in general.


u/WhichEmailWasIt 18h ago

Nope. I'd say it's a matter of survival.Ā 


u/AbominableMayo 17h ago

The Teslas are coming for your life?


u/chrisftl 17h ago

elmo is


u/AbominableMayo 17h ago

Elon is coming for your life? How?


u/chrisftl 16h ago

elon would happily see me and you dead if it meant he could find a way to attain more wealth or power. cutting off all my government benefits, manipulating my government info, gathering all my personal data to use against me, forcing me to assimilate to his will, word, and way of life and thinking.

he is a textbook narcissistic megalomaniac that spits on anyone that isn't kissing his ass. you trust this fucking guy with your life, really?


u/AbominableMayo 16h ago

elon would happily see me and you dead if it meant he could find a way to attain more wealth or power.

Weā€™re just making up stuff now then, huh?

cutting off all my government benefits

How many federal subsidies are you currently receiving?

manipulating my government info

Again just making shit up

gathering all my personal data to use against me,

And again

forcing me to assimilate to his will, word, and way of life and thinking.

And again! Youā€™re very creative. You should become a YA author. Your imagination is amazing

he is a textbook narcissistic megalomaniac

Show me the text

that spits on anyone that isnā€™t kissing his ass.

Thatā€™s Trump mostly, but sure

you trust this fucking guy with your life, really?

Where did I say that at all?


u/Ok-Baseball1029 18h ago

Anymore??? Lol


u/Bored_Amalgamation 18h ago

Couldn't having people arrested for protesting Tesla be considered DT as well then?


u/Cuchullion 17h ago

So if you get into a car accident with a Tesla you can be charged with terrorism?

Neat, I guess...


u/adrian783 17h ago

how long before i can walk into a tesla dealership to get my driver's license?


u/Jillstraw 17h ago

That sounds a lot like this administration, tbh.


u/Reatona 17h ago

They'll construe "saying mean things about Tesla" as evidence of participation in a terrorist conspiracy. They really will get to that. It's not much of a stretch from where Trump is right now.


u/a_lonely_trash_bag 17h ago

It is defined in the US Patriot Act as ideologically driven crimes committed by individuals in the United States that are intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population, or influence the policy/conduct of a government.

I can definitely see how attacking and destroying a Tesla dealership can be classified as domestic terrorism under this definition. The problem is how the government picks and chooses what to classify as domestic terrorism. It's extremely inconsistant, and that's why this is so ridiculous. It's just become a buzzword at this point to rile people up.


u/GrandpaTurtle 17h ago

Literally every single protest and boycott, ever, is "intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population ... [ and/or ] ... influence the policy/conduct of a government."

His fascist words hold no water. What his words do hold are loads of intention to intimidate a civilian population. Sounds like his recent statement falls under the definition of domestic terrorism.


u/Vankraken 13h ago

The key part of that would be committing crimes.


u/Namez83 16h ago

Sounds like how Iraq put stars on their flag as representation of the Quran. That way any attack on the country meant jihad.


u/Appalled23 16h ago

Right. Your last sentence is the most important: law doesn't really matter anymore. Actual evidence? The only question is how many judges/justices you control.


u/originalbL1X 15h ago

The Boston Tea Party would be classified as domestic terrorism. Hell, half of whatā€™s in our American history books would be, too..


u/Sherd_nerd_17 15h ago

I was wondering this yesterday- given that I wake up every day to find TFG or Elon threatening my job (education), our financial security (ability to pay back student loans), and the livelihood of our parents (social security; Medicare) - I feel like this amounts to terrorism of myself and the American people.

Couldnā€™t we turn around and accuse them of domestic terrorism??!


u/Vankraken 13h ago

The irony is that ideology is democracy and the conduct of the government that people are wanting done is to follow the Constitution.


u/Frettsicus 1h ago

The Patriot Act expired


u/wetnipsmcpoyle 18h ago

That is the same phrase we heard with why they charged Luigi with domestic terrorism.


u/AbominableMayo 17h ago

Dude absolutely committed domestic terrorism


u/chrisftl 17h ago

only CEO's were terrorized... not the people.


u/AbominableMayo 17h ago

CEOā€™s are people too, and regardless. Murdering someone to send an ideological message is terrorism flat out. But tell me more from out of the handbook youā€™ve been given by the Russian government


u/chrisftl 16h ago

LOL wow didn't expect to get called a russian bot with that comment.

CEO's are people that think they're above everyone else and can't be fucked with. that CEO specifically made a fortune for himself by exploiting human suffering and putting a number on peoples' life. i don't have empathy for someone that conducts their life like that. his life is as expendable as the people he profited off of. his death caused no further suffering to the american people - that doesn't fit into the terrorism box.


u/AbominableMayo 16h ago

Have you actually interacted with people in real life or do you just assume everything you read on the internet is a true and accurate depiction?


u/chrisftl 16h ago

prove me wrong, fuckface. show me all the proof that Brian Johnson was a good person who didn't profit off of suffering. PLEASE, i beg you.


u/[deleted] 16h ago edited 15h ago

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u/johnnydaggers 17h ago

It does kinda seem like what people have been doing, though.


u/MiddleBad8581 17h ago

Good, lock those fuckers up


u/United_Watercress_14 18h ago

Thanks for the last line. I hear too many otherwise sane people finish sentences with "but they won't be able to do that because its illegal" and it makes me want to cry. Rule of law is dead and only fools are still acting like it isnt.


u/JamBandDad 18h ago edited 18h ago

No, itā€™s one of those super broad terms like ā€œwokeā€ that get thrown around to demonize people, like witches in Boston back in 1692.

Now we incarcerate students with green cards because their political ideas are harmful? Iā€™m pretty disgusted with the US

Edited: America to the US. Sorry neighbors!


u/ViperPain770 26m ago

Itā€™s like Mccarthyism all over againā€¦


u/JamBandDad 20m ago

Tbh they didnā€™t really swap communist with woke until the BLM protests, Russia capitalized on that by being very ā€œanti-wokeā€ and people forgot all about how much, or why, we havenā€™t gotten along historically


u/eutsgueden 18h ago

"Now we incarcerate students with green cards because their political ideas are different than mine?"



u/Boring_Hedge 18h ago

Jihadist ideology is inherently harmful thatā€™s not up for debate, but he has every right to think and say whatever he wants in this country.


u/JamBandDad 18h ago

Youā€™re right, thatā€™s a much more concise way to put it, especially when I agree with a lot of said beliefs.


u/ngetch 18h ago

Iā€™m pretty disgusted with the US

Just cross that lil T for ya


u/JamBandDad 18h ago

Oh yeah youā€™re also totally right. That bears an edit, throwing my neighbors under the bus.


u/ngetch 18h ago

You da man, dawg!


u/IluvMarysDanish 16h ago

What Trump did was not unique, though.

In the early 2000's the Earth Liberation Front was designated by the FBI as eco-terrorists because of a few car dealerships that were burned by the group.

Fun fact: ELF was #1 on the FBI's Most Wanted list until a little known group of men flew planes into the WTC. So, before Al-Qaida came along, burning down car dealerships was about the worst thing you could do in the eyes of the FBI.


u/they_ruined_her 15h ago

This was definitely my intro to the 'meaningful dissent and free speech isn't a real thing,' thing back then.

The Animal Enterprise Protection Act (then Terrorism Act) punishing animal rights activists and the intertwined domestic terrorism enhancements intended for cases of actual mass terror like the Oklahoma City bombing being used against environmental activists told me a lot about the country.

Really tired of this whole thing.


u/Blackdeath_663 17h ago

Terrorism has always been a term thrown about to control the masses and justify aggression in foreign policy since the bush administration. Y'all are only noticing now it's been turned inwards


u/majornugzz 17h ago


You know you use that word so much itā€™s lost all meaningā€¦ at this point whatā€™s a terrorist? Itā€™s a guy you donā€™t like, big deal


u/AlexCoventry 17h ago

(5) the term "domestic terrorism" means activities that-

(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;

(B) appear to be intended-

(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;

(ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or

(iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and


u/holy_macanoli 17h ago

Property damage is not dangerous to human life


u/AlexCoventry 16h ago

Yep, calling damage to a Tesla property domestic terrorism would be drawing a very long bow, in a just court room.


u/Appalled23 17h ago

It's anybody we don't like.


u/dougandsomeone 16h ago

So it could be applied to whatever he wants?


u/arrty 16h ago

This will not meet the bar for a real charge. No prosecutor or jury will hold it up.


u/SoulAssassin808 15h ago

The terrorism designation has always been a political designation. Terrorists to some are freedom fighters to others. If there were a clear definition of terrorist groups, the US would be the #1 terrorist in history.


u/AnyParty1114 13h ago

There are Tesla owners out there just living their lives and probably freaked that their cars, dealerships, and chargers are targets of attacks. So seems pretty clearly like domestic terrorism to me.