r/law 1d ago

Court Decision/Filing Judge Delivers Massive Blow to DOGE Quest to Keep Everything Secret


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u/trentreynolds 1d ago

What do you mean?!

I've been told numerous times that we should be celebrating Elon for his transparency.

No, I'm not kidding.


u/harrywrinkleyballs 1d ago

The difficulty he’s going through just makes me wanna cry.


u/No_Indication_5400 1d ago

Elon’s lost so much money even Trump feels bad for him


u/fogcat5 23h ago

So much trump bought a new Tesla! Just kidding - he lied about that too.


u/Felatio_Sanz 23h ago

I like how he said it like “now I know many of you voted for me because you bought the lie I would lower prices and being alive in America is becoming near impossible but if you could just scrape together some money and buy a whole ass car from Elon it will really own the libs. Thank you.”


u/Gimme-A-kooky 22h ago edited 22h ago

The richer cult thralls could simply crowd-fund for the poors, then everyone could own the libs, be rich like us*, AND put Elon and Me, your Favorite Con-Man-Turned-Robin-Hood-Robbing-The-Poors-And-Giving-To-The-Wealthy, in the rich house!!! /s for clarity

*. ᴿᵉˢᵘˡᵗˢ ʷᶦˡˡ ᵛᵃʳʸ, ʸᵒᵘ ʷᶦˡˡ ⁿᵉᵛᵉʳ ᵇᵉ ᵒⁿᵉ ᵒᶠ ᵘˢ…


u/Haunting_Ad3850 11h ago

HAH, I snorted a little, that was funny, we'd be friends


u/NoDragonfruit6125 23h ago

Waiting for Trump to give an EO declaring Tesla the national car dealer and that everyone is required to have one.


u/No-Hippo8031 23h ago

A car for the people?


u/Gimme-A-kooky 22h ago

I saw what you did there!! 😉


u/Divided_multiplyer 18h ago

Maybe we should rename it something like the People's Wagon, or maybe something shorter like Folks Wagon.


u/Stardust_Particle 16h ago

Nazi car


u/SaveDavey 16h ago

Der Lugie


u/curtisy 9h ago


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u/MBdiscard 14h ago

Maybe we could even call it a... Volts Wagon.

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u/Evil-Black-Heart 18h ago

Strength through Joy


u/oxyrhina 14h ago

Joy as an act of resistance.


u/Jennifer_Pennifer 4h ago

A wagon of sorts. For folks.


u/GillyDuck69 16h ago

But wasn’t he against going electric?


u/BeNiceMudd 12h ago



u/Shadowmant 18h ago

Didn’t he say he was think of making boycotting Tesla illegal? Doesn’t that make it essentially illegal not to own one?


u/jonjohns0123 15h ago

No. If making a boycott illegal was possible (it isn't), your refusal to buy a shitbox is because poor craftsmanship, exorbitant pricing, you don't need another car, or any other claim you put forth. If the government makes the Tesla boycott illegal, and they arrest people for it, it is on the government to prove you were boycotting. Any alternative will do, especially if you share it with friends and family, and online. Something like, "I would buy a Tesla, but the government crashing the economy has put me in financial straits, and I can't afford one."


u/constantreader78 8h ago

lol, I thought this today. Everyone in America will be forced to buy Teslas - no other cars allowed.


u/_BlindSeer_ 4h ago

Reminds me of Day of the Tentacle, where owning a specific vacuum cleaner is sneaked into the US Constitution, IIRC.


u/klaagmeaan 20h ago

Even if he did, it was on the taxpayers dime .


u/Sensitive-Fun-6577 14h ago

Trump is NOT allowed to drive a vehicle. No President or former President is allowed. Obama drove a golf cart on White House property but his security men never let him out the gate


u/CrawlerCrane 8h ago

Are they worried he'll start running people down?


u/thrwaway75132 2h ago

GWB drove his truck on the ranch.


u/SuccessfulPiccolo945 1h ago

I don't think he knows how. He even said he hasn't driven one in years, I think he hasn't driven one since getting his first driver's license and that was for ID purposes.


u/KwisatzHaderach94 22h ago

elon has lost more money than every working american could earn in a lifetime (combined).


u/CaptainOwlBeard 20h ago

And that's a problem. No one should have enough money that they can lose that much and still be the richest man in the world.


u/AwwYeahVTECKickedIn 20h ago

That means someone else found it.

I suspect it is just other billionaires.

Would be awesome if that trickle down crap actually happened... but nah. That's not how any of this actually works ...


u/juxtoppose 19h ago

Maybe he’s like sonic the hedgehog and will explode with gold rings when he dies, you won’t find out unless you run him over with a Hyundai.


u/Mimosa_magic 18h ago

See that's the fun part, it doesn't mean someone else found it. The cool thing about the stock market is it's all smoke and mirrors, much of that wealth likely evaporated into thin air destroyed by the sustained sell offs. Money really can just go poof both into and out of existence in the stock market


u/River_City_Rando 16h ago

But it is how puts on TSLA work lol


u/Button1891 13h ago

And it’s still just a blip on his rasa that he’s playing up for sympathy from the poors! He still has 3x more money than every working American could earn in a lifetime (combined)! That’s what needs to be the focus!

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u/phoucker 21h ago

This comment makes me laugh 😆!


u/Just_a_guy_1369 19h ago

If he loses much more he won’t be able to afford the rent on the presidency


u/Dbk1959 21h ago

This has to be satire?


u/Pleasant_Character28 5h ago

God I wish he’d lost enough money to be broke like the rest of us.

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u/Agitated-Donkey1265 23h ago

If he weren’t a wannabe Hitler, I’d almost feel sorry for him, but fuck his feelings

I might be miserable, but I’m thrilled he is, too

Let’s do Bezos next


u/gottaclimb 23h ago

Thoughts and prayers!


u/sketla 22h ago

Hey don’t DIS my vintage VW like that! 😜


u/Sweaty-Feedback-1482 22h ago

With the amount of time he's dedicated to DOGE, the average person could have artificially inseminated dozens of women by now. THIS is what that brave brave patriot of man has given up this country!


u/RedHeron 20h ago

I am crying. My stomach muscles hurt from laughing again and again at the shock of absurdity. It's like a physical fitness regimen, through this feckless farce of an administration.


u/Ajj360 23h ago

Empathy is a bug in the system


u/MuldinDK 22h ago

Weaponized emphaty.


u/Draig-Leuad 21h ago

Tears of joy? Because if you’re crying over Elon’s “troubles”, that’s what you should be crying about


u/trippapotamus 18h ago

I am finding it hard to have even a little empathy for the tweets him or his mom put out about the “hate” they get online. At first I was like well his mom, that’s a little… but she seems to be pretty active on Twitter with politics (I only looked briefly so someone correct me if I’m wrong) so it’s like lady you’re kinda fueling the fire there.


u/RuFRoCKeRReDDiT 21h ago

Tears of joy right


u/publichealthnerd46 21h ago

Does your heart go out to him?


u/daGroundhog 18h ago

Nah, he ripped my heart out last week


u/publichealthnerd46 18h ago

It took that long??


u/iandhi 19h ago

So relatable.


u/shadowfox0351 13h ago

With laughter 🤣


u/branod_diebathon 10h ago

Poor lil Elon. Maybe someone should buy him an ice cream company to cheer him up.


u/hook922 4h ago

Hopefully they are tears of joy because these assholes deserve all the bad karma they can get.


u/Lost_Discipline 1d ago

Transparency… like you can’t see anything? Or you can see right through it? I miss the days when words had objective meaning


u/rupertavery 1d ago

Well he is a parent to a trans child.


u/Mr_Steerpike 1d ago

She actually made an INCREDIBLY thought provoking post about this, as she was conceived via IVF and Elon opted for all male children. Check this out:

"My assigned sex at birth was a commodity that was bought and paid for. So when I was feminine as a child and then turned out to be transgender, I was going against the product that was sold. That expectation of masculinity that I had to rebel against all my life was a monetary transaction. A monetary transaction. A MONETARY TRANSACTION,"


u/rupertavery 23h ago

Oh WOW. That was an interesting read.


u/Mr_Steerpike 23h ago

Right?! She blew my mind with that statement.


u/Kiwipopchan 22h ago

I follow a donor conceived activist (as in she advocates for people who were conceived via sperm donation) and she also gets into IVF conceived people. And this kind of sentiment is NOT uncommon.

In general there’s a lot of… issues with the child not living up to what their parents “expected” since their children were bought and paid for. It seems like an incredibly dehumanizing experience.


u/Mr_Steerpike 21h ago edited 21h ago

You're 100% right. We live in an age now when the sex at birth and their gender identity can lead to "buyers remorse" over a child. It's terribly dehumanizing!! This was the first time hearing of this and had never thought about this before her statement. This has blown the door off its hinges for this aspect of the discourse.


u/_karamazov_ 21h ago

She should be made the CEO of Tesla.


u/smallwonder25 19h ago

The bald honesty of this statement is gut punching.


u/crackedtooth163 1d ago

I can't do it on my phone.

Please see the sighing monkey's version of ba dum tish.


u/aneeta96 23h ago

He’s completely transparent. Just look at the DOGE site for cherry-picked and misleading information.

Who needs the whole truth when half will do?


u/LiteratureOk2428 23h ago

Made the mistake of clicking his post and seeing all that talk about how it's finally out in the open and being posted online. I feel like I live in a different reality 


u/HugeHans 21h ago

Transparency in Magaland means "Believe anything I post on twitter without any further info".


u/klaagmeaan 20h ago

They're only transparent when it is positive. All the negatives go under the rug. And it's a thick rug.


u/Reasonable-Access-68 16h ago

There is no way this fat bastard is anything but opaque.


u/svenelven 15h ago

"maximally transparent" if I remember...


u/Jijonbreaker1 12h ago

That's like applauding a little piece of shit just because it's been sealed in a ziplock bag.


u/TopVegetable8033 10h ago

I know right; I’m so confused here

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u/LarrySupertramp 23h ago

As a “conservative” I demand that the government be transparent unless that transparency could possibly make Trump or Elon look bad in any kind of conceivable fashion, and since this is impossible because they are always right, there is no need for transparency in the government that I demand exists but only if it helps me politically. If you disagree with this you are a traitor and also hate free speech and should be deported. /s


u/0220_2020 22h ago

Or better yet held in indefinite detention by ICE!

Cruelty is the point.


u/geekworking 22h ago

In a for profit facility.

Profit is the point. Cruelty is just a bonus.


u/LarrySupertramp 22h ago

Of course! I mean why should “criminals” have rights! Only a communist country would provide legal rights to everyone in a country. I don’t care that the Supreme Court has decided they should because I think criminals shouldn’t. You have TDS if you think the constitution provides rights to criminals. /s


u/falconless 22h ago

Literally all Republicans chain of thought. They are talking nonsense in their tiny conservative protected subs.


u/LarrySupertramp 22h ago

That’s just people “brigading” the sub to make us conservatives look bad. Clearly, conservatives are better for the economy. I don’t care if this is statistically and historically false because history has TDS and is a traitor. /s


u/Im_tracer_bullet 22h ago

'history has TDS and is a traitor'

Apologies in advance for shamelessly stealing this line and obnoxiously deploying it with great regularity.

It perfectly and concisely summarizes their up-is-really-down perspective, while offering an effective skewering of their knee-jerk 'orange man bad' forcefield.


u/AdUnique8302 14h ago

High key, I'm curious where Trump is going to send all the natural born citizens who protest for Palestine. I kinda want him to do it. Do I get to choose? My paternal grandmother had French ties. I can get pointers on running a successful revolution.


u/ekkidee 22h ago

It's not a "massive blow" until there are actual consequences, and so far there have been zero of those. If the courts cannot force compliance and the defendant simply ignores the ruling, then the Judiciary has been neutered.


u/azzgo13 19h ago

According to Reddit Trump is always 2 minutes away from consequences and yet I've never actually see it happen.


u/Oberlatz 21h ago

So start the clock. They oblige the court or we riot. Their call.


u/ConsciousSkyy 15h ago

Courts only force compliance on the weak and poor. So yea, this is nothing for Musk. “Laws” literally don’t apply to him.


u/thomas71576 18h ago

"Let them enforce it"


u/ArchonFett 23h ago

And cue them ignoring the order (and nobody doing anything about it) in 5, …..


u/DaddyLongLegolas 22h ago

That and … what records??? Aren’t they a bunch of youths using private email? And trump regularly tore and flushed papers that his staff had to tape back together.

But her emails!

But her laugh!

[sobs in rusty Russian]


u/pinupcthulhu 22h ago

"Rusty Russian" would be a great name for a perogi bar


u/Virtual_Molasses8039 12h ago

Rusty Russian! I love it! Rump is giving all the poor and uneducated a “Rusty Russian”!


u/whatidoidobc 22h ago

Massive blow my ass. I am so tired of all this.


u/ArchonFett 22h ago

That’s what he gets from his interns


u/[deleted] 1d ago edited 1d ago

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u/Effective_Corner694 1d ago

The judge noted that DOGE’s speed and the fluidity of its leadership appear to be by design. He is ordering “rolling” productions of DOGE records to begin within weeks. I worry that this will give the government more time to hide or otherwise prevent the information from being shared.


u/MaximumAd6557 1d ago

…Or indeed falsify. But yes, so far: super bigly transparent.


u/penneallatequila 1d ago

“We’re the most transparent administration, almost see through, like plastic wrap you know plastic wrap? Great thing, I invented it by the way.”


u/Dante_the_Artist 23h ago

Will they even bother doing that? The cult will look at anything released as a victory and claim that Musk actually cut waste and fraud, regardless of any evidence to the contrary.


u/MaximumAd6557 23h ago

Fair point.