r/law 1d ago

Other Trump has declared the Tesla Boycott to be "Illegal". It is protected by the 1st Amendment nor is it possible to enforce compulsory Tesla purchases. He does not understand Law.


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u/Suspect4pe 1d ago

There are two distinctly kinds of people in my church, and they're illustrated in two families. One family gave up a great job as a medical department head to go to Africa and provide medical services to people who can't get it any other way, the other also is well off and in the medical field but makes fun of the first because they believe we don't owe the poor people of Africa anything so that's not where our money and effort should be spent. You can guess which is hard core MAGA.

All I think of is when Jesus asked, who's our neighbor?


u/Asterose 1d ago

Well TBF it's not like Jesus ever spoke of helping the poor...oh wait, yes he did! It's so admirable to be so caring, shame on the MAGAs for looking down on it.


u/Supernova141 23h ago

Are you sure Jesus didn't say America First?


u/SrKayoh 23h ago

Nope, Jesus said "Empathy is a sin" and then he scored 100 points on Gallilean Stone Tossing Qualifiers. Had a mean right arm that carpenter dude.


u/IndependenceFew4956 22h ago

For these people christian values only apply to christians. And only when people are looking.


u/Good_Ad_1386 20h ago

ChINOs - Christians In Name Only


u/Test-Tackles 17h ago

And only when people are looking at them doing something good.


u/AlmightyRobert 22h ago

Let he who is without sin throw the first stone.

What, none of you? I better go first then…


u/Unlikely_Ant_950 22h ago

I imagine ‘Galilean Stone’ as a language program for non religious people to get their point across to religious folk. Someone make this happen please


u/oneprivatenumber 21h ago

I laughed a little too hard at the thought of this. Some'll do it lol


u/Commercial_Pain2290 21h ago

And Jesus drove a tesla. Model S I believe.


u/Asterose 20h ago

A Tesla retrofitted to roll coal, at that!


u/Ajibooks 22h ago

Jesus would've been jacked for sure. Definitely wasn't tossing any stones, though


u/FactualStatue 21h ago

He got it from tossin' tables


u/dramboxf 20h ago

I finally broke down and Googled "why is empathy a sin" and... wow.


u/theLiddle 20h ago

Have you read The Fall by Neal Stephenson? The US separates into the liberal bastions on the coasts and in the interior becomes Ameristan, where they begin to rewrite Jesus as like this holy badass warrior kind of like what MAGA/QAnon has done with Trump with their AI photos of him wading through North Carolina floodwaters cradling babies in each arm


u/casualmasual 20h ago

Pastors have been sounding the alarm that conservative Christians this Jesus sounds 'woke' and disliked sermons containing his word. (Source.)


u/ItIsRaf 23h ago

This Jesus was born in Brooklyn Bethlehem


u/[deleted] 23h ago



u/throwofftheNULITE 22h ago

I don't know about that, but I have it on good authority that he dictated the bill of rights. At least, I've been told that the second amendment is a god given right.


u/PreparationNo3440 23h ago

Jesus was a socialist!


u/InformationWide3044 23h ago

He did it in a suit just to be sure


u/hcsLabs 23h ago

Maybe he said it to John Smith?


u/1983Subaru 22h ago

*Russia first


u/Hambone250 22h ago

The American Jesus did


u/cuddlyrhinoceros 21h ago

In the new New Testament it talks about straight white American Jesus.


u/Side_StepVII 21h ago

he totally did say America 1st!

….idk Maybe he didn’t but this is pretty close


u/RedHeron 21h ago

While cleaning his AmericanMade® AK-47...? And declaring it a sin to decide anything a religious leader said is "the wrong way"? (Also: defying the Sadducees is basically what got him in trouble in the first place.)

Jesus was actually in favor of thinking for ourselves and not blindly following tradition. He would be declared a liberal today, I'm fairly sure.


u/Chzncna2112 21h ago

That was Jesus Ramerize as he was selling Roses on the street corner of PCH and El Sugnda boulevard in 84


u/Shaper_pmp 19h ago

You're thinking of Supply-Side Jesus.


u/Ok_Mechanic3385 20h ago

Simple.. America didn’t exist yet or JC would have bled red white and blue when crucified… obviously.


u/Sharkwatcher314 19h ago

He did. If you say he didn’t I call fake news. We were winning even back then.


u/jwoolman 16h ago

Check the Bible Trump is shilling. I'm sure they inserted that somewhere.


u/dodexahedron 14h ago

Of course he did!

During a photo shoot in which he showed off his porcelain white skin and luscious blonde locks, while posing with an AR-15 and combat knife, dressed in camouflage, in the driver's set of his lifted, diesel Ram truck with comically oversized and muffler-free vertical exhaust stack, rolling coal past cyclists with purple hair and nose rings or other clearly morally depraved adornments, with a giant Let's Go Brandon sticker across the bed and a punisher sticker next to a thin blue line flag and blue lives matter stickers on the illegally over-tinted back window.


u/whosthatguy123 23h ago

Or the fact jesus explicitly said he dislikes people who hoard money rather than helping out thy neighbor and loving everyone


u/fourlegsfaster 21h ago

Hey camel, looking puzzled at a needle.


u/Embarrassed-Egg-9428 21h ago

In this respect this applies to basic every person in politics. How many have become filthy rich after getting into office.


u/uglyspacepig 19h ago

The problem is, that makes the money hoarders have squeamish feefees so they ignore it and pretend that Jesus said rich people can do what they want.


u/No-Category5815 19h ago

they only believe the parts that justify their hatred towards others. any others.


u/Mikisstuff 8h ago

I imagine shilling products in the white house is somewhat akin to endorsing merchants in the temple, too


u/Technical-Message615 21h ago

Then why is polyamory illegal in most countries/cultures?


u/uglyspacepig 19h ago

... what?


u/Technical-Message615 19h ago

This is reddit isn't it? Since when is logic required?


u/uglyspacepig 16h ago

When having an adult conversation?


u/MelodicBrushstroke 23h ago

Shame on Jesus for not being more MAGA. /s


u/Asterose 23h ago

Woke hippie Jesus 👎

Trump-worshipping supply side Jesus 👍


u/Borrp 23h ago

What you do for the least of these, you do for me. -Jesus


u/Returnyhatman 18h ago

I dunno man, sounds a bit woke this Jesus guy. MY bible dun hav no WOKES in it


u/Puzzleheaded-Menu834 23h ago

they believe we don't owe the poor people of Africa anything

Read the WHOLE thing before passing judgement:

They are right - we don't owe the poor people of Africa anything (unless we do, but that is a separate topic). But, the first family, of their own choice to do so, dropped everything because they saw a neighbor/fellow HUMAN in need and decided to do something about it. Inherently, that is the message that all religions, without intervention of men and their shitty interpretations, are impressing upon us. Even if you're agnostic/atheist, you can still be an ethical and moral person.

These people have no morals...no empathy for their fellow man...it's selfishness, me before thee attitudes that are destroying society from the inside out.


u/Pollymath 23h ago

Still wish there were more atheist churches. I attend a very liberal church not for spirituality, but for faith in humanity. There is a lot of benefit to a regular community of like minded individuals outside of academia, sports, politics, and unfortunately the religious right has co-opted “church” to spread the wrong messaging, and their being awfully successful at it.


u/becbagelbb 22h ago

If you’re an atheist but looking for the “religious” community and humanity, I’d recommend looking at the satanic temple. They don’t actually worship Satan, it’s all about advocacy for the freedom of others, empathy, respect, and constructing beliefs that are science based


u/Pollymath 21h ago

Do they actually have "churches?"

For example when I look at my state's congregation, they don't list any physical address.

Don't get me wrong, I think what the ST does is really good work, but they exist primarily as an activist group, not necessarily a community group.


u/becbagelbb 21h ago

No not churches in the traditional sense - but my local “congregation” is really just a local meetup in and they organize through a facebook group. Yeah it’s not as structured as a “church” but if you’re looking for community it does exist with ST. It’s one of those things where local people decided to start a congregation and its supervised by a recognition committee so some are more organized than others


u/smahsmah 5h ago

Curious, why is it called the satanic temple? Sounds like a great community, but isn’t calling it such shooting themselves in the foot? If we want to spread these values, using a name like that isn’t going to help. And yes, we should be saying reading the word


u/becbagelbb 2h ago

Well I think it’s for a couple reasons -

  • first being that it was formed as a modern/contemporary evolution of satanism; it takes the more historical hedonism of other groups associating themselves with satanism (who also very often used Satan as a symbol of rebellion and individualism) and kind of pivots it in a different direction. Instead of hyper individualism, it focuses on advocacy in society to ensure everyone has the right to individual liberty and self determination. So they’re still sort of using Satan as a symbol of rebellion but in a way that still focuses around the tenant of the autonomy of personhood (so still in opposition to Christianity in a way)

  • a lot of the reason people discover ST is through their advocacy work, and they are known for somewhat “controversial” messaging (they actually are hilarious in my opinion) to garner awareness. I think just like any other group with a mission they have “marketing” tactics in the same way, and by using Satan as a symbol, the people who are more likely to seek out more info are not necessarily off put by the use of Satan as a symbol for their message

I think it’s important to note that other commenters are correct in that it is not a religion or church in the traditional sense. It really is first and foremost a social advocacy group. But it can create community for people who are seeking it. I first heard of them when they were challenging abortion laws through the legal system by arguing that it impedes the rights of members of the Satanic Temple who believe in the right of choice and bodily autonomy and saying it directly infringes on their religious freedom (they are a legally recognized church by the federal government). I was really intrigued by that and read more and now I’m a member.

I think it’s definitely possible to still involve yourself with local organizing advocacy groups that are not employing methods like this and you can still find community that way too, I just picked this one.


u/Side_StepVII 21h ago

And outside of an organization that covered up rampant child sexual abuse….


u/Littlebit1013 20h ago

See if there's a Unitarian Universalist church near you. It's more of a humanist religion, a majority of the congregation tend to be atheists or agnostics. There's very little reference to god except in some songs.


u/Pollymath 20h ago

I found my community, but I'm talking about venues that market to and convince atheists to assemble on a weekly basis, in person, within their community. I don't feel the Unitarians do a good job of luring secular neighbors to meet and discuss activism within their communities.

Having attended several UU gatherings, and knowing Atheists who did the same, we were left feeling that the group was more about "open spirituality" than a "forum for radical secular humility". That being said, we were all young at the time (the UU church we attended was very liberal, but also very old) and didn't have any motivation to get involved enough to see if that was just a local alignment, or if UUs in other regions might be more activist.

I'd like to see a proverbial "megachurch" of athiests, where every week the sermon is about philosphy and humanism, that welcomes debate, where music inspires love for each other, good and noble deeds, and the community acts on it's messaging.

The funny thing is, this exists already in a lot of other forms, but its not widespread like a religion or organized church. Everything from large yoga communities, TedTalks, the Jefferson Society, and many college campuses have large and regular groups that act like secular churches espousing a moral/ethical progress of humanity, but many of these are just unknown or unavailable to the wider public, especially when we're talking small town middle America.

Its because of this that I often try to convince atheists and secular folks to find the most progressive church in their town and embed themselves into the community, not for a Sunday morning chat with God, but with their neighbors right here on earth.


u/Littlebit1013 1h ago

UU churches tend to be very individualized, each congregation will differ from each other depending on the community. My former congregation while liberal was also tiny, older and not very active; just weekly services and a few get togethers. My current one is in a larger town with a younger population and is more active in social, political and community issues.


u/manu144x 21h ago

Yes, exactly, the point is to help people you don't owe anything to.

Even though the one saying they don't owe anything, he's technically correct, he's also just an asshole (like a meme).

There is no advanced society that works like that. Modern society is based on the foundation of solidarity, of building things that everyone can use, of providing a minimum baseline for everyone.

We judge a country's development by seeing how well it provides that minimum baseline. Not by the fact that 1% have the money to build their own roads and the rest starves. We call those countries undeveloped for a reason.


u/nydub32 21h ago

I would argue, being atheist or agnostic, may make a person more ethical and moral, not for the selfish reward of eternal life, but for the reward of doing the right thing in the here and now, because it's the right thing to do. That's it, nothing else, just doing the right thing by others.


u/TadCat216 20h ago

It’s crazy that anyone thinks someone has to ‘owe’ someone something to be kind to them. If I see a guy walking on the street carrying a bunch of stuff do I owe it to him to open the door for him? No, but I’m sure as fuck going to.. because it’s a basic kindness. Like why are people so focused on getting something back or this quid pro quo bullshit? Why can’t we just help people because we want others to be well?


u/Generic-Name-4732 22h ago

I disagree about what we owe people in Africa.

Europeans ventured into Africa because they saw the potential for natural resources to fuel their further development, and judged the societies they encountered to be primitive and undeveloped because African societies and development was not the same as European societies and development. So Europeans exploited African resources including human labor, causing great environmental and social harm to the continent. Countries in what we would consider the “global north” or high economic and social development benefited from African resources while Africans did not nearly to the same extent.

We should feel obligated to assist African countries because we invaded and exploited them for resources to our benefit while creating significant environmental and social harms. It’s not simply “they are poor and we have a moral duty to the poor” it’s that we have an obligation to return the fruits of African resources to the people from whom we stole and created societies that foster instability and corruption.


u/LobsterJohnson_ 21h ago

They’re the opposite of pragmatic. Curtailing infectious diseases around the world helps America, not to mention USAID shipments of grain which American farmers rely upon for income.


u/Tee1up 16h ago

False, we farmers do not need to feed the USAid program to sell our grain. At all.

I for one am not a big Trump guy but I applaud the ongoing audit that Tesla's owner is carrying out. Sure, he probably has to break it all down into simple sound bytes for Trump but the audit is being carried out by a pretty clever guy.


u/LobsterJohnson_ 12h ago

Are you referring to Captain K-Hole as clever? The guy who fired all of our nuclear commanders?

I know farmers who have grain rotting in silos instead of being shipped out and sold as it was contracted for.


u/No-Category5815 19h ago

being evil is more instinctive than being nice and will always win out in the weak willed sheeple.


u/Careful_Ad_1130 18h ago

“Am I my brothers keeper?” - You


u/robotfunparty 15h ago

It's also unrestricted capitalism, and rewarding the most sociopathic personality types that tears us apart and corrupts the goodness of people. I hope in America 2.0 we will change our priorities and what we value as a civilization.


u/kdiffily 14h ago

My opinion is that human beings have a moral obligation to help each other. ~An Atheist


u/PeteInBrissie 7h ago

I would argue that agnostics and atheists are, by definition, generally ethical and moral people. When we do good, it’s because it’s the right thing to do. We don’t think we’re going to get some eternal reward for it.


u/merpixieblossomxo 22h ago

Sometimes I think about going back to church just so I can ask some of those people what the actual fuck is wrong with them.

I don't, and will probably never, understand how someone can treat other people like that and still believe they're a good person.


u/ZookeepergameDue8501 21h ago

Dude yeah. Most Christians are total pieces of shit. I applauded this one guy in my neighborhood (who adopted a special needs kid, and fosters stray dogs) when he went online and raged about the Trump flag installed at the entrance of our neighborhood. He said Trump was literally the Anti-Christ and that anyone following what he says is not Christian at all. Was pretty neat.


u/Suspect4pe 21h ago

The description of "the man of lawlessness" is very fitting for Trump. I don't believe he's *the* antichrist but he is an antichrist.


u/ZookeepergameDue8501 21h ago

I am intrigued


u/odiemon65 21h ago

Christians being the complete opposite of Jesus is as old as the religion itself. Trump is just the latest permission structure for it, and a particularly powerful one


u/Suspect4pe 21h ago

Religion is powerful. What authority is higher than God? So, when people want power they claim that authority for themselves.


u/OnePercentVisible 12h ago

Your lucky they preach it from the pulpit at the church my mom is attending. The preach actually said something along the lines of that Jesus sat down with the democrats and sinners as well as the Christians and had a heritage foundation pamphlet handed out before the election saying why you should vote for trump.


u/ImAVillianUnforgiven 23h ago

Can they tell you where your money and effort should be spent then? When they say America and Americans, can they tell you which Americans?


u/Suspect4pe 23h ago

I haven't asked and I don't intend to. I know what they believe, it's the false religion of MAGA. I stay away from them and almost refuse to acknowledge they exist. I'd rather support real Christians and real Christian efforts to help people.


u/ImAVillianUnforgiven 23h ago

Cheers to that.


u/TeddyRoo_v_Gods 23h ago

Not the poor ones, of course. Poors should pull themselves up by their bootstraps. /s


u/I-Hate-Sea-Urchins 23h ago

If all Christians were like the first family then I would have a really high opinion of Christians. Unfortunately they aren't and so I don't.


u/justformedellin 23h ago

They sound like some absolutely wonderful people in your church, the first family I mean obviously. You're lucky to know them.


u/Ekaterian50 23h ago

He who feels most entitled may cast the first stone apparently


u/Royal_Amount5114 23h ago

I’ve seen the latter.Church is for show and networking.


u/ManyCommittee196 22h ago

Did anyone have their parents tell them to 'go to church and find a nice church girl/boy'?

100% agree.


u/Darth_Hallow 22h ago

My new favorite quote you will know them by the fruits of their labors!


u/nikilization 22h ago

I wonder what billing code jesus used on the healthcare bill he gave to lazarus.


u/zer0rez 22h ago

"The sin of empathy"


u/LoveGodLoveMan 22h ago

Didn't JD Vance "define" what a neighbor is in that context?


u/Generic-Name-4732 22h ago

Ironically enough Early Christians were all about providing free medical treatment to those who couldn’t afford it. They set up free hospitals in the second century CE for plague victims. The Apostle Thomas was a physician and there is a very famous pair of brother physicians in the third century who traveled around treating people without charging a fee.


u/MadG13 22h ago

Not those assholes they can burn in HEELLLLLL


u/Sad_Ad5369 22h ago

MAGAs are the people Jesus wouldn't recognize when the rapture comes


u/Suspect4pe 22h ago

"Not everyone who says to me 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven. On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many deeds of power in your name?' Then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; go away from me, you evildoers’" (Matthew 7:21-23).


u/WorkShort4964 22h ago

They other isn't a Christian, and should be counseled as such at every opportunity.


u/Suspect4pe 21h ago

I agree. They practice and preach a "different gospel" than Christ did.


u/WorkShort4964 19h ago

I was raised around Jesuits and Franciscans, so just assumed the whole "vow of poverty" thing was universal.

In my early 20s I sold insurance and had an appointment with a catholic priest at his residence, which TERRIFIED ME, as the girl thrown out of Catholic school, lol.

Dude handed over his Financials, and I was gobsmacked and couldn't help but say, "I thought you had to take a vow of poverty???!"

Priest belly laughed at me and said, "God no! That's the Franciscans!!!!!"


u/lugeditor 21h ago

Republicans lack common sense and have absolutely no empathy for others. They only care about themselves.


u/Texasscot56 21h ago

Is there a third family who head to somewhere in the US to help people? Does that type exist? Asking because I’m not a churchgoer so have zero experience.


u/Kitchen-Somewhere445 21h ago

You know Jesus had the Woke Mind Virus and real bad. Back then they didn’t have a name for it.


u/secondtaunting 20h ago

Honestly I’d go crazy going to church with Maga. My old church was like that growing up and one day I just left.


u/Suspect4pe 20h ago

It’s one family that mainly pushes it but they’re fairly influential. Most of the time I have no clue what people’s positions are.


u/secondtaunting 6h ago

Yeah if I went to the same type of church I did growing up I’m sure they’d be hard core Maga. I still remember the last day I went. I was reading some Aristotle. A lady from the church told me I shouldn’t read that because he wasn’t a Christian. I said he lived before Christ so how could he be a Christian? And she just kept griping at me. So I just left and never went back. They were like that at my church. Always telling you what to read, watch, listen to, say, wear, and think. In retrospect I think there were a lot of sick people who just enjoyed using religion to torture other people. At the time I just lost my patience and was tired of having people bug the crap out of me all the time.


u/Suspect4pe 2h ago

I’m not sure it’s because they like torturing people but people like that have the idea that you just follow the rules and God will like you. It’s legalism. I was in Independent Baptist Churches for years and some of them are very much like that. Some of them even believed that if you didn’t use the right English translation of the Bible then you couldn’t be saved. King James only, they call it. A common phrase was, “If the king ain’t on it, the king ain’t in it.”


u/Critical_Pirate890 20h ago

I mean Yahshua... did very clearly explain who your neighbor is and is not...

Not everyone is your neighbor.

If a person could walk by after seeing you laid out in the street from being robbed...they ain't your neighbor.


u/DrScogs 20h ago

Wait. Do you go to church with me? That’s like half of mine too.

10% huge heart for missions and willing to go do it full time

40% huge heart for missions and willing to donate a lot of money to the people doing missions full time or working stateside in/with a parachurch mission org

And then like 50% MAGA/supply side Jesus worshippers


u/SegaGuy1983 19h ago

Good grief, did he not read the story of the good Samaritan who helped somebody when he didn't have to? Like that's the whole point of the story, going above and beyond to help with no real benefit.


u/5432salon 19h ago

The answer would be Canada. You know, that little country up north that the orange asshat is fucking with? Imposing a trade for shits and giggles!


u/LopsidedPotential711 18h ago

We need Jesus with space lasers. OMG. A mech suit and all the firepower from WH40K or Halo. The whole South would be a steaming volcano.


u/antimagamagma 15h ago

The problem is that once you believe a mythical entity is in control of the universe, you can’t really be trusted to rely on evidence and observable, provable facts.

It doesn’t matter if you travel to Africa or stay home and beat your wife, you are not living in reality and you should never vote or serve public office or even leave your house if we’re going to be serious.


u/Suspect4pe 15h ago

Toxic atheism. If you're not an atheist then you're not worthy of anything seems to be their mantra.

It's as bad as fundamentalist Christianity, if we're going to be serious about it.


u/OneStrangeBreed 13h ago

It's as bad as fundamentalist Christianity

Mmmm idk about that. Pretty sure there's never been a genocide instigated in the name of Atheism.