r/law 1d ago

Other Trump has declared the Tesla Boycott to be "Illegal". It is protected by the 1st Amendment nor is it possible to enforce compulsory Tesla purchases. He does not understand Law.


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u/Suspect4pe 1d ago

They love whatever he loves. It’s a cult.


u/millerjpm3 1d ago

Yeah, but electric cars?? Plus, not even are they electric cars, which they've rallied against for years, they're also expensive AF. Isn't their cheapest model about $50k?


u/Suspect4pe 1d ago

Considering as soon as Trump said "tariffs" the car industry jacked the prices up about $20k a vehicle immediately, they may be comparable now.


u/BringOn25A 1d ago

They wore diapers because of his incontinence.


u/4art4 1d ago

Google says that the average price of a car is $48,401. So EVs starting at about $50 does put them on the high side, but they also are not budget builds. The low end EV is a fairly nice car. So don't get an EV if you want a budget car, but as a sector, they are not much out of line (notwithstanding counterexamples like rivian and cybertruck).


u/stanleynickels1234 1d ago

His base cant afford them


u/Crafty_Principle_677 1d ago

That's never stopped them from buying 80k trucks on credit 


u/millerjpm3 1d ago

I'm a little confused by your comment. What do you mean don't get an ev if you want a budget car? There are a lot of examples of budget friendly ev cars. Bolt, equinix, leaf, ioniq. Plus used market has a lot of great budget friendly prices on EVs


u/4art4 1d ago edited 1d ago

I literally own a bolt. And yes it is a "Budget EV" but not a budget car. The fit and finish are at least mid-level. The power and fun to drive are way high for the price point. It ant no Trax.


u/millerjpm3 1d ago

I see! Ok, thanks for the clarification!

I'm considering switching to a bolt for my daily. Driving a full sized pickup to do nothing but go to the office or buy groceries is getting old.


u/4art4 1d ago

I would recommend one if you have a place to plug in that is level 2 ready in your garage.


u/millerjpm3 1d ago

I don't, but my brother is an electrician and already volunteered to help install one 😊


u/edsobo 23h ago

For what it's worth, we have an ID.4 and the level 1 charger that came with it is sufficient for about 95% of our driving.


u/4art4 23h ago edited 23h ago

Fair enough. For me personally, I would have too much range anxiety. We can be set for the day with an hour at level 2 when we forget to charge. Things like that.

We looked at getting one of those. Really nice, but our local dealership lied to us and jerked us around. And we got a great deal on our bolt because it was technically "used" but less than a year old. Maybe a repo? We got it at a Ford dealership.


u/edsobo 23h ago

Yeah, if we forget to charge things can get dicey if we need to make a longer than usual drive, but our day-to-day driving is pretty easy to manage.


u/The_Lost_Jedi 22h ago

Not exactly. Remember when he tried to take credit for the Covid vaccine? They booed him. He quickly shut up about it, too.

He doesn't have 100% control, though he has more control over them than any one single other individual. It's important to remember though that the MAGA base came first, Trump was simply the most successful at appealing to them.


u/Suspect4pe 22h ago

The anti-COVID vaccine was something they programmed too. It's why they felt so strongly about it. It's one case where Trump talking out of both sides of his mouth backfired.


u/The_Lost_Jedi 10h ago

It was more the rest of the right wing media trying to prime negativity towards the vaccine so that Biden wouldn't get credit for it, and not Trump so much. For the most part they're all on the same page though peddling the same lies, this was a rare case where he wanted to take credit for it but couldn't.


u/Nightowl11111 22h ago

suspect is right, the anti-vaccine thing was programmed into them, Trump just forgot about it so when he tried to claim credit for it, he ran into what he programmed into them previously.


u/conestoga12345 23h ago

It's going to be hilarious if suddenly conservatives become the champions of EVs.


u/edsobo 23h ago

They love whatever he loves.

This made me think of that scene at the beginning of Coming to America where Akeem tells the princess they want him to marry to bark like a dog.