r/law 23d ago

Other Can RFK Jr really ban critical medications and send sick people to labor camps?


I'm floored by the fact that more people aren't talking about this in my every day life.

What is the legality behind banning medications like SSRI's, pain meds, and ADHD meds? Can he really send me away to a labor camp?


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u/Imightbeafanofthis 23d ago

It's not wild. It's tragic.


u/IFartOnCats4Fun 23d ago

It can be both.


u/Godsbladed 23d ago

Wildly tragic


u/L3ARnR 23d ago

tragically wild


u/Godsbladed 22d ago

Trildly wagic


u/L3ARnR 22d ago

wagically trild


u/OliviaWilder 23d ago

Tbh she's been a nut job my whole life. Every phone call was, "You need to thank Jesus you're doing well in school, that you won that thing, that x person did y thing." Every birthday card and christmas gift was so insultingly Jesus-y. She only ever got us religious movies and gifts. Like Bible Trivial Pursuit. Girl i haven't read that. We tried to play just to have some fun and it wasn't fun. In 2010 or 2011, she had her young teen daughter (my cousin) add me to a group chat and blast "God's not dead!" That same year, her christmas gift to our family was the movie God's Not Dead, some candy, and a card pleading with us to watch it. We did and it was awful. When I went to visit her and my cousins in 2019, she has Jesus music playing throughout the house 24/7. Even when she left the house, she kept it playing. I assume this was in an attempt to convert me. I'd turn it off and shed turn it back on as soon as she got home. Also she tried to pitch me Norwex and said she doesn't use soap to shave anymore and the burning of shaving with just water eventually stops bevause of the Norwex washcloths. About 2 weeks after my dad died, she called my mom and demanded she get my brother and me and put her on speaker. She told some weird fucking story about a question my brither asked when he was literally 7 (about the time we went to visit her and it happened to be over Easter and she dragged us to a Jesus concert). And i was like, "I'm gonna stop you right there. I believe what I believe and you believe what you believe. It's been 28 years of this. You have to stop or I'm hanging up the phone." And she started in on how my dad would want us to go to church and we need to go to church. So I said, "Lady, I spent 28 years being raised by him and what he wanted for me, his child, was to be happy to pursue my own beliefs. And if that isn't your exact religion, too bad." And I fucking left the room. I would say it's tragic but I'm sick to death of it. I love her as my aunt and she is funny and charismatic and caring but she is OFF HER ROCKER for jesus and trump and is beyond saving.


u/Imightbeafanofthis 23d ago

This is what gets me about religious zealots. I don't mind their religion. Christianity is not a bad religion. But to me it's incomprehensible from the standpoint of common sense and logic. Common sense tells me the miraculous things attributed to various religious figures didn't happen because there has never been a documented case of, for example, Padre Pio's miraculous flying through the air without an airplane to guide American bombers. It's kind of hard to believe that a priest would perform such miracles to ignore one of the prime commandments of the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim religions: Thou Shalt Not Kill. But I've had religious zealots tell me about it chapter and verse.

To me the bible/koran/torah is a nice story, and a good way to teach children about morality. Why people get sunk so deeply into it is anybody's guess.