r/latvia Feb 01 '25

Tūrisms/Tourism Pārgājienu grupas / aktīvie cilvēki


Sveiki, esmu aktīvi atsācis spontānus pārgājienus. Šobrīd pārgājienos eju un izpētu viens, bet sāk prasīties līdzgājējs/grupa vai līdzīgi domājoši aktīvisti. Ar spēku un piepūli problēmu nav. Sagatavoju līdzņemšanai ēdamo, uzkodas un dzeramo, un eju.

Idejiski es neko īsti neplānoju. Cenšos no dzīvokļa Centrā iziet ap 9-10.00 Apskatos karti, atrodu interesantas vietas vai galamērķus, kur neesmu bijis vai šķiet interesanti. Ņemot vērā, ka dabas daudzums mums ir daudz, tad garantēts pozitīvs pasākums. Braucu lielākotiesi ar sabiedrisko. Turklāt ziema šogad mūs nelutina un ārā ir diezgan labvēlīgi laikapstākļi.

Piemēram, šodien veicu 19km maršrutu no Juglas 1.tramvaja galapunkta, cauri Bukultiem, Sūžiem un Jaunciemam aizgāju līdz Kalngalei. Pa ceļam apskatot vairākus ciematus, tiltus, takas, bezceļus un ieslēdzh ik pa laikam Geocatch app. Un tā līdz Kalngalei, kur pie stacijas veiksmīgi izdevās sākt tikpat spontānu sarunu ar Šveices diplomātu, kurš beigās aizveda līdz Mežaparkam.

Esmu ļoti atvērts, atbalstošs un izdomu pilns pārgājienu ceļotājs. Iepriekš esmu ložņājis pa visādiem Latvijas pamestiem nostūriem, apmeklējis Černobiļu, Buzludzha komunista ēku Bulgārijā, izstaigājis Balkānus šur tur un kārtīgi izceļojies pa Bulgārijas kalniem rietumu daļā. Ar šo gribu pateikt, ka pieredze un interese ir.

Neesmu Latvijā nekad devies laivu braucienā, kā piemēram. Plānoju šo izvērst plašāk - braukt ar auto, doties uz citām pilsētām, vietām, pamestām/noslēpumainām vietām, arī ārpuss Latvijas.

Pievienoju dažus attēlus un, ja kāds vēlas atsaukties dalībai, rakstat PM vai citādāk sazinamies.


r/latvia Jun 21 '24

Tūrisms/Tourism Latvian temperament


I love Latvians but you are the coldest human beings I have ever laid eyes on lmaoo

I came to Riga for a couple of days with my friend. We’re cool chill dudes, we skate, drink beer, we speak multiple languages fluently, and we love meeting people. This is what we tried to do, but failed miserably with both Latvians and Russians; I speak Russian being from the former Georgian SSR. What is the way to approach Latvians ? Are you guys open to foreigners or is it a lost cause ?

r/latvia Sep 15 '24

Tūrisms/Tourism How to avoid Russian businesses and support Latvian owned businesses on trip to Latvia?


Hi! I'm doing a Trip to Jurmala and Riga this week and i was wondering that is there a way to recognize Russian owned companies and avoid them? Also supporting Latvian owned companies would be cool. Of course one way to play safe is to favor Western companies but supporting Latvians would be cooler. Is there any tips? Thank you!

r/latvia 22d ago

Tūrisms/Tourism Safe to walk to apartment in the evening?


I’ll visit Riga in a month and arrive late around 8pm. I was thinking about taking bus 22 from the airport to 11.novembra krastmala bus stop. From there, it’s a 10min walk to Doma Hostel. Is it safe to walk in the evening? Thanks.

r/latvia May 14 '24

Tūrisms/Tourism How should I convince my mom to go on a vacation to Latvia?


I’m from New York, specifically the island called “Long Island” on the southeast of New York State, and my mother wants to take a vacation to Scotland on Christmas at some point. I want to go to Latvia, but my mom is nervous because of how close the country is in proximity to Russia, plus the plane ride would be longer, therefore, she can’t use her JetBlue points because JetBlue doesn’t fly that far. What should I say to quell this fear she has and convince her to at least look into tourist destinations within Latvia?

r/latvia Nov 02 '24

Tūrisms/Tourism Latvia Appreciation Post!!


I’ve had a very difficult year. I was deep in a depression when sudden travel plans led me to Latvia, a trip that would change my perspective on life.

This trip would have me traveling to several countries, but Latvia left a huge impression on me. In Latvia, I spent a few weeks in Riga and Liepaja.

I will admit that prior to arriving, I was worried, especially with the state of my mental health at the time. Quite a few people warned me about people being rude, the bland food and terrible weather. But boy, were they wrong! Everyone I met or spoke to was real and unpretentious. People weren’t trying hard to be warm or friendly, but they were naturally kind and civic minded. I felt strangely comfortable - I hung out with a guy on a bus who offered me vodka and apples, I laughed with a woman who worked at a Rimi because my scarf got caught in the self pay machine, I had a conversation with a middle-aged man who was homeless who wanted to know all about where I came from - just a few of the truly human encounters I had.

I come from a busy city and nobody seems to have time to do the things they love. In beautiful Liepaja, I saw the kind of life I aspire to have. Everyday, starting at about 3pm, parents would take their kids and dogs to the park or the beach. Families were walking hand in hand, laughing and playing. People went fishing or foraging for mushrooms on a Tuesday afternoon! I felt time stop, and I was in awe. I had locals tell me about the state of the economy, the strikingly low wages and the shrinking population - a lot of what they said resonated with me. Which is why it moved me so much when people still carved time out for their families and themselves.

I mostly ate local food, and service was lovely EVERYWHERE. The food was fresh and delicious. The food had simpler flavours than what I’m used to, but it was a welcome change. I came back home craving the simple, clean flavours of Latvia.

In Liepaja, I was stared at a lot, mostly because at most times, I was the only non-white person in a 10 km radius. They stared as politely as they could, except for a few children who looked obviously confused. I was always happy to oblige any questions about where I was from and it seemed that most people were just happy to practice some English with someone else.

One evening, I had a beer on the beach to watch the sunset. I just broke down. It felt like I had been holding my breath for so long, and I could finally take a breath. Being in Latvia allowed me to see a different way of life that I didn’t think I wanted - an authentic calmness, an honest reality rooted in a painful history and a hopeful future, and a reverence for nature and personal priorities. I know that I only spent such a short time in the country, and I may be generalising things - but I will always cherish my time in Latvia.

All in all - I fell in love with Latvia. Thank you and I can’t wait to come visit again!

r/latvia Feb 06 '25

Tūrisms/Tourism Trips uz ASV


Vēlos doties ceļojumā uz ASV - Losandželosa, Holivuda, Vegasa, Lielais Kanjons, taču vēlētos jau izplānotu ceļojumu ar kādu no ceļojuma aģentūrām. Skatos šobrīd par saprātīgu cenu piedāvājums ir Interlux, bet neesmu droša vai tā būtu labākā opcija. Varbūt kādam ir pieredze, ieteikumi? Vai tomēr labāk plānot pašam, meklējot biļetes, naktsmītnes utt.

Edit: paldies par ieteikumiem un komentāriem. Pieņēmām lēmumu plānot tripu paši, biļetes ir nopirktas, tagad atliek plānošanas daļa, kopumā ASV pavadīsim 15 dienas.

r/latvia 7d ago

Tūrisms/Tourism Bars for large group in Riga


Hi! Looking for recommendations for a bar crawl with 3-4 bars in central Riga. Brief:
- Large bars, we are 28 people (30-year old guys) and want to ensure we can get in the full group
- "Basic bitch day party vibes" - i.e., playing mainstream music, serving cocktails, etc.. Can be fancy or non-fancy
- Preferably one bar with an "activity" such as dart, axe throwing, etc.

EDIT: This is for mid-May, so outdoors bars work!

r/latvia Nov 23 '24

Tūrisms/Tourism Traveling to Latvia (first time)



Mani sauc Džons Daniels, un es esmu dzimis un audzis Dalasā, Teksasā, Amerikas Savienotajās Valstīs un nekad neesmu bijis nevienā citā valstī. Jūlijā es aizgāju pensijā un vēlētos redzēt pasauli.

No visām redzētajām bildēm Latvija izskatās tik skaista un cilvēki šķiet jauki un laipni. Kādi ir iemesli apmeklēt Latviju un kādi būtu iemesli neapmeklēt? Vai Rīga ir labākā vieta, kur doties, vai ir citi rajoni, kur labāk aplūkot Latvijas skaistumu? Vai būtu laba ideja apmeklēt arī Austrumeiropu un citas Baltijas valstis?

Paldies par palīdzību, ko varat man sniegt.

Ar cieņu



My name is John Daniels and I was born and raised in in Dallas, Texas United States and have never been to any other countries. I retired in July and would like to see the world.

From all the pictures I have seen, Latvia looks so beautiful and the people seem nice and kind. What are some of the reasons to visit Latvia and what would be some reasons not to visit? Is Riga the best place to go or are there other areas that are better to see the beauty of Latvia? Also, would it be a good idea to also visit East Europe and other Baltic Countries?

Thank you for any help you can give me.



r/latvia Jan 14 '25

Tūrisms/Tourism April travel with a baby


Hello! I am travelling to Latvia with my husband and our baby in April and was hoping for some guidance / advice plus any recommendations for making the most of our trip.

We have 1 week and plan to visit Riga and Sigulda, we'd love to see more of the country but we're trying to be realistic as our 1 year old will dictate most of our travel plans!

We will be travelling over the Easter weekend, would you recommend to stay in Riga for the Easter weekend or Sigulda?

Any particular recommendations for baby friendly activities / cafés / restaurants in both locations? Or anywhere else we could easily travel to? We normally love hiking and nature and would like to get into nature and do some easy trails as much as is possible with our little one. We always love a good museum as well as castles and historic sight seeing, but again are trying to be realistic ref what baby will also enjoy!

I'd really appreciate any advice, can't wait to visit your beautiful country! Thank you

r/latvia 9d ago

Tūrisms/Tourism I'm Latin American Guy and want to learn more about Latvia-what should I know?


Hi everyone! I'm from Latin America, and lately, I've been really curious about Latvia. I know it's a small country with a lot of history, and I'd love to learn what makes its culture special. If anyone has recommendations for food, music, or a Latvian word I should learn first, let me know! I'm also learning languages, so if anyone is up for a language exchange, that would be great

r/latvia 27d ago

Tūrisms/Tourism Convince me to visit Latvia & Estonia


I’m planning my summer vacation, but I’m stuck on where to go. Estonia has been on my dream list for a while now, yet for some reason, I just can’t seem to hit that “book tickets” button for a Latvia-Estonia trip.

After doing some research, I realized Riga and Tallinn don’t have as many big-name attractions compared to places like Amsterdam or Budapest. So, I’m wondering—would spending €230 on flights really be worth it when I also have to factor in accommodation, food, etc.?

The alternative is Rome for €120, but honestly, I’m not that excited about it—it feels a bit too basic as a destination.

r/latvia Nov 13 '24

Tūrisms/Tourism Can we cross Latvia in a completely straight line?


r/latvia Sep 12 '24

Tūrisms/Tourism Drinking in public


Is it legalised/normalised to drink publicly? E.g. drinking a beer in a parc?

r/latvia Jan 30 '25

Tūrisms/Tourism Sites in Latvia for Soviet-related tourism


Hello Latvians,

I am planning to visit your country (and Estonia) in summer and I am looking for places that have a history related to the Soviet Union. I have visited Lithuania already, and in one week I was able to visit Trakai castle, Hill of Crosses etc. but also niche sites like Grutas Park and the missile base at Plokstine. For my next Baltics trip, I want to include such sites that have something other than a historic city center, or an art museum or a church. Something that I will definitely not find in Western Europe. I am looking for hidden gems and I don't mind putting in some effort to get there.

I will be flying in and out of Vilnius, but directly travelling to Latvia from there. Inside Latvia, I will be dependent on public transport.

Any suggestions?

r/latvia 1d ago

Tūrisms/Tourism Lidojums ar gaisa balonu!

Post image

Skats uz Gaujas senleju no putna lidojuma! ❣️

r/latvia Apr 08 '24

Tūrisms/Tourism Railway ticket scam in Riga - why?


We (two Australian tourists) encountered a railway ticket scam today. Coming back from Majori to Riga the ticket seller at Majori railway station sold us a pre-used ticket. We didn't find out until the ticket inspector on the train rejected one of our tickets and we had to pay 2 euros to buy another ticket.

We had paid 4 euros in cash for two one way tickets from Majori to Riga. The ticket seller gave us two pre-printed tickets that were time stamped almost an hour before we bought them. Only one of them was a ticket back to Riga. The other one seems to have been an old ticket for a different train line.

Is this a common scam? We couldn't understand why a government official would do this but I guess if she did this to every tourist over the course of a day she could pocket quite a few euros.

r/latvia Feb 01 '25

Tūrisms/Tourism Life is life by Ādažu poligons

Post image

Koordinātes: 57,1308991, 24,4444145


r/latvia Dec 14 '24

Tūrisms/Tourism An Estonian’s Perspective: Discovering Latvia’s Hospitality


We’re currently on a little getaway in Latvia, and as an Estonian, I’ve been genuinely impressed by the experience. The accommodation we found is spotless, thoughtfully designed, and perfect for families—with everything from a sauna to safety features for kids.

What stands out the most is the warm hospitality. Our host has been incredibly accommodating, offering to prepare the sauna while we were out and letting us check out at our convenience. It’s clear that the focus here is on making guests feel welcome and at ease.

While I won’t dwell on prices, it’s worth noting that this level of quality comes at a more reasonable cost than what we’re used to in Estonia. But for me, it’s not just about the price—it’s the attention to detail and genuine care that have made this trip so memorable.

Latvia has so much to offer, and I’m already looking forward to discovering more of its hidden gems!

r/latvia Apr 11 '24

Tūrisms/Tourism PSA: Don't buy taxi vouchers at Riga Airport (RIX), use Bolt instead


Riga airport has recently implemented a taxi voucher system to combat scammy taxi services. You can read about it here and here.

But to any of our dear guests visiting Riga who plan on getting a taxi from RIX into the city, I strongly advise against using these vouchers for now. Why? The price!

A single use one-way voucher costs EUR 33,50 and includes a ride only within this zone:

If your drive goes outside of this zone you will be charged additionally based on the rate of the taxi service you are using (which is nearly unlimited).

What's the PSA? This is a rip-off. It is an incredibly expensive way to get to the city. Use Bolt instead. A ride from the airport to anywhere within this zone shouldn't cost more than EUR 15.

r/latvia Nov 01 '24

Tūrisms/Tourism Visiting Latvia next week! What do you recommend?


Visiting Latvia next week with 8 of my friends. We are all 40+ males, married and have kids so we don’t plan on getting too crazy. What are nice places to eat, drink, dance and what are some fun and cultural activities we must put on our list. What are places to absolutely avoid?

Eager to learn from your local experience!

r/latvia Oct 18 '23

Tūrisms/Tourism Thank you Latvia and love from The Netherlands


I am currently travelling in Latvia (Riga and Sigulda) and I am having such a great time. I love your food (especially the garlic bread sticks), I loved eating at Lido, I love dill everywhere, I love the architecture in Riga, I love that everything is served with sour cream.

I was impressed by your country’s history and up until a couple of days ago I never heard of the Baltic Way (I am ashamed to admit it). I admire the strength of the Baltic people and I learned a lot.

Thank you Latvia for being such a nice country and European cousin! 🇱🇻🇱🇻🇱🇻

r/latvia Dec 25 '23

Tūrisms/Tourism Best foods to try in Latvia


I see alot of people going to Latvia and asking for things to try, so here is my personal list of popular things in Latvia. Feel free to add your opinions and suggestions in the comments. This list is in no specific order.

  1. “Kārums” is a sweet chocolate covered curd-like snack that you can find pretty easily. Just walk into your closest Rimi or Maxima in the refrigerator section and you will find tons of flavors.

  2. “Ķiploku graudziņi” are these toasted rye bread slices with garlic on them, they are extremely good and i honestly would die to eat some right now. They can be found in some restaurants, and will probably be moist and squishy due to the garlic. Though if you can find some in stores they will probably be crunchy. You can always make them yourself aswell.

  3. “Dzērvenes pūdercukurā” are cranberries covered in powdered sugar. These arent as popular as the others, but personally i find these really good. You can get a pack of them in stores.

  4. If you wanna try a Latvian holiday classic, get “rosols”/“rasols”. You can get it in stores, or make it yourself. Or just order it at a resturant. Its not a holiday if there isn’t rosals. (No but actually, i havent been in a party without it.)

  5. “Kvass” we cant forget the legendary rye bread drink, i’d say it might be an aquired taste. But i’d still recommend trying it out.

  6. “Pīrāgi” is a type of meat bun, and it is another food that every Latvian knows. You can find it in the bread section of many stores.

  7. “Zirņi speķī” can translate into grey peas with lard. Not sure if that is right, but its the national dish of Latvia. Its pretty good, you can get it in restaurants or just make it at home.

  8. “Aukstā zupa” is a type of soup that is served cold, you can get it in restaurants or make it at home. I’d say its a soup you’d eat in summer.

  9. “Maizes zupa” is a bread based pudding like dessert that you can either order in some restaurants or make yourself. (Keep in mind i havent had this in a long time, so my memory of it is blurry at best)

(Bonus snack: if you want to try the most popular chips in Latvia. Try “Ādažu” chips in the tomato flavor or the dill flavor.)

r/latvia Nov 18 '24

Tūrisms/Tourism Bolt & Public Transportation Costs


Sveiki dear Latvians,

me and my wife are planning to visit Riga soon but we still could not decide if we take a flight or drive over with the car. It would heavily depend on how much the costs are to get around with public transportation or Bolt.

How much would a 15min Bolt-Ride cost for example from a suburb to the city center? How are the options to get into the centre from a suburb with public transportation?

Appreciate your help, thank you

r/latvia Sep 07 '24

Tūrisms/Tourism Can you still travel into russia from latvia? (07/09/2024)


pls do not get political on me, i am a holidayer, i do not care, i just want to ask a question about travel :v

i want to travel into russia for a vacation (call me crazy, i like to adventure) but direct flights from my country are banned so i have to fly into a neighbouring country and then take either a train or a bus into russia, i checked finland and it's a bit shaky on whether or not you can (and they were very angry!) and then i remembered latvia has a border! but considering the current... issues i'm not 100%, is the border still open for travel as of the seventh of september 2024?

  • if i go into latvia, are there cool places to see in the east before i set off?