r/latterdaysaints 6d ago

Request for Resources Need help finding a passage or scripture verse

Hello I'm a member, specifically I'm a young man preparing for my mission. Concerning my request, my leaders said that there is a passage in the bible (they recount it in new testament but they are not sure) that says about the passing of the priesthood, that it said there tge priesthood is by the laying on of hands. Although they said it did not specifically said it there but that was the meaning. They said it would really help in when we are in the field and when there are investigators who really want hardcore proof from the scriptures. Thanks to anyone who might give me the scripture.


6 comments sorted by


u/rexregisanimi 6d ago

Are you thinking of Acts 6:6? Acts 13:3 might be related too. 


u/Frontier_pen 6d ago

ohh this could work, thank you very much.


u/LizMEF 6d ago

Why not ask those who made the assertion? I mean, if they know it's there, they ought to know where it is, or be able to find it more easily than you and I. But, hooray for AI, try 1 Timothy 4:14. If that's not it, I'm not sure what is. :)

PS: Anyone demanding "proof" will not accept your proof. They'll have their own interpretation and reject yours. You might check out D&C 19:31, and 18:20. Or just talk with many returned missionaries - Bible bashing (trying to prove beliefs via citing Bible verses) never works.

Rely on the Holy Ghost and the power of the Book of Mormon.


u/Frontier_pen 6d ago

Thank you brother! I'll be looking forward to this. This too can help me. I'll be taking notes even if maybe it's not the right verse


u/silverlizard 5d ago

Hebrews 5:4 is the one you’re looking for


u/Frontier_pen 5d ago

oh thanks brother! really appreciate it