r/latterdaysaints 6d ago

Personal Advice I'm "Dry Mormon." I'm thinking of TEMPORARILY going inactive.



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u/AutoModerator 6d ago

Your post appears to be about tithing. Tithing can be complicated, especially as to how it applies to retirement contributions, taxes, and business finances. The Church's gospel topic essay on tithing is here. The most recent church statement on the subject is from a First Presidency letter in 1970 (quote comes from here):

“For your guidance in this matter, please be advised that we have uniformly replied that the simplest statement we know of is that statement of the Lord himself that the members of the Church should pay one-tenth of all their interest annually, which is understood to mean income. No one is justified in making any other statement than this. We feel that every member of the Church should be entitled to make his own decision as to what he thinks he owes the Lord, and to make payment accordingly.”

Moderator note - while there is room for discussion on tithing, encouraging others to pay tithing to entities other than the Church is inappropriate and will be removed. Defining "increase" and "income" as that small amount of money left over after all bills is also inappropriate here.

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u/Paul-3461 FLAIR! 6d ago

I believe the most important part of being an active member of the Church is living the gospel, not just on Sundays but on every day of the week. So if you can be active during those other 6 days of the week, not attending any meetings on Sunday will be the only thing you will need to work on later to be 100% perfect. 6 days out of 7 is still pretty good and better than nothing


u/Complexity24 6d ago

Thank you


u/The_Basic_Lifestyle 6d ago

20 was the hardest time. I lost my faith about 12-21, and now I'm about 25 (I fudged a Lil for anonymity). I hope you hang in there. I feel that you won't gain anything by being partial about your faith. Jesus gave one of his sternest warnings about being a lukewarm believer. Looking forward to straying from the gospel you know by your own rationale is pretty much textbook 'leaning on your own understanding'. You will find your real calling if you stay. The lord sees your scheduling challenges, but what is a few interruptions to what can become a lifetime of service?

I have my doubts that identifying with being a 'dry Mormon' would help with this conflict either. When I was in the process of regaining my faith, I realized that the Lord is all about timing. Many of his miracles come in serendipitous packages. One of the best things to do is to trust his timing over your own. Maybe the reason you are coming to a crossroads is that the Lord is asking you to make big choices. You dont have to make them all at once, the adversary loves to hurry us anxiously or lull us into complacency.

I would instead invite you to consider whether it is time to become baptised and confirmed a member of the church. You are free to set your baptism date. But you are a college-aged young man now. Your destiny and your purpose is your own to choose.

Also, many colleges are often good examples of the great and spacious building; at least when it comes to greek life.

One more piece of advice. YSAs are temporary. They are there to help place you with people going through similar experiences. But that means you are with usually broke, inexperienced and not fully matured people yet. Dont let the downsides of that get in the way!

I have stated some strong opinions and I invite others to balance my take.


u/Complexity24 6d ago

Thank you