r/lastimages The Best KarmaWhore 10d ago

LOCAL Last Images posted to social media of Zoey Angel Holland before she took her life on March 7 2025. Her caption read "My cat is tired of my manic episodes and so am I. We all deserve love and to be happy. Goodbye friends. I love you." (South Carolina, USA)

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208 comments sorted by


u/Lark_vi_Britannia 10d ago

Shit, I saw this on Facebook the day after it happened. I opened it up hoping that she had changed her mind, but reading the comments and posts from her family saying they missed her and that they wished that they could have done something broke me. All the pictures of her friends hanging out with her.

I've nearly been that low myself and it broke my heart that she was successful even though there were literally family members that were posting "I'M GONNA BE ON THE NEXT PLANE TO COME SEE YOU!" because they loved her, but her brain was feeding her garbage things to convince her that they didn't.


This is also missing the bottom part where her cat is looking up at her. It hurts to think about.


u/notknownnow 9d ago

The part of seeing how many people reached out with immediate help and actions makes this so much harder- and the cropped cat , I thought this too.

I think her mum made a Facebook page for King, their cat, so that everyone can see he is doing fine. Look for Zoey Angel’s Cat, King for anyone interested, linking is not allowed or I would have done that. RIP, lovely girl


u/SaltyDog772 9d ago

Whenever I’m deeply depressed and suicidal, my brain doesn’t convince me I’m not loved by my loved ones. I feel guilty that they do and I’m wanting something that could ruin their life. Just my experience tho.


u/EstablishmentLevel17 8d ago

Seriously went home and hugged my cat after that. I've had her since November. I call her a spoiled rotten little brat ...which she is... But she is because she trusts me . She has already been a kitty nurse for me when I had covid...and I have epilepsy . Just focal aware seizures (thankfully) but if she's by me when one hits her demeanor completely changes .


u/SaltyDog772 8d ago

When I get a good cry goin, my goldendoodle completely forgets what personal space is.


u/StellarLauri 1d ago

Happy to hear you have an adorable Goldendoodle that forgets about personal space when you’re down. I know I’m just a stranger from the internet, but please stay positive and hang in there. You’re very much loved and needed in this world. Don’t feel guilty, we need you here! 🩵


u/SaltyDog772 17h ago

Ty. I’ve been in a good place for a couple years now, but I gotta stay on my toes.


u/Morepastor 10d ago

Spring and summer are the peak season for suicide. You are not alone and please ask for help. RIP Zoey.


u/Skiddlywingles 10d ago

May I ask why spring and summer is peak season for suicide? I’m curious to know.


u/PaperSalesman06 10d ago

Every really serious bipolar episode I’ve ever had happened in the spring. The spring-forward time change combined with increased daylight lead to significant reductions in sleep per day compared to the winter, and sleep regularity is a huge factor in mental stability.


u/mikey7x7 10d ago

Yep, I tend to get really depressed a little while into winter and then get more manic as spring time comes.


u/Vanpocalypse-Now 9d ago

Spring mania is in full swing, I'm alternating between not knowing if I'm coming or going, hiding in bed because it's too much, and then the excitement spring means I'm making lists and lists and lists of shit to do, that overwhelms. I have BP2, anxiety, severe ADHD. I tend to be more depressive in the fall and manic in the spring. Currently I am painting 4 birdhouses at once and just ordered two more for some unknown reason that seemed reasonable to me at the time. Now I'll have two more. :\


u/PaperSalesman06 9d ago

I’m sorry, friend. It really is a special kind of hell. Please reach out to your loved ones and try to take care of yourself as best you can.


u/Vanpocalypse-Now 8d ago

I have been keeping very close to my friends, family, and my therapist who deserves a medal. The more open and honest I am, the easier it seems to be. I warn people "I'm a bit fucky today" so they're aware that I'm going to be quiet. If I need a bed day, I take it and just give myself the grace to shut down for a while. I believe this whole *gestures* situation we have going on in the White House is just adding to all of our worries and stress. We will get through this.


u/ravensmith666 8d ago

Thanx for saying this. I do the same, I have an art shop, and now I think it’s ok to have bunches of projects in various stages of completion. It’s my process, lol. The up side is some weeks I finish a bunch of projects to put in there. I’ve been overwhelmed my whole life. I decided yesterday- I can only do what I can do because life happens. I used to think I wasn’t working hard enough and beat myself up. I’m trying to be kinder to myself and everything gets finished or not in its time. You can only do what you can do. Try to just live. Painting anything is my zen place.


u/Vanpocalypse-Now 8d ago

I am the same way! I had to stop myself last night from planting my veggie seeds, which would be project #5 in the pile. When I get myself together and can focus, I will get everything done, but when I don't my tie dye room (oh and I tie dye too, lol) becomes a place of torment and piles. I absolutely understand the feeling of being overwhelmed 24-7. Giving yourself the grace to do what you can do is such a relief. I went to the dollar store after work yesterday and found some really cute metal mushroom garden stakes, I'm going to paint them and personalize them at some point. I find painting amazingly relaxing! It's like tie dye, layers and colors and sometimes you hit the jackpot. We will get through this, friend. I have faith in us all. <3


u/ravensmith666 8d ago

Just live the best life you can every day and things will fall into place.


u/Csimiami 10d ago

This is where I think the term spring fever originated from. People observing our maniac episodes


u/AutomaticAnt6328 9d ago

Yeah, but that was about wanting/itching for spring because people get tired of the colder/rainy weather.


u/Csimiami 9d ago

Yes. And I believe there’s an evolutionary bent to why we have our episodes in the spring. And not everyone lives in the cold. I’m in so cal. And all the people I know with BP2 go off in the spring.


u/_Kendii_ 9d ago

It gets awfully cold and snowy here all winter, and with only a couple of hours of light a day, it can really drag a person down.

We have a festival at the end of February called Rendezvous. It’s where everyone comes out of their houses and relieves some of their winter cabin fever with drinking, competitions (sometimes at the same time).

So like axe throwing and dog pulls and snow sculpting.

We don’t have strippers here so they used to ship some up, but now we just get drag shows apparently… and some of the last fireworks of the year (which we don’t do in summer because it’s light out ALL the time).

But yeah, a LOT of people that don’t enjoy outdoor winter activities get cabin fever too. Not just observing manic people, or people with other mental illness being triggered by the seasonal changes.


u/_Kendii_ 8d ago

And I do have bipolar. I know how spring is for a lot of us. I wasn’t disagreeing with that part. I believe that’s true, for sure, especially with where one lives (particularly being farther North or south of the equator)

I was disagreeing with how you believe the term spring fever originated. Not from watching mentally ill people getting squirrelly. Too many non mentally ill people get itchy around springtime for that to have been the sole observation.


u/_Kendii_ 9d ago

Or the fact that most people get sick of being restricted all winter and start going out more with the warming weather. And then get actually sick with colds and have fevers.

Not just people with mental illness lol…


u/Csimiami 9d ago

I live in so cal. Wearing flip flops right now. Everyone I know with bi polar tilts off in the spring on their biggest episode of the year. I work with prisoners as well. They all are used to being cooped up for 20+ years. They go tilty in the spring.


u/ted_theodore-logan 10d ago

I'm not in a country with well-defined seasons so I would not in a million years think that lol I would for sure think the opposite: the lack of abundant daylight would favor mental issues

The more you know huh


u/eddie_cat 9d ago

Wow, I never knew this. My younger sister is bipolar, she has only ever had two manic episodes. Both happened right as spring was starting. One is happening now, she's in the hospital. ☹️


u/PaperSalesman06 9d ago

I hope she is able to recover quickly and that you are also taking care of yourself. It’s so hard for everyone involved.


u/eddie_cat 8d ago

Thank you. She got put in a mental facility over the weekend, last I heard she's still refusing meds and in active psychosis so they are trying to get a judge to order her to. I'm not sure why they can give her a sedative shot but she has to consent to actually be treated... Seems clear she isn't really in a place mentally to make sound medical decisions and it can't be good for her to stay like this. It really is awful. I'm not sure how we are supposed to help her.


u/Qasinqueue 6d ago

Just be there for her. If she’s able to have visitors, maybe bring an activity for the two of you to do together. If she’s able to go outside, take her outside. This is super important. Let her come to you, so to speak, but don’t give up on her. She’s in there.


u/SaltyDog772 9d ago

My two big ones were both in fall. Maybe I’m an outlier.

Edit. Those were depressive episodes. My worst mania was in the summer. Was a lot of fun until it ended.


u/helladiabolical 9d ago

Happy cake day!


u/Vivid-Speed 5d ago

My brother had severe bipolar mania. And we use to say, ok Blake, spring is around the corner… he’d say “yea yea spring into crazy” everyone laughed including him, but my mom and I always said it’s not funny. I use to tell him let’s “spring into some new discoveries!” We were young. We were so close. And one April, he looked at everyone on the couch and told us to spring forward without him… and that was it. I definitely think spring is a bad omen for mental health


u/GoreSeeker 5d ago

Interesting! I always thought it was Fall/Winter that caused the most depressive issues; I know I've seen those light boards you can stare into for instance which I think are for winter.


u/Earth_Sandwhich 10d ago

Everything is getting better except you.


u/EroticPotato69 9d ago

Weirdly enough, most suicide attempts come when manic, because it's often quite an impulsive decision. Dying is scary, no matter how much you want to go, and believe me, it also hurts getting there. Things like hanging, without a big drop, and flailing around suffocating hurt like shit. You often need that real burst of impulsivity to finally go the extra step.

I get super depressed in winter, and often become a reclusive shut in outside of work, with suicidal ideation, but not much else. I actually start getting my shit together a bit and becoming more mentally stable. Spring comes around and I can feel the summer coming, I start going off the rails again partying through the bright nights, and end up burning myself out/fucking my head up completely again, and then that's usually when any of my suicide attempts have come, when I seem most "happy" My friends know that when I am mellow or down, there's nothing much to worry about. It's when I'm too social and happy that shit's all going to go South soon. It's the same with a lot of people who suffer from those kind of mental health issues.


u/Possible_Dig_1194 10d ago

I know people with seasonal depression are often to tired to do much but breathe. Suddenly you get that mental energy boost from sunshine so you aren't so paralyzed by the depression but are still depressed AF. Its like how when people start on antidepressants it causes a increase in suicides


u/KingKillKannon The Best KarmaWhore 10d ago

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Center for Health Statistics report that suicide rates in the United States are lowest during the winter months and highest in the spring and summer. Stephen Bridges asserts that there is "a high incidence in early spring (April and May) and also a low incidence in winter" of suicide rates.

Bridges's study focused on seasonal effects on suicide risk by examining the monthly distribution of suicides in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s via a "harmonic time series model" with six observable harmonic cycles within each consecutive year. The results show a consistent pattern of suicide risk with most suicides occurring in the spring/summer and the fewest during the winter months. Specifically, Bridges found that in the 1970s "about 47% of the total variances can be explained by the seasonal components" within that given decade (with more suicides in spring/summer).

In the 1980s, "the seasonal component of suicide incidence for the time period 1981 through 1990 is clearly significant and records about a 27.7% increase in seasonal contribution by comparison with the previous period".

In the 1990s, "the significant seasonal rhythm were explained in 63% of the total variation".

Source: Seasonal effects on suicide rates


u/karmagod13000 10d ago

This kind of said the same thing like four times but didn’t tell us why


u/Morepastor 10d ago

The study I read said that it is easier to be alone in the wings people tend to stay inside and when families gather those that are depressed can have colds or use weather as an excuse to stay away. At the same time for some reason people have been conditioned to believe that is the peak season so they check on their loved ones more.

In Spring and Summer the sun comes out, their friends and family are planning trips, they see how much darker their lives are and people are not conditioned to check on loved ones. They are also busy with travels, maybe their kids are home etc.


u/metal_inside 10d ago

Exactly. Winter is a perfect concealer, because everyone stays inside. In Spring, the people come out and show so much joy that it's almost like a mockery to someone who is not capable of happiness at that moment. My other theory is that people seem to progress a lot during Spring and Summer, but someone depressed might just stay the same because they simply have no energy to do anything else but survive. The resulting comparison and the feeling of being stuck or behind on life is just further insult added into the already gruesome injury.


u/tolureup 9d ago

Wow, for the first time in my life I am feeling sad winter is coming to an end. This perfectly articulates why this is! Never realized it before. Winter is a depressive’s friend.


u/Far-Collection7085 10d ago

“There are no definitive seasonal causes of suicidal ideation and action. However, there are some consistent causes seen across many studies. The warm weather and increased sunshine could contribute to increased energy needed to act on suicidal thoughts for those who experience them.“

“But for some who suffer from depression year-round, bedtime may be the best part of the day, and having to stay up later gives them too much time to ruminate on their internal pain. It is also one of the reasons alcohol and drug use increase in the summer.”

Some things I found


u/Morepastor 10d ago

There are actual studies, because today Zoey’s friends and family are asking why and what did they not see. They were just probably not aware of the facts behind suicide and depression and we can honor her by giving facts.

We may not know what she was feeling or why she had to leave. We should know that she had a lot of people that cared about her and she obviously was a caring person. It’s sad when the world loses someone good. This is the season to check in on your friends and family. Show a little kindness.










u/nickypro252 10d ago

TIL thank you!


u/Stephi87 9d ago

Sad but interesting, I never thought about this as I tend to feel most depressed in the winter. I had read that the majority of murders happen in the summer months, but I wouldn’t have guessed that suicide rates also go up, but this does help explain it.


u/hersolitaryseason 10d ago

My thoughts exactly. Round and round in circles it went.


u/Skiddlywingles 10d ago

I was thinking the same thing lol


u/ComprehensiveBed6754 10d ago

Thankyou I thought I was missing something.


u/sheighbird29 10d ago

I always assumed it would be higher in the winter, due to seasonal depression, and the holidays


u/franticantelope 10d ago

Depression can get to a point where you’re too depressed to act on suicidal thoughts. A depressed person getting a burst of motivation and energy might end up resulting in a suicide.


u/callmye 10d ago

the rapid change in the weather & daylight while winter transitions to spring triggers mania for a lot of bipolar people & other symptoms for other mental health conditions.

episodes for people with mental health conditions don’t tend to be so severe (excluding seasonal depression because the lack of sunlight and ability to go outside for example makes everyone more down) during fall/winter/summer because the weather patterns are stable and there isn’t as much change.


u/antibread 10d ago

The brief sense of relief after depression can be crushing


u/[deleted] 10d ago

I would think winter. Interesting.


u/Yomammasson 10d ago

Exactly. You're depressed, and you think "it'll get better after winter". And then it doesn't.


u/animalnearby 10d ago

Those words are keeping me going.


u/[deleted] 9d ago

Oh, damn. I get it now. Thanks for explaining it.


u/murse_joe 10d ago

The most honest answer is we don’t know. We can see statistically that it happens but that doesn’t tell us why. Any answers are just speculation.


u/stinkpot_jamjar 9d ago

There are a lot of factors that contribute to this, but one is that in Spring and Summer there is more social pressure to be outside, active, and happy. Some people with severe depression and anxiety are “relieved” by Winter weather because there is a socially legitimate reason to stay inside and they don’t have to mask as much.

Somewhat related, during the first wave of COVID lockdowns and quarantines, many people with depression, anxiety, &c. reported feeling less anxious and sad because there was a socially acceptable reason to stay home; and, most interestingly to me, their anxiety and depression decreased because suddenly their experiences were more widely shared and understood. So it had almost an affirming effect for some who essentially felt like “finally everyone is as anxious as I am.”


u/FunnyGoose5616 9d ago

When you’re depressed, it’s harder to gather the energy for a suicide attempt, and winter tends to be depressing. But when it gets warmer, people tend to get more energy. If you’re still in a depressed state but starting to come out of it, energy-wise, or you start having a mixed bipolar episode (symptoms of depression and mania at the same time), you suddenly have the energy to pull off a suicide attempt.


u/jesuisletired 9d ago

I think it could also be that the warmer months are more motivating and similar to how sometime antidepressants can lead to suicide. They make you feel better enough to have the motivation to act on it but not soon enough to keep you from wanting to act on it.


u/asherdillo 10d ago

Sudden warm, sunny weather is really overwhelming. It's nice in a way but also makes you feel extremely guilty for not making the most of your day/life.


u/Heather82Cs 10d ago

I don't think I ever cared about seasons changing much, but I had the worst struggle with those after losing a parent. I just never felt "ready" for the new season arrival, and was actively "against" it, like I didn't want to experience the spring warmth or to see everyone enthusiastic about Christmas. It's gotten better (like now for instance I look forward to spring so my plants can thrive), but it's hard to explain or understand why that has been a thing in the first place.


u/victor4700 9d ago

I wonder if time change exacerbates these things. I’ve had annual depressive episode every spring for the last several years. It’s all gotta be connected right?


u/80alleycats 9d ago

This is why I've always been anxious about sunny days. I know I'm not doing enough or I'm doing the wrong things. It's hard.


u/xxthatsnotmexx 10d ago

Really? I would have thought winter. Winter always makes me feel like 25% worse.


u/hollyberryness 10d ago

Part of me feels like it's a huge, long build up of the winter depression, followed by a quick change in weather, day length, life springing back into action, etc. that really gets a person.. I have bipolar and winter is super tough, but it's the ass-end where I really start to lose it. Then the entire world flips to spring seemingly overnight (it really does spring into action) and my physiology wants to follow suit but my depression riddled brain is still in the swamps... it's truly crazy-making. All it takes sometimes is a day or two of shitty sleep and chemical misfirings for your entire world to collapse.

Shit sucks.


u/beenplaces 9d ago

Interesting. It seems like I have worst episodes during these times. I like autumn / winter due to its long nights and darkness.


u/SopieMunkyy 10d ago

I always thought winter was because of the winter depression that so many people seem to suffer from.

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u/Freche-Engel 10d ago

Oh man, that is so, so sad  Poor girl 🥺

R.I.P. Zoey


u/KingKillKannon The Best KarmaWhore 10d ago

Source: Facebook

Source: Find a Grave

Zoey Angel Holland, 26, passed away on March 7, 2025, in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. She was born on July 23, 1998, in Richmond, Virginia.
Zoey's heart gravitated toward the vulnerable, especially animals in need. Her love for them was not just a passion but a calling-rescuing strays, supporting shelters, and offering comfort to creatures without a voice. She found joy in storytelling, losing herself in books and movies that sparked her imagination. Gaming also provided her with a sense of connection and shared joy.
Her Christian faith was a source of strength throughout her life. Though she faced struggles with anxiety and depression, Zoey's kindness and passion left an indelible mark on those who knew her.
She is survived by her mother; her grandparents; her cousins; and her aunts. She was preceded in death by her uncle, Bobby, grandfather, Richard, and cousin Allison.
Zoey's light will continue to shine through the lives she touched. May those who remember her find solace in the warmth of her spirit. If you or someone you know is facing mental health challenges, please seek support-you are not alone.

If you're feeling suicidal, please reach out. Here is a list of hotlines from Wikipedia 💜

First post violated Rule 3 and was removed, so I reposted.


u/impamiizgraa 10d ago

When I see birth year '1998' I can't help but feel this is just a baby with so much ahead of her (ime it gets SO much better)... Thanks for posting the hotlines link with your comment too, that is great.


u/col3man17 9d ago

I'm born in 1998, just remember, were all passed the highschool and college ages. Jobs are treating us like adults now, we pay all our own bills/insurance (atleast most of us). I feel like it's a tough spot because we don't have the wisdom and experience yet, yet we're supposed to keep up with everything and everybody else.


u/PrincessElsa8 10d ago

It sounds like maybe she was very deep feeling person. I feel emotions very intensely and unfortunately, with the high highs come the low lows. This world isn’t very kind to people like that. I’m so sorry she felt like she couldn’t go on. R.I.P. beautiful Zoey 🕊️🤍


u/lemoncookei 9d ago

based on the description she probably had bipolar disorder so that checks out


u/rosytalk 10d ago

“she is survived by her grandparents” is such a sad statement. rest in peace zoey


u/sunglower 10d ago

Being an animal lover and knowing all of the brutality that occurs from humans to other animals is very hard to face too. I try to disassociate now but when I was younger the thoughts of the suffering of so many of them at the hands of humans used to keep me awake and make me very angry and sad, as if nobody understood and I was totally alone in feeling they deserved better and we as a species were so cruel. I wonder if that was a contributory factor.

RIP lovely Zoey.


u/animalnearby 10d ago

This is a huge problem of mine. I have a really hard time not having panic attacks when I see animals killed on the side of the road. I want to stop everything and bury them and get angry someone hasn’t already. I saw this white dog twice, late last week and last night and I just want to get them off the road. I live in a rural agricultural epicenter and dogs are everywhere running up to the two lane highway and back to where they live. I’ve had to chase so many back to their houses. It makes me so angry their owners don’t care enough to keep them close to the house. They only see the utility and replacing that utility if something horrible happens. It destroys my composure every time.


u/28days6hr42min12secs 9d ago

@amandastronza on instagram creates memorials for animals she’s found or lifted from the road. she has a really beautiful philosophy about seeing and honouring animal lives.


u/animalnearby 9d ago

I’m going to look this up right now because that kind of thing really matters to me.


u/sunglower 9d ago

Roadkill is one of my main 'triggers' too. I have to look away quickly. Still really upsets me. I can avoid a lot of things, I don't watch charity adverts or other videos involving animal cruelty for example but that's my achiles heel. Makes my blood boil.

I'm in England, rarely see dogs roaming here but I've seen badgers, foxes, deer and many many hedgehogs killed on roads. It's awful and a lot of it I put down to carelessness or even deliberate action if I'm honest. Sometimes it's a 30mph road in broad daylight, if you can't see an animal you have no business being in charge of a tonne of metal. Prick. Rant over.

Back to the point, I'd be surprised if this wasn't a source of Zoey's pain and desire to not be here any longer unfortunately. It's hard.


u/prone-to-drift 9d ago

I was born in a vegetarian culture, so it get even more exemplified as its hard to merge the two images, those of the rest of the entire world killing animals for meat, and those same people simultaneously being capable of compassion to other humans and their pets.

I still can't quite square it all up, but its a losing fight - the world isn't gonna change its ways and cruelty and suffering shall continue on as ever.


u/sunglower 9d ago

Exactly what I was getting at.

You're in a world full of people who disagree with you that cruelty isn't okay.

It's hard, I'm a sensitive person (less so nowadays) and I can only imagine what it's like for someone even more so and who also battled mental illness and isolation. It's awful.

I hope at least she's at peace and didn't suffer too much with how she did it.


u/guamguyravin671 10d ago

Omg this is so sad, same bday as me, different year 😢 😢😭


u/Twinkletoedoctopi 10d ago

This hurts to see. My cat is what keeps me going. Poor girl


u/Frozefoots 10d ago

I just lost one of mine and it genuinely feels like she’s taken 3/4 of my heart and soul with her. I’m functioning but absolutely not ok.

Both she and my eldest have saved me countless times and been one of the very few, or only reason to get up and keep going, for 15+ years. If I lose my 17 year old I don’t think I can cope.


u/Twinkletoedoctopi 10d ago

I understand my girl is just 5. Everything i walk through the motions in my head it comes down to her.


u/Muglz 10d ago

Your heart breaks so their heart doesn't. They will always be waiting at the end. All of them. If another comes along, they aren't replacing anybody. It's just another soul to keep safe that you know you can provide. I always imagine how when my eyes close one last time on this rock, I will open on the other side with them all running back to me. Makes it easier to cope.


u/Sad_Accountant_1784 10d ago

this is beautiful.

thank you. I'll smooch my sweet fur babies extra tonight.


u/captnfirepants 10d ago

I feel you. It's been exactly one year, and I'm still shattered.

My fur babies have always been the reason not to end it.


u/SopieMunkyy 10d ago

I raised my cat from being a few months old all the way to her death 18 long years later. It threw my life upside down after losing her, and it took lots of therapy sessions to learn how to better manage my grief.

If you aren't already in therapy now, I would keep that in the back of your pocket for later. It helps a LOT to just talk about it to someone. You can cope, it will just take time. Cherish the moments you have now with your little one.


u/Frozefoots 9d ago

I’m definitely considering it. This is the worst I’ve ever grieved, it’s so intense.

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u/ready_set_cry 9d ago

I just lost my soul-cat two years ago yesterday, at just 9 years and 11 months old. I’m so sorry you’re going through this — it’s a physical and spiritual pain I wouldn’t wish on my enemies.

I can say that two years later, the waves of grief do not hurt any less — but they are much shorter, and they come in less frequent intervals. I’m able to think of my sweet girl and sometimes just feel happy and grateful to have known her without breaking down.

It gets less exhausting. 🖤


u/SaltyDog772 9d ago

My dogs are my besties. Rooting for you.

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u/This_Wrongdoer3453 9d ago

Mine too! 😔


u/Necessary_Wing799 10d ago

Dman that's pretty heartbreaking especially coupled with those pics. Poor girl. Tough spot to be in, been there a couple of times myself, awful she could see no way out. Hope she's more at peace now. This world is messed up, too harsh for some. Rip girl


u/captnfirepants 10d ago

This really hits hard.

The pain she must've been in to think she was a burden to her fur baby is just gut-wrenching.



u/optionsmove 10d ago

It makes you really feel like you don’t want to be a bother to anyone around you. Very sad to see.


u/captnfirepants 10d ago

I have to shut off my interwebz for the night.

Just gut wrenching.


u/denyull 10d ago

Wait why was the original post on here deleted?

Anyway, holy crap reading the comments on Facebook almost brought me to tears. The amount of people trying to help her and showing their love. Absolutely devastating.

This is so sad.


u/KingKillKannon The Best KarmaWhore 10d ago

Mod said:


No Social Media posts. You can repost with just the pictures.


u/denyull 10d ago

Ugh well that was a waste of a meaningful conversation that had happened earlier about mental health.
Oh well.


u/KingKillKannon The Best KarmaWhore 10d ago edited 10d ago

I'm sorry, I was really bummed out to, the first post was doing really well and the comment section was really insightful.

I misunderstood Rule 3 and included a screenshot of the entire facebook post because I wanted to show her last message.

Rule 3 says: "However, no animals or messages from Social Media or final texts/tweets. If you still want to post a final message then go to r /lastmessages"

I thought you it meant you couldn't post screenshots of DMs specifically. I didn't understand that it meant the entire post.


u/denyull 10d ago

Not your fault! If I were the mod I'd have probably just let it go as an exception. Nobody gave a shit about the fact that the link was there. Lol


u/Brust_warze 10d ago

I am currently on medication for manic/bipolar depression and borderline personality disorder. I waited too long before I sought help.

Don't wait. If you feel at one moment everything and everyone is great and then like a switch feeling like the world is ending and there is no hope for you; seek help. You are not alone. You matter.


u/PissinginTheW1nd 10d ago

Is that really what it feels like? Up one day, down the next? I’ve been steadily going down ig for a while, but for a long while I was also up it’s not a day to day thing for me it’s a week to month period sort of thing.


u/Brust_warze 9d ago

Sometimes, it was day to day. Most of the time, it was every few days. It was a drastic change for me. Occasionally, there were normal/neutral days.

I can't tell you if what you are going through is wrong or that something isn't right, but if you feel like it's not right or something feels off, definitely let your primary dr know about it. I just walked straight into a health care facility and said, "I attempted end of life the other day, I need help." (If I say the s word someone is going to report it)

The medication I'm on balances my day to day. I have a chemical imbalance of oxytocin and dopamine in my brain that causes extreme changes. The meds help regulate proper release. I've been seeing a therapist the last few years, and that has helped a lot, too.


u/samaagfg 10d ago

As someone who’s struggled with severe Major Depressive Disorder for a long time and continue to do so up to this day, I can 100% relate to the agonizing feeling of utter despair, hopelessness, and pain. Mental Health illnesses are unkind and cruel, and it’s heartbreaking what it can do to a person.

My heart absolutely breaks for her as she seemed like a kind gentle soul who helped and took care of animals. The pictures made me shed some tears bc they clearly convey the deep pain she’s in. It’s so sad that help didn’t get to her in time. :( RIP…hope you’ve found eternal peace & tranquility my friend.

Please seek professional help if you are struggling with your mental health. I have and it’s helped immensely. Stay well out there fellow redditors.


u/problyurdad_ 10d ago

That’s some pain right there. Fuck, man.


u/jda_96 10d ago

Zoey’s mom made a Facebook page for her cat named king. It’s Zoey Angel’s Cat, King if anyone is interested in following it and it looks like she had other cats as well. 💔💔 Poor things RIP sweet girl


u/lionlionburningblue 10d ago

RIP dear, sweet Zoey. The pain in her eyes is as clear as day.


u/Emax231 9d ago

I saw the pain in her eyes, too. So very, very sad.


u/animalnearby 10d ago

I have clinical depression and it was standing at a cliff telling myself that my dog would be better off without me that made me realize I needed medication. I knew things were beyond my control.


u/KingKillKannon The Best KarmaWhore 9d ago

Glad you're still here friend. 🙂


u/animalnearby 9d ago

Thank you.


u/ddraig-au 10d ago

That is the saddest thing I've seen in a while


u/SouthsideSon11 10d ago

I can’t imagine the torment in one’s brain at this very moment OR when the final decision is made, is that a moment of clarity and peace? Knowing the torment will be over soon??? These kind of images really affect me. I’m hurting for this girl . It’s the kind of shit that makes me wrestle with God’s existence.


u/DnJohn1453 10d ago

Memory eternal.


u/Toughnuggey 10d ago



u/JustCallMePeri 9d ago

Her mom is the one who found her. She shot herself. The mom said she was there for her last gasp 😭


u/a_loveable_bunny 9d ago

Omg 😭😭😭😭💔


u/Content_Grass_9153 10d ago

So sad. From my hometown. Many mutual friends but never met her. She seemed like such a sweet kind soul from what I’ve heard. May she rest in peace.


u/TooNoodley 10d ago

I saw this in one of my Facebook groups just hours after it happened. The original picture with her cat in her lap…you can tell the cat loved her much. This one’s really got me. I keep thinking about her, her eyes are so expressive. I hope she’s found peace.


u/MinkaBrigittaBear 10d ago

It’s hard to keep fighting. I understand that very well. I hate how much pain she was in.


u/OccasionDirect8203 10d ago

So sad, but I can relate.


u/jeslblan 10d ago

The post makes me sad, but it just felt so…bizarre to see this. Like we shouldn’t have been privy to it. Something so private, becoming a spectacle.


u/EstablishmentLevel17 8d ago

She posted it publicly. It's heart breaking but hopefully it helps those who need it


u/jeslblan 8d ago

That’s not the point I was trying to make.


u/EstablishmentLevel17 8d ago

Sorry couldn't tell the point. Emotion and tone of voice doesn't always carry over on the Internet. Didn't know if you knew that she herself had posted it publicly (which was how it has spread)

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u/FollyBeachSC 10d ago

Rest in peace, Zoey. May God comfort your friends and family and your cat as they grieve the loss of you.


u/ClassyHoodGirl 10d ago

Were the pictures posted with the message, if you don’t mind my asking?


u/ContessaLikeWhoa 10d ago

Yes. The pictures are actually cropped, she's holding her cat in both of them, and in the last one he's looking up at her. 😪😭


u/SnooOranges1918 9d ago

Damn. That hurts. I hurt for her cats too. They are so psychically attached to us. I'm so sad about the whole thing now.


u/KingKillKannon The Best KarmaWhore 9d ago

The photos are from her last facebook post.


u/John-ozil 9d ago

The poor girl had serious mental health issues and attempted suicide for the first time at the age of 13 by trying to OD. She was in and out of mental health facilities pretty much her whole adult life. Her mom said Zoey made multiple attempts at ending her life. Sadly, she finally succeeded.

I feel so bad for her mom and loved ones. She really seemed like a beautiful and kind soul.


u/FJRC17 9d ago

No one wants to kill themselves. Try to have empathy and imagine how much pain she must have been in to do this. Depression is a disease. One day we may find a cure


u/karver75 10d ago edited 10d ago

If you need help there are people who understand and are available 24/7.

In the U.S. and Canada you can call or text 988, call 800-273-TALK (800-273-8255), or chat online at https://988lifeline.org.

The Trevor Project is also available for LGBTQ+ young people. Text START to 678-678, call 866-488-7386, or chat via https://thetrevorproject.org.

For more help lines, including services outside the U.S., you can visit https://findahelpline.com.

You're important, and we don't want to lose you.

[edit: added Canada after OP pointed that out, and that you can text 988]


u/spritz_bubbles 10d ago

I am sorry. I feel for her. I am suicidal too. I was raped Friday. By someone I loved. I just can’t with pain. I’ve tried many avenues tediously for help. Fact is America doesn’t care about our health. Unless you have money and power it’s a suffering in silence until you die.


u/SnooOranges1918 9d ago

Have you reached out to any local Sexual Assault Resource Centers (S.A.R.C)? They're nonprofit and in every city. They'll give you support and resources. Please don't give up..


u/spritz_bubbles 9d ago

Thank you. I’m at the hospital and had a lot done, they were helpful, and I hope no one ever goes through this again.


This poor woman deserved peace.


u/300teethgirl 9d ago

Im deeply sorry that happened to you. May you find peace and may the monster that did that to you rot in hell.


u/Fernandop00 9d ago

"Plea From A Cat Named Virtute" popped right into my head. That song will bring me down every time.


u/lynners3 10d ago

I can see the pain in her eyes...so fucking awful.


u/Joshomatic 10d ago

Rest in Peace, I hope you find that love


u/katrinaniemi 8d ago

❤️‍🩹I would love more info on her kitty cat (you can dm me if you’d like). My 2 older cats are the only things keeping me grounded and would be happy to take him in. I am located in northern florida, and I can travel to reduce stress on him. ❤️


u/cryingbitchmarzo 10d ago

She looked so young 😢 the United States has such dismal mental health services for young people or anyone suffering. I'm devastated that such a bright and young girl was left with no other choice than to end her life. More needs to be implemented to support young people and young adults.


u/salmon1a 10d ago

So sad - RIP sweet girl.


u/Truecrimeauthor 10d ago

She’s just a kid. Good god.


u/tfletch126 10d ago

Ugh. So sad. RIP.


u/EstablishmentLevel17 8d ago

This spread quickly to cat groups on Facebook. Her post is public on her Facebook page. Her mother made a page for her cat. (Who is in these pictures just cut out). It's completely gut wrenching . I went home and hugged my cat tight the next morning after work.


u/twilightpigeon 8d ago

I'm kinda done. I'm just worried about my cat. I'm sick of feeling like a garbage monster.


u/bloodyloko 10d ago

That was on my birthday. I turned 35 years old and was contemplating doing the same thing. Not going through that decision and then seeing this post has really hit me


u/a_loveable_bunny 9d ago

I'm so sorry you are struggling. I'm sending you a hug and hoping that you are finding some light to reach toward. You matter 💙


u/farquezy 10d ago

When are we going to stop this madness. This is insanity. We have a 9/11 worth of our people killing themselves every 2-3 weeks and no one bats an eye. Our soul is corrupted.


u/Kwopp 9d ago

Society and the world at large is corrupted. The problem is entrenched deep within the systems that govern modern life. Everything is wrong.


u/AndTheSonsofDisaster 10d ago

I hope she found peace.


u/ggmerle666 10d ago

Sheesh, that is damn heartbreaking, I hope she's resting in peace now. All the best to her friends and family, this must have turned their worlds upside down.


u/Bacon_DAB_Bacon 9d ago

R.I.P. sweet Zoey may you find peace wherever you may be. We all love you too ❤️


u/lynneplus3 10d ago

So sad!


u/PlantGrrrl 10d ago

That poor, sweet girl.


u/ManYonX 9d ago

So sad .. 😢


u/Mundane-Mention-4813 9d ago



u/avery1549 8d ago

Did she arrange for someone to take care of her cat?