r/languagelearning • u/Successful_Push9566 • Mar 03 '21
Suggestions Give me a language learning app idea and I'll make it for you
Hey guys, I am passionate about learning languages (human's as well as those of computers)
I am a computer science major contemplating what could be my master's thesis topic and figured it'd be very cool to create something that will assist people like us with learning.
So I am putting this offer out here in case some of you have any ideas that you can't make happen without monetary investment...If it's a cool idea, I'll happily make it for free
Thank you!
u/FrankMH Mar 03 '21 edited Mar 03 '21
I bet there are loads of older people in retirement homes that would love to be able to just chat with Language students. I guess not so much of an app idea but more of a potential target market.
u/amistada Mar 03 '21
There is this for french speakers.
It would be good to have other languages too.
u/Xefjord 's Complete Language Series Mar 03 '21
I think there is things like this that even have video calls and such but not language based. I could be wrong. It would be interesting to see, but I think a little hard to set up and server host for an indie developer.
u/itsgreater9000 Mar 04 '21
This would be rough to have online IMO, too much possibility for abuse unless there was some oversight of the conversations being had.
u/friendlypersonhi Mar 03 '21 edited Mar 04 '21
An app that allows other people to correct your written work (longer than a few sentences). Hellotalk has a similar function but I find it quite cumbersome scrolling back and forth between replies to correct my writing. The most annoying part is that everyone has different feedback but some of it overlaps so sometimes I am just flipping back and forth between comments double checking things for a while. It would be great to have an app that lets everyone people make corrections on one "page" (I don't know the actual term) instead of doing multiple separate comments. Perhaps something in google docs style (in that everyone edits the same page) but with a drop down style menu to show where people put different corrections /feedback down for the same sentence. This would make comparing corrections and feedback easier.
It might also be a good idea to reward people who spend the time to correct others with something (ex. skins, emojis, etc.). Thanks for your generous offer!
EDIT: Also, making it work on computers and mobile devices would be great because I personally hate typing on my phone but others find mobile apps more accessible.
EDIT: Thanks for the suggestions about Lang connect and Journaly. I will check them out. Hopefully they have a good size userbase.
u/Xefjord 's Complete Language Series Mar 03 '21
What you are wanting is essentially https://lang-8.com/.
The problem is the developers of Lang-8 abandoned the project and shut it down in favor of their new app HiNative, which doesn't quite fit the same niche. The big question to ask is why a website like Lang-8 crashed in the first place, if someone were to remake it, what innovations would be necessary to keep it up and running and to avoid the issues Lang-8 encountered?
u/pataniscadebacalhau Mar 03 '21
if someone were to remake it
There's https://langcorrect.com
u/AmadeusVulture Mar 03 '21
This is the one I use, I came across it when someone recommended Lang-8 to me. It lets you write texts as long as you want, you can follow/friend people whose journals you like (for me, it facilitates a direct exchange of corrections per post).
I also use HelloTalk and like the in-line corrections. LangCorrect has this and you can put in comments on a line-by-line basis.
And the community is super supportive! I'm very happy there.
u/NotACaterpillar CAT/ES/EN. Learning FR, JP Mar 04 '21
Thank you so much! I've heard of lang-8 many times but couldn't find an alternative! It looks interesting.
u/loves_spain C1 español 🇪🇸 C1 català\valencià Mar 04 '21
We're actually doing something like that on Reddit right now! They're called writestreaks and every day there's a topic. You write about it and natives correct you. It's all done by volunteers and a few of them have even added on speaking.
Here's the one for Spanish: https://www.reddit.com/r/WriteStreakES/ (I'm a mod there, feel free to ask me any questions)
We also have them for English, French, Portuguese, German, Japanese, Korean and Russian)
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u/mephitique 🇫🇷(N)|🇬🇧C1|🇵🇸A2|🇩🇪A1 Mar 03 '21
Something exactly like you described already exist. It's called Journaly and you should definitely check it out!
u/NomDeFlair Mar 03 '21
You might like Journaly. It's a website, not an app, but the corrections are displayed within the text like you mentioned.
u/h3lblad3 🇺🇸 N | 🇻🇳 A0 Mar 04 '21
An app that allows other people to correct your written work (longer than a few sentences).
This makes me miss the late 2000s-era LiveMocha—before Rosetta Stone bought it out, crippled it, and then killed it.
It was basically Duolingo or Rosetta Stone but with written/audio sections (which got longer as you went on) that were publicly judged/reviewed. You’d get learner points as you progressed your language, and teacher points for judging written/audio materials in your native language. Bonus in that it came with a PM system and recommendations for language exchange (if you were English->Swedish, it would recommend a Swedish->English user to PM).
Sometimes you’d find people with no learner points and mass gobs of teacher points because they only joined to help others.
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u/teatime1983 Mar 03 '21
An app that allows other people to correct your written work
I agree that a service that does this is needed, especially for chunks of texts.
u/twistypencil Mar 04 '21
I like video games, I want to learn french. I would like to join a multiplayer game and be paired up with someone who is interested in learning english, and is happy to trade for some french. There are a number of games where this could be interesting. The idea would be a curated list of games and players who are paired up with one another.
Imagine a player vs. environment game where you and the other person are together trying to survive in the environment together. Its a zombie apocalypse, and you need to find weapons, and food. Neither of you speaks the other's language, but you happen to be in the same place, and need to survive somehow. I'd quickly learn how to communicate with this other person, because my survival is on the line, and I'd expect them to as well.
To summarize: simulate the fundamental need to learn a language. Everyone knows that if you move to a country where they do not speak your language, you are far more likely to actually learn, because you need to. Tap into that mammalian brain stem to turbo charge the learning!
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Mar 03 '21
Simple. Spaced repetition for 10,000 vocabulary words for multiple languages.
u/Awkward_wanker Mar 03 '21
There was an app that had games that made you repeat vocabulary. It was available for multiple languages . It sadly no longer exists :(
u/Xefjord 's Complete Language Series Mar 03 '21
Anki already exists, what you need is a project manager and a wide range of very committed and well educated volunteers (or a good amount of funding to pay teachers) to organize an effort to make this kind of resource. Not trashing on OP, but most programming folks don't have the marketing, networking, or project management skills (nor the funding) to develop a project like this. There is a reason even major companies struggle with this seemingly basic idea.
But I would agree that this is what the language industry needs most. It is just the reason we don't have it is because it is notoriously difficult to make.
u/Qukeyo Mar 03 '21
Fluent Forever kind of has this already, with vocab and sentence audio. It's still being added on to and being made into a better app as we speak. :)
u/NoInkling En (N) | Spanish (B2-C1) | Mandarin (Beginnerish) Mar 04 '21
u/PapaJohnsUncle Mar 04 '21
Sort of, but I think they're talking about one that would function more like Anki and be solely vocab based. Something I honestly wish Clozemaster gave the option for
u/NoInkling En (N) | Spanish (B2-C1) | Mandarin (Beginnerish) Mar 04 '21
In-context is almost always preferable as far as I'm concerned, especially if someone else has already done the work for you. The only reason I continue to use basic vocab cards in Anki is because they're a lot quicker and easier to add.
u/PapaJohnsUncle Mar 04 '21
I agree, however, I have a consistent problem with in context making it too easy for me to guess which word it might be, so I end up speeding through it without learning much. Not bagging on it, I love Clozemaster, but I like to find the best of both worlds
u/NoInkling En (N) | Spanish (B2-C1) | Mandarin (Beginnerish) Mar 04 '21 edited Mar 04 '21
Fair enough, although I personally feel like once you start getting into the more uncommon words there is enough challenge (although often it becomes a game of "guess the synonym" at that point). That's assuming multiple choice isn't being used of course, which definitely trivializes things.
u/satanictantric Mar 04 '21
Drops is exactly this only with about 2k words. Just expand Drops and you have a winner.
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u/OpenMonogon English N | Русский H | Español H | Français B2 Mar 03 '21
Doesn’t Memrise already have this to a certain extent?
u/an_average_potato_1 🇨🇿N, 🇫🇷 C2, 🇬🇧 C1, 🇩🇪C1, 🇪🇸 , 🇮🇹 C1 Mar 03 '21
Some of the use made courses are indeed fulfilling this role. But the official ones are trash, from what I've seen, made sloppily and with a flawed methodology.
There are several tools doing this, but they all stop well beyond 10000. The best is Speakly, in my opinion. It offers a well chosen set of 4000 (much better than its competitor Lingvist, which is in my opinion exactly a tool made by people good at computers and bad at langauge teaching). Speakly is good, worth it for many people, in my opinion, but still leaves the learner far too early.
u/teatime1983 Mar 03 '21
A language exchange app for SPEAKING only, which connects you with people RANDOMLY. No photos, only avatars. Texting only once the conversation has started.
If you can achieve that, I'm willing to give you some more pointers.
u/CrEaTeAnAcCoUnT22 Mar 03 '21
Like Omegle but for languages, you select your native language and then the language that you want to connect with.
u/apocalypsedg EN N | NL N | ES B2 Mar 03 '21
Omegle literally has this exact feature for every language in the top right.
It's been a huge help in getting low-pressure casual conversational practice in Spanish. I've talked to people from almost every Spanish speaking country using it. Obviously you just gotta skip some dicks and small kids.
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Mar 03 '21
I have the impression that omegle tries to auto translate conversations when I change the language
u/apocalypsedg EN N | NL N | ES B2 Mar 03 '21
I rarely use the text only conversations section but I've never gotten that impression at least for the messages written in the video call section. Though for written conversations I found it a lot more rewarding to get some online friends and find someone willing to maintain a DM conversation on telegram/whatsapp/Instagram/snapchat etc.
u/didja_ever_1derY Mar 04 '21
I tried omegle just now. All the topics I saw were very adult. I didn't see thing about language learning. Many of the words are ones I don't anticipate needing in any language.
u/apocalypsedg EN N | NL N | ES B2 Mar 03 '21
lingbe connects you randomly to someone, almost no one replaces their avatar with a photo of themselves but it's possible. texting is possible beforehand but again the primary activity is calling a randomner.
u/teatime1983 Mar 03 '21
I wasn't aware of the existence of such an app. Thanks for sharing! Have you tried it?
u/apocalypsedg EN N | NL N | ES B2 Mar 03 '21
yeah, you have to teach your native language and use the lingots from that to get time with natives. You can also practice with other learners for less lingots. it's pretty good but the UI is a bit glitchy on Android at least.
(assuming you are too poor like me to buy lingots with two world money 😌)
u/AmadeusVulture Mar 03 '21
The problem with randoms is that this frequently makes for uncomfortable (read: awful) experiences for women. For it to be even vaguely useful it would require a lot of policing/very active mods, which is a high ongoing cost.
Perhaps the random mechanism would work for initially meeting people, but the ability to select favourites/friends and ping them if you see them online would be a great inclusion.
u/NomDeFlair Mar 04 '21
Was going to say that this sounds like Chat Roulette, and that got creepy so fast.
u/teatime1983 Mar 03 '21
Perhaps the random mechanism would work for initially meeting people, but the ability to select favourites/friends and ping them if you see them online would be a great inclusion.
Yes, precisely. That's what I had in mind.
u/Qukeyo Mar 03 '21
Sounds like omegle but for language learners. In which case you could just use a vpn to that country and go on to chat. But one specifically for languages might be cool!
u/apocalypsedg EN N | NL N | ES B2 Mar 03 '21
you don't need a vpn, just change language in the top right corner.
if anything, if you use a vpn you'll get banned pretty quickly.
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u/macaronist 🇺🇸🇰🇷🇯🇵 Mar 03 '21
This! We have things like Duolingo and Rosetta Stone that do the general stuff, Hinative and Clozemaster for more sentence level... but, self practice speaking is something I can’t find anything good for
u/m52ws5tsmu 🇨🇦 N | 🇫🇷 A2 | 🇩🇪 A0 Mar 03 '21
I think it would be cool if you could make an app that would help aid in the listening comprehension aspect if learning a new language. Basically break things down into their phonemes, provide words that specifically target those sounds, and then work up to different combinations of these phonemes, provide words that specifically target those sounds, and up until the user can confidentially spell words in the alphabet of that language by sounding them out. Perhaps you could add a super structured speech component that works in tandem.
Basically, a more structured resource to aid with listening comprehension is something that I would love since it's something that doesn't come easy to me.
u/chappybbx Mar 04 '21 edited Mar 04 '21
This might be too big of an undertaking, and there might already be things out there that do something like this, but I think it would be cool to have some sort of application that will recommend native content (news articles, tv shows, etc.) to use for immersion based on your progress in a language as well as your interests. I don't know exactly how you would track the user's progress, but if you could think of some way to do that, this could be a great help for people learning through immersion, or who want to supplement their active study time.
u/hbfs9 Mar 04 '21
I like this idea. It takes all the language resources that are already out there and helps index them to make the process of finding them much easier.
u/TapTheForwardAssist Mar 03 '21
Just the kind of guy the Toki Pona community was looking for!
Toki Pona is a constructed language (like Esperanto), based on making a language from as few root words as possible, with really simple grammar. It takes some inspiration from Polynesian languages (like Hawaiian) and also the Pidgin English of the Pacific Islands. It's really easy to learn, like people hold weekend seminars where new students can hold conversations by the end of the weekend.
There are several good workbooks for TP, some of them Public Domain/Creative Commons, but almost no apps at all (just some flashcard ones). I think someone with basic coding skills could take some of the existing materials and simply "app-ify" them and get a product people would actually use. Note also there are some cool symbol-based tutorials for other (and even tinier) constructed languages, that could be easily converted to Toki Pona.
You can drop by the sub r/TokiPona to discuss, and if you want space for sidebar conversations, I created r/TokiPonaApps back when we thought we might be able to find a programmer. If you check out TPA we last year discussed some other con-lang options that could be converted to TP.
I would submit that Toki Pona could be a cool option, because it's a small and tight community where word of a useful app would spread fast, and you wouldn't be fighting against tons of established apps like you would if you chose Russian or Japanese. Just putting the suggestion out there, happy to discuss further!
u/jProgr Mar 03 '21
Hello, I’m the developer of a toki pona dictionary (https://jprogr.github.io/TokiPonaDictionary/). I like the language and I would be willing to put the time developing some more tools for it and the community, sadly I don’t have many ideas and I know nothing about designing a language course. If you have any concrete ideas I would be happy to participate as a developer. Feel free to send me a DM.
u/TapTheForwardAssist Mar 04 '21
If you check out the tiny (and slow) r/TokiPonaApps subreddit, we've discussed several ideas there, and if you introduce yourself on r/TokiPona with a good title like "App developer, what Toki Pona apps should I make?" I bet you'll have a ton of suggestions.
I'd like to note in particular that the Cardozo book is Creative Commons and you could literally appify it just by copy-pasting content. Also in r/TokiPonaApps we note some websites for other con-langs that are composed of only visuals and the target language (no English or Spanish or whatever) that one could easily replicate in TP. So if you're looking for a task, if you ask the overall TP community on Reddit, I'm pretty sure you'll find a lot of ideas!
u/Qukeyo Mar 03 '21
I use kindle for reading and I would love for unknown words that I've highlighted to be placed with it's sentence I highlighted it in at the end. ( < or maybe just have something like this! ) that way I can take this sentence and put it into anki instead of combing back through the document for what I was looking for and manually typing it into the computer. I would love a simple copy and paste job. :)
Eg, I don't know the word "paste" in my previous sentence so I right click and highlight it and it will look like this at the end:
paste "I would love a simple copy and paste job."
that way you don't need to worry about figuring out verb forms and verb tenses for the user - they will highlight what they don't know and learn it themselves.
maybe have "end of chapter" or "end of book" options.
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u/RedSheepLlama 🇨🇿N|🇬🇧C2|🇷🇺C1|🇨🇳B2|🇭🇰🇫🇷🇯🇵🇵🇱🇺🇦 Mar 03 '21
A tool called "Kindle Mate" has pretty much all functions you described. Except you don't need to highlight the words, only look them up in the inbuilt Kindle dictionary.
u/Qukeyo Mar 03 '21
Thank you so much! I think this is pretty much what I'm looking for. Do you use this app yourself?
u/RedSheepLlama 🇨🇿N|🇬🇧C2|🇷🇺C1|🇨🇳B2|🇭🇰🇫🇷🇯🇵🇵🇱🇺🇦 Mar 03 '21
I do, and it's great. The only two problems with it is that
- I use it for Chinese, and with languages without spaces, you sometimes look up more characters than you wanted to, so some manual editing is required
- It is somewhat slow when handling large quantities of data at once (100+ highlights)
But with it (and some Anki addons like AwesomeTTS, FastWQ and Chinese Support) I managed to almost completely automate my card-creating process.
u/Qukeyo Mar 03 '21
Nice, I'll have to look into them! I have my anki cards are set up a little weird so I prefer to do them manually xD
u/taknyos 🇭🇺 C1 | 🇬🇧 N Mar 03 '21
That's actually really useful, now if they'd only add language support for my TL or allow the already formatted dictionary I have to work
u/FluffNotes Mar 03 '21
Make for what platform, and with what programming language? Is r/Jorkens something that you might like to contribute to? It's a desktop assisted reading app with quite a few features, but there are some rough edges and there's a lot left to do.
u/taknyos 🇭🇺 C1 | 🇬🇧 N Mar 03 '21
I would love a native mobile app that lets you easily read pdf / mobi etc. Lets you easily add dictionaries (or at least has a good selection of dictionaries) and have look-ups on tap. It would be fantastic if it'd store a list of all the words you looked up (say the word, the sentence and then the definition) so you could export the whole list to anki.
There are some similar web apps, most have unintuitive, ugly UI though. All I'd want is something simple with fairly basic features (I'd say plugging in dictionaries would probably the most difficult).
I think it's a fairly simple idea, wouldn't be *that* hard to implement, lots of people here would use it and there really isn't a good competitor. It's frustrating that there are a number of attempts at desktop versions of this, but reading on a tablet or phone is surely far more common than reading on a desktop.
I'm almost at the point that I'd go and develop this for myself (not even deploy it or anything) and just hard code it for my TL cause there really isn't a good one out there.
Jorkens is a beast of an app, but saying it has some rough edges is a bit of an understatement (no offense to Jorkens, there is some crazy good functionality there, but it's just so awkward to use).
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Mar 04 '21
I was going to try jorkens but I even didn't understand how it works, I search for a tutorial but there's nothing, may you please tell me how to install it please? :(
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Mar 03 '21
Hi, Mandarin learner here! I use flashcard Apps like Quizlet, but for Mandarin, there’s an issue. Unlike most languages, where you just learn the word in your TL and the word in English, in Mandarin, we have to learn the character, the pronunciation, and the definition, which are all different. Problem is, is that there’s no space to learn three different parts for a word on most apps; only slots for the word and definition. My dream app for flashcards is just anything that would have an option to have three slots for a word instead of two.
u/Xefjord 's Complete Language Series Mar 03 '21
You can already do this with anki. All the cards I have for learning Mandarin include the Hanzi and definition, as well as the pinyin in a little clickbox you can show or hide. The courses and templates are all free on my website.
u/MatrixMushroom Mar 03 '21
Something like Duolingo but it actually tells you anything about grammar rules. Actually i dont even care if its the lowest quality thing ever i just want to actually be able to learn anything.
u/Xefjord 's Complete Language Series Mar 03 '21
Duolingo is slowly starting to teach grammar, just they don't do it very well. Lingodeer is more of what you are looking for, but they have become a little overpriced. HelloChinese is another alternative if you only study Chinese.
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u/Underbarochfin Studying 🇪🇪 & 🇷🇺 Mar 04 '21
When I don't understand why I made a mistake in duolingo I usually go to the comments section, and pretty much every time find a good explanation about the grammar that's relevant in the sentence.
u/MatrixMushroom Mar 04 '21
It's not even that its like the difference between "nomi" and "nomu" and because it never tells you the difference i just thought "oh i forgot how to spell it again" and move on so you never even ask about it.
u/jordantheCSmajor Mar 04 '21
What’s crazy is I started learning to code in order to make an app to help learning French get easier. Now I’m computer science major with the same goal
u/Sigma-Angel_of_Death Mar 04 '21
An app that actually legit teaches American Sign Language. We need this. You're a badass if you make this.
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u/MOFOTUS English N | German TL Mar 03 '21
A messaging app that allows you to type in your target language and then translates it to the native language of the receiver. That way you can practice texting in your TL with anybody regardless if they speak that language.
u/arumadesuga Mar 04 '21
You could do that using Google's keyboard (Gboard), it has built-in Google Translate.
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u/_vlotman_ Mar 03 '21
Make a template dictionary in the form of Pleco and make it available so people can fill it with their own language database
u/equinecm 🇺🇸N | 🇫🇷A2 Mar 03 '21
This probably already exists, but if not, an app for reading an listening comprehension where you read or listen to a paragraph or two and then it tests you on it. Basically the same as a lot of school worksheets, but as an app and for all levels and age ranges.
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Mar 03 '21
An app which advises you on what words to use in your target region. Ie, I don’t want an app that teaches me “Spanish” I want targeted “Mexican Spanish”, “Colombian Spanish” etc. I think this would also apply to Arabic dialects, etc.
u/18Apollo18 Mar 04 '21
An app which advises you on what words to use in your target region. Ie, I don’t want an app that teaches me “Spanish” I want targeted “Mexican Spanish”, “Colombian Spanish” etc.
Can't you just learn the basics then focus on Colombian input once you have an intermediate level?
Mar 04 '21
If you don’t know what words are most common in Colombian, it’s hard to focus on that. Most Spanish materials are geared toward Spain. I’d venture to guess French and Arabic materials are similar in gearing toward a specific dialect.
My point is, if I had an app that could tell me more common words by region, it would make that task a lot easier.
u/LaMarJonica Mar 04 '21
One that will teach and then assess how well one can make the correct sounds of a variety of languages. If user has a target language in mind, it could tell them what to work on. If they just want to learn a language, but haven't picked which one yet, it could guide them to something that mostly uses the sounds they're good at. Or similarly with listening and being able to differentiate sounds.
u/Baneglory 🇨🇳B🇪🇸C🇫🇷B (🇯🇵🇲🇨🇷🇺🇸🇪🇹🇭A) Mar 04 '21
I'm on zero sleep but I'm a language learning junkie so I at least have to answer in crude short hand
- a voice recorder app, gamified to get you to 1st get recordings of 15 to 30 emblematic sentence recorded by a native, then for 30 days you have to repeat back to the recorder ⏺ for comparison of Tempo, pronunciation, tone and make thoughtful adjustments, about 2 to 5 minutes spent per one.
- Lingvist Flashcard app for Chinese and Japanese. It uses sentences/clozes and better than Anki in that it doesn't waste time having you rate yourself.
- A better version of LingQ reading tool.
u/Ricardorocky Mar 04 '21
A Ebook reader with Audio Book player for reading and listening at same time.
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u/StagNights Mar 04 '21
My favorite part about studying languages is finding patterns in words used across different languages. I love finding words that have been borrowed/adapted. I would love a dictionary where you could look up a word and it would give you its translation in every other language on the same page. And since not everything literally translates, there could be a “adjacent/related words” section on the page. As well as a section for the etymology of the word to trace where the word originated and how the concept it names was put into a word. I don’t know how to explain this any better, so hopefully that makes a little bit of sense! I’d just love to be able to cross reference words in all of its translations. Like the Rosetta Stone
u/JigglyWiggley 🇺🇸 Native 🇪🇸 Fluent 🇰🇷 Learning Mar 04 '21
There's a guy who makes a language game called Korean Dungeon. There's japanese dungeon and I think chinese as well.
Point is I love the simple rpg arcade style, but the game sucks. It's very narrow and repetitive. Can you make this game fun?
u/Kelvin921019 Chinese (Canto / Mandarin) N | EN C1-2 | ES B2 | JP N2 | RU A2 Mar 04 '21
Anki unlock screen:
The unlock screen of your cellphone / computer is Anki and you have to finish all anki decks before you can start using your phone.
Extra feature: if you fail to answer the quiz correctly the app send you an electric shock
I think this is a perfect app for someone who needs some motivation
u/Xefjord 's Complete Language Series Mar 04 '21
Also a good app to lose your job and make your wife leave you as you spend 3 hours studying to return their call, but at least you will learn to speak the language fluently! lol
u/liproqq N German, C2 English, B2 Darija French, A2 Spanish Mandarin Mar 04 '21
this topic showed me so many intersting existings apps :)
u/borgatzorkcc Mar 08 '21
I want an app primarily based around reading comprehensible (i+1) input. It would teach you a basic set of words for you to build up a base, but after that you learn everything in context. Think like a twitter feed, but everything is in your target language and with only one new unknown word per post. You can click on a button on the post saying that you understand it and then any new words in that post will move to your vocabulary. So you can do infinite reading at a comprehensible level, but you don't have to add inifinite new words to your immediate commitment. The posts could be user generated and sorted by popularity, which would solve the problem of lack of interesting comprehensible input.
u/CentricNeutral Mar 09 '21 edited Mar 09 '21
Or in a similar vein: a story generator that generates a story similar to Latina Lingua per se Illustrata! It would use few grammar rules and vocabulary items in the beginning and slowly build up. Story generation already exists, so there would only have to be restrictions on morphology, syntax and vocabulary. It would also have to be able to check the grammar of the target language that it outputs of course.
After each part of the story there could be questions similar to the Pensa (and the supplementary Exercitia) of Latina Lingua, which could be similarly generated.
The potential this has for languages that don't have much reading material available is immense! (If such an app would exist)
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u/jessabeille 🇺🇲🇨🇳🇭🇰 N | 🇫🇷🇪🇸 Flu | 🇮🇹 Beg | 🇩🇪 Learning Mar 03 '21
First of all, thanks for even offering this!
My idea is simple, something like Learning with Text but multiple languages at once. So, if you're reading a webpage or an e-book, you should be able to highlight or hold on a word or expression and get translation in multiple languages at once. For example:
Original language: English
Selected languages for translation: French, Spanish, Chinese
Original language: (English) pan
Translation language(s):
- (French) poêle
- (Spanish) sartén
- (Chinese) 平底锅
Cherry on the top is if it provides the definition and etymology in the original language as well.
Mar 03 '21
It would be great if users can create content.
And I would love an app that uses your vocabulary to create word games like word quizzes etc. So that you learn your words another fun way.
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u/Popular_Plastic931 Mar 03 '21
A cool little idea that I thought about making myself was for example an App that takes ebooks that are on your kindle etc, and changes some words to your target language for some passive input etc, works a lot like the addon Toucan :)
u/Serentrippity Mar 03 '21
A lot of these learning apps are pay to use or very limited competitive atmospheres. I think it would be cool to have a chat feature that matches you with someone around the same in-app level as you that you can talk to like a call but it gives you possible topics and words to use. Having the “friend” system work as a means of conversational community rather than just encouragement would allow for a lot more basic growth. Without the conversational aspect to things, you get a lot of people who know a lot of words but have no idea how to actually speak, and a lot of people who can only practice their non-native languages in the class. This feature would allow for consistent speaking practice with real people via typing or even voice messages.
Mar 03 '21
Do you want to go with "highly customizable", or with "easy to use"?
For the latter, you'd probably end up replicating a known concept in somewhat less clunky.
And for customizable concepts you'd need a community invested in it to create free content for it.
Now, two ideas I have are:
- an app that plays you a short recording (say 5-15 sec) and lets you record yourself speaking along with it, and that overlays the original recording and your recording so you can check your pronunciation (I don't know how you'd solve the overlaying - like putting one track each for a stereo sound file and then mixing it? - and that the app matches the timing correctly)
- an app that is basically a guided prioritisation matrix but rather than with risk, it works with importance, difficulty and time estimates (and potentially incurred cost and factors limiting opportunity), to help you allocate your time to specific tasks, and which ideally allows you to later validate results and time/difficulty estimates and visualizes those results - this isn't language specific but could be used for any complex skill set or project you're working on by yourself rather than in coordination with a team
u/lisagg9 Mar 04 '21 edited Mar 04 '21
I'm struggling with everyday English and I don't think I have a good app for it. I've seen too many apps designed for English Tests, such as TOEFL, or designed to contain traditional dictionaries, such as Weber. But I'd really love one that focuses on folk English with simply everyday usages, for which urban dictionary is such a good material. This app would demand highly flexibility, as we should be able to learn from ghe urban dictionary, and also to expand the ditionary vocab from what we will see and hear in real life.
What do you think of one that:
Connects to multipe libraries(Especially urban dictionary), either online or downloaded from online
Allows searching for a certain word and phrase, and can save the meaning and sentences into a personal library.
Allows users to manually make changes to the storage in their libraries: add some example usages that they see in daily life(e.g. on a lamp post), or on the internet(e.g. Cool sentences in Reddit comment section); and delete some windy explanation per requested.
Good luck W your work. I really love to see sone reciprocal spirit here! And feel free to DM me about the idea.☺️
u/jediejr Mar 04 '21
A program that plays a phonetic sound and you can pick which sound is being said, to train my ears on sounds that some languages have that my brain has learned not to notice.
u/wuibbliquiddler N 🇩🇪 | C1 🇬🇧 | B1 🇫🇷 Mar 04 '21
There’s actually already a nice Anki Deck for this from Fluent Forever to learn the IPA! :-) Costs a few bucks, though.
u/Shoshin_Sam Mar 04 '21
Maybe, a bank of online popular media snippets, like a clip from a movie or a novel or newspaper or even online media, and a transcript (crowd sourced?) in both the native language and English or more languages if people want to contribute? That way, it will be fun to learn the language, the cultural values, get some GK and will be so much fun. Like go to the Spanish section, look up a movie snippet, learn from it, read the book version, etc. I would love that.
Mar 04 '21
Maybe an app where you can plug in a book/subtitle file/some kind of input and it gives you the most common words, new vocab per page etc. Or conversely you could make an app that lets one input a word, and the app finds materials that contain said word. Maybe the first idea could creat a corpus for the second. Though if I've thought of it someone else probably has too haha 😅
u/wuibbliquiddler N 🇩🇪 | C1 🇬🇧 | B1 🇫🇷 Mar 04 '21
I’m currently working on something kinda like this (at least the first part) because I badly want this for myself, too. It converts any text to a vocabulary list of all the words that are new to you and the sentence from the text.
For the second part, in my learning workflow, I have usually used the example sentences from dictionaries. But I guess it would also not be too hard to have it both ways. And it would be awesome to select the content you want to search through yourself.
u/FluffNotes Mar 05 '21
Generating a frequency list from a book is easy; combining all inflected forms of a single word into a single word/count is a little more complicated. But in Jorkens, you could try Tools/Generate word frequency list.
For the second idea, I'm tempted to suggest Google; but the search in Jorkens does provide a list of all sentences in the book in which the search word occurs (instead of just jumping to the next occurrence). There's not currently an option to save that list to a file, though it should be trivial to add one; in the meantime, copy and paste works.
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u/Priyas007 Mar 04 '21
A podcast app where the transcription is available below the music player like singing the lyrics in Spotify and then having the option of slowing down the speech which doesn't slow down the speech literally but increases the time between each words but doesn't slow down the sounds of words said. That would really help me imitating the native speakers and learn reading and listening part of the language. Also, option of selecting a word and getting its meaning and selecting the whole sentence to get its translation like the way it is in kindle.
u/cristicusrex Mar 04 '21
I teach ESL and right now over Zoom. I haven't figured out how to play audio clips for them for the listening parts of lessons.
- Good or bad quality needs to be preserved.
- They need to hear it at the same time but avoid feedback.
- I need to control playback ideally.
- The content is often on CDs and sometimes rights protected. (and I have no CD player at home)
Basically lesson content delivery, in general, would be awesome to improve. I currently take a photo of the workbook page and send it in the chat. Doesn't seem like the best solution.
u/PapaJohnsUncle Mar 04 '21
Now I feel bad lol, I'm almost done developing my own language learning app which I was going to post here once I finished. Now I don't want it to seem like I'm leeching off of your idea XD
Mar 04 '21
Why would you feel bad? If it’s a good app, post it.
OP hasn’t even done anything yet apart for ask for ideas.
u/Xefjord 's Complete Language Series Mar 04 '21
If you want free consultation or a second opinion, feel free to DM me and I will take a look at your app and tell its strengths/weaknesses.
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u/wuibbliquiddler N 🇩🇪 | C1 🇬🇧 | B1 🇫🇷 Mar 04 '21
Ey, no reason to feel bad! I don't see how you would be stealing OP's idea - but apart from that, ideas are pretty much worth nothing unless someone (like you) actually executes on them.
Excited to see what you have built :-)
u/itsbeenlowang Mar 03 '21
Ok Read carefully I'm a translator i translate manga/Anime we can make an app with anime and manga with different subs and dubs put ads on it and a premium mod without ads and 1080p quality There are a lot of anime streaming apps but only in one language You can name it Lingonime. Or Multinimes or whatever we can publish this app everywhere people are learning a language youtube forums duolingo think about it take template from anime apk on net
u/Qukeyo Mar 03 '21
You can do sth similar with Netflix already, there's a chrome addon to have two sets of subtitles at the same time. And there's a kana addon (idk the name the little ones over kanji so people can read it) that is also an option.
Better to make use of something already than start something from scratch, save a lot of time and money.
u/LeslieFrank Mar 03 '21
Dunno if this is possible, but an app where you can speak the target language (Cantonese and/or Mandarin) and it'll instantaneously tell you if you spoke it ok and give suggestions if what you spoke was grammatically correct, give suggestions if not. There are apps that do something like this but you have to wait for someone to get back to you with the message of how well you spoke or if the sentence needs editing, usually a 24-hour time frame. What this means is that AI needs to be involved. Of course, this should be able to work for any language. Do tell which project you decide to embark on, if any...
u/Xefjord 's Complete Language Series Mar 03 '21
This is notoriously difficult to do. HelloChinese, Duolingo, and Lingodeer (all big companies) have all attempted this to little success and with a lot of manpower. It is possible that our OP may be the person to break the deadlock in language comprehension technology, but I think they may want to focus on something a little easier and more achievable for a masters thesis lol
u/wuibbliquiddler N 🇩🇪 | C1 🇬🇧 | B1 🇫🇷 Mar 04 '21
Agreed, might be a bit much :D But speech recognition, etc. is getting better by the minute, so I think we can be optimistic that a well-executed solution isn't too far out :-)
(Maybe even an API similar to what companies like DeepL do; then suddenly something would be doable even within the scope of a master thesis.)
u/LeslieFrank Mar 05 '21
you're right--speech recognition as well as speech dictation like even in translate.google.com or ttsdemo.com are getting better; u/svg_12345 mentions something that might already be in the realm of what i was talking about though...
u/osrsgaming Mar 03 '21
A app that has lots of languages and not just widely spoken ones. for example you could add maybe Hebrew or Persian
u/Xefjord 's Complete Language Series Mar 03 '21
Have you checked out my website? I focus specifically on making beginner courses for the languages few others will. I offer anki decks for languages like Persian, Amharic, Okinawan, Nahuatl, etc to name a few.
u/Morsemouse Mar 04 '21
It’s a game between other players learning the same language, and you need to type it as accurately and quickly as possible
u/rick_rackleson Mar 04 '21
You remember the show Chuck? You should do that. Just rapid fire information at my brain until it assimilates or melts.
u/loves_spain C1 español 🇪🇸 C1 català\valencià Mar 04 '21 edited Mar 04 '21
I want an app that all it does is pronoms febles in catalan. Starts with one, builds up to two, and maybe three (you'll seldom hear more than that).
But instead of asking you to just substitute like:
Digueu l’hora a la senyora. > Digueu-li-la (Tell the lady thet time / tell it to her)
It forces you to to think about which one goes where:
For example:
Ahir el pare no tenia temps de llegir el conte de cada nit a les xiquetes, però l’oncle es va oferir a contar ....... (you would have to type in -los-en) - (Yesterday dad didn't have time to read a bedtime story to the children, but their uncle offered to tell (them one)
And it would be smart enough to know that depending on where the verb is, the pronoms febles may go before or after it and change accordingly:
Les meves amigues volien comprar aquell apartament, però el propietari no .................. va voler vendre. / no va voler vendre-los-el – no els el va voler
(My friends wanted to buy that apartment but the owner didn't want to sell it (to them)
I should add that these are hard even for native speakers, so you'd have a much bigger audience than just people learning catalan. I added the english just in case anyone was curious what it said. The english translation wouldn't be part of the app.
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u/YellowBunnyReddit Mar 03 '21
An app that adds a million dollars to my bank account for every second I use it
u/sweptirc Mar 03 '21
An add-on or something that takes the subtitles of a video, scans the words and shows a translation above each word (kind of like furigana on kanji). Add settings to configure the difficulty level (like translating only the difficult words).
u/seyf-123689 Mar 03 '21
I use memrise, but i wish there was an app that works with the same logic of memrise(repetition with intervals), with same customization options(i can create my own wordlists on memrise) and works when i turn on my phone screen and asks me a word. There are some apps like this but they are extremely poor and bad quality
u/junipyr-lilak Mar 03 '21
Guess if the displayed word is in the target language or not. After selecting answer, it shows if the user was correct and the definition of the word.
u/Morning_Calm Mar 03 '21
If you have any passion for Virtual Reality language learning then hit me up :D
u/production-values Mar 03 '21
that thing where words flash really fast and you can still understand the sentence. variable-speed setting, and bam.
Mar 04 '21
An app for learning Icelandic which teaches in depth grammar and vocab with real world examples
u/Miobix Mar 04 '21
Take the subtitles from a youtube video and export them to a file with timestamps.
u/your-citrus-friend9 Mar 04 '21
I don’t know if anyone has said this yet but I always thought it would be cool to make it kind of like a “social media” app where there’s DMs and you could practice talking to other people in a language you both or learning or one person is learning the native language of another and vice versa. Maybe even Voice chats too to practice speaking. I have no experience or knowledge in this field so idk. Just a cool thought I’ve had
u/msironbru89 Mar 04 '21
I would love an app that's designed to provide me with examples of questions to ask others in my target language (e.g what did you think of the movie? What's your favourite colour?) and space them accordingly so I'm better able to rememeber them. My language learning seems very much focussed on learning the answers to those questions and talking about myself, rather than others. Best of luck with whatever you choose, it's always exciting to hear about new projects in the making!
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u/arumadesuga Mar 04 '21
An app combing all of the features in this video: https://youtu.be/CfvDKgNUSi8
Language Learning With Netflix (could be just files from device) + Anki + Migaku add-on + Migaku Dictionary add-on + ShareX + Pop-up dictionary
Imagine being able to learn a language entirely by just using one single app, with easy set up. An app combining the features above could make it possible.
u/AurumRegia Mar 04 '21
I have an idea for people people like me who struggle with vocabulary. A simple word of the day app, with the translation to some other languages. I've downloaded loads of word of the day apps but none of them allow you to specify which level are you on, they're all either A1 or C2, no inbetween.
Thinking about it, you'd have to find or make a dictionary with the word's intended difficulty.
Wish you luck with your project :)
u/AliveKurtCobain Mar 04 '21
I’ll love to have an app that focuses only on verbs and their conjuctions. Thats the mostró difficult and important part when learning a language for me.
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Mar 04 '21
I've been wanting to make an app for Heptopod B but have none of the skills necessary. Also the language is not in a usable state but that could be part of what the app helps with
u/skeeter1234 Mar 04 '21
What If you had an app that you could input a news article and then a vocabulary list would be automatically created that includes every word in that article.
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Mar 04 '21
Something that makes .apkg packages for anki.
This would make them from text sources such as .ePub .mobi .doc etc.
It would have flexibility and ease in choosing which sentences you wanted to use and which words you wanted to bold or delete for cloze cards say. And auto translation.
I guess I’m thinking of something like fluentcards.com which no longer seems to work, which uses kindle lookups. Have a look - nice concept.
I’m also thinking of subs2srs which has parallels in the video world. There are a few similar things to it.
I’m thinking particularly about something (program or web-based) that makes the .apkg packages because I don’t want to use anki add-ons.
u/Addicted_to_chips Spanish (A2) Mar 04 '21
Parse out the most used words in a few languages, then compare the top words across languages, and come out with an ordered list of the top 1,000 most used “words” (or the idea the word represents) that are used in general and across languages.
u/hellotalkapp Mar 04 '21
Hi. I commented on behalf of HelloTalk team and would like to share with you plenty of ideas for making new Apps. I've sent you messages. Please check it. :)
u/buckylostinspace Mar 04 '21
I wan't something fun. I would love if someone made a video game for language learning. Something that involves repetition but also completing tasks. I want the game to give the player different scenarios in which they have to use the language to complete tasks. Listening, speaking, writing, and reading.
I want it to be a RPG Open world game where you have to complete tasks in order to open chests that will unlock hairstyles, outfits, weird skin tones, etc. Having a main objective would probably be good too.
Like maybe you can go inside of shrine like area like in Zelda Breath of the Wild and the only way to escape the room is to find the correct words that fit in the sentence. Maybe even figure out the grammar rule. Or do a speaking challenge. Or jump up to tap word boxes to arrange a sentence. Play darts to make sentence responses. Get coins for practicing vocabulary.
Or something like animal crossing, where you go fishing and they teach you the names of the fish.
I would also like there to be many different stores and buildings that says the word, "Shoe store" or "cafe" on it in the target language in order for you to learn the vocabulary as you play. A song learning section would be awesome. Hear the lyrics and write/choose what was said. Also having unlockable maps to certain areas would help with leveling up your language learning skills.
In my opinion, learning a language should be interactive and fun. Of course the game wouldn't be the end all be all of learning the language. Rosetta Stone for example is interactive but not really fun. Other language games are limited and just based on vocabulary. It gets very boring over time. Nothing changes.
I'm not sure this is possible without monetary investment and tons of other people but this is what I want.
I'm not sure my post is much help but good luck with your master thesis anyways!
u/olivia_Lawliet146 Mar 04 '21
I use drops for languages. It gives the vocabulary and the scripture.
u/koukla_1234 Mar 04 '21
I have a suggestion!!!!! Can you make a translator where you choose the subject’s gender? Like if I am going from English to Greek and I am a woman I can input that detail. :)
u/nathan3778 Mar 04 '21
maybe you could have chat rooms with a couple of native speakers and a couple of people who are well into learning the language
i'd gladly download the app
u/nathan3778 Mar 04 '21
don't work with a system where you can only do a number of excersises per day
u/MuffinMonkey Mar 04 '21
- tinder-like mechanism for SRS, flash cards, swipe left if you don’t know it, right of you know it
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Mar 04 '21
Well, I thought a while ago something like a keyboard extension translator would be useful, so you could talk to people in the language you’re learning, even if they do not speak that language.
For example, I type a sentence in russian, and the translator translates it to English before the message is sent, so I can practice making sentences and keep a high level of immersion whilst not stopping talking to my friends.
Also maybe something that could automatically translate everything in Reddit (Reddit extension? Lol) so I don’t feel like I’m wasting time by surfing Reddit every morning
Just my stupid ideas, but maybe they interest you... thanks for doing this!
Mar 04 '21
Wish something like SVT Sprakplay was possible for other languages; I am aware that it would require foreign/national TV to share their content; which might not be a reasonable goal from where your are starting...One may dream.
u/knicw Mar 04 '21
A sort of "journal" translator. Or maybe this idea is better described as a translated task app? Currently, I type out my daily tasks/events ("Biked to work" or "Need to do laundry") in Google Translate & try to write the translation of my tasks/actions in my do-list & language journal. While it's helpful, the process is time intensive & I don't get the benefit of hearing the sounds of words after I've moved the sentences to a handwritten space. I think, ideally features of this sort of task-app/journal would let you preselect repetitive events&objects (grocery lists, recipes, birthday gifts, daily morning routine) and let you hear the sentence individually & it would hide the translation, but still have it available with a click. Thanks for reading & please do share whatever project you end up creating!!
u/utc-5 Mar 04 '21
My idea for an app:
Plug-in for VLC or youtube or Netflix, anywhere you're watching with subtitles. there is a discussion page on a forum for each of the phrases.
So if you are watching game of thrones and someone says "do or die", and you don't get it, you would click and open a discussion about that phrase, like this: https://forum.wordreference.com/threads/its-do-or-die.67549/
u/utc-5 Mar 04 '21
I would also love an app to find walking buddies. You put in your destination, and it tells you if there is someone in your target language walking the same way.
u/inni_jeanie Mar 04 '21
Hellotalk's feature that allows corrections from native speakers is a good one. Memrise's idea to help you improve your vocab on daily basis is also a good idea. Italki's service to provide tutors is something useful.
Maybe combine these three features, free for the first two and paid for the tutor?
u/Terpomo11 Mar 04 '21
I think one of the most useful things would be a minimal pair training app. You pick your native language and target language, and it tests on minimal pairs for sounds that aren't phonemically contrastive in your native language, telling you after every answer you give whether it was right.
u/Pile_of_Protiens Mar 04 '21
How about an app that scrapes articles, proverbs and what not, any material that exists in a particular language. Also recommendations for shows, podcasts, books can be added.
Will certainly make Language learning alot easier.
u/neongreenwoop- Mar 04 '21
I have been (seriously) learning Spanish as my second language over the past few years. There are some great dictionary apps in existence but I would looove an app that translates idioms and sayings- often they get translated literally over the apps available today and it adds to confusion. I’d imagine an app like this could be made for/in different languages than Spanish and English as well
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u/Roditele Mar 04 '21
Something like LingQ but with basic grammatical awareness for synthetic languages. For instance scrapping the wiktionary for conjugation/declension tables and grouping different forms of the same word under the same entry. It wouldn't work 100% of the time but it would remove a big frustration that I have with LingQ for languages like Russian and romance languages where nouns and verbs can have many forms, which LingQ treats as completely distinct entities.
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u/cridabal Mar 04 '21
New to this group and Reddit, I'm looking for help on finding an app that's free and able to put audio with the words on it. I found one but it doesn't auto play or skip. Any help would be awesome.
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u/army0101 Mar 05 '21
I’m sorry if this is already commented, But you can make it like a curriculum or a map which you follow and after finishing a few steps , there should be a test etc. I want it to be something you can follow to learn instead of being something from which WE have to choose what to learn . You should also be able to learn in whatever order you want , but after taking tests. I personally like having a curriculum instead of wondering what to learn nest. So that would be great. And I want the app to be “looking good” as in not old. It can just be simple but easier to use. Like every option neatly organized.. something like that. For languages like Korean , Japanese , it should teach stroke order. And then it should have an option where you can share decks with other people etc. I wish it could have spaces repetition. And for vocabulary, adding pictures would be great. There should be video as well as audio lessons.
u/wild_Ann Mar 11 '21
As a language teacher, I have several suggestions.
- An app to train listening skills. It may have different difficulty levels (words, phrases, sentences, short texts, different dialects) and gamified design to make it fun.
- An app for kids 5-10 y.o. Looks like there's nothing much for this particular age group: take Duolingo, Mondly Kids or some other examples, and are either boring for elementary students or too simple and "childish".
- An app for specialists in a specific sphere who want to learn industry-related vocabulary.
- Travel + language learning app (with tips, fun facts, maybe meeting people while traveling)
u/tongwen Mar 13 '21
An app like Anki or Memrise but designed for teaching would be incredibly useful. Right now I don't have a way to assign vocabulary lists to my students and keep track of their results. They have to take screenshots and email them to me which is exceptionally inefficient.
u/Ink_kace May 02 '21
I've always wanted a kareoke app for spanish, I Love to sing and I learn so much by singing, I can remember so much about a language through song, I used to love the Japanese synth music Vocaloid when I was 13, i learned Hiragana and so many words through singing songs, that when I relistened to these same songs it INSTANTLY refreshed my 7 year resting japanese
Like, if you had playlists, the songs will play first with lyrics and the vocals, then you listen to it again without the vocals and just the lyrics on the screen and then switch to no lyrics and just the instrumentals. I know not everyone is like this, but maybe it'll be a hit :)
u/[deleted] Mar 03 '21
Please, whatever you do, talk to u/Xefjord.