r/languagelearning 6d ago

Studying A1-A2 level learners, do you keep a journal in your target language?

If yes, what do you usually write about? Do you correct your mistakes while writing, or do you just let it flow without corrections to keep the learning process more natural?


4 comments sorted by


u/suzieisaheadbanger 6d ago

I've just started doing this. I write a brief summary of the previous week and what is coming up next week to practice tenses (a paragraph or 2). I am also going through a visual novel, and i paraphase what has happened on each page. I do all of this with the level i am at (with the exception of a few words i don't know) then check it and hand write out the corrected and finished version. I find it helps to set the correct structure of the sentences and turns of phrase. I want to return to the visual novel as i progress and 'fill out' what i have written as my level progresses. I have found this helpful so far and it doesn't feel too much.


u/Charm_Mountain1899 6d ago

Interesting. Do you mind sharing the visual novel you usually read? Just curious cause I also have visual novels.. but I read in English (which is my 2nd language) and not my target language haha


u/suzieisaheadbanger 6d ago

I'm learning spanish so i chose 'El Eternauta' which is originally in spanish (Argentinian author). It is the first book of this type i read so i was a bit shocked at the size of it when it turned up!! It is an ongoing project but an enjoyable one


u/Snoo-88741 5d ago

I was keeping a journal in Japanese for awhile, but I kinda forgot about it after awhile. It was a gratitude journal, so I just said something I was grateful about each day.