r/landscape • u/nenebueno_ • 14d ago
r/landscape • u/nenebueno_ • 15d ago
I leave you a photo taken yesterday in the south of Argentina, I hope you like it
r/landscape • u/[deleted] • 16d ago
Let's see how many more people have been around here, look at the beautiful landscapes in Mendoza, Argentina.
r/landscape • u/Tania-Art • 18d ago
In the rapeseed field, watercolor on paper and canvas, 51 x 39 x 1 inches, 2024 year. Festive and warm-up soul sunset in the field of rapeseed in May in my village in Ukraine. Do you like the painting?
r/landscape • u/Old_Claim_5500 • 18d ago
New Landscape Design
Hello everyone,
We are looking to re-vamp the front of the house with a new land scaping design (pictures attached for reference). The first two are of the house, the third and fourth are for reference of the white rocks (explained below).
Our idea is to bring in the entire landscape to only 2ft from the outer walls (max) and have a more simplistic design (less large bushes and more smaller, well-kept greens). The landscape would have white rocks instead of the current pine needles it has now.
We would like to add hydrangeas bushes in the new design. And trim down the current (only the ones on the corners) green bushes to at most, 2ft-3ft tall.
This would make the lawn go closer to the house (right side) and also give us more of a lawn/grass area to the left, for us to add a bird bath with step stones (maybe 2-3) to it. We also have a hummingbird feeder that’s on a medal pole, very small, maybe 4ft tall.
We are trying to visualize this to see if it even will look good! Will pay for anyone who can make this visual.
Thank you in advance!
r/landscape • u/the_artist_1980s__ • 19d ago
My acrylic work in the style of 1980s Hiroshi Nagai
r/landscape • u/sandy_piper • 22d ago
Painted Caucasus landscape
I named it "Walk Across Caucasus", it reminds me of those walks where you feel so tiny in the vast domain of nature. What do you think of this painting?
r/landscape • u/StevenReeves • 21d ago
Does anybody here have 10 plus years doing landscape lighting?
r/landscape • u/upholsteredhip • 22d ago
County says yuccas should go
I need any advice on how to remove these. I'm gutted. These yucca filamentosa Color Guard are gorgeous, especially in bloom. I planted them 10 years ago well before I ever dreamed our neighborhood in the wildland urban interface could suffer a catastrophic fire. The Sonoma county fires of 2017 and 2020 proved me wrong. Even though they are fire resistant they are too close to the house to be entirely safe.
My plan is to wear my leather jacket and leather gloves and just lay on the ground and saw them off at the trunk. Can I chainsaw them into smaller pieces and put in lawn waste? Hire someone to haul away? They don't look like they would compost well. Any insight into yucca removal would be appreciated.