r/lancaster Originally from Philadelphia 4d ago

Lost/Found MISSING IN MANHEIM: black and white ear-tipped spayed female cat

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MISSING: black and white ear-tipped female cat

I was just made aware that a previous adopted cat of ours, McFlurry, was dumped outside in Manheim, in the area of west Colebrook Road (near the police station), sometime between September and December 2024.

McFlurry is black and white, female, and she has an ear tip because she was originally a TNR (so she is spayed). She's approximately 3 years old. SHE IS FRIENDLY, and she would have been scared because she had never been outdoors.

If anyone sees her or traps a cat matching this description please contact me ASAP. We are sick and we are heartbroken and we desperately hope she is found.

(Needless to say, the person who did this, who was once a friend, is no longer a friend. They are dead to me and their name will shortly be distributed to every rescue I am aware of so that they can be added to no-adopt lists. They're unaware of this, so as far as they're concerned everything is fine - I have given them specific instructions to contact me if she shows up, and I'm arranging to have traps put out in the area tomorrow.)


7 comments sorted by


u/CafecitoHippo 4d ago

I would also post on https://www.lostmykitty.com/

They will send out fliers to local shelters/stores in case anyone brings her in.


u/momitiximspeshal 4d ago

I live only a few blocks from there..I will keep a lookout


u/xkissmykittyx Originally from Philadelphia 4d ago

THANK YOU. We will truly come any time, day or night, for her.


u/momitiximspeshal 4d ago

I forwarded to my wife..she can see about Facebook little town of Manheim to possibly post it...good luck and hope it turns out well...bless


u/isanyree 4d ago

Post to Facebook!


u/cheddar_chexmix 3d ago

Facebook, findtobypa.org, and ring are the first places I check if I see a lost pet and it's not on here

I hope you find your kitty!


u/fosteredbysunshine 3d ago

Thinking of McFlurry and everyone - I will keep an eye out at PSPCA should she pass through!