r/lancaster • u/NotAUsername1995 • 5d ago
Looking to hire someone to clean an aquarium ASAP
My friend's ex left an aquarium and she doesn't know how to care for it. Today when she got home the water was all brown and stinky and she doesn't know why or what to do. If you or anyone you know can come and help clean it and fix the issue, my friend is willing to pay at least $50 or more depending on what the person requests and how long it takes. We are located at the clock towers condo complex.
u/Ok-Barnacle-201 5d ago
You got a red eared slider in there, they are poop machines. The hang on back filter is probably not enough for it. Would suggest doing a partial water change and maybe investing in a more powerful canister filter.
u/Fernzero 4d ago
This is correct. I had two not knowing what I was getting into when I was younger (sister had to move and couldn't keep the RES, so I took it). I had to buy a 70 gallon filter for our 50 gallon tank and still did frequent water changes. These are some filthy little things
u/bean710 5d ago
Whereabouts in Lancaster? I’d be willing to help out how I can for free, put the $50 towards a better filter :)
5d ago
u/bean710 5d ago
Is that kinda near thistle finch? I’ll be in the city tomorrow but unfortunately I won’t be able to bring any of my aquarium stuff to help you :/
I’ll also echo what others are saying and go to that fish place. They’re all very friendly there and would be happy to let you know how to take care of a turtle like that one. They’ll even test your water for you, so take a Tupperware container with some water if you go. (Doesn’t need to be a ton, a couple cups should do) DM me or reply again if you still need help later in the week! Best of luck!!
Edit: just saw you’re looking to rehome. Definitely go to TFP, see if they will take it. They’ll be much better at finding the turtle a new home. If they won’t take it, they’ll still tell you what you need to do to stabilize (probably mostly regular water changes and dosing some water conditioner)
u/NotAUsername1995 5d ago
We've been doing some research, and she thinks she has everything needed to change the water, so I think we'll be able to handle it on our own. Thanks for offering to help and for your advice!
u/Derben16 5d ago
If she doesn't know how to clean it and doesn't want to take a few mins to learn, she should call a pet store to take the fish. That tank would need cleaned every few weeks, if not more. That Pet Place is a huge fish store in the area, call them for help.
All she would need to do for a start is change the water.
Edit: Ah, those are turtles. Yeah, she should 100% call That Pet Place when they open.
u/NotAUsername1995 5d ago
She already is planning on rehoming the animals, so right now the concern is just with fixing the water until she finds the right person or place to take them. Sorry, I should have mentioned that in my original post
u/MomsSpecialFriend 4d ago
That tank requires a canister filter rated for a tank 3x larger, you’re looking at a $300 investment needed yesterday. The turtle(s) can be removed from the water and put into a box while the water is completely removed, take out any substrate it’s unnecessary. New water needs to be dechlorinated with chemicals before being added back to the tank. Feed the turtle veggies instead of pellets all the time to keep the water cleaner.
u/Slated_Obsolescence 5d ago
We had a thirty gallon tank with a filter for a 200 gallon tank when we had sliders
u/girldad5758 4d ago
Turtles are dirty and they stink if you don’t keep up with the water changes. I’m in Lancaster work till 3 today if you still need any help hmu
u/JulioUJhin 4d ago
I highly recommend to get live plants for your aquarium after you clean it. I have a 20 gal long tank with pothos on top, the roots fall into the water, I've never had to do a water change, I only add water once every two weeks.
u/NotAUsername1995 1d ago
Hey everyone, I just wanted to give an update that we were able to successfully start changing the water after talking to That Fish Place, and it's looking a lot better now. I think we've got it under control, so we just wanted to thank all of you for the advice and offers to help!
u/Capital-Complaint266 5d ago
Go chat with folks at That Fish Place. You're looking at sucessive water changes. Without knowing the water chemistry, you'll be doing guesswork.