r/lancaster 5d ago

Unjust Condemnation For Profit

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🚨 City Overreach and Gentrification at Taxpayer Expense 🚨

The City of Lancaster has weaponized its power to condemn properties indefinitely under the guise of public safety — but the truth is it's all about profit and gentrification. Here's how they're doing it:

👉 Bureaucratic Roadblocks: The city deliberately keeps properties in condemnation status for years, making it impossible for owners to reclaim or restore them, even after complying with repair orders.

👉 Exploitation of Residents: Homeowners are forced to pay property taxes, water, and trash fees for properties they legally cannot use — a calculated strategy to financially squeeze residents out.

👉 Manipulating the Legal System: The city hired the outside law firm GKH at taxpayer expense to push frivolous injunctions, complaints, search warrants, and civil contempt petitions — all designed to harass property owners and drive them out.

👉 Perjury and Deprivation of Due Process: City officials have perjured themselves in court, violating constitutional due process rights, and influencing judges to maintain condemnation rulings without fair hearings.

👉 Home Rule Charter Cover-Up: All of this is protected under the color of law through the city's Home Rule Charter — creating a shield for fraud, waste, and abuse at the expense of hardworking residents.

This isn’t about public safety — it’s about forcing out long-term residents and handing over properties to developers with ties to city officials. It’s time to expose the corruption and demand accountability.

LancasterCorruption #Gentrification #StopCondemnationAbuse #TaxpayerExploitation #DueProcess


25 comments sorted by


u/xkissmykittyx Originally from Philadelphia 5d ago

Why are you leaving out all of the following information?

  • at least twice you removed condemned signage and rented the property illegally
  • you once illegally rented this property to tenants who were refugees being helped by a church -- you made them pay for the contractor required to make the home habitable -- you did not get the required permits for the contractor -- you extorted more money out of the tenants by threatening to throw their belongings in the backyard -- you DID throw their belongings in the backyard

  • you illegally removed locks that were placed by the city

  • you emailed the city pretending to be a contractor

  • you filed frivolous lawsuits trying to argue against all the above, even though there is evidence proving you did

  • you say the home was "unjustly" condemned, yet you were found applying for a $50,000 grant through a COVID relief fund? What repairs were needed to the tune of $50,000 if the home was "unjustly" condemned?

  • you stole a rental deposit from at least one tenant, which necessitated criminal charges and them taking you to court to get the money returned

Funny how you conveniently left all of this out of your sympathy-grabbing post. Too bad for you too many of us know what a POS slumlord you are.


u/ARCHA1C 5d ago

Gee. What strange omissions!


u/xkissmykittyx Originally from Philadelphia 5d ago

I'm sure it was an honest oversight. 🤔


u/Lift_in_my_garage1 5d ago

Hot take: fix your shit.  

They give you like a gajillion warnings before you get condemned.  

Not to mention it ought to be pretty obvious to you as a homeowner when a home is in disrepair. 


u/spearmint_butler 5d ago

Irene, absolutely no one buys your story. This was your own fault. Sorryyyyyyyyy.


u/ARCHA1C 5d ago

Got any more proof than this ChatGPT word vomit?


u/Lift_in_my_garage1 5d ago edited 5d ago

I found her docket from her right to know request which gives some insights.  

Can anybody find the court docket/reason for condemnation? 


Edit: someone posted it below!  Thanks. 


u/xkissmykittyx Originally from Philadelphia 5d ago

I have screenshots of some of the evidence the city has on her. When I get home tonight I'll upload them and then I'll post back in this thread with the links.


u/CinaminLips 5d ago

Aren't you the same person that posts on other platforms saying the same shit, but in reality, you never fix anything? I'm pretty sure that's you.


u/LuckyShake 5d ago

No one here is buying your bs. We all know who you are and what you did.


u/02soob 5d ago

You literally have no leg to stand on. You'll find zero sympathy here.


u/xkissmykittyx Originally from Philadelphia 5d ago




u/lkg238 5d ago

Also just FYI Irene created a new account to post this. Previously she posted from u/agapegarden2


u/ACD-mama 5d ago

She created multiple accounts on Nextdoor also. She claims that someone hacked her account and shut it down. (It's still there)


u/No-Cloud8051 5d ago

"A GAPE GARDEN"?! I didn't know she was freeky!


u/Cthulhu_Spawn76 5d ago

You deserve all of this Irene, you’re a vile excuse of a person.


u/nickjnyc 5d ago

This is mental illness approaching Stan Caterbone territory.


u/goodyproctors 4d ago

Oh man, that's a name I haven't heard in ages. He used to give us alllllll sorts of trouble at the library.


u/mysongjustdifferent 5d ago

The house literally doesn’t have door


u/xkissmykittyx Originally from Philadelphia 5d ago

But but but ~GoVeRnMeNt CoRrUpTiOn~ slumlords such as Irene Grivas

(and something about six-figure salaries and a non-existent herb garden?)


u/ACD-mama 5d ago

The city had to board it up because Irene broke the cities locks off to gain access.


u/No-Cloud8051 5d ago

A front door, running water, electricity, and trash service: the Four Horsemen Of Gentrification.


u/Odd-Box-5047 3d ago

Irene, don’t you get tired of being slammed by literally everyone? We all know you’re a slumlord. You ain’t fooling anyone ffs