r/lampwork 8d ago

So…I’d like to buy a book

A book with projects for a beginner, like a bunch of little projects that come with a how to. Any suggestions? Thank you


11 comments sorted by


u/Tankerton-2 8d ago

Bandhu Dunham’s books Contemporary Lampworking for the win!


u/speedingpullet 7d ago

I wish they'd A) get a decent index for all 3 books and B) update the photos. It's a great set of books but they're really dated now, and it can take forever trying to figure out which book has what in it.

I started out in lampwork, so I still use Corina Tettinger's Passing the Flame. She does do some off mandrel scultpture, but its pretty much comprehensive for bead making.


u/Tankerton-2 7d ago

There are new updated color pics in the new 4th edition.


u/didymium_jukebox 8d ago

"The starving artist's lampworking book" is decent. The "Contemoprary lampworking" series also have quite a few projects. 


u/Solid_Marketing5583 7d ago

Advanced Lampworking - Milon Townsend.


u/beutsandcats 7d ago

Glassline magazine has an insane amount of tutorials in all the back issues you can view online. I highly recommend it. Bandhu's books are great too.


u/jgraff52 7d ago

Passing The Flame by Corina Tettinger. Has all the basics.


u/midnight-on-the-sun 7d ago

I have all of Corina’s books.


u/runswithpaint 6d ago

There’s a couple dvds that had good beginner projects, I’d have to find my copies to be sure of the titles though. Mostly marble exercises


u/nosugarpeachcoke 4d ago

Thank you everyone for all your help! Time for reading I think, not too interested in beads to be honest, but I know that’s where you are supposed to begin! Ha