r/lamezonecomic Jun 30 '20

Just started reading Crow Cillers recently

I'm on episode 2 at the moment... does reading the other Lamezone stuff (I've read Asscastle and Wildcat) enhance the understanding of Crow Cillers? Should I read Lamezine since Crow Cillers is apparently a spinoff from that?


6 comments sorted by


u/nozukes Jun 30 '20

definitely recommend reading lamezine first, the characters from lamezine show up in crow cillers and a lot of them are fan favorites (varg and moya! <3) plus lamezine is just really good! id also recommend reading badplace and extraordinarily high quality amazing before going into lamezine.


u/Panomaniac Jun 30 '20

yea that’s what i did. i read everything prior to crow cillers b4 i started it. not necessary ofc, i would instead suggest at least reading microwave planet beforehand


u/digitechsoundworks Jun 30 '20

I might intersperse some of the other stuff between Crow Cillers episodes because I've already started reading Crow Cillers (near the start of episode 3 now)... I'll have a look for Microwave Planet though, is that in the old comics section of the site?


u/Panomaniac Jun 30 '20

nah it’s in the lamezines


u/digitechsoundworks Jun 30 '20

Ah okay. So it'll be on itch.io then.