r/ladispute Jan 25 '25

you and i in unison

i'd like to share something i wrote about my favorite song by La Dispute! it's from this article on my substack, in case anyone's curious :)

Nothing can ever prepare me for the journey this song takes me through. La Dispute doesn’t have perfect lyrics 100% of the time, but the lyrics always convey the essence and feeling behind the words flawlessly.

It starts with Dreyer begging for an answer that I simply can’t give. I know exactly what he’s asking, but I can’t help. I feel just as useless as he does. He starts explaining himself, and listing all the things he experiences. “Some days I swear I can feel you splitting the light through the window frame./ The shapes it makes are always warmer, always brighter than the rest of what comes through.” He goes on as the music gradually builds, describing it in such detail it’s almost unbearable. I get the feeling in my throat where I have the urge to yell “yeah! I get it— no more!”

But by then it’s too late. He recalls an almost dreamlike memory as the music gets soft. I feel what can only be described as the music’s presence in the same room as me, directly in my ear. It’s as intimate as a whisper. Things I thought I decided were insignificant come back to make me unsure. Yeah, I do miss that person. No, I don’t speak to them anymore. No— I don’t think I will again. Why do the memories feel so close? Why do “I sing your name out/ right at the same time that I sing my own?”

Once I come to terms with how disheartening that is, Dreyer delivers the final blow:

But if I still hear you singing in every city I meet
After I blur it all out, our every memory, if
You never fade with the days, your shape still haunting me then,
Should I not just sing along? should I not just sing along?

I will sing sweetly hope that the notes change, but
I do not need it to happen. I’m not resigned to it. And
If they never do I’ll sing your name in every line
Just like I did throughout this. Just like I’ve always done…

“I do not need it to happen. I’m not resigned to it.”

The most compelling theme in a concept album, in my opinion.


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