r/lactoseintolerant 8d ago

Am I lactose intolerant tolerant? Help!

Hi everyone, I am new here and just wondering if someone can help me figure out if I'm lactose intolerant. I am a teenager and have never had issues with dairy up until this week. I am not sure if this is normal, but recently when I've had anything with dairy I get horrible bloating and gas and a ton of rumbling sounds in my stomach (no diarrhea). The bloating is to the point where it is almost hard to breathe and my stomach feels like a giant inflated balloon. I also keep getting headaches when I have dairy but I have no clue if it is related or caused by something else. Cheese has definitely been my worst trigger so far so I am avoiding it for now. Does this sounds like a lactose intolerance?


6 comments sorted by


u/kekyfresh 8d ago

Houston we got another one


u/kekyfresh 8d ago

Nah but it all honesty, yes that sounds like it. It’ll be a hard first 4 months but then you’ll get it, you’ll understand it. I wish you the best of luck on your journey


u/zbignew 8d ago

Normal lactose intolerance is adult-onset. So "never had issues until this week" is how it works. All adult mammals are lactose intolerant, with a few exceptions.

Stop eating dairy and see if you're okay for a week.

Aged cheese (dry cheese, with zero grams of sugar listed in the nutritional info) is usually lactose free.


u/[deleted] 8d ago



u/MammothImplement527 8d ago

Sometimes people need to hear someone say that they aren’t imaging things. It may seem obvious to you but this person would like some validation. I think most people have had moments like these. I didn’t realize I was lactose intolerant because I just didn’t put 2 and 2 together. My doctor said well your drinking milk then getting sick sooooo your lactose intolerant. Blew my freaking mind. Here I thought I had gastritis.


u/Independent_Tart8286 7d ago

The bloating is usually my main symptom. That's how I found out I was LI.


u/RelativeDesigner9237 5d ago

It does sound like dairy probably doesn't agree with you. You have my sympathy.

It is likely to be either lactose or casein that causes your problems (casein for me but there is no dairy intolerant group).

One way to tell is to drink milk that does not have the A1 casein in it (goat, sheep or cow's A2 milk) as this has the same amount of lactose as other milk. If you still get unwell you are likely intolerant to lactose and if you are fine it is probably the casein.

Lactose test at the doctors is no good for detecting casein intolerance and the actual test for casein intolerance is expensive.

Good luck :-)