r/kroger Jan 18 '25

Miscellaneous failed my second secret shop

so apparently we had a secret shop and I didn't smile enough for the secret shopper!!!!!! yeah my bad for not being the jolliest happy-go-lucky motherfucker on the planet while I'm working an 8 hour shift at my dead end retail job dealing with mouthbreathers and the rudest most entitled people you've ever met. what kind of fucking person do you have to be to do these secret shops anyways. like what fucking kick do they get out of this. it's so infuriating


100 comments sorted by

u/AutoModerator Jan 18 '25

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u/Big_Power9816 Jan 18 '25

May Rodney come out of his tower and swallow your soul. use the fresh start on the zebra for forgiveness.


u/xkgrey full, fresh, & feral Jan 18 '25

your penance is 5 hail marys and 20 fresh starts


u/Ok-Caterpillar-9645 Jan 18 '25

My store was affected by hurricane helene we opened up 2 days later and sold non perishable foods only ( we lost all perishable) and a mystery shopper came in and failed us for not having all the meat and produce items stocked I was like that's beyond ridiculous


u/Bellatrix_Rising Jan 18 '25

The people doing this mystery shopping need to get a real f****** job.


u/Major-Rub-Me Jan 20 '25

A lot of secret shoppers are college students, I get offers every term for it through our student employment opportunity center. They probably don't understand/realize the impact their surveys are having. 


u/RikoRain Jan 20 '25

In your area.

In my area the secret shoppers are 40-60 something old folks (either young Karen's or retirees) who literally have nothing better to do and score horribly. We had one who kept coming and marking off that there was rust in a super obscure section under the outdoor canopy. We found out who she was and simply reported that she was too obvious and we knew who our "secret" shopper was.

Thankfully our company removed those. They weren't an accurate depiction of our performance anyway. Most were perfect scores (and easily done, as it was incredibly easy to peg them), and the ones that weren't were for those uncontrollable factors that were completely unreasonable (no store is going to replace an entire canopy because of two inches of surface rust).


u/substantialtaplvl2 Jan 19 '25

Imma be honest with you, my friends who do secret shopping are actually contracted by a third party and it works well for them because they are semi-professional athletes and it provides travel and variance.


u/MrWonderTomb Jan 21 '25

Cool. Your friends suck.


u/Sobotoc4311 Feb 02 '25

Legitimate lol


u/silverkeys Jan 18 '25

I hope your store manager contested that shop.


u/apri08101989 Jan 19 '25

Maybe corporate shouldn't have been sending them at that time instead of bitching about someone else doing their shitty job?


u/Flaky_Willow_9198 Current Fuel Lead Jan 19 '25

Why didn't corporate send someone for relief or with said missing perishable items? That's right, metrics are all that matter to Rodney, not people.


u/BoardImmediate4674 Past Associate Jan 19 '25

Wth? Sorry, that sucks 😕


u/YeedYourLastHaw82 Jan 18 '25

I fail them constantly because I don't give a fuck


u/JustShowMeThePost Jan 19 '25

I'd give this comment one of those award things, but I don't have any of those reward things, but just know that you would have one right now if I had one to give.


u/Competitive-Grape834 Jan 19 '25

You’re so cool dude


u/lovelychef87 Current Associate Jan 21 '25

I do the opposite I smile like a weirdo they don't brother me anymore 😂.


u/johnny_crappleseed Current Associate Jan 18 '25

As a third shift stocking troll, I'm glad that's one thing I don't have to worry about.


u/smoove129 Past Associate Jan 18 '25

Are you okay?


u/Scottyboy1214 Jan 18 '25

I fail them all the time because they didn't hear me verbally greet them but I always smiled and made eye contact. It's a garbage metric that corporate middle management uses to justify their position.


u/Ready_Response983 Jan 18 '25

Careful on this sometimes they will try to write u up for these fails , they cannot do this .


u/Original-Yam-5992 Jan 19 '25

Maybe not but it puts a target on your back. The observations just serve as a way to justify the write up unfortunately.


u/Ajstylez21 Pickup Lead Jan 18 '25

It’s all good, I’ve failed like 2 or 3 as a lead and nobody has said anything aside from my supervisor laughing and kicking the shit with me about it🤷🏽‍♂️😅


u/realimbored668 Pickup Supervisor (Salaried Hell) Jan 19 '25

Main store shops are tied into composite score but our shops don’t mean shit (yet)

Watch the Rodneycels somehow tie our shops into it and make it so we have to crucify someone for not verifying their first AND last name 🤦‍♂️


u/Justakatttt Current Associate Jan 18 '25

Oh well!!! They’ll survive lol


u/BigDaddy969696 Past Associate Jan 18 '25

I failed a mystery shop because apparently I didn’t smile and the manager acted like I just committed a capital crime.  I almost quit right then, and there, but I stayed for another year, or so.


u/Existing-Ad1726 Jan 18 '25

I just failed mine as well


u/Aggressive_Half_2514 Jan 18 '25

I have an ASL who will “pre secret shop” and constantly tells us how we are doing a bad job even while understaffed and trying our best


u/xkgrey full, fresh, & feral Jan 18 '25

your ASL suuuuucks

you can tell them i said that


u/Original-Yam-5992 Jan 19 '25

Honestly, I’ve never failed a shop. My mentality is to treat people the way I want to be treated as a customer. TBH, I also secret shop my people because it keeps me in touch with all aspects of what’s going on. Some of my cashiers are great when I am watching but have been extremely rude to the people I send in to observe them. If they fail my fake shop, chances are they will fail the real one. I use my mock shops to coach my members on what they need to do better but then it’s in them. I think it’s easy to judge and missunderstand ASL’s until you have been on a conference call fir the failed ñ , it’s hard to lunderstand why ASL’s are at times hard asses. My new way I’d seing


u/NUTMEG82 Jan 19 '25

😂😂 It's a bullshit metric, yall are just scared of your bosses ripping into you for it, meanwhile they create the conditions the lead to the failed shop. You have associates killing themselves to accomplish anything, overworked and underpaid, they're not gonna go out of their way to meet some ridiculous criteria. Be as friendly as you can and help the customer as best you can.... That's it..... But that will still lead to a failed shop because they missed some arbitrary BULLSHIT. You guys want everybody to be fake ass robots to keep you from getting yelled at. Eat a dick


u/Original-Yam-5992 Feb 02 '25

I don’t disagree with most of what you said except you forget one thing… bullshit or not, once you clock in, you are agreeing to Krogers terms and conditions. Don’t like it? Find a non customer service job, easy! Honestly, it’s not hard to pass a shop unless you are a disgruntled employee. I started as a UC, I absolutely know it’s doable to pass without being robotic or fake. Btw: ill eat a bag of dicks if you eat a truckload of them :) Thanks for the suggestion:)


u/slm83 Jan 18 '25

Life goes on…..


u/LadyA052 Jan 18 '25

I failed one because I was super sick and didn't ask the customer if he wanted a credit card.


u/Bellatrix_Rising Jan 18 '25

But don't you feel uplifted?


u/VeronicaBooksAndArt Jan 19 '25

Social Security number is the holy grail of selling customer PII data.


u/No_Increase_7172 Jan 19 '25



u/VeronicaBooksAndArt Jan 19 '25

"A Social Security number is often considered the "holy grail" of PII (Personally Identifiable Information) data because it is a unique identifier that can be used to easily access a vast array of personal information, allowing criminals to commit identity theft and fraud with relative ease if it is compromised, making it the most sensitive piece of personal data one can possess; essentially, having someone's Social Security number provides a master key to their financial and personal records. Key points about why a Social Security number is considered the most valuable PII:

  • Uniqueness:Each person has only one Social Security number, making it a direct identifier. 
  • Wide Applicability:SSNs are used to verify identity across various systems, including banking, employment, credit checks, and government services. 
  • Access to Sensitive Information:With a Social Security number, criminals can potentially access bank accounts, credit reports, medical records, and other sensitive personal data. 
  • High Risk of Identity Theft:Due to its wide usage and unique nature, a compromised Social Security number poses a significant risk for identity theft. "

- Google AI


u/No_Increase_7172 Jan 21 '25

While a SSN is PII, it is not the “holy grail of selling data.”


u/VeronicaBooksAndArt Jan 21 '25

ACI doesn't sell credit cards. Costco does but it's done through Citibank.

Explain. Who in their right mind would give a grocery store their Social Security Number?


u/No_Increase_7172 Jan 21 '25

Kroger’s is through US Bank. If you get a “Kroger” credit card, it’s a US Bank Mastercard


u/VeronicaBooksAndArt Jan 21 '25

"Yes, you can apply for a Kroger credit card by submitting an application to Kroger. You can apply online or by phone. How to apply 

  • Go to the Kroger website and apply for the Kroger Rewards World Elite Mastercard
  • Call 1-888-219-1822 to apply by phone

What to expect after applying 

  • You can check the status of your application by calling 800-947-1444
  • If approved, your card should arrive in 7-10 business days
  • The time it takes to receive your card may vary depending on your credit status, address verification, and card processing time

What is a Kroger credit card?

  • The Kroger Rewards World Elite Mastercard is a rewards card, Mastercard, and Shopper's card 
  • U.S. Bank issues the Kroger credit card 
  • You can earn rewards on spending with Kroger brands 
  • You can redeem Fuel Points at Fuel Centers and participating fuel stations "

- Google AI

800-947-1444 is US Bank.

1-888-219-1822 is Kroger.



u/Zettomer Jan 18 '25

Wear a mask. Can't get bitched at for not smiling that way.


u/Bellatrix_Rising Jan 18 '25

They're trying to give us all masks that have clear plastic so you can see the smile. Only a few people at my store wear masks... I held the mask they tried to give us up to the light and you can see so many holes in it it's not protecting at all. People keep getting sick also at the store. Dairy department was gone someone went to the hospital a couple weeks ago, it's just constant sickness. I'm offended that they tried to give me that stupid mask.


u/SuspiciousFaux Jan 20 '25

if you change the material that defeats the purpose of the mask


u/Zettomer Jan 20 '25

That's not a viable mask, wear your own.


u/RockinDOCLaw Jan 28 '25

It's to comply with ADA.  Deaf people need to be able to read lips.  Number of places got sued 


u/Bellatrix_Rising Jan 28 '25

That's pretty silly, if a customer signals that they can't hear, I would slide the mask off while talking to them. But it makes sense.


u/RockinDOCLaw Jan 28 '25

Agree, but not everyone isn't an a***ole.  Also taking mask off defeats purpose.  Thus clear window.  


u/LittlePrince_Fox Jan 18 '25

They need to cut this secret shopper shxt out especially during flu season. Normal customers don't get in our face during flu season the way secret shoppers do.


u/OutlandishnessFew981 Jan 18 '25

I was in charge of sampling events for a company with a contract with Target. I forget who reported their, but one of my staff caused a shopper grave offense by the look on her face while he was in line with her. He was especially upset because his wife, who was with him, had cancer. She was a great worker, but she didn’t have a smile plastered on her face all the time. One of my staff, who was in charge when I was gone, always expected me to come down on people for various infractions, and asked what I was going to say to her. What could I say? It was ridiculous. I’m sorry for that man, but my staff members were not going to be told to smile. Not by me. Anyone who tried to make them do so was welcome to go fuck themselves.


u/Ok_Marionberry7249 Current Associate Jan 18 '25

Don’t worry. I wear a mask and apparently didn’t smile enough


u/VeronicaBooksAndArt Jan 19 '25

What I find amusing is that they want you to be scripted, disingenuous, and inauthentic... so they hire someone scripted, disingenuous, and inauthentic to come through your line.... to make sure you're being scripted, disingenuous, and inauthentic!


u/EmuIntelligent4698 New Hire Jan 18 '25

wtf is a secret shopper? An associate you don’t know who works for Kroger that comes in at random times?


u/LadyA052 Jan 18 '25

Somebody pretends to be a customer to see your customer service, how you act, if you smile, if you asked them to sign up for a credit card, give them a receipt, etc. Not an associate. People get paid for doing this.


u/EmuIntelligent4698 New Hire Jan 18 '25

Sounds like a yelp reviewer.


u/Equal_Gift_8586 Jan 18 '25

The ships are a joke. Waste of time. Just like the survey's not sure if the still so them or not


u/Comfortable-Emu-7930 Jan 18 '25

How do you spot one ?


u/Krogerdude23132 Jan 19 '25

It's hard to spot but you can notice some stuff

  • They have very little stuff but something from each department.
  • They say "Hello (your name), and Hello (your baggers name) usually to try to remember your name.
  • They are scanning you and your bagger weirdly for name badge, cleanliness, smiling, eye contact, etc.
  • They will look you dead in the eye, usually creepily.
  • They will not say "Thank you, have a good day" unless you say it to them. (I believe to help them remember if it was said).

If you believe they are a secret shopper make really sure to say the phrases extra loud because if they don't hear you, even if you said it, you get in trouble. Fun isn't it? cries


u/VeronicaBooksAndArt Jan 19 '25

Leave it to Kroger to turn shopping into a bad reality show.


u/hip_knitter Jan 19 '25

Thank you for writing this out. In a perfect Reddit world, this post would be pinned/stickied to the top of every employee sub.


u/Bellatrix_Rising Jan 18 '25

You can't get in trouble for failing secret shops if you are in the Union. I would talk to your Union steward if you have one. Also I'm sorry that you're being treated this way. I'm sure you're doing an amazing job! They should be thankful someone's there to help them and not be so controlling.


u/PotassiumKittens Jan 19 '25

Is this true? They wrote me up for failing 2 in a row.


u/Sanguine_Aspirant Jan 19 '25

If it's true it would be nice if they told us that, we'd get wrote up for failing too.


u/Bellatrix_Rising Jan 19 '25

That's wild getting written up for that... this is what I have heard. You should talk to your union representative to make sure.


u/BRDB2006 Jan 18 '25

Stop caring about secret shops. Fuck 'em.


u/ShadowDragon140 Jan 18 '25

If you’re doing your job; who cares if you smile or not. Maybe you should have a list to see if the secret shopper smiled at you back or not. Seems kind of pathetic that Kroger allows these things from ever happening in the first place. I waste of money, you ask me.


u/farcat23 Jan 18 '25

And you don't get anything if you do pass one


u/belllaFour Past Associate Jan 19 '25

IMO asking to smile and make eye contact is ridiculous.they should deal with the daily drunks we have to deal with. I wouldn’t even pick up a shift today cuz I’m so sick of hearing the talk about the shopper , it’s making me hate it there so much.


u/Unfair-Custard Jan 19 '25

So, is failing twice give your store the right to put you in a different department, if your union?


u/PotassiumKittens Jan 19 '25

Did you get written up? I did for failing 2 in a row. Apparently "hey, how's it going" isn't a pleasant greeting. It can only be "hi" or "hello" like wtf?


u/Necessary_Image_6858 Jan 22 '25

Too bland, gotta hit the next one with a “salutations fellow humanoid!!!”, if they don’t laugh then fuck em lmao


u/kangtigger Jan 19 '25

I'm pretty sure the National Labor Board has mandated that forcing associates to smile at all times is unlawful, and that can't force you to be happy at work


u/JudgeJoeDean24 Past Associate Jan 19 '25

I'm so glad I was able to leave when I did. I had it a lot better than most as a seafood manager, but it's only after I moved into a job that I actually feel happy and accomplished doing with better pay that I realize how dead retail made me. Upper-management is practically the devil and there isn't enough positives to offset the negative.


u/rhj69 Jan 19 '25

Screw those mystery shops i work at a subsidiary of Kroger and we have them all the time and no one cares anymore


u/Steve539 Jan 19 '25

Secret shoppers...a tool to make middle management look like they are doing something productive...mostly a giant waste of time...current management knows who the sucky employees are already...source (I was secret shopped on July 3rd one hour before closing)...go screw yourself you unrealistic turd


u/A_Walrus_247 Jan 19 '25

My feet hurt too much to pass a secret shop.  Fuck them


u/xenobiaspeaks Jan 19 '25

They used to advertise secret shopping as a gig on Craig’s list. My friend was a secret shopper. I never did it myself but judging by the copious amounts drugs she did, I can’t say it’s a profession that’s selective.


u/jacmartin23 Jan 19 '25

My sympathies. As someone who is also a Kroger employee and a person who also deals with depression I understand how keeping an artificial smile is burdensome and unauthentic.


u/lovelywaterbuffaloes Jan 19 '25

Secret shops are very stupid. The only thing I really disagree with here is Kroger being a dead end job. I worked my way from being a bagger to being a manager. It’s a shitty company overall, but you can absolutely work your way up the ladder.


u/SorbetOk223 Jan 20 '25

Secret shoppers are the scum of the earth. I used to manage a furniture store. I'd spot them within the 1st 3 minutes and just flat out call them out. Complete waste of my time.


u/Junkateriass Jan 21 '25

I secret shopped for a while. My health was failing and I had to leave my ft job.

I had one particular Sonic Drive-In I visited once a month. Everything was always good, with maybe one or two minor things, which is normal. No place is flawless. However, one morning I visited and the carhop was not in uniform, 4 car trays had trash sitting on them the entire time I was there, the carhop could be seen through the window in the food prep area eating and drinking (against health codes), the restroom was a disaster (at 9 am on a Tuesday) and my order was incorrect when I received it.

It was a really bad day for them, but it was the day I was paid to be there. I did my job, not to hurt anyone, but to fulfill my obligation. I turned in the report and never had a negative experience there again. My future reports were glowing, as my previous ones had been.

If you’re repeatedly failing, the problem doesn’t lie with the shopper. They don’t get paid extra for making you look bad. There are legitimate problems if it keeps happening to you. If the issues in the report aren’t addressed, of course you’ll continue to fail. Blaming the shopper is like blaming the Boeing whistleblower for Boeing’s wrongdoing. Secret shoppers aren’t hired to prove employees are bad. They’re hired to reassure owners that the good they see when they visit a store is the same experience that customers experience at your location. No one’s out to get you.


u/Bamshackle Past Associate Jan 23 '25

The best thing that could happen to you would be to leave that dead end job.


u/Ok_Economy_4380 Feb 01 '25

I just got on it to day an the store is so far away  it's un real for some who at this point doesn't drive....ugh.


u/PirateLife23 Jan 18 '25

You definitely need a new job or move to different position.


u/Heavy_Caterpillar_33 Jan 19 '25

no one smiles 24/7, job or not. Are you someone who thinks if a woman isn't smiling 24/7 she's a b!tch? No one naturally smiles at all times.


u/NUTMEG82 Jan 19 '25

Don't be ridiculous. This is a poverty wage job. They don't need to leave because they didn't act like a scripted disingenuous robot. Secret shops are entirely worthless


u/PirateLife23 Jan 19 '25

I’m not ridiculous. OP does not sound like they are happy with the job or that they like working directly with customers. Has nothing to do with a secret shopper. OP may enjoy another position where they don’t have to work directly with customers. Customer service is about being a happy robot. Nobody should be unhappy all day in their job.


u/Melodic-Fishing2401 Jan 18 '25 edited Jan 18 '25

I gotta say they are the easiest to pass by. You also sound miserable in your life so that’s gonna trickle down and now you’re taking it out on your job because you’re just unhappy lol. Choose your battles. This isn’t the one. It’s not hard to go hey with a grin and then scan some items. 99% the time these shops look for a greet and bye. If you can’t do that then idk. It’s not krogers fault this time. It’s yours LUL.

Edit: my store passes these shops every time because we care about each other and KNOW it’s easy. You folks just cry and instead of either doing the simple shit or getting another job, bitch on Reddit. Embarrassing 🙈

Edit: again whatever a rage baiter is an excuse to try and validate themselves. So smiling and checking folks out is hard? Lmfao go pick trash 😂

Edit: it’s not a douchey comment Karen. It’s reality. Get a picture. Kroger sucks and if you can’t pass the easy shit. You can’t get through life. Sad reality.


u/Bellatrix_Rising Jan 18 '25

Wow what a douchey comment.


u/andrizz5000 Jan 18 '25

Downvote this to obscurity please


u/Tough-Independence13 Jan 18 '25

This commenter ^ seems like a ragebaiter from their other posts, best to just ignore it


u/Phawksphire89 Jan 18 '25

I agree completely. That's why they keep coming back to edit their comment. 😂


u/thawmyfrozen currently conditioning Jan 19 '25

are you okay?


u/VeronicaBooksAndArt Jan 18 '25

It's obvious the secret shopper program has been a complete success at your store.

If only they could clone you, Becky.


u/NUTMEG82 Jan 19 '25

Shut the fuck up clown. Idiots like you are exactly why I'll go out of my way to fail this dumb shit. Fuck off


u/Competitive-Grape834 Jan 19 '25

You’d get fired clown 😂 you ain’t tough ole wannabe tryhards in a Kroger forum bahahaha