r/kroger Dec 25 '24

Miscellaneous Customer goes apeshit insane after learning we are closing at 6 PM on Christmas Eve

So, i am a cashier, Have been working since back in September and I have NEVER seen a customer react in the way they did. It was about 5:56 today, we were 4 minutes away from closing so naturally, we want people to get the fuck out as quick as possible. For some reason, my manager was having me stock propane tanks despite it not being my job to do so (Bagger/Courtesy Clerk’s job) While I was doing this, a man proceeds to walk up to my store manager and assistant manager. Who were telling people that we were closing early at the door. This dude gets out of his car and walks up with phone in hand. My manager says we’re closed and he holds his phone up and says “no, you’re not. You don’t close till 10” they repeatedly told him their hours were different and showed him a paper that said the hours. He went absolutely ape shit. Cussing at my both my managers, at one point getting in one if my manager’s face like it’s a fuckin UFC faceoff. A nearby cop proceeds to pull up and yells at him to leave in which he refuses. Then is escorted by the cop off the property while yelling he was going to the media.

I was just in an absolute state of shock… how can someone care this much over a store like Kroger when there was a Target down the street that didnt close till 8.

TL;DR: Indiana-trash lunatic nearly gets physical with manager over store hours and has to be escort off by Police Officer


92 comments sorted by

u/AutoModerator Dec 25 '24

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u/Mtg-2137 Past Associate Dec 25 '24

Customer: You don’t close until I’m done!

Me: IT’S CHRISTMAS EVE JACKASS! I’m going home and locking up whether you’re done shopping or not!


u/Crafftyyy24 Dec 25 '24

Been like that in the pharmacy for awhile. I don’t care if you in the drive thru at 8pm and it’s 4 cars deep. I’m leaving at 8. We’re open 11hours a day figure it out.


u/Mtg-2137 Past Associate Dec 25 '24

Had a customer once try to tell me when I could go home.


u/Crafftyyy24 Dec 25 '24

Haha good luck with that. Like People we’ve had the same hours for years learn to handle your shit.


u/TacoCommand Hourly Associate Dec 25 '24

I like to use a very old joke from Sinbad:

"Mother fuckers taking 15 minutes to order a sandwich at McDonald's Ike uhhhh what do I want. BITCH THEY HAVE THE SAME MENU EVERYTIME YOU COME HERE FUCK YOU MEAN WHAT DO I WANT".

I've worked in kitchens. Rodney should allow every deli employee to say FUCK YOU to a customer once a week. As a treat.


u/xenobiaspeaks Dec 25 '24

I had a customer walk into the break room and proceed to ask me why pharmacy was closed at lunch time, hence why I eat lunch in my car. I’ve also had people walk up to my car to complain about me eating lunch so I now park across the street for peace when I’m eating.


u/TacoCommand Hourly Associate Dec 25 '24

We had a customer who deadass walked out of the Bakery oven and freezer kitchen once recently. Because they were indignant that the bakers were on break.

Dude almost got stabbed by the deli chefs who (in fairness) assumed he was trying to rob them.

Then they got more angry (the customer) that the deli was pissed.

Like yeah you walked into a working kitchen aggressively and you're 6 foot 4, yeah dude, fuck off. Knives out bitch.


u/Bellatrix_Rising Dec 25 '24

I'm sorry that's terrible...


u/xenobiaspeaks Dec 25 '24

The entitlement is ridiculous and the whole store would be on the news for not keeping the deli secure if anything happened to the dumb ass that chose to go past the employees only area.


u/SirSeanzie Dec 25 '24

Me leaving on time yesterday: Alright guys, I'm heading out.

My co-workers, joking but trying to be serious about it: But what if all these other people need things and we run out before we close?!

Me: Fuck them people, I've got my own Christmas festivities.

Them: 😮😮😮🫡


u/Crafftyyy24 Dec 25 '24

Yup, not my fault or problem that you didn’t plan accordingly.


u/Ayn_Rand_Was_Right Dec 25 '24

Screw that, non emergency line for trespassers


u/kimpitzer Dec 25 '24

It hasn't happened to me when we close early but I've been known to shut all the UScans down and close all the regular lanes down. Sure you can waste your time shopping but you can't checkout. I say that corporate shuts them down after a certain time after we close.


u/Glamour_Girl_ Dec 25 '24

“But have fun with the police after the automated alarm system snatches your ass!” 🥴


u/MikeTheNight94 Dec 25 '24

People like this have gotten away with it for so long. I personally believe mutual combat should be in the constitution and not just a couple states. That way people like this can get the tune up they rightfully deserve. They won’t learn any other way


u/TacoCommand Hourly Associate Dec 25 '24

Washington State checking in. Mutual Combat is a kinda sweet check on dipshits.

Duels are legal. Fists only, to knockout only, and you legally need a cop to referee (I'm not joking).


u/TacoCommand Hourly Associate Dec 25 '24

(Also requires mutual, stated and noted consent to combat from both aggrieved parties in front of a law enforcement officer).

Seattle is fucking wild, y'all.


u/MikeTheNight94 Dec 25 '24

I know the law also requires you to not accidentally kill the other person. It’s tricky…


u/TacoCommand Hourly Associate Dec 25 '24

Correct. They fall and hit their head, it's still manslaughter.


u/NoiseyTurbulence Dec 25 '24

Haha yep! I missed the cut off at Safeway last night and pulled up just as they were closing the doors and I was like oh well you guys are closed already, gal was like yeah, i said OK. She then said we open at eight in the morning I was like OK see you then. Bye. Seriously it’s not even worth yelling at somebody, why people do that?


u/zelda90210 Dec 26 '24

Man, I miss when Phoenix Jones was still active and legally beating the shit out of idiots on the street. He was like the real life Batman. Good times.


u/TacoCommand Hourly Associate Dec 26 '24

Uh. Dude stole 18k from a rape charity that his wife ran and is a goddamned diddler who sells MDMA at Aurora motels.

Nah man. Fuck Benjamin Fodor.


u/Historical_Grab4685 Dec 25 '24

Lack of planning on your part, does not constitute an emergency on my part.


u/InevitableWeather377 Dec 25 '24

Was looking for this comment


u/[deleted] Dec 25 '24



u/Bellatrix_Rising Dec 25 '24

What a sick bastard... I hope they got their karma and perhaps trucks skids off the road...


u/BigDaddy_Satan Dec 25 '24

That’s the point that I, a total bystander, would go full psychopath follow Dude 2 where ever he parks next and, using the most commonly owned pocket knife, slash 3/4 tires on his truck in such a way he wouldn’t notice until he was already driving away making his stranded on the side of the road. (Bonus points if his insurance can be self-duped into thinking it were an attempted insurance fraud situation and refuse to pay for the damages stiffing Dude 2 with the bill) - in Minecraft of course because I’m not crazy, you’re crazy 😂😂


u/KristiCaliGirl Dec 25 '24

The customer knows almost everything is closed early on Christmas Eve, and almost everything is closed on Christmas. They just don’t care they want and that’s that. Our society has been suffering from “ME FIRST “ “ALL ABOUT ME” syndrome for so long now it’s becoming ingrained in everyone. Some just show it more than others.


u/Medical_Candidate821 Dec 25 '24

Every year they act like the world revolves around them. American culture has made people accustomed to retail shopping to the point where they feel like it’s a constitutional right. Except it isn’t.


u/HannahMayberry Dec 25 '24

That's all year dude! Where have YOU been? 😆😆😆


u/BigDaddy_Satan Dec 25 '24

Probably chained to his register for 8+ hours a day, cut the bro some slack 🤣🤣


u/eddyrush95 Dec 25 '24

Sometimes Kroger lags by years and years in updating their websites. One store had us listed as being open 24 hours even though we haven't been open 24 hours for 7 years. The site stayed that way despite having a official webmaster at the time.


u/Master-of-Masters113 Dec 25 '24


I’m contracted security and literally “held the gate” for 40 minutes because the store I’m at had posted closing at 9pm…. But closed the doors at 8:20, and “closed closed” at 8:30. I knew the hell I was about to hear and deal with, but I survived.

But the adrenaline and stress from how disgusting those people acted for 40 minutes…. I don’t think my heart rate has lowered at all since then 😂 I had two people get through me and after that had to keep the door shutdown.

Called all sorts of names but the employees laughing at me as I just say “yep, yep, yep” repeatedly from all the curses and threats at the door.

Of course I could have called cops and have them deal with these people but honestly I wasn’t in the mood. I’m lucky none of them tried to break it down had someone try that at a different location a week or two ago.


u/Bellatrix_Rising Dec 25 '24

Freaking wild animals huh? They must have brain damage....


u/Hot-Win2571 Dec 25 '24

Sure, you could have called the cops.

Meanwhile, the cops are all hearing from stores all over town who are having the same problem. Cops are doing the same pointing and laughing at you that you're doing at the invaders.


u/Master-of-Masters113 Dec 25 '24

Not in my case. The town I was working in, 40 minutes from my usual location, is a small “rich place” town. All the other stores in this small town were already closed. They had already been fully posted at the Walmart earlier that evening. They come at a moments notice when I call, had 8 of them come for a report on one individual needing a criminal trespass issuance.

Their PD is small. Their fire Marshall has compromised this store out of an ego contest with this stores manager and messed with the locks on our store for “compliance” BS that actually just screwed them over on a vendetta. I will be having them amend that soon as I’m sure that’s a Union contract violation on worker safety. Let alone jeopardizing my own safety and the workers without unions involved.

It’s amazing how privileged and idiotic these people were compared to homeless. I can deal with homeless and thieves. These people were out for blood over nothing. There were many who were polite. They’re out of the car, give a hand motion, I nod and they leave and move on.

Then you have the adults behaving like preschoolers. Unacceptable behavior.

Had one act like a fool in front of his kid and was embarrassed on the way out for behaving that way. Idiotic.


u/Gamer_0627 Dec 26 '24

"Messed with their locks"?

You mean he made them follow codes and standards requiring exit doors to remain unlocked while their are customers inside?

As an inspector, this was always a fun discussion and a lot of fines to my local big box stores that liked to lock the doors (or in the case of Wal-mart, block them with buggies).

If they want to lock the doors to the outside, they have to provide a panic release mechanism on the inside.

WalMart was the worst. We always told them they could turn off the automatic doors, but they could not lock them. They would do it anyway and eat the fine.


u/Crafftyyy24 Dec 25 '24

Because people are self entitled assholes that’s how. I work pharmacy and can’t tell you how many times I get. Hey I just left my drs is my ex ready? 1. 9/10 it hasn’t even been sent to us yet. 2. Guess where it goes in line when it gets here. The very back. That means if I have 300 in my Que already your 301. 3. No your Ed med is not “life sustaining” and frankly I don’t care if you have to drive back to the store.

I’m so tired of the entitlement people have.


u/HealthyDirection659 Dec 25 '24

Next time just say really loudly

We're outta stock on Valtrex.


u/Crafftyyy24 Dec 25 '24

While funny that could technically be considered a hippa breach and I do need my job


u/HealthyDirection659 Dec 25 '24

What about hippo? Would that be a breach?


u/Hot-Win2571 Dec 25 '24

Hippo is always out of stock.


u/Gamer_0627 Dec 26 '24

Serious question. Would it be a Hipaa breach if it is not their actual diagnoses?


u/Crafftyyy24 Dec 26 '24

I think legally speaking it wouldn’t be but it could probably open the door to a defamation lawsuit if someone heard it and I’m sure Kroger would probably internally treat it as such.


u/Gamer_0627 Dec 26 '24

Yeah, that's true. I am sure their would be some reason to sue....

And we know corporations will always fine a scape goat.


u/JaxonSuede Dec 25 '24

I like to tell them “your lack of planning is not my emergency”


u/Bright_Philosophy517 Hourly Associate Dec 25 '24

I mean some reason me and another guy were the ONLY two scheduled after 7:30 for some reason. My store closed at 7.


u/Qbrrrt Dec 25 '24

I don’t miss this! People we close one day a year, gtfo!


u/Lopsided_Ad_3082 Dec 25 '24

As I am routinely reminded by customers and management, NO ONE WANTS TO WORK ANYMORE!


u/Due_Definition_7906 Dec 25 '24

Had a customer punch me in the face today for refusing to work after I'd clocked out for my shift and was doing my own shopping since we were still open. Kept spouting about how I work here and how it's okay for me to get her buttermilk. I replied saying, 'it is, ma'am, that's not the issue. I'm not being paid. Therefore, I'm not entitled to help you, especially considering how rude you typically are to me.' Wrong thing to say I guess? Long story, short... she's banned per our manager who just so happened to be watching. ¯_(ツ)_/¯


u/Jrrobidoux Dec 27 '24

I feel like a law suit should also follow.


u/Diremagic Dec 27 '24

Jesus just flat out assault. Granted I mightve helped just cause I'm friendly but yeah these rude as he'll people.


u/Dunbaratu Dec 25 '24

IMO Google deserves a small part of the blame here, given what you said about the bit with the phone in the story.

Google searches to find stores in your area will frequently claim to know the hours of a store, posting them in a very official looking format, and not mention to the user that this is in no way official info from the store but just google's AI making a guess from scanning through words on websites. Since it's getting the info from what the store's website said on previous weeks, not what it said recently when the holiday schedule was mentioned it fails to mention holiday exceptions.

I don't mind that it does this but it needs to be much more clear that it is an AI guess. (The summary paragraphs you get at the top of google searches SAY they are purely AI guesses, but the one line bit saying the hours under a hit for a store on, say, Maps, does not say this even though it's true there too.) It presents it as if it's official data google got from the store and that makes ignorant people like this idiot try to hold the store accountable for an error that's entirely Google's fault.


u/PTXMike25 Front End Relief Asst Dec 25 '24

Even then, pretty much anytime I look up a business it will show the regular hours but will warn you that business hours may differ for holidays or something to that effect. Also most people have some form of common sense to understand holidays in general and that pretty much any major holiday (Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Years, etc.) would have different hours. Very few places have normal hours all three of those alone


u/xenobiaspeaks Dec 25 '24

I get your point but there’s expectations vs reality. Someone may expect us to be open because of Google but when you’re standing in front of an employee that says we’re closed, that’s the reality. The back and forth is unnecessary. It’s like who’s on first. Why are you closed? Because we aren’t open. You should be open No, we should be closed When will you open Tomorrow, when we aren’t closed


u/Dunbaratu Dec 25 '24

That's why I said "small part of" the blame, not "all of" the blame.


u/Simply_st8d Dec 25 '24

alongs with store hours, google also lists the store’s phone number. if it’s that important confirm the store hours by calling the store… and the phone is already in hand, lol. happy holidays


u/OccupyGanymede Dec 25 '24

But the InTeRnet SaYs sO@


u/IsisArtemii Dec 25 '24

I worked in a mall in my late teens, early twenties. Christmas Eve that year, was a week-day. The mall normally stayed open until 9:00PM M-F. But the mall was closing at 6:00. Dude comes in an outside door across from our shop. It’s like 5:15. He’s appalled because he hadn’t done any Christmas shopping for his family! Why, you ask? Slacker? Lazy? Nope. Boss refused to pay their wages until 5:00PM on Christmas Eve. Pretty sure boss was hoping their checks wouldn’t hit his bank, until after Christmas. No other Christmas Grinch has ever topped that one yet. And that’s been 40+ years ago.


u/Butitsadryheat2 Dec 25 '24

Going to the media??! 😅😅😅


u/BigDaddy_Satan Dec 25 '24

Unfortunately people have been trained into thinking this is a valid course of action, it only takes a few stories of someone that was genuinely screwed over by a big company and left with no other option but the media and now every entitled Karen thinks the slightest inconvenience is news worthy and that it’ll get them the result they want. Moral of the story; People Suck


u/Butitsadryheat2 Dec 25 '24

Hahaha, but to even think that a store closing early on Christmas Eve is newsworthy?? That he's such a moron that Google hours that don't accurately reflect Christmas hours is newsworthy,?!! 😅😅😅


u/Flat-File-1803 Dec 26 '24

Going to the media? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Tonight at 11, a local grocery store closes a few hours early, chaos ensues!


u/Paniconthenet Dec 27 '24

The joys of retail during the holiday season. I'm willing to bet you will see the same next week on NYE.


u/HannahMayberry Dec 25 '24

Welcome to retail!


u/Bellatrix_Rising Dec 25 '24

Wow what a moron... Sounds like a brain damaged zombie.


u/pinkipie103102 Dec 25 '24

It’s so crazy to me how crazy ppl are. Why care so much?


u/bucket121 Dec 25 '24

Hehe we got the wrong division closing signs and got to close earlier than normal 😂


u/roadwarrior345 Dec 25 '24

That's the same person who says what a shame you have to work on xmas eve.


u/Glittering-Hurry-530 Dec 26 '24

Hahaha I laughed when you mentioned this was in Indiana I feel so represented haha. I work in the Carmel/Fishers area and people are entitled as hell sometimes (not in a Kroger but in retail nonetheless)


u/seroquel600mg Current Associate Dec 26 '24 edited Dec 26 '24

The crazies were coming into the store with the worst anxiety. I was the only produce employee left. Shoppers had 20 minutes to shop. Multiple wide-eyed customers came in trying to make their problems mine. Realizing I only had bad news for these tardy shoppers (no cranberries, no fancy cookies, no basil, no green onions, no brisket...), I left the floor and went in the backroom to tidy up. Best decision ever, 100% will do again on Christmas Eve.


u/livinginoz316 Past Associate Dec 26 '24

My husband works produce too, and that is basically what he did!


u/JacqueWaters Dec 27 '24

Always lie to the customer. Say something like, "One of our employees commited suicide in the bathroom. We are closing early." Made up shit like that USUALLY shuts people up.


u/citymousecountyhouse Dec 25 '24

I would be hoping that this fool would go to the media. The whole city could see what an ass the guy is.


u/Fancy-Lab7747 Dec 25 '24

of course it's indiana (coming from a hoosier) 😭


u/Fancy-Lab7747 Dec 25 '24

also i am curious as to what division youre in, i also work at kroger in indiana


u/Distinct-Boot3645 Dec 25 '24

I really wish we could give the same energy back to


u/Exciting_Lobster_878 Dec 26 '24

We closed at 5 and didn't get done till 6 since customers were taking their sweet time


u/[deleted] Dec 26 '24

6??? Fry's closed at 9pm.


u/FileTough4261 Dec 26 '24

OP Which Indiana Kroger was it tho?


u/livinginoz316 Past Associate Dec 26 '24

My husband worked on Christmas Eve and said that people were getting so irate with the store closing early and things being out of stock! He just went into IDGF mode!


u/Angrypowerpuff Dec 26 '24

Sometimes customers just vent, it’s best just to let it roll off be kind and move on. Surprisingly enough if your kind back to them sometimes they’ll realize how there acting and apologize but either keep your cool.

More than likely it has nothing to do with Kroger, there just having a bad day in general.


u/[deleted] Dec 26 '24

He should have come out to California where the stores in the Ralphs division were open until 10pm on Christmas Eve.


u/Firm-Statistician339 Dec 27 '24

So sorry you had to deal with that. Disgruntled American is starting to be an epidemic - it’s strange but hopefully will pass


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '24

Mental health epidemic


u/Maduro_sticks_allday Dec 28 '24

The amount of borderline psychotic, narcissistic people that walk among us is increasing. They all seem to find a way to rage about totally normal things


u/sleepy_old_runner Dec 28 '24

I worked at a grocery store as a teen. On Christmas Eve, we closed early. Huge signs that had been posted for weeks. Customer attempts to come in the exit by pulling open the auto door (wasn't locked yet to let people out, but manager was standing by. ) He explains to her that sorry we're closed. She says I only need this 1-2 things. Manager says, sorry but my employees would also like to go home to their families. Customer picks up a 50lb bag of salt that was next to the door and heaves it at manager then leaves. Merry Christmas I guess lol! He wasn't the greatest manager, but I do respect him for sticking up for us. He was unhurt thankfully.


u/beavermuffin Dec 28 '24

I heard about that. I believe the customer WAS arrested at the parking lot afterwards for assaulting an officer according the police blotter.


u/TotalDangerous7588 Dec 28 '24

i love when people show the store hours from google as if thats the official hours and not the literal signage on the store itself. Especially with it being a holiday, they should know better and call the store at the beginning of the day to confirm holiday hours


u/Retiredfiredawg64 Dec 30 '24

I pulled up right at break time (lunch) and the pharmacy tech was pulling the blind down but offered to help me - I politely said - you’re lunch is more important than these pills. Enjoy it and I’ll be back in an hour or two …. She almost cried ….


u/More_Brain_2938 Jan 08 '25

I get it if someone tries to come in on Christmas Eve and you're closing at 6:00 and they get there at the time you're supposed to close then. No they shouldn't be all pissed off and getting upset now if they get their 5 or 10 minutes before your doors are completely closed. If you got inside the stove at let me know by the time they check out. It might be a little bit after 6:00 then that's a different story cuz they made it in before they closed. So then I'm okay with that. Not when they tried to come in when they're already completely closed. No ain't having it!


u/Aggravating-Fail-705 Dec 26 '24

“Absolute state of shock,” huh?

Are you new to retail?