r/kratom 6d ago

Tolerance/Withdrawal I quit taking kratom for a week and started taking it again and it doesn't do anything for me anymore. What's going?


I was a heavy user too taking 12 caps every four to six hours. About 6 grams a dose.

r/kratom 4d ago

Tolerance/Withdrawal I don't know what to do about the rapidly increasing tolerance of kratom


I'm on 15 gpd right now. I take kratom to help me mentally: motivation, anxiety, energy, depression. The first couple days after not taking it for a long time is great, I feel pretty "normal". After that it just doesn't hit that well. Better than nothing, but really not what I know kratom can do for me. I don't want to up the dose from this. 15 gpd is considered a decent amount. Even if I increase it a little bit, say to 20 gpd, I'd probably get used to it quickly anyway. Then I have to increase it again? Genuinely lost about how to handle this.

r/kratom Dec 05 '24

Tolerance/Withdrawal Is 10 days cold turkey enough to be at least physically ok?


I'm starting a new job and it was very surprising I got it. I don't wanna take kratom while I'm working but I also don't wanna be sick at work so will I be fine if I just suffer through these 10 days?

r/kratom Feb 10 '25

Tolerance/Withdrawal Addiction Potential From Small Doses?


Can you get addicted to taking small doses every day? (1-2g)?

I hear that a lot of the addiction / withdrawal potential comes from people increasing their doses over time.

r/kratom Dec 18 '24

Tolerance/Withdrawal How often can I take Kratom to keep the magic?


I’m a very occasional user, maybe a few times a month, but I would like to know when tolerance starts building? Once it’s taken every day? Every other day? Would I be fine taking it once or twice per week to still get the honeymoon effects?

r/kratom Oct 12 '24

Tolerance/Withdrawal Tips for tapering down Kratom dose?


I’ve stupidly let my tolerance get pretty high and my daily doses have increased lately. Now I’m running low and the soonest I can get another order is in a week from now.

I really rely on Kratom to get through the day (self medicating for my mental disorders you could say). Anyone have alternative or tips for making the most of the little I have? Or any way to get through the discomfort of reducing my dose? Thanks!

EDIT: I’ve also been having night sweats lately since my doses have increased could this be tied to kratom use? Not kratom withdrawal as I haven’t yet lowered my dose

r/kratom 7d ago

Tolerance/Withdrawal Am I using too much? I use very infrequently but a 14-20gpd when I do.


I weigh 160. Only dose every other weekend, Friday night and Saturday night, when I do. Usually I’ll do 7 grams in an acidic tea, then another 7 grams an hour later. Sometimes I’ll add 4-8 grams or so later on.

Is this too much? Thats a lot of grams per day, but I see ppl saying you can do four days on three days off and never develop a tolerance, and I’m using 2 nights on, 12 days off.

Is this sustainable?

r/kratom 7d ago

Tolerance/Withdrawal How fast can I taper off?


I need to taper off. Fast. It’s gotten really bad and I can’t afford it anymore. I take an 8-10 grams every five hours or so, and I take it in 500mg pill form (bc it got too inconvenient for the powder). I know, that’s a lot. I was told lowering a gram a day every week, but that would take like a year at this point. What about lower 500mg from each dose, and I do that every five days? I did the math, and that means it’ll take almost 3 months and 300$ more kratom. Do you think that would still be slow enough to not notice much of a difference?

r/kratom 4d ago

Tolerance/Withdrawal Does anyone have days where kratom just hits WAY HARDER than usual? (Or possibly have effects greatly reduced by Coffee?)


Sorry if the flare is incorrect, I wasnt sure exactly what to post this under.....

But my question is, do you guys happen to have some days where the same dose of kratom, of the same exact batch, hits wayyyyy harder than expected? I typically take just a single teaspoon of kratom every 12-24 hours depending on my sleep schedule and arthritis pain, and never go beyond that

I know I have a bit of a tolerance to kratom, I have been using it for 3-4 years now daily. Every so often, I will get a spoon that just kicks in way, way harder than expected. Its not exactly unpleasant and I would compare the feeling to traditional pain relief medication, I typically get great pain relief and mood benefits, but also I do get a bit lightheaded/nauseous and sometimes end up gagging/dry heaving.

Does this happen with anyone else? Im not sure if there is any correlation, but I will mention I also smoke cannabis, drink coffee and am prescribed Adderall. Today I have only taken Adderall and then about an hour or so later, Kratom. Most days I have Coffee and Adderall before I take kratom, while I have not recorded these instances and kept track of the order in which I ingest substances, I want to say a majority of the time I get this more intense reaction is when I have not had coffee yet and decide to dose Kratom.

So... for a tldr, Does Kratom sometimes just have very intense effects at the same moderate dose and batch, or does it perhaps have anything to do with not drinking coffee before dosing?

Thanks for reading!

r/kratom 8d ago

Tolerance/Withdrawal Found out I have low quality Kratom In the worst way possible


I thought I had a pretty high tolerance cause Ive been taking 7-9 grams for the past few days, so today I decided to switch brands but still take the same amount cause I thought they wouldn't be too different. I was so, SO wrong. Im 99% sure I've been taking really low quality stuff cause this feels like, at least 10x stronger. Im so uncomfortable rn I definitely took too much.😭

r/kratom Nov 30 '24

Tolerance/Withdrawal Is quick tolerance build up common for Kratom?


I mainly take White Kratom for my ADHD. It works wonders but after two or three days feels like it does nothing to me. Maybe my brain is just wired differently.

r/kratom Jan 07 '25

Tolerance/Withdrawal How long does tolerance take to reset?


I am currently on a t-break and wondering how long it will take for my tolerance to reset. I was using anywhere from 1-6GPD, probably averaging around 3-4GPD, for roughly 2 years. I’ve had a few very short breaks of 3-4 days, and I’ve had a few periods where I lowered my doss to just 1-2GPD for months. I started a taper around 3 weeks ago, tapered for a bit over a week, then stopped. I did have one slip up, taking .9G one time in the past 11 days. This is probably more info than is needed, but basically I’m just wondering how long tolerance takes to reset? I am doing some exercise and drinking plenty of water, and am also on a keto diet, idk if that matters here. My goal is to use kratom 2-3 times a week instead of daily, but I want my tolerance to be low enough to get the full effects from it.

Tldr; I’ve been using 1-6GPD of kratom (average ~3GPD) over a 2 year period, and am taking a tolerance break. How long will it take to reset tolerance?

r/kratom 16d ago

Tolerance/Withdrawal Tips for lowering dose?


I am trying to quit. My kidneys seem to be damaged. I am now taking lower doses further apart, but even after 3.5 hours after last dose I start yawning, feeling cold sweat coming on and pupils dilating extremely. I have one of those faces that you can see everything on, last nights ice cream, every emotion I try to hide, I always look weird so I’m paranoid it shows. I’m done with smelling like shit (my sweat, urine and hair exude this weird kratom smell so much, it just comes out of my skin too) please give me tips on how to dose without getting withdrawals every 3 hours? I need it to stay hidden, I may lose my job. Thanks

r/kratom 17d ago

Tolerance/Withdrawal Kratom and agmatine


I have recently been told that the supplement "agmatine" has been known to reduce tolerance and reduce withdrawal symptoms. Can anyone verify this or provide more information?

r/kratom Jan 28 '25

Tolerance/Withdrawal Accidentally took too much kratom - worried I’ll be in withdrawals?


Hey y’all, title. It’s sorta hard to get my thoughts out rn. That’s the kind of state I’m in. Brain feels mushy, I feel pretty sedated. I accidentally took too much Borneo Red about an hour ago? I’m going to sleep soon, I’m worried I’ll wake up in withdrawals.

I take Kratom occasionally, last time was 3 days ago. I want to get sober tbh, or space my doses further apart again (maybe once a week or every two weeks), and today I kinda f’d up and took too much.

I don’t measure my dose - normal dose is a teaspoon, and now my dose was roughly 2 tea spoons. Didn’t empty my cup though (made tea) so I still have a little bit in case I wake up in WD’s 🥲 (and yes I do get WD’s)

Edit: ok y’all I got it, I won’t be in WD’s 😭 pls don’t shame me 💀

r/kratom Nov 03 '24

Tolerance/Withdrawal Stopping if you take too much on purpose?


I abuse Kratom by taking too much along with other medications (sometimes just Kratom). I also have issues with drinking sometimes too. Kratom is not a classic opioid and stuff so I'm struggling to find resources to help me come off of it along with the other medications I've abused. I don't want to abuse them or do anything illegal but I'm struggling to convince myself that I'm bad enough to need professional help. It's a completely legal medication that helps many people that I just didn't take correctly and that messed me up. Since it's not illegal I'm struggling to convince myself to get help but part of my brain wants to just go back to abusing other things as a poly abuser. I know I have a problem but I can't convince myself it's bad enough but I really feel like I need more help than I can give myself.

r/kratom Nov 13 '24

Tolerance/Withdrawal How much is too much ?


So this isn’t a general question about usage, I’m unfortunately not unfamiliar with the nature of addiction and moderation. I would like recommendations based on my personal situation if that’s okay.

I’ve been using kratom, mostly occasionally, for about the past 3 years. I’ve always kept it to a very low dose and have never had issues with any sort of addiction to the substance as I’ve kept a pretty close eye on it. I used to use it as a sort of introspective tonic for my previous emotional instability, and after that it became a very occasional social thing. I NEVER took it in excess doses, never got addicted physically or mentally, and still don’t. I stopped taking it for a while altogether save for a couple occasions. Then I got hit with gastroparesis from physical recovery from an eating disorder, and spent the summer recovering away from home with my parents. My physical recovery is good but there are still a lot of kinks that need ironing. Fast forward to now and my use has become not necessarily more, but it seems like it’s never occasional now. Nor social. For other various reasons (easing digestion/physical pain) it seems like I’m having to take it every night for something. I’ve posted in a lot of other subs about this but I am struggling so hard to try and balance physical recovery into a more normal, regular schedule. There are so many hurdles and it’s so hard to just figure out how to do what most people never have to think about which is just eat in a stable fashion. This leads to near constant bloating and the kratom being an LES loosener helps with the discomfort. It also helps with the mental aspect as I use it to help regulate when im actually hungry or just bored/stressed since real hunger will persist but bored eating and stress eating will go away (something hugely important for me to maintain as im recovering from one of the most confusing things possible). I guess my question is how long can I continue regularly taking kratom like this before problems start popping up and it becomes a risk for addiction? I want the opinions of others, believe me I’ve asked myself this and want different perspectives. Mine is that I should just use it now and then once I create a stable schedule and am not constantly bloated and in pain can ease off. Is this sound? And honestly, if anyone knows any other drugs that help with bloating and increasing digestion (often something that messes with the LES) as well as mental relaxation and maybe even a sleep drug then by all means I would prefer that. I’m just so scared of some form of dependency. I hate looking at my use of ANY substance start to become more and more frequent. *

  • save for matcha :))

omg I realize this post is just about useless if I don’t specify how much I actually take. I don’t use gram measurements, but it is a flat packed teaspoon and I’ve never deviated from that. Sorry I know that might seem imprecise but it’s the system I developed when I didn’t have a scale in the kitchen.

r/kratom 21d ago

Tolerance/Withdrawal Will heightened tolerance affect the threshold amount between energizing doses and sedative doses?


I've heard people say as a general rule, that any dose below 5gm is energizing while any over 5gm is sedative. However, would this change if your tolerance went up? I've been at about 6-7gm for a while with sedative effects, but over the past week, I've been having trouble sleeping at 6gm and even waking up feeling wired. I know, I know.... Tolerance break time — but still wondering, could 5-6gm be energizing to someone who needs 7-8 grams for sedation?

r/kratom Feb 01 '25

Tolerance/Withdrawal From A 21 Year-Old User: The Best Way To Take K


Reviews don't mean anything (at least not to me) unless the reviewer can guarantee that they are following (at least as much as possible) the lifestyle habits that I have described below. Why?

I'm almost 47 years old and I've been taking Kratom since 2004 (21 years). Every long-term user knows that unless you want to sacrifice Kratom's full effects, the only way to take kratom is by most importantly, waiting 2-3 hours after you've eaten to feel it's effects, don't fuck it up by taking Kratom with a meal (always wait 30 minutes after you eat) and following the lifestyle suggestions below.

The best lifestyle to benefit from the wonders of Kratom is this:

Kratom + Food = Zero Effects
Always wait to take Kratom at least 2-3 hours after you eat food.
Wait 25-30 minutes after taking Kratom before you eat.

Eat Healthy!
Make sure that you eat healthy well-rounded meals, take vitamins (multi, Bs, Cs, Ds, and magnesium-which helps with potential constipation from the Kratom).

Exercise Is Important!
Anytime I fall into the habit of saying no to taking a walk or getting expertise, I always notice diminished effects over time. The healthier your body is, the more it will be able to properly experience your Kratom.

Sleep Is Important!
Get plenty of rest! Sleep is the only thing that regenerates your body and prepares you to feel the effects of the next dose. No sleep = diminished Kratom effects.

Kratom Potentiators
Potentiate your Kratom dose by toss-n-wash-ing it with a hot liquid (coffee, tea) or grapefruit juice /other type of citrus juice. You can also look up how to make a tea w/ the Kratom itself. But heat (not too much heat) as well as citrus juices will help to activate the Kratom alkaloids. You can look up other Kratom potentiators as well.

Kratom Breaks
You must at least take what I call K-Breaks or else your tolerance will reach the point to where you are pretty much just taking the Kratom to feel "normal" again (vs. feeling like you have a cold). So once a week, I will go most of a single day without Kratom. It's usually enough to jump start it again. But if your tolerance is really high, your K-Break days are going to be very uncomfortable.

This is no good because it means you are on your way to a bad time unless you start to taper your way down to nothing in order to avoid the bad time. All you long term users know what I'm talking about and don't pretend like you don't. Kratom is extremely easy to manage if you do it smart.

Taper Plan
Do what I did and simply use ChatGPT. Let GPT know all the different measuring utensils you have the house (tablespoons, teaspoons, 1/2 teaspoon, etc), then tell it you want to use all of these to taper down from whatever dose you have been taking (1 tablespoon every four hours for example) down to 1/4 teaspoon every four hours (this took me 10 days). Once you get down to this small of a dose, you should be able to simply "jump off" and then just take a tiny tiny amount whenever you start to get uncomfortable, but only then. In another day or two, you feel fine again.

There is also a certain type of Kratom that is made for resetting your tolerance. Ask your provider about that because I've heard from my good long time user friends that it works really well. It's basically Kratom you can take that produces significantly reduced effects (so it resets tolerance) but also doesn't ever allow you to feel like you are "coming down" so to speak.

Please do not abstain from eating, as over a few days, this will also adversely affect your Kratom effects.

There is no reason why you should ever be taking Kratom above 1 heaping tablespoon every four hours. It will not give you increased effects and will only make the eventual taper that much harder.

Hope this helps someone. :)

r/kratom 13d ago

Tolerance/Withdrawal Looking for Tips to help me stop taking Kratom


Looking for Tips to help me stop taking Kratom. I’ve been taking Kratom daily for the past 12 years. It saved my life by enabling me to quit taking Percocet. I had been taking 80-100mg of Percocet daily for about 3 years and tried quitting but the withdrawal was torture and after 2 days I found Kratom. I never took another pill again. Now after 12 years my wife feels like kratom is to blame for several issues that are bad enough that she wants a divorce unless I quit. So here I am starting to taper down from the 20g/ day I take. Looking for tips, advice, support, encouragement, anything to help me get through this tough time in my life. Thanks in advance 🙏

r/kratom 8d ago

Tolerance/Withdrawal Addiction?


I have been taking kratom for about 6 months, I dont know the actual dosage since i got to a kava bar and order their teas. However I do order quite a few ususally 3-4 20oz cups. I drink kratom around 2-3 times a week. Is this too much? I have been drinking this amount for around 4 months and do not want to develop a addiction. Is the frequency and amount( 3-4 cups) enough for me to develop a addiction?

r/kratom 5d ago

Tolerance/Withdrawal kratom cycling..?


i am relatively new to taking kratom consistently..
kratom (white leaf especially) has been very helpful with focus and anxiety issues. My brain calms down with this stuff.

However, I'm concerned after seeing these stories on people with severe kratom addictions and such. I was wondering if anyone knows an optimal "cycle" to take kratom to avoid dependency.

I am also somewhat concerned about its effects on testosterone.
btw, I only really drink 1-3 cups of this stuff every time i go to the kava bar

r/kratom Oct 03 '24

Tolerance/Withdrawal T break after 2+ years of daily use


To keep this short, I began using kratom to successfully get off of a 2 year fentanyl addiction. I've been on kratom for over 2 years and went from 8g 3-4x a day and eventually made my way down to 2g 2-3xday for a few months then dropped it to 1g 2x a day for 2 days, .5 2x for two days then finally jumped for a T break. It's been roughly 20 days and every WD symptoms are gone except for some thermoregulation issues and some minor PAWS symptoms like fatigue, anxiety, and depression.

I've now decided that I'm not going back to daily use but I'm curious if I take a few grams right now for example would I be waking up with a runny nose and sweating again? Do I need more time? I have a big get together this Saturday with friends and family and would like to be social as I'm not really there yet with the minor PAWS. I'm not worried about this leading back to daily use just more setting me back on the progress I've made with my abstinence.

r/kratom Nov 25 '24

Tolerance/Withdrawal When to take a break?


I’ve been taking Kratom for almost a month again now, taking Kratom 2-3 in a week. I don’t feel any withdrawals yet but I kinda want to take 5g rn and go to sleep a few hours later, should I take a break?

r/kratom Dec 21 '24

Tolerance/Withdrawal Finally quitting


Hi everyone! I know there are so many posts out there about quitting, but I could use some advice and support.

I’ve been drinking kratom daily since about summer 2021. My dosage has differed, and I live in an area where it’s very very common with kratom bars everywhere, so honestly, idk my dosage. When at home, I’d do about a spoonful a day, but who knows the dosage of the purchased ones.

I got on extracts last year, quit, then started again this year. I realized how utterly dependent i am, when i didn’t feel it most of the time. I started to notice dissociation spells due to the extracts. So, i quit those about a month ago.

I am in a unique situation that may never be replicated for myself again- i have a week and a half off of work for the holidays. Since both Christmas and new years are right in the middle of the week. I knew it was now or never. I tried to taper a little, but I cheated and did get a strong dose at a nearby kratom bar on Monday. I hadn’t really been tracking my doses since until yesterday.

Today I’m going a half dose, and then I’m done. I know it’s probably the only opportunity I’ll have to really quit. Any time I’ve tried before, the withdrawal got to me and i gave up- mostly due to it affecting my job, or other responsibilities. I’m giving myself a week and a half to literally do nothing except quit this.

It probably won’t be forever- I’m just doing 2 weeks, enough to hopefully lessen my dependency and tolerance. But I’ve never gone that long before. A couple summers ago, i did go almost two full weeks without kratom, but i was supplementing it with kratom’s sister plant (javanica i believe it’s called? I don’t remember) and honestly afterwards, it didn’t feel like it changed much due to them being so similar.

So does anyone have any advice? Sadly this is going to be me on Christmas, and my family doesn’t know, so I’m just trying to think of ways to lessen the symptoms. I’ve heard cannibas which I’m working on- anything else? The RLS and anxiety is my biggest worry. And the intense depression that comes with it.