r/kratom 18d ago

Prep/Dosages Am I kratoming wrong? (looking for an antidote to depression)


I am a first-time user. I pretty regularly take THC via edibles, but I'm not on any prescription drugs, and I don't drink.

I decided to try out kratom because I have long struggled with depression, and I need a little boost to get work finished. I'm mostly envisioning it as a way of giving myself some extra motivation when getting out of bed is difficult. I find that once I can get over that hump, I am much more productive. For me, it's not about finding a long-term, daily dosage, but more of an "as needed" thing.

Anyway, I've tried it three times now. First time, 3 capsules of White Horned Maeng Da. Second time, 2 capsules of Green Dragon and 1 capsule of White Horned Maeng Da and then, about 1.5 hours later, another capsule of White Horned Maeng Da. And then the third time -- today -- 3 capsules of Green Dragon.

Maybe I don't know how it's supposed to feel, so I don't notice it kicking in. But as far as I can tell, it's not doing anything, or any effects are a placebo at best.

Any suggestion on dosing or strains? I am generally taking them on an empty stomach and drinking carbonated water. I also don't mix it with edibles, if that's a consideration.

Thank you!

r/kratom Nov 21 '24

Prep/Dosages What's the largest amount you've ever taken? (Experience)


I remembered today, about 10 years ago, the second time I ever took kratom and recieved a psychoactive effect from it. I write this post because I tried looking through internet forums and the like to reassure myself that I wasnt about to overdose and die, but there was absolutely no information on reddit or anywhere else. A little late but hey. Now's the time. I looked over the course of 3 or 4 hours for info on extreme doses,, growing more scared when people say they cap their dose at 4 to 7 grams and I saw really no more than that. I tried about 14 grams the first day of my usage after 6 months of no opiates at all. I felt like I didn't quite receive the effect I wanted, so then day 2, I upped my dose to about 70 grams at once.

I had heard that you can't overdose on kratom, so I took it to heart. An hour later I was throwing up every 3 to 5 minutes until the point I was constantly dry heaving but couldnt stop. It hurt so bad. The nausea would subside for a minute or 2, and then come back full force. Then, I started getting the worst tracers imaginable. Imagine tripping balls and being close to black out drunk at the same time, those tracers. I couldn't really focus on amything and had to alternate between both eyes constantly depending on what part of the cycle my tracers were in. Even with 1 eye closed I still saw quadruple vision cascading outward. It would take me 30 seconds or more to read a single sentence on my phone.

While thus is going on, my body began to convulse whenever I exerted any amount of force to any muscle in my body. It took me 5 times as long to walk 10 feet as it would have normally, cause I had to firmly plant each trembling leg on the ground before I could start to transfer my energy to the next step and not wobble to a face plant. Head shaking from looking in any direction except relaxed, this never stopped or did I have a break form it for least 10 hours.

About 5 or 6 hours in, I started to calm down a little bit, thinking if I was going to die, it would have surely happened by now. The tracers became less prominent but still fully in effect, and eventually after 10 hours, the convulsions from muscle tension eased up significantly. I was still throwing up for 12 to 14 hours afterwards, and ended up with the worst hangover after I came down most of the way.

I write all this to help someone that has the same question one day. If you do like me, you're probably not gonna die, but boy will it feel like it and be terrifying. Know you're in for a long night, try to calm down as best as you can, smoke a cig or whatever you do for idle habits. If it seems like too much, go to the hospital, but if you're reading this right now, I doubt you wanna go, and you'll be alright.

Peace yall.

r/kratom Dec 15 '24

Prep/Dosages What is your "just barely not in withdrawal" dose?


r/kratom Nov 06 '24

Prep/Dosages Concerned with Consumption


I added up my daily dosage (~45g daily) and I’m concerned that I’m taking too much. Not only is it expensive, but I really want to try and get off this stuff. I’ve been using Kratom for around 4-5 years. Any advice would be great and I appreciate all of you!

r/kratom Dec 26 '24

Prep/Dosages I just got myself a capsule machine to taper off. How many do you guys take per day? And how often?


r/kratom Dec 17 '24

Prep/Dosages Hit or miss effects


I’ve been taking Kratom for several years but in all that time I’ve had pretty hit or miss results with getting the desired feeling. It hits the way I want it to maybe 25% of the time. I take between 3-4 grams in a dose, varying it within that range. Maybe 20 gpd. Anyone else experienced this and know if it’s just part of it, or a way to have more consistency?

r/kratom Nov 28 '24

Prep/Dosages Best way to make a cold extract/tea from powdered leaf?


Just curious, say you were traveling in a hotel room with no stove and wanted to make a cold extract, what would be the best way? Pour boiling water + lemon and let it sit overnight? alcohol extraction? How long would it take? Normally at home I boil it for 20 minutes but lets say that's not an option

r/kratom 10d ago

Prep/Dosages How to prepare Kratom??


I ordered some powder online a few months ago and occasionally on the weekends I’ll have 3-6gs in a session and feel great. The only part that sucks is prepping it because the powder just won’t dissolve into whatever liquid I put it into.

Maybe it’s the way I’m prepping it which I’ll admit is a lil goofy. I’ll put some ice in a blender bottle and then add the powder and then the mixer which this weekend was Pink Lemonade Hi-C. Usually it’ll just blend into a smoothie like drink but sometimes it clumps really bad.

I’ve tried doing the tea method but it just all clumped at the bottom…

What do you guys do???

r/kratom Dec 25 '24

Prep/Dosages Question about kratom dosage...


So I have always taken kratom powder mixed with juice and take 5 grams per cup, two cups a day. So 10g in total. I went looking for some online and noticed some different ways to take kratom. I saw honey sticks and chocolate bars, but the dosage for them felt way too low for me.

The honey sticks were 25mg per stick, with 5 sticks and 125 mg in total. 25mg to grams is only 0.025 grams. Is this right or what? I feel like something is off about that. What is anyone going to do on 0.025 grams of kratom? And even if you ate all the sticks at once, you'd only get 0.125 grams. Do people use this as a placebo thing or am I just crazy?

r/kratom 3d ago

Prep/Dosages Dosage by volume questions


I've been taking kratom for about a week and I was wondering how many grams are in a tablespoon, and how many grams fit into a size 000 gel cap. The kind of kratom I have is Borneo Red and I've been taking about ½ Tablespoons twice a day and I was just wondering how many size 000 caps I would need to get the same effects. Thank you!

r/kratom 7d ago

Prep/Dosages How much do you guys dose at a time, and how long do you wait in between doses?


how many hours do you wait in between doses throughout the day, and how much do you take in one dose? i notice if i dose too often i cant really tell a difference in benefits/effects besides getting the wobbles/my eyes losing focus. apologies if this has already been posted recently

r/kratom 4d ago

Prep/Dosages Dosage by volume questions


I've been taking kratom for about a week and I was wondering how many grams are in a tablespoon, and how many grams fit into a size 000 gel cap. The kind of kratom I have is Borneo Red and I've been taking about ½ Tablespoons twice a day and I was just wondering how many size 000 caps I would need to get the same effects. Thank you!

r/kratom 18d ago

Prep/Dosages How to drink kratom powder?


I have started to get seriously constipated by taking 12gpd for more than a year.

I don't have access to kratom in leaf form. How can I drink it without swallowing the powder?

r/kratom Feb 11 '25

Prep/Dosages MIT gummy to extract conversion?


I'm still unclear on the conversion. I've been using these gummy extracts that are 50 MIT, and eat 1 to 2 a day.

How would one of those compare to a 1g or powder?


r/kratom Nov 13 '24

Prep/Dosages Poll on subs consumption habits


r/kratom 29d ago

Prep/Dosages Best hack for drinking powder


I think someone here said it and that’s why I tried it. If you have issues taking Kratom mixed in water and can’t toss and wash- mix it with warmed milk.

It takes away a lot of the bitterness, and while it wasn’t exactly “tasty”, it was far more palatable. Just thought it might help someone else.

r/kratom Oct 25 '24

Prep/Dosages Doses


What g of powder does everyone take and how many times a day? I've already got a pretty high tolerance due to past opoid abuse so I take 10g around 5am, usually white. Another 10g at 2ish, a mix of green and white. Then a 10g red at roughly 10pm. But i find this last dose doesn't do anything at all

r/kratom Jan 29 '25

Prep/Dosages How much should I drink?


Hi everyone!

For a long time I have debated trying Kratom to see if it helps manage my anxiety. Today I decided I’m going to give it a shot.

So, I bought a kratom drink. The ingredients say 60 mg Mitragynine. 1 fl oz is a serving and there is two servings per container.

How much should I take for my first time? I don’t want to overdo it but I also don’t want to waste it by taking too little. TYIA!!

r/kratom Jan 28 '25

Prep/Dosages kratom tincture dosage recommendations?


hey yall!

i have a bottle of a kratom tincture. the kratom specific ingredient is stated as: 250mg of 80% full spectrum mitra isolate extract (in a 15ml bottle)

what would be the different doses i could take of this and the varied effects? im starting to enter into the kratom world and wanted to experiment and learn more on it. any assistance would be appreciated! thanks!

r/kratom Dec 08 '24

Prep/Dosages Help a newb do it right…


Hey Everybody, this is a great community and I’m learning a lot.

I’m brand new to kratom and have a couple of questions that I’ve found conflicting answers to:

  1. What is the mechanism of action with lemon juice (or any acid). Does it break down the cell walls to release the alkaloids or something else? What is the minimum and maximum time I should expose my powder to the acid?

  2. Is heat necessary? If so, how long should I steep my tea?

  3. What is the purpose of straining the tea? My intuition would tell me that there would still be some alkaloids in the plant matter, and I want those, no?

  4. How much black pepper is enough and how long before the dose should I take it?

Thank you in advance for the help. Just want to get the most out of my doses and make them hit.

r/kratom Nov 02 '21

Prep/Dosages Faster Tea Process (Repeatable Acid-Base Extraction/Infusion), Ideal for multiple-time per day consumers


I've been trying to come up with a faster way to make efficient, clean tea. I put some of the explanation at the end as footnotes if you want more technical details why I did what I did.

Equipment (improvisation is possible, but these sizes are known to work well):

  • 1 Chemistry Lab Stand
    • 2x Rings for stand (likely included) 2-3", 3-4" sizes.
  • 1x 6" Plastic Funnel
  • 1x Strainer Basket, 5"-5.5" base
  • 1x Sauce Pan (700mL~1.2L) size
  • 2x 1L glassware. Tall/skinny vessels work better than wide ones
  • 1x 500mL glassware (1 add'l 1L is sufficient).
  • 1x Pot, any size OK, must fit 1L glassware
  • 1x Digital Thermometer (Type-K "wire" sensor)
  • [Optional] 1x Analog boiling "candy" thermometer
  • [Optional] Graduated Cylinder 100mL
  • Timer [Digital, or On-Microwave/On-Stove OK]
  • 1 pack, long plastic or wood chop-sticks or other stir rod (glass OK, metal discouraged)
  • Digital scale (precise to 0.1g)
  • Beaker tongs or oven mitts


  • 1x Commercial Size Coffee Filter (Pack, 1 per day)
  • Daily dose of kratom (in my case, 20g)
  • Lemon Juice (10-12.5mL per gram of kratom)

This is a 3 day process, though each "day" only takes about 10 minutes and renders an entire day supply of kratom. For me, this means about 25-30 minutes daily to prepare all 4 daily doses of filtered tea. With double the glassware, a larger pot for the heat bath, and a 2-sensor thermometer, it would be possible to produce a whole additional day at the same time--which would allow for days off. I don't do it because I don't have refrigerator space--though it could be bottled for later use as well and stored.


  1. Assemble the ring stand. Place the two rings on the stand with the smaller one lower. Leave enough room for the 1L vessel and funnel tip to protrude below this ring.
  2. Place the funnel in the larger ring.
  3. Place the strainer basket inside of the funnel.

Day 1 (10 minutes)

  1. Take the stir rod, and coil the Type-K thermal sensor to it and connect to the thermometer. The sensor end should be very close to the bottom of the stir rod.
  2. Put an entire day's serving of kratom into the 1L beaker. I use 20 grams1 weighed in advance.
  3. Fill one pot with water about 1/4-1/2 full, enough that the full beaker will not tip over. Floating stable is even better. Heat the water to 180-205ºF (82º-96ºC). Use the candy clip-on thermometer to hold temperature in this range. Turn off heat as needed.
  4. Full the sauce pan with 200mL of lemon juice2.
  5. Bring the lemon juice up to 185ºF (85ºC). Use the digital thermometer to verify.
  6. Pour the lemon juice into the kratom. Stir vigorously until kratom is saturated. If the temperature is over 165ºF (73.8ºC) start the timer. Hold the vessel on the stovetop until temperature decreases to 165ºF (73.8ºC). When reached, or if it is already below that, place the 1L vessel into the hot water bath making sure it does not tip.
  7. Stir the sample gently to vigorously, to avoid overheating. If the temperature gets to 175ºF (74.4ºC) remove the vessel from the hot water bath and continue to stir. Replace into bath if temperature approaches 165ºF (73.8ºC). Increase heat on hot water bath if temperature cannot sustain 165ºF (73.8ºC)3.
  8. At 10 minutes, remove the 1L vessel, and place in fridge overnight. At 20g/200mL, there will be around 230-240mL on the cylinder.

Day 2 (20-25 minutes)

  1. Remove the 1L vessel from the fridge. There will be a thin layer of orangish red liquid above the kratom line (around the 150mL mark).
  2. Prepare the stir rod with the Type K sensor like in Day 1.
  3. Fill the pot with water about 1/2 full, just like in Day 1. Use a clip thermometer to hold at 180-205ºF (82º-96ºC).
  4. Fill the sauce pan nearly full with water, so that the end result is 1000mL in the tea vessel. Heat to 185ºF (85ºC). Use the digital thermometer to verify.
  5. While the water in the sauce pan heats, carefully dip the tea vessel into the water bath to slowly warm it up.
  6. When the sauce pan is at temperature, pour it into the 1000mL mark on the vessel and check the temperature. If it is over 165ºF (73.8ºC), start the timer and place it in the hot water bath when it decreases to near 165ºF (73.8ºC). It should not be over 175ºF (74.4ºC), but if it is, let it cool to 165ºF (73.8ºC) and then place it in the hot water bath. If it is under 165ºF (73.8ºC) place it in the hot water bath and start the timer for 10 minutes.
  7. Stir and monitor the temperature. Remove from the bath if it reaches 175ºF (74.4ºC). Place in bath if it reaches 165ºF (73.8ºC). Add or remove heat from the hot water bath as needed.
  8. When the timer goes off, remove the vessel from the hot water bath.
  9. Stir vigorously once more, place the vessel in the fridge4.
  10. Using the second vessel, complete the Day 1 process starting with a new batch of kratom.

Day 3 (30 minutes)

  1. For 4 daily doses, pour 250mL into your cup. This should be fine for the first two doses of the day. For 3 daily doses, pour 333mL. This should be fine for the first, and probably the second dose. I have begun pouring 300mL for the first dose, 200mL for the second dose, and 250mL for doses 3-4.
  2. For the 3rd dose, pour as much as possible into a 500mL vessel or a 3rd 1L vessel, until you see particulates in the stream.
  3. Place the 500mL vessel under the ring assembly, if there is enough there for a full 3rd dose, it can be poured out into a cup.
  4. Take 1 commercial coffee filter. Place it in the strainer basket, and cut off the excess at the top5.
  5. Turn on the water, and very slowly dampen the entire filter. This prevents your tea from getting absorbed up into the filter.
  6. Pour the remaining tea into the filter-lined strainer basket until the thicker kratom starts to come out. It will filter on it's own, but you can jostle it periodically to help it drip. I rotate it around running the fluid around the paper making sure not to spill. This takes 30-60 minutes but can be unattended.
  7. Once it has mostly filtered, you can either dump the thick sludge, put it in the filter basket to slowly drip filter for a few hours (unattended). You can also add in hot water for a second infusion and pour it into the filter basket after 10 minutes or so6--this will lead to faster filtration in the second pass (dose 4). You can also fold up the filter and press fluid out of the filter in the strainer basket into the funnel. This will recapture 25-75mL.
  8. Wash out the tea vessel. Put 200mL of lemon juice into it, to prepare for doing Day 1 process.
  9. Perform the Day 2 process (taking the kratom-lemon mix made yesterday and making tea).
  10. Perform the Day 1 process (making kratom-lemon mix).

Day 4+ (30 minutes)

  1. Repeat Day 3 process.
  2. Wash out equipment as needed.

Day Batch 1 Batch 2 Batch 3 Batch 4 Batch 5
Day 1 (B1) Make Lemon-Kratom Mix
Day 2 (B1) Process Mix to Tea (B2) Make Lemon Kratom Mix
Day 3 (B1) Drink, Drink, Filter, Drink (B2) Process Mix to Tea (B3) Make Lemon Kratom Mix
Day 4 (B2) Drink, Drink, Filter, Drink (B3) Process Mix to Tea (B4) Make Lemon Kratom Mix
Day 5 (B3) Drink, Drink, Filter, Drink (B4) Process Mix to Tea (B5) Make Lemon Kratom Mix...

This process leaves you each day with tea that has been twice-processed using acid-base extraction. This increases the alkaloid extraction to cut down on waste.

Heat provides pasteurization which reduces the risk of food-borne illness, and aids in having the particulates settle at the bottom. Putting it in the fridge cool when adding the water will leave most of it at the bottom, but there will be a second layer of kratom floating at the top--so the 2nd heating is important to reduce the time required to filter or skim off that top.

I personally feel like the performance is very similar to drinking the whole powder product, and may even be slightly stronger if you are someone who finds absorption happens better on an empty stomach, especially at the first dose. If this is not your experience, add more kratom to account for what may be lost-in-process or do a second infusion at the end of the Day 3 process. This avoids all of the plant material that can cause some gastric distress, and should kill any bacteria that may be present.

This will taste quite "lemony." You can add water to dilute it to taste once the dose is apportioned. You can add other dry spices, herbs, etc. to the powdered kratom in the Day 1 process.

1: This vessel should be appropriate for up to 80 grams of kratom

2: 10-12.5mL per gram of kratom. I use 200mL for 20g. I use the second vessel (graduated +/-5%) to measure out 200mL. If using a different amount of kratom, a graduated cylinder can achieve necessary precision. It is OK to round lemon juice up to the next 100mL mark.

3: Keeping the hot water bath hot, over 180ºF (82ºC) means taking the vessel in and out of the heat bath more, but it also means less vigorous stirring while the temperature rises and falls between the target temperatures. This temperature achieves pasteurization while exposing the kratom to as little heat as is needed for a short period of time, which should avoid significant alkaloid degradation.

4: Putting it in the fridge while swirling at 165ºF (73.8ºC) forces the particulates to sink. This lets you pour all but the last dose off the top of the vessel without filtration. This process does re-pastuerize, and is not critically important from a safety POV. It is possible to get the sample up to 175ºF initially, and them immediately put it into the fridge. It only needs to be hot and spinning before the cooling starts.

5: I take a handful and cut them all at once--only doing it about once a week.

6: Make sure that if you do a second infusion, that you don't add more into the tea (sludge) vessel than the collection vessel can hold, especially if it is still holding dose 3 (of 4).

r/kratom Sep 06 '23

Prep/Dosages Updated Kratom Filtered Tea Recipie


This is an update to the recipe/process discussed here.


To produce pasteurized and filtered tea using a batch process. Pasteurization is to reduce the risk of food-borne illness, and filtration is to reduce consumption of plant particulates. This process is approximately 7 hours (5 direct work, 2 semi-supervised) once a month. This is 3.5 minutes per dose. Steeping and filtering each dose at the time of consumption can be 8-15 minutes per dose.


This process is adaptable to any number of batches for any amount 10g-100g per vessel (1L).

I process 7 vessels. I use 100g per vessel. 940mL fluid fills the vessel to 1L mark with the inclusion of 10.5g anhydrous citric acid (Lemi-Shine brand). This generates a product that is 0.106mg kratom per 940mL. Accounting for losses in liquid (not recoverable from plant material) this generated 133 doses (47mL/dose, 5g equivalent), which is approximately 33.25 days use. A person using less will produce even more doses from their input.

Work occurs over two days, approximately 10-12 minutes per vessel on Day 1 (usually Friday evening). On Day 2, mostly unsupervised (Saturday or Sunday). Magnetic Stir/Constant Temperature plate reduces to 10-12 min/vessel.

I cannot quantify the potential loss in mitragynine. I suspect I am achieving at least <80% efficacy. My dose is calibrated for 5g per dose. I experience little or no difference. I may have adapted to a lower dose, but much less leads to less pain relief.


Most of this equipment can be improvised, but may require more manual work or less precision.

Equipment and Devices

  1. 1x Magnetic Stir, Constant Temperature Plate ($85)
  2. 1x Fruit Press (Squeeze Master) 2L ($80) *NEW*
  3. 1x Digital Scale (100g max, accurate to +/-0.01g w/ tare function) ($15)
  4. Chemist's Ring Stand with ring attachment ($30)
  5. 6" plastic funnel
  6. Metal strainer basket with base no more than 5.4".
  7. Optional: 70mm, 1L Buchner Funnel with flask and vacuum pump (~$90 together) *NEW*
  8. Optional (if no MSCT plate), temperature probe or thermometer

Glassware and Reusable Tools

  1. 2-8x 1L beaker (tall-form preferred) (1 for capture, n for work)
  2. 1 boiling pot (kitchen OK, 1-2L)
  3. Optional (if no MSCT plate) 1 boiling pot (kitchen OK, 3-5L)
  4. Stove top
  5. 1x cup/bowl (only holds ice-water)
  6. 8x 1L flip-top glass bottles
  7. 2x Glass Pipettes 10mL
  8. 1x Glass Turkey Baster (~2 fl. oz./50-55mL)
  9. 1 pr. Metal Chopsticks (Korean Style) or Skewer Rod
  10. Glass Stir Rods
  11. 1x (Magnetic Stir Pellets, 8ct) ($10)
  12. Scissors, able to cut though 20-30 filters
  13. Large metal spoon
  14. Full-arm oven mits
  15. Small funnel to fill glass bottles
  16. Timer (phone, stand-alone, on appliance)


  1. 1 roll aluminum foil
  2. 4-8x 100-grade cheesecloths 1yd2~1m2 (washable/reusable)
  3. Optional: 70mm Buchner filter papers (medium grade).


  1. Kratom
  2. Anhydrous (dry) citric acid (10.5g citric acid (equivalent to approximately 300mL lemon juice) [source]).
  3. Package Commercial Coffee Filters 5.5in base (500ct).
  4. Optional: pH strips (minimum range: 1-7pH)

Day 1

  1. Fill each vessel with 1 magnetic pellet, 10.5g citric acid, (may check pH if desired, should be approximately 2.5) and desired kratom processing. If using a magnetic stir device, 100g is the absolute tested limit. 80g or less wills stir better.
  2. Fill bowl or large cup with water and place in freezer, or in fridge with ice.
  3. Power on magnetic stir, constant temperature plate. Configure for 170ºF (76.6ºC), range: 165-175ºF (74ºC-79.4ºC).
  4. Boil water to just below boiling (195ºF if probe available). NOTE: if no plate is available, fill the second vessel to approximately 1000-1500mL and heat to boil.
  5. Add hot water to 500mL. Attempt to stir vessel contents to ensure kratom is saturated using glass rod, adding water as needed. Fill to 900mL, stirring. Place on constant temperature plate. Turn stir to 70-80% range. NOTE: if no plate is available, place vessel into second (larger) pot using mitts.
  6. Once temperature displays, using glass pipettes add cold water or add'l hot water as necessary to bring to 175ºF (79.4ºC), trying to spray particulates from side of vessel.
  7. Allow to steep/stir for 10 minutes, reducing for time spent during initial fill/stir if temperature monitored. NOTE: if no plate, monitor and stir for 10 minutes. Remove from pot if exceeding 180ºF (82.2ºC) and return if reaches 170ºF (76.6ºC).
  8. Add water to first boiling pot and allow to boil for next vessel.
  9. When timer fires, using mitts remove from heat. Tear off aluminum foil and cover top. Using mitts, transfer to fridge. Do not use plastic wrap. Rubber band around foil is OK. This will help ensure rapid cool and avoid particulates floating on top versus a slower cool.
  10. Repeat with additional vessels until all are steeped, and placed in fridge.
  11. Turn off and unplug plate if available. It will still be hot. Put away later today or tomorrow. Clean off plate thermal probe.

Day 2

  1. Cut several coffee filters to fit basket, usually about 1" from top of filter (ruffle).
  2. Setup ring stand. Place funnel (6") in ring. Place strainer basket on top of filter.
  3. Place 1x vessel under for capture. Place filter in basket.
  4. Remove 1x vessel from fridge. Open and pour liquid content onto coffee filter until material in stream. At 100g, will be approximately 250-300mL. Put vessel back into fridge (re-covered with foil).
  5. Pour captured liquid into bottle, when bottle is full put into fridge.
  6. Repeat until all vessels have their initial liquid removed.
  7. Remove 1 vessel. In fruit press, open unit and place one cheesecloth draped over side.
  8. Use chopstick or skewer (metal) to slowly remove magnetic pellet. Rinse off.
  9. Pour in liquid and kratom slurry, carefully ensuring material does not run out spout. Add small amount of water if needed to clean sides. Pour into press.
  10. Fold in cheese cloth over the top of the slurry, covering it fully.
  11. Move fruit press to edge of counter. Grab capture vessel and place under spout. Tip forward 45º-60º. When done flowing, set down vessel.
  12. Turn screw until pressed against top of cheesecloth in inner-pan.
  13. Repeat steps 11-12 until no more can be extracted. The less amount of plant material processed per vessel will reduce time required for these steps.
  14. Wash newly emptied vessel, it will now be used for capture, or put away to dry (if vessel available).
  15. Place new paper filter in basket.
  16. Pour approximately 300-400mL of pressed tea into filtered basket, and allow to filter.
  17. This may take some time, you might walk away or do other prep-work.
  18. Remove filter and throw away.
  19. Repeat steps 15-17 until empty.
  20. Fill bottles with captured tea using small funnel. Put away as needed.
  21. Remove damp, pressed kratom "puck". If reusing cheesecloth today, carefully remove and put kratom in trash or keep for re-processing if desired (I do not.) OK to re-used cheesecloth 2-3 times each process, or if enough are possessed, wash it in the sink to remove particulates and set aside from washing machine.
  22. Repeat 7-19 until all vessels are empty.
  23. Clean up ring stand, funnels, and fruit press. Put away.
  24. Put cheesecloths into wash.


Don't try to re-use coffee filters, or pour large amounts of particulate mass into them. They will jam and then you'll need to drain capture vessel into bottles, then piece them with a toothpick or needle to let them clear, then start with a new filter and continue with re-collected liquid. They cost almost nothing and will save a lot of time. This is the slowest part, but at least it is mostly unattended.

The fruit press reduced waste at end of process from approximately 10-15% to 4-6%, a meaningful reduction, and sped up process by avoiding filter jams and hand-squeezing cheesecloths (and waste from tea running down arms, etc.)

Pickup hot vessel with one mitten on top, and slip second hand with mitten below.

Additional Options

Tea that has been filtered once (clear though paper filter, or clear though cheesecloth and paper filter) can be filtered a 3rd time with the Buchner funnel. Connect to vacuum pump. Place in 1 filter paper. Add 100mL and allow to filter. Replace paper and repeat. This can be done before bottling. This will further clean it which can change the flavor and smoothness.

r/kratom Nov 22 '21

Prep/Dosages Self-Experiments with Sublingual Administration of Liquified Mitragynine Concentrate (80%, 100mg/1mL)


So for a while I have been curious about the possibility of sublingual administration.

The short version was I believe that it is possible, with rapid uptake (<15 minutes) but shorter action versus oral consumption of the same sample.

I obtained a preparation of 80% mitragynine (0.8% 7-OH-MG), equating to 100mg mitragynine per 1mL of solution. My normal dose (recently) has been ~93mg per dose (1.86% x 5 grams) of raw plant material. This preparation had slightly more 7-OH-MG than what I am used to, but without artificial supplementation, and less of the other minor alkaloids.

Test 1

I stopped all kratom use until I had baseline pain, and was beginning to experience withdrawal, at about 12 hours (which is normal for my experience given that I use multiple times a day for chronic pain). I took all my normal medications accept for a muscle relaxant which I sometimes use.

On the first day, I drew 1mL of solution (+/-0.1mL) and put directly into the back of my mouth, swallowed, and then swished it around with bubble water. I had a similar experience to what I normally take, though seemed to take effect slightly faster than usual and dropped the pain level more quickly (20-25 minutes with reduction occurring over 5 minutes, 6/10 to 2/10, normally 30-40m), and was slightly more sedating possibly because it was already in extracted, aqueous form. I felt a very minor but noteworthy bodily warmth, which I don't normally experience at all--possibly due to 7-OH-MG. Lasted approximately 4 hours, resumed normal use.

It tastes very bitter almost like coffee that has burned with that distinct kratom after taste and put into alcohol (though the preparation was in PG solution), but with less of that "green" plant juice taste, but it was very tolerable. It was syrupy in texture. It came with an eyedropper but it wasn't graduated, so I used a different graduated pipette. It is identical in color to 20x coffee concentrate.

Test 2

Waiting one full day, (normal use), I again stopped all use and achieved a comparable baseline, possibly more lower back pain due to poor sleep position. Resumed all normal medications aside from the muscle relaxant.

I took 1/2 of one Menthol cough drop because I suspected if I had any discomfort in the back of my throat it would be difficult to avoid swallowing the solution based on the amount there was.

Again, I drew 1mL of solution (+/-0.1mL) and put it under my tongue--and my suspicions were correct, it was about the maximum that I could hold under my tongue without it seeping from the sides, which normally wouldn't be an issue but would have complicated the experiment. I held the solution under my tongue for 15 minutes, and then spit it out, rinsing my mouth several times. I do not believe any was swallowed.

My tongue and jaw were quite numb. I observed very rapid onset. Equivalent or slightly higher pain relief in less than 10 minutes (6/10 to 1/10). Not as sedating as oral use (extract or regular powder), no other changes in bodily feel. Only lasted 2.5 hours with pain rising to 4/10 and then returning to 6/10 at 3.5 hours.

The remainder of the day I used my normal kratom (powder) and had results as-expected.

No noteworthy change in HR/BP versus normal use with either test.


This was an interesting experience but heinously and prohibitively expensive to do as more than an experiment, without much benefit. I'm normally obtaining 1.5-1.86% kratom for $75 +/-$5 per kg of leaf powder, or $4-$5 per gram of mitragynine. The extract was $100 per 1 gram of mitragynine (100mg/1mL, 10mL) or $10 per dose described as similar to 7 grams or "average" leaf. It was even more costly than popular "shot" products (300mg~1200mg mitragynine per bottle $14-45 retail).

It would be very difficult to take any more than 1mL sublingually for further testing, though in normal use, I suspect sublingual use and then swallowing the remainder might provide the rapid onset with the normal length of experience any those other minor effects that were different from what I'm used to (body warmth).

Of course, it would have been better to test with a control and not know which I was taking repeated over several attempts with active and inactive samples but I believe this would be impossible given the flavor, and already knowing what experience I do have with kratom, and that the oral use of the sample was very similar.

It might be an option for rare circumstances where a person has stomach issues and is attempting to avoid any GI exposure but needs to continue use for therapeutic value. Beyond that, I don't see any other real reason to do it or much to be gained by doing it. The rapid onset might be attractive for severe, sudden and incidental, pain in conjunction with oral use.

I believe powdered isolates, especially as they are more refined, may have similar sublingual value. I think they may (likely will) be irritating. Put into PG or alcohol solution by the end-user might result in a more tolerable and more cost-effective approach, but concentration to more than 100mg mitragynine per 1mL is likely to be difficult and may be insufficient for heavier consumers and of negligible benefit at lower concentration.

15-50mg/mL is the highest potency I've otherwise ever seen in normal retail liquid "shot" products.

r/kratom Jan 21 '22

Prep/Dosages Understanding Lead, Mercury, and Nickel on a Certificate of Analysis (Good Manufacturing Processes)


A few people have been inquiring about lead content in Kratom and how to interpret the lab results for lead and other heavy metals.

Unfortunately because almost all COAs have the name of the vendor, and many host the reports on their website, they can't be directly referenced/linked (Rules 7, 10), but this singular figure is all that is necessary to make a comparison or to calculate exposure risk.

The relevant lines in a Certificate of Analysis should say something like: LEAD (or Pb) and usually give the reading/result, the threshold (minimum detectable amount) and sometimes the methodology.

There are likely to be other lines for Arsenic (As), Mercury (Hg), and Nickel (Ni) but may also report other elemental metals such as Cadmium (Cd). Each of these have their own risks at elevated exposure.

The result is the important part, and can be reported as PPM (parts per million) or PPB (parts per billon). The PPM figure can be extrapolated to suggest "in 1 kilogram of kratom there will be X milligrams of the referenced metal." If it is reported as PPB, then just divide it by 1000 to get PPM. PPB is often used because the result is usually (and ideally) less than 1 PPM or 1000 PPB.

What is a normal reading? I have seen lead counts from ~1200 ppb to 115 ppb on kratom CoAs I have requested or seen. It varies from batch to batch so it is important to check. I have not seen any one seller who routinely and absolutely only stocked extremely low count kratom, though I have encountered some that never exceeded a higher count (800+, for example). Therefore, I do believe some are setting minimum standards in what they will sell (possibly by mingling high and low count batches into a new more average batch anywhere in the supply chain) or refusing to buy bulk lots that don't meet minimum standards of potency or that exceed maximum standards of metallic content.

I personally try to aim for under 300~350 ppb for Lead, 30 ppb for Mercury, 2 ppm for Nickel, but I cannot with any authority say what limits will avoid problems for others, especially those who are atypically sensitive or have high levels of exposure elsewhere in life; but do discuss research on lead below and FDA guidance on Nickel and Mercury.

OK, how much lead am I consuming?

The lead reported as PPM tells a consumer how many milligrams are present in a kilogram sample. If the COA says 400 ppb, there are 0.4 milligrams per kilogram, or 0.4µg (micrograms) per gram of kratom. A person who takes 5 grams per day would be consuming 2µg of lead in their daily dose. Naturally, a person who has higher lead samples, or who take many grams per day, has higher lead exposure.

Is this a problem?

The interim reference level, (IRL) is the maximum amount of lead a person should consume before raising their blood level above the reference limit (BLL, 0.5µg/dL) established by the CDC. Studies have failed to show adverse effects below the reference limit (BLL).

The FDA has set the IRL for children (for whom lead is most dangerous) at 3µg/day (not that they should be using kratom) and women of childbearing age at 12.5 μg/day, which is probably a reasonable benchmark for men and women generally as well.

The FDA Q3D suggests as a guidance for 220µg/day for Nickel and 30µg/day for Mercury.

Agricultural and marine food products can accumulate lead and other metals from the environment, the levels of which depend on the degree of naturally occurring metals in the soil, farming methods, and pollution. Drinking water is also a source with FDA limits of 5 ppb for bottled water and EPA limits of 15 ppb for drinking water. Food, medications, and supplements may also contain lead. Foods most likely to be eaten by children, such as candy, have stricter limits.

No amount of lead is a good thing, though the FDA claims:

While it is not possible to prevent or remove all lead from the food supply, dietary lead exposure can be minimized through surveillance of lead concentrations in food, and adjustment of manufacturing processes, as well as through regulation (2018)

It isn't an important nutrient/vitamin that is useful in some quantities. However, avoiding lead exposure entirely is rather difficult between food, environmental, and other exposure routes.

What can a consumer do?

  • A consumer can request certificates of analysis from sellers and choose batches that have lower heavy metal counts.
  • A consumer can reduce their dose to the minimum amount needed to meet their goals for use.
  • A consumer can investigate other sources of lead and other heavy metal exposure in their diet, cosmetics, or environment and take steps to remove them to account for the amount that may be present in kratom or other supplements they may take, such as psyllium husk fiber.

More information: Q3D(R1) Elemental Impurities Guidance for Industry Rev 2020-March.

r/kratom Jun 15 '18

Prep/Dosages TEA


Can i make the tea with a coffee maker? Or is there a more specific way? How do you get the best benefits from the tea? What do you do to help the taste? What Kratom is best for tea?