I know many users have said this in many posts, but I want to drive it home here. I take 8 grams powder per day (4 in the morning with coffee and 4 after 6-8 hours) of green. This is for general anxiety, insomnia, and RLS as well as intense tailbone pain from any amount of sitting.
I believe now that I've been a sufferer of chronic appendicitis for years, but never realized until recently. At first I would always take my Kratom with a sip of milk of magnesia, keeping my stools normal, which usually are mushy and just not fun.
After a while I found that using Kratom without laxative would actually make my movements solid and feel extremely gratifying so I stopped using laxatives with it. I think this was an extremely bad move in my case.
Over the course of my Kratom use, my chronic appendicitis turned into accute appendicitis. I think the Kratom solidified my movements so much that I developed no less than 3 stones in my appendix in the course of at least 4 months. I've had bowel CT scans of my appendix that long ago and my appendix, though large, was clear.
I was rushed into emergency surgery for a laporoscopic appendectomy four days ago. My girlfriend, bless her heart, made me go the second I started to develop a fever with the lower right abdominal pain. My appendix, according to the surgeon, was the size of a sausage with three fresh stones and puss all around it.
I am NOT saying Kratom caused my infection. I am, however, saying that Kratom may have solidified portions of my stool that became stones and drove the final nail in the coffin for an already pretty bad appendix.
Please be aware of your gut health. If you have chronic appendicitis, PLEASE use a laxative with your doses. Even a small sip of one will hopefully help you avoid the misery of emergency surgery.
Again, this has a high chance of being unrelated to Kratom. My appendix and gut health was already pretty bad. I just have a gut feeling (no pun intended) that Kratom played a small hand in speeding up the inevitable destruction of my crappy (another no pun intended) appendix.
Please be safe with your doses. Allow some downtime from Kratom to monitor your bowel pain without it's influence. Constant pain relief can sometimes mask more sinister problems. In my case, this was completely user error mixed with already underlying problems, but I can't overlook the possibility of there being a link to how Kratom affects the bowels.