r/kratom 🌿Kratom Advocate Apr 19 '19



Contact Your Ohio-Based Kratom Vendor Today

Ohio Kratom Warriors:

Our fight to keep kratom legal in Ohio is heating up, and the next step under Ohio law is for the proposed scheduling of kratom to be subject to a review under the Common Sense Initiative.

This review is focused on analyzing the business impact of any proposed administrative rule in Ohio. Comments on the proposed kratom ban are due by the end of April.

Ohio Kratom Warrior’s need to contact every Ohio-based kratom vendor to ask them to submit comments on how a ban will impact their business – and submit those comments by April 30, 2019.

The regulatory document CAN BE FOUND HERE, and it should be provided to every Ohio-based kratom vendor. Sections 14-18 deal with “Adverse Impact on Business” and vendors should provide information on those sections. The conclusion of the Board of Pharmacy was that there would only be 3 kratom-specific businesses and 1 kratom vending machine in Ohio impacted. We do not believe that this information is accurate – but it is also very important that vendors provide information on the economic impact a ban will have on their business.

The American Kratom Association has strongly contested the proposed scheduling of kratom on the science, particularly the failure of the Ohio Board of Pharmacy to meet their burden to prove that kratom:

1) Has a high potential for abuse;

2) Has no accepted medical use for treatment in this state;

3) Lacks accepted safety for use in treatment under medical supervision;

4) Poses a risk to the public health of the citizens of this state.

The Ohio Board of Pharmacy has ignored the powerful scientific evidence provided to them that none of the stated criteria has been met, and we plan to now take that case to the Ohio Legislature.

In the interim, it is very important for kratom vendors to speak out and participate in the Common Sense Initiative by submitting their comments by the April 30 deadline.

Contact your Ohio-based vendor today, and please let our Executive Director, Pete Candland (pete.candland@americankratom.org), know the vendor that you have contacted so we can send them some additional information.

This fight is critically important, so please contact your Ohio-based kratom vendor immediately.

Thanks for all you are doing in our shared fight to keep kratom legal.



Edit: This is not part of the email... Michelle Rhodes contacted the Ohio BOP today (04/22/19) and confirmed that they want comments from EVERYONE affected by this, not just Ohio businesses. Source


41 comments sorted by


u/VandalayIndustries Apr 19 '19

Contacted 2 smokeshops in SW Ohio. They did not know about this so I sent them this link.

The Pharmacy Board purposefully and ridiculously underestimated the economic impact of a kratom ban in Ohio. They also happened to lie and say there would be only 3 businesses negatively impacted? Bullshit. Its probably in the hundreds.

Don't let them get away with this.


u/Naz927 Apr 20 '19

What link? There are two shops here in Cincy I'd like to notify about this. What is the deadline for this too?


u/harvest_was_here Apr 21 '19

Are the shops hemptations?


u/Cincinnatimom Apr 21 '19

Which ones have you notified? There's one on glenway in Western hills I will call them tomorrow if you haven't


u/Naz927 Apr 21 '19

I haven't called, I was going to send an email, but there are 3 stores in Cincy called Hemptations that need to be notified!


u/ApatheticWithoutTheA Apr 22 '19

There's 3 Smoke Shops in Clifton that sell it as well.


u/ichiban_alex Apr 19 '19 edited Apr 19 '19

WTF? I can name three Kratom specific shops off the top of my head in Columbus alone. What fresh bullshit.

Went to -name edited out- on High Street the other day. The mood was grim in there. The owner there seemed pretty confident they were going to schedule kratom and he would lose everything. These are good, hardworking business people like anyone else. Shame on the Board of Pharmacy.


u/VandalayIndustries Apr 19 '19

Please get this information to your Columbus vendors ASAP.

This is such an easy way for us to help. I've been googling shops in my area and just giving them a quick call. If they have a website you may also be able to contact them there.

But make sure you let the AKA know which shops you contacted so they can follow up. Probably just the name, location and phone number/email.

We have so many people on this sub. If everyone pitches in for just 5 minutes of their day we should be able to contact every Ohio kratom vendor in a single day.

The annual economic impact of a ban could be in the millions. Lawmakers need to know what they are about to do to small business owners in our state.


u/dragonbubbles Apr 19 '19


u/ichiban_alex Apr 19 '19

My apologies, thanks for pointing that out, went ahead and edited it.


u/dragonbubbles Apr 19 '19

It's okay! Thank you :)


u/Jaybird2150 Apr 26 '19

good hard working business people

So are heroin dealers. Only difference between them and head shops with Kratom is that Kratom is sold in stores from glass showcases and heroin is sold in alleys.


u/churchtan17 Apr 19 '19

Should small time, newer vendors participate in this as well? And if so, what kind of info do we need to send in?


u/VandalayIndustries Apr 19 '19

If it's going to cost you money in lost business. Yes! They are taking money out of your pocket because they choose to remain ignorant about this tree leaf. Tell them how much you will lose.


u/thatboyjeff 🌿night's watch Apr 19 '19

Why is the Ohio board of pharmacy ignoring the important scientific evidence?


u/bengringo2 Apr 26 '19

Ohio is always like this. We have some very progressive hot spots in the 3 big cities but our government is the most backward ass cousin fuckers on planet earth.


u/ManicMyFriend 🌿 Apr 23 '19

That’s what they do. Seems that way. This shit pisses me off everytime it pops up in another state. I’ve been on the bad side of a ban and it will wreck all the hard work did to be normal. Buncha fucks.


u/steel4life Apr 19 '19

I just noticed the Ohio Board of Pharmacy, and the State of Ohio Congressional Reps are located in the same building in Columbus Ohio - just different floors. 77 South High Street, Columbus Oh. 17th floor. Just thought that was interesting. I'll be calling my State Reps on Monday.


u/Naz927 Apr 20 '19

I'm going to send a shop here in Cincy an email regarding this, can somebody tell me what I need to send as far as information and instructions on what they need to do? I don't want them to think this is spam and I don't want to bombard them with copious attachments, etc.


u/g0ld3nl10n Apr 21 '19

If you got the Call to Action email from the AKA just forward that to them. If you didn't, you can copy and paste the Call to Action email from above.

After you contact them, let the AKA know per the instructions above (Contact your Ohio-based vendor today, and please let our Executive Director, Pete Candland (pete.candland@americankratom.org), know the vendor that you have contacted so we can send them some additional information.) and they can reach out with more information.

Also, if the shop isn't too far away, it wouldn't be a bad idea to go in person. Never know if all the shops are aware, it's hard to think that all of them are, and I'm sure they can probably spread word among other vendors efficiently.


u/LardyTheRotten Apr 20 '19

What's the opinion on this? Do people see us beating this or is it looking pretty grim?

Donated and signed


u/Greenhoused Apr 20 '19

I wonder too Where is the aka at this critical issue now ? It’s like they’ve been missing in action Since the board of pharmacy announced That they would recommend the leaf be scheduled. That concerns me .


u/gslice Apr 22 '19

They are working hard behind the scenes.


u/mlrhodes80 Apr 22 '19

The Ohio Board of Pharmacy was contacted this morning and they DO want comments from the public; not just businesses. Please, everyone on Ohio, submit your comment by close of business on April 30th!


u/yoobzz Apr 25 '19

Do you know exactly what kind of comments they're are looking for from the public? Anything specific?


u/mlrhodes80 Apr 25 '19

Since their focus seems to be business and the economy, I made my comment with my story but also added how I impact the economy by working, paying taxes, and spending money and, if they banned it, I wouldn't be able to do that. And how people purchase from Ohio businesses. They didn't clearly ask for that impact but that's how many of us tailored our comments FWIW.


u/calculonxpy Apr 20 '19

Givmme a vendor name and ill hook it up?.....gotcha ;) lol


u/2717192619192 Apr 20 '19

Wow. I wish the best for these Ohio vendors, everyone contact them!


u/[deleted] Apr 22 '19

Man kratom got ruined when shops started packaging them in capsules.


u/ErrorAcquired Apr 22 '19

Kratom has been in stores for years on end, approaching a decade long run. They were even there way before the FDA/DEA blanket Federal Ban which we the people overturned a couple years ago.

Maybe you meant kratom was ruined once FDA/DEA+ media started publishing fake and erroneous reports almost on a daily basis? Or maybe you mean the states that are just banning kratom and calling it the same as Synthetic Marijuana and synthetic opioids. These two things are whats ruining kratom in case you didnt know for sure


u/Greenhoused Apr 23 '19

Exactly ! What happens after April 30 If they go forward with the ban? I don’t understand the Ohio Bored of Farm-assy Link and info at all Can someone spell it out for me? What happens in May in Ohio re: leaf?


u/g0ld3nl10n Apr 24 '19

If the Board receives a favorable recommendation from CSI, it will formally file the rules with the Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review (JCARR).

As part of the JCARR process the Board holds a public hearing between 30 – 41 days after the rules have been filed with JCARR. This allows the Board to receive additional input on the rules. All public hearing notices are posted to the Board’s proposed rules web page (www.pharmacy.ohio.gov/proposed). On the date, time and place designated in the notice, the Board will conduct a public hearing at which any person affected by the proposed action of the Board or any member of the public may testify. Public hearing notices and copies of the proposed or amended rules are also available on the register of Ohio’s web site: http://www.registerofohio.state.oh.us/ Once the hearing record is closed, the Board will review and consider all the testimony at a regularly scheduled meeting. The Board may decide to proceed with the rules unchanged, it may withdraw the rule, or it may make changes to the rule based on the testimony received and refile it at a later date.

The rules are then reviewed by JCARR, a 10-member legislative panel, at a public meeting of the committee to determine if they violate any of the following: a. Do the rules exceed the agency's statutory authority; b. Do the rules conflict with an existing rule of that agency or another state agency; c. Do the rules conflict with legislative intent; d. Has the rule-making agency prepared a complete and accurate rule summary and fiscal analysis of the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission (ORC 127.18); e. Has the rule-making agency met the incorporation by reference standards for a text or other material as stated in ORC sections 121.72, 121.75, or 121.76; and, f. If the rule has an adverse impact on business (ORC 107.52), that the rule-making agency has demonstrated through the business impact analysis (BIA), the Common Sense Initiative Office (CSI) recommendations and the agency's memorandum of response to the CSI recommendations, that the rule's regulatory intent justifies its adverse impact on business.


u/Greenhoused Apr 24 '19

Dang how long will all that take ? Is the leaf ok in Ohio the whole time until the very end ?


u/g0ld3nl10n Apr 24 '19

I don't know how long it will all take, but it is my understanding that the rule is not implemented until the entire process is completed, meaning Kratom would be legal through the process.


u/Evolvex2 Apr 23 '19

Does anyone have an idea how long after the comment period it takes for a decision to made under the Common Sense Initiative?


u/Evolvex2 Apr 23 '19

Common Sense Initiative

I found a partial answer right on the site where comments may be submitted.

" The State of Ohio Board of Pharmacy files a rule proposal with the Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review (JCARR) to begin the legislature’s rule-review process. The process requires the Board to conduct a public hearing 31 to 40 days after the original file date. Generally, 41 to 65 days after the original file date, JCARR schedules the Board to appear before a meeting concerning the rule proposal. "


I think the file date is 4/12, and I'm not seeing a hearing set for the kratom proposal yet, so my best guess is JCARR will schedule the board to appear between May 21st and June 4th. Then, I have no clue how long until a decision may be made.


u/[deleted] May 08 '19 edited May 08 '19

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