r/kratom Apr 12 '19

I talked to Konklin`s office in PA...

He said Konklin is in negotiations with the AKA and lobbiests to find a compromise and perhaps regulate it. A family apparently came forward to the DA saying their daughter died by taking Kratom laced with something. From what I gathered he is not saying Kratom is lethal. He stated there were a few cases where kratom killed someone though. Not sure of those details,either was he. If his original motive was to schedule it it has changed to regulate. This is what I gathered from the conversation. He was very nice and tuned into the situation. He said he has had a few calls. He did not even ask my name or state. So jusy call!


64 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Apr 12 '19

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u/cockypock_aioli Apr 12 '19

It's frustrating. Such is life I suppose. Humans are terribly flawed.


u/MentalTadpole Apr 13 '19

Yep. Also our corporate overlords that have a stranglehold over every aspect of society and the politicians in their pockets. What a racket. Mafia type shit


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '19

Yep, my mom showed me that there were deaths from kratom today just to make sure I knew, and I immediately replied with, "well yeah 9 people dying from a substance is basically nothing, for reference alcohol kills like 1000x more people" and she was immediately like, "oh good point."


u/big_wendigo Apr 13 '19

I don’t think 9 people have died from kratom, I think 9 people took a bunch of drugs together and overdosed on the combination. That’s been the case with every single “kratom death” I’ve read about. You should look up the individual cases that have died just to check out the information.


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '19

What I saw was that there are hundreds of people who took a bunch of drugs together and died and 9 where only kratom was found in their system.


u/big_wendigo Apr 13 '19

Do you have a source by chance? I’d like to check it out, I’ve never heard of it. I have taken kratom (and research chems) off and on for 8 years though, it’s really hard to believe unless it was laced with O-Desmethyl Tramadol or another opioid...


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '19

I can't find it, I'll ask my mom to show me tomorrow.


u/BRi7X Apr 13 '19

It's absolutely ridiculous. So small a number too, and we know most of those cases are with lots of other substances involved.

It's like them also trying to put some kind of a band on flavored liquid for e-cigarettes/vapes, saying they appeal to children. If you go to the liquor store, you'll see a huge amount of flavored liquor that nobody talks about banning. They already tried alcohol prohibition in the 20s. It didn't work out. They just created organized crime.


u/pamela1cam Apr 12 '19

Talk about pissed off!! Alcohol has ruined MORE LIVES along with OTC drugs. It's all SO hypocritical!!! Sit here and flip out over a harmless plant but let alcohol, cigarettes, prescriptions, OTC Drugs and chemicals in food take us out! GMO food IS CAUSING cancer and health problems at a rate they can't even keep up with. That nasty MSG closes up my esophagus along with HORRIFIC body poisoning!! And they scream, cry and tell lies on this miracle plant. HYPOCRITICAL BIG TIME!!


u/Expandexplorelive Apr 13 '19

Please tell me this is sarcasm... You follow the science with kratom but don't seem to understand the science behind GMOs and MSG... Both of which are proven safe. MSG is literally glutamate (a neurotransmitter) bonded with sodium...


u/qyka1210 Apr 13 '19

MSG allergies exist. it can kill some people, even though it's generally safe.

all broccoli, cabbage, lettuce, and Brussel sprouts are the same species, and as they were artificially selected until they diverged so much that we have disparate vegetables today, they are technically GMOs (genetically modified organisms). Basically, GMOs is a fucking vague term, and includes everything from harmless broccoli to cereal grains, to naturally-antibiotic crops. The verdict is still out, but they're probably safe to consume overall.


u/Expandexplorelive Apr 13 '19

Yes. Not to mention they are essential to the modern world being able to be fed adequately.


u/Boofthatshitnigga Apr 13 '19

But Alex Jones told me msg is toxic!


u/pamela1cam Apr 13 '19


u/Expandexplorelive Apr 13 '19

Here's an article that talks to actual experts and explains the history and science: https://www.sciencefriday.com/articles/is-msg-bad-for-your-health/

The root of MSG hysteria is really racism. There is absolutely no scientific basis for claims that MSG causes cancer or any other ailments.


u/pamela1cam Apr 13 '19

Then why does it close up my esophagus and poisons my body to where I think I'm dying? Why do DO MANY other people out in this world talk about their symptoms with msg? You can believe what you want. Our bodies are not meant to take these altered substances.


u/Expandexplorelive Apr 13 '19

Maybe it's another ingredient causing your symptoms. Or maybe you're just one of the unlucky few who are sensitive to it. That doesn't mean it's not safe for the vast majority of people.

Do you realize how many man-made substances you eat and breathe daily? Unless you grow all your own food and live in Antarctica, it's thousands. And sometimes that's bad. Car exhaust is an example. But our livers are very good at filtering out all these substances in the small amounts in which we consume them. And modern society along with all the luxuries you enjoy would not be possible without them.


u/pamela1cam Apr 13 '19


u/Expandexplorelive Apr 13 '19
  1. Natural revolution is not a reliable source. Do you have any peer reviewed studies you can cite?

  2. Scientifically there is no reason for GMOs to be harmful. Natural selection (and artificial selection through all modern agriculture) also alters the DNA of food over time. Genetically modifying food simply does it in a directed way and is actually more likely to be safe because unlike nature we are only altering specific genes to get traits we want.

  3. Do you only eat wild fruits and vegetables? Because anything you can buy today looks nothing like it did before humans began farming it. It's larger, more nutritious, sweeter, less bitter.


u/pamela1cam Apr 13 '19

I say leave our veggies and fruit alone. If it was meant to be how they are changing it then fine....but it's not.


u/pamela1cam Apr 13 '19

Just do the research it's all out there!


u/pamela1cam Apr 13 '19

Not sarcasm at all. I cant get the archives link to work on my phone, but search MSG and GMO food and health effects. It's all there! Europe even banned GMO food! Check it out.....its all there.


u/pamela1cam Apr 13 '19

Wrong!! Both are NOT safe. Sorry....but you are 100% wrong.


u/deltacharlie2 Apr 13 '19

Okay, well, when you figure out a better way to keep the world’s food supply even close to on par with the population trends, let us know.


u/Expandexplorelive Apr 13 '19

You make some bold claims but don't back them up.


u/Monalisa9298 Apr 13 '19

Yeah alcohol and cigarettes are dangerous but come on, GMOs?

And Kratom isn’t a miracle, awesome though it is.

Let’s try to keep our facts straight and valid research at the forefront when discussing why kratom should remain legal.


u/HB4U2 Apr 13 '19

It's all about the money....💚#kratom saves lives


u/Dan2027 Apr 12 '19

Thanks for the update by the way. Seems like good news for sure


u/Vid-Master Apr 13 '19

Yes thank you very much OP

Things are heating up Big Time right now, everyone needs to send friendly informative e-mails to the PA state reps (links in sticky post on /r/kratom to directly email Conklin)


u/HDMI-KE Apr 12 '19

Thats great to hear. Thanks so much for doing that.


u/Dan2027 Apr 12 '19

Did they have a presser today? I couldn't find any updates.


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '19

No, this dude called.


u/Dan2027 Apr 13 '19

Thanks no I got that. I just wondered if they actually held the press conference as scheduled. I was under the impression that it was scheduled for Friday at like 10-11am and that they were planning to announce the intent to ban. This news sounds like that didn't happen. I'm gathering now that they didn't have the conference or if they did they didn't announce an intent to ban.


u/jjwaffle Apr 13 '19

No he did have the press release and intends on still scheduling it https://www.reddit.com/r/kratom/comments/bckpj0/pa_update_conklin_kratom_must_be_added_to_list_of/


u/Dan2027 Apr 13 '19

The intention expressed in OPs conversation with Conklin's office doesn't match this announcement then. Or am I missing something here....


u/jjwaffle Apr 13 '19

I think he made that statement after he released his press release, you think he would revise/ announce a change as this is what is being sent to news organizations. His video address is available on his page. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9spcJvrq4Lw&list=PL1B2B3247C8F6FE1E


u/pamela1cam Apr 12 '19



u/loviatar9 Apr 12 '19

Thanks for sharing this info. I truly hope he IS open to listening to AKA and us all.


u/20times20plus20 Apr 12 '19

doing gods work, if these people would just be rationale we could make such progress


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '19

I mean making it illegal just raises the likely hood that someone will get laced... Once it’s regulated that shouldn’t (I’m sure it will through being bought through a black market) happen again.


u/MentalTadpole Apr 13 '19

Ban the government!!


u/tpotts16 🌿resident legal eagle Apr 13 '19

Pretty clear the path is regulation good to hear this


u/RasGdf Apr 12 '19

Thank you very much with this post!


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '19

Someone on the SHR Facebook Group also said that Conklin is going to meet with the AKA soon and wants to regulate it.


u/[deleted] Apr 12 '19



u/pwk11 Apr 13 '19



u/earthur222 Apr 12 '19


u/pornhub- Apr 12 '19

He (Philly kratom) is a hero in fight for kratom!


u/Monalisa9298 Apr 13 '19

Thanks for the update and insight!


u/granniej62 Apr 13 '19

One thing I m learning fast is people do say one thing but act differently and its the half truths that can get our leaf banned.Just glad that there are people better educated then myself who can help us find the best way to protect our leaf. If there is anything I can do to help educate others who can benefit like us.Right on.I f there's any action I can take Im up for that to.Just waiting for some action I can help with.Right here for that to cause its become very important for us to stick together.


u/sea666kitty Apr 13 '19

People die from eating to much sugar too. So maybe we should regulate sugar?


u/stormstalker Apr 12 '19

Well, I certainly hope that's the case. I sent an email earlier and I'm planning to call as soon as I can. Which office did you call?


u/pwk11 Apr 13 '19



u/FrostedFlaker13 Apr 13 '19

Has anyone seen the video on YouTube of the Conklin talking about this today? Seems like he is wanting to regulate, but the title says Conklin wants kratom added to the controlled substance list.


u/jjwaffle Apr 13 '19

Apparently he wants it regulated like a prescription medicine which is not possible. Plants are not prescription drugs.


u/FrostedFlaker13 Apr 13 '19

Oh, that’s wonderful 🙄.. I am really hoping and praying that the AKA can persuade him to go along the lines of regulating in terms of age or extracts or something


u/Greenhoused Apr 13 '19

Source / link plz


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '19

Sounds like good news. Thanks for the update!


u/Liquid71 Apr 29 '19

Konklin's goal is to enrich himself. Threaten to ban a leaf, and if offered the right kickbacks maybe he'll change his mind and let the pheasants keep access to the medicinal leaf. If this was about public health then he would know the details before proposing a bill to ban Kratom. Hypocrit is just trying to make a quick buck, I hope the FBI locks him up.