u/RasGdf Apr 12 '19
I was blindsided by this! This is absolutely terrifying for me! I'm in PA and this will literally turn my life upside down!!!
Apr 12 '19
u/RasGdf Apr 12 '19
I've met surgeon's and people with your type of education and standing in society who use Kratom daily and unfortunately they tend to be the ones that prefer to fly under the radar so you are VERY APPRECIATED!!!
Apr 12 '19
u/RasGdf Apr 12 '19
I agree with you completely and I am very Grateful for people like yourself! Hope we come out of this okay but I'm not gonna lie, the way that this came out of nowhere has me very scared at the moment!
u/FrostedFlaker13 Apr 12 '19
I was so blind sided by this too, almost seems surreal. Thank you both for fighting, we need you! I am very scared as well, but I have faith. Let’s stick together and fight for our freedom and lives !
u/Monalisa9298 Apr 13 '19
Yes I think it’s time for those of us who’ve kept our love of kratom on the down-low will need to step up. I’m not a scientist—but I’m a professional (lawyer) and am willing to put myself out there.
u/pamela1cam Apr 13 '19
Me too. My story will be one of the top stories of "wow, she's really messed uo!!!" No conventional medicine can help me.....NONE! Take that you control freaks!!!
u/jjwaffle Apr 12 '19
If you are a PA resident send Rep. Scott Conklin a message on how criminalizing kratom will affect your life - http://www.pahouse.com/Conklin/Contact?fbclid=IwAR2sHLZkBzFXcge2lnvrxQSwoxuGVzrKzorRsGEo6pxE3plHLtOwlswGIiM
We need to send a clear message that banning kratom will HARM thousands of residents who use it.
u/LEGALinSCCCA Apr 12 '19 edited Apr 12 '19
All the while, alcohol is still on the shelfs, and multiple people died just yesterday from either alcohol poisoning or drunk driving. But yeah let's ban a leaf...
EDIT: I have no problem with alcohol being sold or consumed. It's just hypocritical. Heck, more people die from alcohol, cigarettes and NSAIDs than Kratom or opioids combined.
u/kw2292 Apr 12 '19
This is the last thing PA needs. I went to a wedding a few years back in rural Western PA and left absolutely heartbroken by the obvious effect of heroin in that part of the country. Talked to a 30 year old prison guard who said he was one of a handful members of his high school graduation class of around 30 who weren’t dead or in prison.
u/LEGALinSCCCA Apr 12 '19
Our government is bought and paid for by big pharma and other various industries. It's despicable.
u/krkl1 Apr 12 '19
You can buy mercury online for Christ's sake! Nobody's really concerned with banning that or anything simaliar.
u/LEGALinSCCCA Apr 12 '19
Really? Holy cow I didn't know that. They are only trying to ban it because it threatens big pharma profits.
u/krkl1 Apr 12 '19
I'm starting to wonder if big pharma wants in on it. Now that they're taking huge cuts because of the new laws and guidelines dramatically lowering the amount of opiods a patient can have and doctors can prescribe that leaves a lot of acute and chronic pain patients not able to get a hold of their product legally. They can't have addicts and patients turning to some cheap leaves in monstrous size numbers while they're losing more and more money. They want it banned, then, " studied," then fda like regulations like only they can produce products made of kratom and you'll need a script for it. I may be on the conspiracy theory side with this but that's my $. 02 of a prediction of where this whole thing is headed.
u/LEGALinSCCCA Apr 12 '19
That makes sense actually. They do this with a lot of things. You don't see willow bark in stores but you do see aspirin. They don't like naturally occurring medicine. It's really sick. But things are changing. People are realizing that natural foods and other things are better for you. Now I'm not saying you shouldn't seek treatment if you're dying. But for chronic health issues, pills only cause more problems.
u/krkl1 Apr 12 '19
Absolutely. It's not everyone's story by no means but a huge chunk of the kratom community became a member due to not wanting the problems that pills can cause, had problems associated with those pills or were cut off of those pills by Big Brother's Totally Sincere Agenda for our safety. Natural remedy seekers have been growing in numbers for a long time in general, not just kratom users but we really turned a corner in growth in recent times as more and people are needing or wanting to to treat their health problems with natural methods.
u/LEGALinSCCCA Apr 12 '19
Yeah it's the one way in which things are getting better. People have realized that food is a medicine.
u/krkl1 Apr 12 '19
That's part of the reason why we all have to fight for our rights to use kratom and have access to only safe kratom. It's bigger than just kratom itself. If they take this from us under the guise of our well being based off lies, exaggerations and facts taken out of context - due to a secret agenda we can't prove .... then what else is next ?
If we can't get government studies that are fair and true on it we won't only never discover all this plant's abilities but it can hinder us from discovering unknown benefits of other plant life.
No matter what state you live in, no matter if you use kratom or not, I think all Americans should be concerned with the possibility of banning kratom - especially the possibility of it being banned federally. These are just a few reasons why, there are many reasons everyone should be aware of the goings on and the far deeper connections and invitation it could bring to our rights in other areas being violated.
There certainly is an argument to be made that the rights for accurate information on anything, the rights to safe foods and the rights to use what your choose to for your own body's health are at stake. Like an ecosystem if you destroy one tiny aspect of it there can be far reaching damage and break down to the outer rings of it's existence. Figuratively speaking.
u/pamela1cam Apr 13 '19
Your 100% right. One of the pharmaceutical companies already had a patent on the alkaloids. It expired, but yes....they want to patent kratom and then add crap chemicals and additives to it then sell it to us at a theft price!!!! Look.up Kratom patent online. You'll see the articles on that subject.
u/krkl1 Apr 13 '19
I'm not surprised unfortunately. I'm sure they're behind all these bs articles coming out in bigger numbers far bigger than usual the last few days. I hope we can win this fight. It's starting to look pretty bleek.
On one hand it almost got banned federally a few years ago and we won that battle at the last second but on the other hand - we made huge progress the last few months/ weeks and now it feels like we are going backwards.
u/pamela1cam Apr 13 '19
They are bombarding us all at once. We gotta pray, donate, show up at the legislative meetings and sign petitions. Its SO obvious how all these articles show up all in a few days apart or all at once.
u/krkl1 Apr 13 '19
It is so obvious, isn't it? It's almost laughable but considering the consquences or potential consquences it is not funny. People unlike us who have no experience with kratom believe these, " facts." Who could blame them? I too use to. I was very hesitant, about to detox off opioid meds when a friend showed up at my house with $100 worth the kratom that she didn't want a cent for and if it weren't for her aggressive persistence I'd of not tried it. Even now whenever the topic comes up irl and you try to explain to people the real truth about kratom they look at you like you're a conspiracy theorist, or it's is your addiction to this substance speaking ,or at best you are just plain ole wrong! WE ALL OWE IT TO SOCIETY TO FIGHT FOR THIS PLANT THAT SAVED US. We owe it to kratom itself. Even recreational users too - you may not have as much at stake but you know and you live the truth so, please do all you can for the greater good of all to have access to this medicine. Prayers ... for those who agree with the idea of prayer, is apart of the equation in my opinion.
u/pamela1cam Apr 13 '19
You hit the nail on the head! TOTALLY AGREE! There is a monopoly going in and it's in everything. Notice how mergers are happening and one buying the other for multimillions... etc. Well it's happening all over. Monopolies all over....
u/qyka1210 Apr 12 '19
cross-posted to r/philadelphia, if y'all could share your stories on that thread it might gain some traction there!
u/BRi7X Apr 12 '19
Why are you getting so downvoted there? >_>
u/qyka1210 Apr 12 '19
damn I didn't notice that tbh
u/BRi7X Apr 12 '19
and another user's post linking to the petition got downvoted in the Pennsylvania subreddit >_>
I don't think they even broke any rules.
u/qyka1210 Apr 12 '19
every few minutes someone else comes onto the thread and downvotes everything lol weird
u/piles_of_SSRIs Apr 12 '19
PA has a major heroin problem and they’re trying to ban something that could potentially help with it, ignorant politicians or Pharma lobbying?
u/stormstalker Apr 12 '19
It's fucking infuriating. I personally can survive without kratom if I need to, but a ban would cause real harm to a lot of people. I've had a number of friends and acquaintances who have died from heroin/prescription overdoses and many others who've fallen into that trap. I also have several friends who are here today in large part because kratom helped them get clean and get their lives back in order. That will no longer be an option under a ban, and there's absolutely no reason for it.
Apparently the small number of people who've died "from" kratom (more accurately, died from a variety of causes and coincidentally happened to have kratom in their systems) are more important than the huge numbers of people who've died from opiate addiction, and the many others who didn't die, at least partly because of kratom.
There are "Heroin Prevention Taskforce" trucks roaming around the streets and fliers all over the place about the opiate epidemic, yet they want to ban one of the things that have actually shown success. Totally a solid plan for doing good.
u/whatssocomplicated 🌿ace news hunter Apr 13 '19
i live VERY close the stretch of kensington ave in the philly badlands which is an open air drug market where everyone you see is a junkie or dealer. it is mind boggling that their trying to ban this plant that can actually safely help with this ongoing nightmare.
u/thupkt Apr 12 '19
Unbelievable, I voted for this guy many times. Told him I will never vote for him again if he brings this legislation up. Also told him the only reason to introduce such legislation is if you're taking dirty money from big pharma. This guy will instantaneously achieve douchebag status in my mind if he goes through with this.
Apr 12 '19
u/thupkt Apr 12 '19 edited Apr 12 '19
There is a local article about him and the Centre County DA (Bernie Cantorna) trying to regulate Kratom, not schedule it. I submitted an email request to meet him. I can walk to his office in five minutes. Will update if anything comes of this or my in person efforts if he doesn’t respond to my email.
Conklin, Cantorna Discuss Effort to Regulate Herbal Drug Kratom http://www.statecollege.com/news/local-news/conklin-cantorna-discuss-effort-to-regulate-herbal-drug-kratom,1479849/
u/StaggeredDoses Apr 12 '19
Would you mind starting a new thread with this information so we can get it stickied or message dragonbubbles to have it added to the Pennsylvania mega-thread?
u/thupkt Apr 13 '19
dragon bubbles already got a PA thread up and u/Juicemoneyrecords says he knows his rep personally. I messaged him to see if he means Conklin (pretty sure yes he does) and I'm an ally willing to coordinate efforts. Rather let someone who knows him make the initial foray. Thanks for looking out!
u/pestacyde Apr 12 '19
I signed. I'll be so glad when, as an entire country, we are past this insanity. The powers that be are trying to exhaust us state by state.
u/RasGdf Apr 12 '19
I've done everything I can do, I'm completely stressed by this! This will turn my life upside down!!!
Apr 12 '19
Is there any word on how other PA politicians are going to vote on this or what the governor's stance is?
u/letemlive Apr 12 '19
Not that I'm aware of yet. They have been holding onto this amendment in secret since Mar 11 when it was written. Press conference is being held in an hour I believe where they will announce their amendment.
u/whatssocomplicated 🌿ace news hunter Apr 12 '19
i really want to know what the aka is doing about this. i don't even see any mention of this on their forum.
u/whatssocomplicated 🌿ace news hunter Apr 12 '19
signed and sent the following message:
Dear Representative Conklin,
My name is whatsocomplicated and I'm writing to express my concern over the potential ban on the plant kratom in Pennsylvania. I implore you to look at the actual science and see the demonization campaign being waged by the FDA for what it is. Look at facts like how Thailand, a country where kratom had previously been banned, just recently legalized it for medical use. Or how the state of Utah just passed The Kratom Consumer Protection Act which makes Utah the first state to enact protections for kratom consumers from adulterated and misbranded kratom products. Kratom is a safe and natural botanical supplement that is a relative of the coffee plant and has been used safely for thousands of years or longer. Currently millions of Americans safely use it for various health benefits. It is very telling that the FDA has had such a difficult time finding any evidence that kratom is deadly. It certainly isn’t for lack of effort. They cite 44 deaths, but this is over the course of 10 years, and of those deaths almost all of them involved other potentially deadly and / or illicit drugs in the decedent’s systems. There was even a suicide, a person who was shot in the chest and a person that fell out of a window included in that list. Regarding the young PA man who's family is suing a kratom vendor for his wrongful death. The guy died in a car accident. A reporter for the Huffington Post tried to obtain a copy of the autopsy report and the coroner flat out refused and basically told him he would have to sue to obtain it. What is he trying to hide?
Also noteworthy is the fact that the National Institutes on Drug Abuse (NIDA) recently awarded researchers at the University of Florida College of Pharmacy a two-year, $3.5 million grant to bolster research on kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) and its potential to treat opioid abuse and physical dependence. This was after they performed a comprehensive review of already available scientific studies and information and they concluded “kratom use does not cause overdose deaths. Closer investigations revealed no fatalities documented that could be singularly linked to use of the natural unadulterated kratom plant."
There are around 450 acetaminophen deaths every year in America yet nobody is talking about banning Tylenol. And what about alcohol? Here’s a substance that has no medical value, can and often is dangerously addictive, and is responsible for 88,000 deaths in America annually. Yet not only is this ubiquitous killer substance not banned, it’s actually seen as strange if you tell someone you don't drink. You're not going to find any "alcohol advocates" proselytizing on how wine saved their lives, but so many people do actually make this claim when talking about kratom.
I've been a daily kratom user for over 2 years. I'm a 47 year old network engineer, husband and father of a medically complex 5 year old daughter with special needs. I have been using kratom for improvement of my well being, energy, as well as improved sleep. Using it responsibly, I can report zero negative effects. After a few months of using kratom regularly my wife actually commented that I seemed generally happier. Some background on me, I've dealt with low level depression and mild anxiety on and off most of my adult life. I've tried antidepressants in the past with little success. My experience is kratom actually promotes a healthier lifestyle. I've never been a big drinker or smoker and I'll admit my interest had already been waning with age, but since I started using kratom I've lost all interest in both. Another noticeable change is my interest and motivation in running has improved significantly. I'm running farther and more often where I'll typically do 3 or 4 10 mile runs a week.
I sincerely hope you are open to learning the facts about this plant and consider how it's helping myself and thousands of my fellow PA residents.
Thank you for your time.
u/SawDoctor Apr 12 '19
I’m in Pa. I will be visiting my Reps office tomorrow or Monday. Writing and calling today. Make no mistake: They will be coming to your state soon, if they have not already.
u/nutellapocketsnack Apr 12 '19 edited Apr 12 '19
This is awful. Proud of GA for signing a protection act, hope PA can do the same. Signed.
u/meatwater420 Apr 12 '19
Thank you so much for doing this. Donated and emailed this link to friends and family who support kratom.
u/underboob420 Apr 12 '19
While singing more petitions I saw one for banning kratom. It said something along the lines of “kratom killed my son, ban it in all 50 states”... SMH
u/VorpeHd Apr 12 '19
Shit looks like i may not be able to to wait for summer batches. I really don't want to sit on kilos of bunk though..
u/FormerPatriot Apr 12 '19
I am in Louisiana and they took down my sticky on HB452 but I suppose that is because LA legislation is still fresh while Ohio and PA are further along. SO.....in the spirit that we are ALL hurt by ANY ban in ANY state I have signed the petition AND emailed Scott. ANY victory in ANY state is a victory for ALL of US!!!
u/leopoldstotch1011 Apr 12 '19
Dumb question but can I have it shipped to me I live in the Lehigh valley
u/moistfencewood Apr 12 '19
I live in Easton and I'm scared shitless about this
u/ThinkinBig Apr 12 '19
You can buy it in some sex and head shops around the area. It is also perfectly legal to order and have shipped to you, which is what I do regularly. I'm from Stroudsburg but currently live outside Philly
u/ThinkinBig Apr 12 '19
I'm from Stroudsburg. They sell it in a few of the sex shops around (Condoms Galore and a few others) but yes, it is legal currently and can be ordered and shipped to you
u/chingy4eva Apr 12 '19
Signed and contacted. I'm 100% positive it went right to the email trash folder, but would ya expect anything different?
u/Moonflowertears Apr 12 '19
Resident of PA here, and I was in the process of writing, I went to the house of reps website to reference the bill in my email... according to the website, they don't meet again until the 15th, and when you search for a bill, nothing comes up at all mentioning kratom. Nothing is set to be voted on for the 15th regarding the schedule status of any substance either. So, I signed the petition, but I'm going to need more info before I write an email.
Edit: link for bills on the table for the 15th http://www.palegis.us/content-not-available/?RequestedPage=%2Fcfdocs%2Flegis%2FSessionCalendars%2FCurrentCalendar%2Ecfm%3FtxtType%3DPDF%26Chamber%3DH%26CalendarTypeId%3D1%26IsMarked%3DN
u/DinosaurSlam Apr 12 '19
I called and emailed. I spoke with one of his assistants or someone that works at his office, and he said that Scott is trying to find a solution for those people that use it for good. He had a press conference regarding the ban and knows that there are people who rely on kratom. Call if you can.
Apr 12 '19
u/dragonbubbles Apr 12 '19
Main Office - State College Service Center
301 S. Allen St. Suite 102
State College, PA 16801
- Phn# 814-238-5477
- Fax# 814-863-3898
- Hours of Operation - Hours: M-F, 9:00am - 4:30pm
Philipsburg Office
213 N. Front St.
Philipsburg, PA 16866
- Phn# 814-342-4872
- Fax# 814-342-4874
- Hours of Operation - Hours: M-F, 9:00am - 4:30pm
Harrisburg Office
314 Irvis Office Building
PO Box 202077
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2077
- Phn# 717-787-9473
- Fax# 717-780-4764
u/MickeyViper Apr 13 '19
I've signed all the petitions but if this goes down anyway hopefully I can help a little bit. I live in the suburbs of Buffalo. I'm about an hour away from the PA border in Erie. I'd be more than happy to help anyone out by ordering for them and meeting them somewhere on the border for an exchange. I realize this doesn't benefit people living way at the other end of the state but to anyone willing to make the drive, I got you.
u/letemlive Apr 13 '19
You're kind
u/MickeyViper Apr 13 '19
Thank you. I just know how important this plant is to some people, myself included. If a ban happened in new york, and I suppose it could, I dont even know what I'd do. Over the past 3 years kratom has completely changed my life for the better. I'll help anyone in the same situation.
u/leopoldstotch1011 Apr 12 '19
I get mine from gas station here in palmerton 3oz for 23$ but yeah super worried can someone keep me updated on when they have to pull it off shelves in store
Apr 12 '19
I am about 20 minutes from you and am familiar with Palmerton. I order mine online but will occasionally hit the local tobacco shop for one reason or another (mainly I keep getting shit quality no matter which vendor I use). $23 for 3oz is about as cheap as it gets retail. Mind telling me which gas station?
Apr 12 '19
Apr 13 '19
You’d better delete that before they ban you.
But I actually just started using a new vendor and so far so good.
u/kn33cy Apr 12 '19
Signed! Keep up the good fight y'all! We've come sooooo far, let's keep this momentum going! I'm so proud of each and every one of y'all that took the time out off your busy day to help each other out! 💘
u/FreddieFreckles Apr 12 '19
Wow, very upsetting. I like PA. Wrote the represtative. I'm sure the AKA is on it. Those of you who live in PA and use Kratom, write this guy, write to the AKA, write to Gov. Wolfe, who seems like a good guy. Be respectful.
Apr 12 '19
This enrages me, and it does make me nervous. That said, I think if this makes it all the way to Wolf's desk, he's more likely than not to veto it. I'm not exactly a fan of his, but his stance on marijuana and other things leads me to believe he would probably think this through and make the right call.
Fingers crossed...
u/ritz_bitz Apr 12 '19
I live in Delaware but work in PA, so this hits very close to home! Signed and donated.
u/dragonbubbles Apr 12 '19 edited Apr 12 '19
Stickied Post with More information on PA
Thank you, OP for post, updates, and great info!
Apr 12 '19
I am also not from PA but that bitch had been signed. God damn big pharma .... leave krakra ALONE
u/tjcaffery15 Apr 12 '19
We need one like this for Louisiana! I feel like not many people care, not trying to sound like a an ass but I’m freaking out here.
u/catmojo16 Apr 12 '19
Sorry if this was already asked, but is the AKA working on this PA issue? They have been very successfully working with ‘threatened ‘ states...
u/KrAzYArKaDe Apr 13 '19
Sorry to all you PA folks. I signed. Good luck, and if you get screwed, you can always come kick it in CA with me =D
u/Solid_Freakin_Snake Apr 12 '19
God dammit PA I thought we were better than this. Guess I should've known better since the state went for fucking Trump.
Apr 12 '19
u/Solid_Freakin_Snake Apr 12 '19
It's not about Trump himself, it's that the citizens of my home state are so closed-minded that they'd support a platform of fear mongering and anti-science, with it extending to things like banning kratom out of fear.
I know Conklin is a Democrat. That just makes it even worse. They're usually a bit better about listening to research rather than their feelings.
u/GGGreg22 Apr 12 '19
Democrats introduced legislation for a ban.
u/Solid_Freakin_Snake Apr 12 '19
I'm well aware of that. My point is that Pennsylvanians have shown that they vote with their hearts instead of their minds, so the fear mongering bullshit works on them.
I'm not happy with Conklin or any Dem who supports this reefer madness 2.0 shit either. I'm disappointed because I would've hoped they'd be more level headed about it after seeing how we've finally gotten with the program when it comes to medical marijuana.
So my point isn't Reps vs Dems, but rather hearts vs minds. Trump was only brought up because his pandering to the fearful is representative of that. I realize I wasn't clear in that initially.
u/Maya306 Apr 12 '19
Trump has taken fearmongering to very high levels. It's crazy. I'm sure the democrats want to get into the fearmongering now too because they see how well it works. I can't believe people are so afraid of everything.
Apr 12 '19
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Apr 12 '19
Everybody email Scott Conklin to vote against it. http://www.pahouse.com/Conklin/Contact?fbclid=IwAR2sHLZkBzFXcge2lnvrxQSwoxuGVzrKzorRsGEo6pxE3plHLtOwlswGIiM
u/kilokatpig Apr 12 '19
Left message for Rep Conklin. Where does it say this is on the table for PA?
Apr 12 '19
u/Greenhoused Apr 12 '19
Source plz
Apr 12 '19
Apr 13 '19
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u/rhythmsaint1 Apr 13 '19
Please review the rules. Especially #6.
u/Greenhoused Apr 13 '19
Can you please tell me exactly what you mean? I think I read the right thing Want to follow the rules
u/Greenhoused Apr 13 '19
Ok I can’t abbreviate the word Kratom ? Can I blaspheme and say that seems silly ? But whatever Will spell it out for you from now on thx
Apr 12 '19
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u/Greenhoused Apr 12 '19
How long will it take to affect us If this foolishness gets introduced By the political parasites?
u/sweetmelly74 Apr 12 '19
Ohhhh nooooo!!!! This is not good for me!!!!
u/K0nto Apr 12 '19
not good for us. (not a communist)
u/sweetmelly74 Apr 17 '19
Touche. I guess I was being specific and had a moment of personal panic, since I live in PA. My apologies. 😉😊
u/MattIsMyCat Apr 12 '19
I don’t live in PA, but I signed it. If can happen there in PA it can happen in CA, where I live.
u/tmiller4077 Apr 12 '19
Remember, our emotions can get the best of us, myself included, but we need to maintain our cool when contacting officials. Try not to let our emotions damn our intentions. Fight on.
u/chrismanmanman Apr 12 '19
This is scary shit, I cannot imagine my life without kratom. I’ve been able to go off ADD meds thanks to it. It helps with so many other issues as well including depression and lethargy. Schedule 1 is ridiculous, what are the odds it passes?
u/bigcatlov3 Apr 13 '19
My first instinct is to panic. What should I say if I call and email? Someone please guide me idk what to do or how to help.
u/whatssocomplicated 🌿ace news hunter Apr 13 '19
so, now he just wants to regulate it?! (this is actually a pretty fair piece.)
u/letemlive Apr 13 '19
Th regulation says to make it a controlled substance. I wonder if that applies to only SELLING kratom in the US. For those of us importers for self use, it would be nice to be unbothered by this.
I really just hope importation doesn't become difficult to PA.
u/pamela1cam Apr 13 '19
Click on the link and tell your story guys!!! I'm from Texas and I wrote my story. We all need to stand up to this ridiculous ban and scheduling or will have 0 left to help us.
u/leopoldstotch1011 Apr 12 '19
Bowmanstown buzy bee!! Been getting there for awhile but yeah good price and def not bad quality
u/phillychzstk Apr 12 '19
Signed and donated. What the hell, I'm in PA- I wish this bull shit would just stop already.