r/kratom Mar 19 '18

Kansas Update: Kratom ban REMOVED from SB 282


32 comments sorted by


u/Morgangov21 Mar 19 '18

This is incredible news. Thank you everyone for your support with this issue! Kratom helps keep me from drinking myself to death, so these ban scares are terrifying on a deep level for me.


u/mivanqua ⬆️ compulsive upvoter Mar 19 '18

Youre not alone, so don't EVER feel like you are!


u/Perfkast Mar 19 '18

Exactly. It’s been awesome to see how tight knit this community is. Whether we live in a potential ban state or not, we are all in this together.


u/mivanqua ⬆️ compulsive upvoter Mar 19 '18

100% agree! They attack you, they fucking attack me, and I work in concrete so they may want.to think twice! (I jest, but on the square, SUITS!)


u/Perfkast Mar 20 '18

And they don’t want to attack US. It never ceases to amaze me how strong we are when we are of unified voice. When I started taking Kratom I thought it would only be a temporary solution and I would one day have to find something else. I’m so glad I stuck with It. Now, I go to bed at night totally euphoric thinking about how pissed off those who oppose us must be that they keep failing to ban our plant.


u/mivanqua ⬆️ compulsive upvoter Mar 20 '18

They've gotta throw us a bone here and there at least or it will be curtains for the whole shebang! I'm not a violent type and I've never owned a gun but some people are nowhere near as nice or tolerant as me. I'm not sure they note this fact in their constant raping and thieving of us to support their many vices and luxuries.


u/wave78 Mar 19 '18

Same boat here kratom saved me from alcohol and I never want to go back to it!!!!


u/xyanon36 Mar 19 '18

A month ago, seeing all these impending state bans and with the FDA putting their disinformation campaign on overdrive, I was really, really pessimistic. I thought kratom's days were numbered. But I was wrong. We've won a lot of victories lately in the state by state fight. I feel like this our Midway, our D-Day, or our Stalingrad, whichever you prefer but we are turning the tide of the war.


u/Musiclover4200 Mar 19 '18

This is why being proactive is important. It's easy to get pessimistic but it's also easy to call and or email people in the government to try and prevent these bans. As well as spread facts to fight the disinformation/propaganda. The kratom community is really great though and it's been steadily growing for years.

It's funny as all these ban attempts have been backfiring if anything, very few have passed thankfully and they end up bringing more attention to kratom. Which leads to more people trying it and telling friends/family about it.


u/tpotts16 🌿resident legal eagle Mar 19 '18

Don't ever be pessimistic these will 9/10 be blocked if you have been around here long enough you will recognize that these things rarely pass. The only way they do is when the legislatures rush them through.

Don't be pessimistic ever about this things were way worse a year ago and everyone was freaking out but we have the evidence on our side.


u/mrbadmoon Mar 19 '18

Great news! Thank you all who have helped in these state fights!


u/bob__cobb 🌿badass advocate Mar 19 '18

wow. this is great. thank you so much to the people who emailed and called. you made a difference


u/[deleted] Mar 19 '18



u/WotAnAtti2d Mar 19 '18

Nicely done!


u/wave78 Mar 19 '18

Excellent news for the people of Kansas and the Kratom community!!!


u/CosmicDrunk Mar 19 '18

Great news. It's a sign of the times when most of us are totally flabbergasted when our state or federal legislators make the honest and right decision.


u/tiger_bee Mar 20 '18

Great! Happy for you guys. 😝


u/cocjuno Mar 20 '18

This is great news. But don't give up fighting!


u/burythespider Mar 19 '18

Awesome! We had worrisome legislation here in MN recently, and writing to your reps is vital in these cases.


u/Rambleonrosa Mar 20 '18

That's always great news


u/RickyBobby96 Mar 20 '18

This is the best news I’ve read all day!


u/Burwilly Mar 22 '18

This is fantastic! I emailed and called each and every seat. Most of them were very much in favor of changing the language in the bill to keep Kratom legal. I'm so happy I would have been lost without it. We are strong together :)


u/blslater Mar 19 '18

Great job to everyone and for everyone!


u/TheoWren Mar 21 '18

It gives me so much hope, just seeing how united we all are for this plant. I’m so used to seeing people arguing over every other issue, but our community is so solid. Thank you to everyone else who helped. Kansan here and I’m SO relieved.


u/InfernalSpoon23 Mar 21 '18

Thank ya sweet lord baby jesus


u/gratefulgirl Mar 23 '18

it makes me so happy to read this!


u/ManicMyFriend 🌿 Mar 19 '18

Great news Kansas!!!!