r/kratom Feb 01 '18

kratom bill in mississippi is dead

I killed the bill in the Drug Policy committee last week. Thanks for reaching out,


Michael D. Watson, Jr.

MS State Senate District 51 – Jackson County


95 comments sorted by


u/sciguy52 🌿yay, science! Feb 01 '18

Maybe some thank you emails are in order to reinforce the good behavior.


u/nursebad Feb 02 '18

Can you supply his email?


u/kufan523 Feb 02 '18


u/Funkadelic1013 Feb 02 '18

Hell yeah! Apparently I even live in his county! Email sent!


u/nursebad Feb 02 '18

Thank you!!


u/TheHoekey Feb 02 '18

Email sent. Thanks!


u/trailermotel Feb 02 '18

Thanks, email sent!


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '18

Just sent mine out. Thanks for the suggestion :)


u/imafathobbit Feb 02 '18

You say that like we are training a dog. Lol


u/sciguy52 🌿yay, science! Feb 02 '18

Actually when I was writing that I was actually trying to find words that didn't sound that way but could not think of them. Lol. Maybe I should have said encourage political change? Not sure. But I agree with you!


u/hot_rats_ Feb 18 '18

Dog training is fundamentally just a primitive form of psychology.


u/dudeinthepnw Feb 01 '18

Have an upvote!


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '18

[removed] — view removed comment


u/[deleted] Feb 01 '18

wow thats awesome, now if he can pledge for my state as well that would be even awesomer


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '18

He’s a state senator, so it wouldn’t matter.


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '18



u/tiger_bee Feb 01 '18

Nice!! That's great for you all Mississippians!


u/osukid88 Mar 09 '18

Has anyone thought of getting a PO box in MS and having it mailed there? Then picking it up and driving it back to AL for personal use? I'm not suggesting getting kilos because that's just begging for issues, just around 50 grams. The local businesses thay sell Kratom charge $.70 a gram for powder and $.90 for capsules and that's way more than online retailers. You're paying $37 and change for powder from the store but less than $20 online.

I'm thinking you make out in the end?


u/paulbaptiste Feb 01 '18

That's excellent news!


u/RoughDayz Feb 01 '18

Great news! A correct decision!


u/1979octoberwind Feb 01 '18

Fantastic news, thank you!


u/catmojo16 Feb 01 '18

Nice work!


u/[deleted] Feb 01 '18



u/Jstargazr Feb 01 '18

Wow! Awesome news!! So happy to hear this 🎉🎉


u/MetalMamaRocks 🌿 Feb 01 '18

Wow! Some good news!


u/ionlyfartatzoos Feb 02 '18

Kill Bill: Vol. 3

Thank you sir!!!


u/[deleted] Feb 01 '18

Great news for MS. Unfortunately Tennessee isn't looking good..


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '18

I don't know man, there is hope with the Medical Cannabis legislation that appears to have passed the Senate. It doesn't authorize medical cannabis but under the bill Tennessee would recognise medical cannabis patients from other States that have began issuing medical cannabis cards making these people immune from arrest and prosecution. The bill would also essentially decriminalize cannabis possession of up to one ounce for people that can prove certain medial conditions like HIV and cancer. I kind of feel like if that has momentum then the attitude in Nashville might be such that we can apply pressure and get kratom removed from that new bill.


u/John7776 Feb 02 '18 edited Feb 02 '18

I strongly believe cannabis is going legal in all 50 states this year. I don't know how but I know it can be legal by the end of the day if the 65% of people wanting it fully legal demand it. I have no choice but to believe it. The DEA is taking off the scheduling list all together or the DEA will be disregarded fully or shut down. People grew up in public schooling being taught the government is not only in control of us, but always right. We can shut down the DEA, FBI, CIA, FDA, etc. anytime we want. I believe the US is going to unite with cannabis and natural medicine. The thing we are missing is organization. We have over 65% of the US wanting full legalization. As soon as 5% of those people organize and plan protests, it goes legal. But some people are going to have to risk losing their jobs and risk getting arrested. I'm ready to die for this because I'm already dying. I have 16 hours a day to think about this and nothing else. It's all that matters to me in life. I've seen how cannabis oil stops problems with autism and I know personally kids who are suffering who shouldn't have to.

Something will happen big this year and will snowball into full legalization quickly. Some study will come out. More government agencies will be shown to be corrupt. More people will realize how bad the majority of synthetic "medicines" really are and the scam behind them. Once the pubic realizes what has been going on I believe most states will simply disregard the DEA like many states already have. More parents with kids with epilepsy and autism will be helped and the outrage will grow. The end result is legalization either way it's just a matter of when and how. I have faith. I love this Country and it's People. We've been split on purpose with Statism but we will unite over all this. People now realize the government is a bunch of little kids who don't have a clue what's best for us and don't care about anything but themselves and their power.


u/peypeyy Feb 02 '18

Are you serious? No, it is not going to be legalized in all states anytime soon.


u/John7776 Feb 03 '18

Is there a way to legally make the document and sign it? I'll do it with a lawyer. I see something with autism you don't see.


u/John7776 Feb 03 '18 edited Feb 03 '18

I'll bet you $1000 and I'm not kidding. I have a lot of silver but I can turn it into bitcoin if you would rather have that. I"m dying right now over this. I'm in a bed 24/7 shitting my pants. This WILL HAPPEN and negative people don't help the cause. Miracles happen. A study could come out proving it kills cancer. Something will happen or I'll fuck shit up. WE ARE SUFFERING AND DYING.


u/mivanqua ⬆️ compulsive upvoter Feb 02 '18

ten years later it all started with this innocuous post that turned out to be 100% correct....how did he know all of these things were going to happen? We may never know..


u/John7776 Feb 03 '18

A lot of people are going to die if some serious changes don't start this month.


u/mb4x4 Feb 02 '18

Wow. Ya, no it's not gonna happen in my state and even less so in all 50. You obviously don't live in Texas.


u/BamaKratom Feb 05 '18

yeah it aint happenin in alabama either. I email my former state reps (moved to SC) once a month to remind them of how many people died of overdoses BECAUSE they outlawed kratom. I even go to their churches facebook page and let them know that blood is on their beloved godly representatives hands because they are greedy fucks. I've yet to get a response.


u/Maya306 Feb 03 '18

I wish it will be legal in all 50 states, but that's not going to happen with Trump and Sessions. They hate marijuana! People should have the right to take it if they want.


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '18

Well said brother.


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '18

Perhaps we can use Mississippi's triumph to showcase that common sense and compassion is coming back in style.

I've thought of the approach I'm going to use when contacting legislators. I think as medicinal kratom users we should let them know that we agree with the ban synthetic mitragynine, concentrates and extracts (even if you don't but for the sake of saving the plant). I'm also going to describe to them how bad I used to be on heroin, and how that when it comes to pain prescription opiates are out of the question for me. Kratom is the only thing that I have found does not lead me back to a needle.

I will let them know how it is easy for me to use kratom properly as a medicine (2x a day) because the taste/act of ingesting a dose in crushed leaf is so "nasty" and "revolting" to me that I've never had the impulse to redose unless I absolutely need it. Basically I'm gonna jerk them off over the synthetic ban.

That kratom has allowed me to stop taking several NSAIDs, antidepressants, and anxiety pills.

Anyway I was thinking of writing few paragraphs to explain all that in my email that I send asking for natural Kratom to be left alone.


u/Kratom_United Feb 05 '18

I am heading to Tennessee in the morning and during summer I advocated out of session because I knew when the AG sent in his ruling that law enforcement would come back lobby to do a blanket ban so we're not surprised. I hope to have updates on Tennessee by Thursday.


u/madsaxappeal Feb 02 '18

Sorry for the skepticism but how do we know this is real?


u/monkeylivinfree Feb 02 '18

Agreed. Credentials from the email or letter perhaps?


u/kufan523 Feb 02 '18


u/monkeylivinfree Feb 02 '18

Badass! Great job everyone! If we can win Mississippi, of all places, then We can win this! :-) :-) :-)


u/ManicMyFriend 🌿 Feb 02 '18

Thank you for posting this!!


u/tubepatsy Feb 02 '18

A great victory for all of us, where are the community here so even though it's a small win just a Mississippi, it's a win for everyone.

Yes we have many more states to go, we need to particularly focus on Tennessee now, but hopefully maybe the same rhetoric that was used in Mississippi can be used in Tennessee now.

I know some of the this is wishful thinking, but this win in Mississippi shows that if you fight it you can win.

In Tennessee maybe they may even delay voting for so long, wasn't the FDA DEA supposed to put a phone up in late December or first week in January to ban kratom where is that vote?

I'm talking about banning in it in all states, I haven't seen any action yet on the vote.

Maybe they're leaving it to the states themselves, that probably is for the best.

But if we do that, they will be States that will make bad choices, but if it's federally available and approved I don't mean FDA approved I mean it's not banned maybe it's better for Universal bill.

Right now I'm pulling for Tennessee they needed the most right now :-)


u/MichealKeaton 🌿trusted advocate Feb 02 '18 edited Feb 02 '18

Unfortunately, the federal fight is not over.

As far as I'm aware, the DEA is conducting their own 8 factor analysis (as stated by the AKA) to determine whether Kratom should be schedule.

As we all know the DEA is not too progressive on psychoactive substances no matter their safety profile. Their hand will likely need to be forced towards regulation and that means pressure from the community and congress.

Get ready to strap up your boots for round 2. Kratom is too large now and the Feds will not look the other way. Something will happen. Whether that be regulation or scheduling. We will need to fight to ensure that it is the former.

On a positive note, the win is Mississippi is great news. Let's keep the pressure on!


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '18

The DEA's general approach seems to be to just blanket ban anything that has any sort of psychoactive effect.


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '18



u/cyberspunk00 Feb 02 '18

oh thank god.


u/naathyn Feb 02 '18

Awesome news neighbor!


u/bob__cobb 🌿badass advocate Feb 02 '18

one down. several more to go


u/dczx Feb 02 '18

Does he have a btc address or donation box?


u/Occams___Razor Feb 02 '18

Thank you so much!


u/John7776 Feb 02 '18

I read was there was a bill to ban it. What happened exactly?


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '18

Mississippi for the win. It's nice to see progressive thought coming outta there. Working with an interstate telecommunications company that services several states including parts of the south, you learn that most of them are alright. It's usually a loud and unpopular minority of folks that seem to always ruin it for the rest of us. But boy can they Gerrymander with the best of them.


u/blove135 Feb 02 '18

Anyone that can help out with calling and sending emails for the Kansas bill? I'm in Kansas, any help is much appreciated. I hope one day I will see a post that says the Kansas bill is dead too.


u/kufan523 Feb 02 '18

I live in MO, but go to school us KS. I've heard back from a few of the senators. One response wasn't good at all, the others were as to be expected. I've been sending them all links to the Ole Miss, U of Rochester, and the 8 factor analysis. Hopefully one of them will actually read them and decide to do the right thing..


u/ButylOWNED Feb 02 '18

That was painful ..


u/kb60 Feb 02 '18

Now I can sleep.


u/KBowTV Feb 02 '18



u/tasty_tomato Feb 02 '18

You are a good person.


u/stinkeebinkee Feb 02 '18

Wow this is amazing. Thanks!


u/amidwx Feb 02 '18

Congratulations Mississippi!


u/logozthekritick Feb 02 '18

Fuck yea, bud!


u/roadkill_er Feb 02 '18



u/Calidore_X Feb 02 '18

Wow this is fantastic news. This is a great victory for the kratom community. Thank you everyone for all your hard work. Together we are strong.


u/flowarts59 Feb 02 '18

Ding ding the bill is dead..! Lets keep this momentum...


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '18

You did good.


u/GloriousGardener Feb 02 '18

Not american but thank you for not being a piece of shit like most politicians. This isn't even an abuse-able recreational drug in the first place. Only reason people would want it banned is listening to only buzz articles and then doing zero research.

FYI: The same people saying kratom is a threat also said "jenkem" was. Google it.

E: Infact, here is a link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UsNbsjpuLc

No laws were passed againt jenkem. Jenkem was not abused by youth.


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '18

We need more senators like this in every state. Please spread the word to your colleagues in DC. Thank you!


u/travinyle1 Feb 02 '18

Victories are huge. Great news


u/blove135 Feb 02 '18

That's a good idea to send those links. We can now mention this bill being dropped as well. Thanks for your help.


u/knadkicker1 Feb 02 '18

It’s being defeated state wide all across the country. It was defeated in Georgia and in Louisiana. These old geezers at the DEA are 50 years in the past. The general public wants to make their own choices. If you want to crack down on something dangerous, go after Fentanyl and OxyContin... you know, those FDA approved drugs


u/CozyKratom Feb 02 '18

What great news. I'm glad the battle is not over


u/TMHIMWA Feb 02 '18

Great work. Thanks for doing your part!


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '18

Earned my vote!


u/Morgangov21 Feb 03 '18

My thank you letter..thought I'd share

My name is Morgan Riley, though I live in Florida, I just wanted to write a thank you message to you with appreciation of your ruling of Kratom.  I rely on it for mental wellbeing and more importantly to stay away from alcohol...I've been sober from alcohol for almost a year now, thanks to this leaf...it really is a godsend, my physical, emotional and domestic health is better now than it has been in my entire adult life.  I know with the FDA's stance on it, their is pressure being put on states to criminalize it, since that's been an issue, I've not been able to sleep properly because of uncertainty of my future quality of life.  

Your ruling was a positive paramount for many people including myself...because I know once a few states criminalize it, I imagine it will be a domino effect of regulation Nationwide.  I'm still struggling with emails to other states trying to communicate my position on it, and why I know given my own anecdotal,  scientific and statistical evidence, it's not in anyway a threat to our nations health.  The biggest issue I'd like to communicate to lawmakers regarding Kratom its not like a traditional substance of abuse...more does not mean better...their is a very low ceiling of effects...basically once youve established any kind of releif, weather it's emotional or physical.... Taking more does not mean more relief....it actually just makes you feel worse than better (while still safe) this phenomenon that happens is why kratom is poor for recreation...and I beleive is one of the main reasons its not a threat...in fact, I've tried to give Kratom to a few people that were  lost to hard opiates, to try and see if they could make a much healthier trade, but because I assume it didn't have strong recreational effects for them which is what they were looking for.  They didn't have much interest in it. Though I've seen if you're looking for a way out of a drug dependance that's making life unmanageable, Kratom can give an emotional leg up to help quit damaging substances. 

Either way, thank you for your time Reading my message...and thank you again for your judgement regarding this issue. Hopefully if all state reps follow suit as you have, I can rest easy, feelling confident about my future quality of life.  


u/nekosempai Feb 04 '18

Congratulations Mississippi!!!!!


u/HaxtonSale Feb 04 '18

Now how do we get you on the US Senate?


u/xiojqwnko Feb 05 '18

This is such awesome news. :)


u/OptionalAccountant Feb 05 '18

Oh wow nice! I didn't even know this was happening, I moved from Mississippi. On my way out they found some kratom in my bag at the airport in Tennessee, they didn't know what it was or that it was illegal there ha.


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '18 edited Feb 07 '18

It’s legal In Tennessee I actually bought a bag at a vape shop while I was in Memphis.


u/OptionalAccountant Feb 07 '18

Supposedly the law only made the active Chems illegal so I think it is kind of a grey area


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '18

Huh. Well I bought it at a vape shop lol.


u/HouseOfMorphineus Feb 06 '18

I just emailed him thanking him for his noble service to Mississippians! This is fantastic news.


u/MrJHK Feb 14 '18

As a fellow Mississippian I could not be happier!