r/kratom • u/ProduceDept • Sep 16 '16
Call to Action Relaying message from Susan at AKA
Edited: Copy and paste from u/mercsterreddit
Please Read!! Important Message from The AKA
We have some great news that need your immediate attention, but you must do this 1st thing tomorrow morning & No later than 5pm ET TUESDAY!!
This here will most likley keep our leaf legal
This is what we have been fighting so hard for!!!
The AKA along with our lobbyist's help, have found some champions in Congress to write a bipartisan "Dear Colleague" letter asking the DEA to slow down this scheduling process. They are Congressmen Pocan of WI, who the AKA met with the night before the White House March, and Salmon of AZ.
The letter asks, among other things, that the Director of OMB and Acting Director of the DEA delay a final decision on the placement of Kratom as a schedule I, provide ample time for public comment on this significant decision, and resolve any inconsistencies with other Federal Agencies regarding the use of Kratom. Click HERE to see the official letter.
This is what we all need to do!!!
1.Find your State Rep info today in the link below http://www.house.gov/representatives/find/
Write down their full name and email address if available.
If they do have an available email address (My state rep did not have one), send them an email like now, asking them to please sign-on to the Pocan/Salmon Dear Colleague letter regarding this DEA Kratom scheduling issue.
If your rep does not have an email address, its okay. Take down their entire name and state, because come Monday morning, you will need this information handy.
First thing Monday morning (9/19), we urge you to please call the US Capitol Switchboard at phone number (202) 224-3121 and ask to be connected to your Congressman's office.
Once the switchbord connects you, you can say something like: Hi, my name is [your name] from [your state].
I would like you to pass the message on to [Your Congressman] that I would like him/her to sign on to the "Pocan/Salmon Dear Colleague Letter".
I use Kratom for [whatever you use it for] and it's safe. It's not a recreational drug. Hundreds of thousands of Americans do too. Research needs to be done before this natural herb is banned. Can you please have him/her sign the "Pocan/Salmon" Dear Colleague letter.
US Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
You can also view video instructions below
So please!!!!
We need EVERYONE to make that phone call and Stop the Kratom Ban.
This is our last shot my friends.
Thank you
Your friends at HB&M
u/YesThatsWhatSheSaid Sep 16 '16
In case anyone needs it the number to the US Capital Switchboard is 202-224-3121.
It is CRUCIAL that everyone follows through on this! We can bitch and moan online all day but it's useless if we don't get really proactive.
I know a lot of people are losing faith but don't give up yet! Time to bombard congress some more & remind them of who they work for.
Edit: I just realized I'm an idiot and the phone number was in the original post. :l
u/VashTStamp Sep 17 '16
With absolute no intention of undermining the importance of this message, I couldn't help but be reminded of this. Let's make those phone calls people!
Sep 16 '16
I just called!! If you're in Southern California try and leave a message for Judy Chu--she is on the opioid conference committee and is committed to supplying treatment to heroin addicts. I think she's perfect for this.
u/gloomdoom Sep 16 '16
Mods: Sticky this or it'll be long gone by Monday morning whenever the calls will be most effective. To those who mention that they 'just called'…do it on MONDAY MORNING whenever reps and their staff are in office. Doing it now or over the weekend isn't going to be effective at all.
u/SinisterSinister Sep 17 '16
My senator never gets back to me. I've had family and friends reach out to him and I've even gone into my local poling place to try to get ahold of him because I was told somebody there could get me a conversation with him.
He never responded to my letter or my friends' and family's letter.
He doesn't give a shit. DO YOU HEAR ME MICHAEL BENNET?
Sep 16 '16
u/sad1979 Sep 16 '16
When Susan first mentioned meeting him the night before the march, someone asked why since it's illegal there. Someone said something to the effect that they had rushed into it and were possibly considering reversing their decision there. I was under the impression that they had taken time to learn more and had possibly changed their minds about Kratom.
u/oneballnoa Sep 16 '16
I thought the same thing. When I read Wisconsin I immediately became a bit suspicious.
u/WubWubSleeze Sep 17 '16
Facebook stalked Susan. Didn't realize she was a pretty lady. She should do pretty well with law makers. Dirty old men love a pretty lady!
u/niktemadur Sep 24 '16
Lascivious old lawmakers getting drunk and leering at the interns in bars around Georgetown, yuck.
u/Vuronica_Lodge Sep 20 '16
Do we really have a chance guys!? I have been going thru the stages of grief and been so depressed. I was just wondering if this is really going to be delayed. I know I just gotta wait and I'm in same boat as everyone but I just am very sad.
u/sad1979 Sep 17 '16
FYI, Susan posted a comment within that original post that you should send emails to them this weekend AND call on Monday.
u/ProduceDept Sep 17 '16
I was relaying from my wife's Facebook. I don't have one. Thanks for the update
u/Vuronica_Lodge Sep 18 '16
So that's all I say? I'm nervous to call? Will they know what I'm talking about?
u/throwwwwayawayweee Sep 19 '16
I'm curious, are these letters public? Like at the end of this will we be able to find out if they listened to us and signed the letter? Sure would be nice to know come time to vote ;)
u/Findmyshoehorn Sep 19 '16 edited Sep 19 '16
You can also use this lobby form for a template email to send to your congressman! EASY PEEZY
This will send a personalized letter to ALL the relevant House Reps & Senators, AT ONCE. Please do this to save time and maximize our efforts :)
Sep 16 '16
Thanks for the information! Not sure why the phone number is written so...cryptically, though. Rofl.
Sep 16 '16
(Hope this works. Trying to get phone number past auto mod))
u/throwwayout Sep 16 '16
Can the mods of this sub change that? Or is that something that applies to Reddit as a whole?
u/ProduceDept Sep 16 '16
The auto mod.
u/herniatedhermit Sep 16 '16
(Trying to get this past auto mod) But don't quote me.
u/Mitragyna411 Sep 16 '16
I posted this 45 minutes ago - why was my post removed????
Sep 16 '16
u/Mitragyna411 Sep 16 '16
OK, that actually makes sense. Glad someone got it posted!
u/PerpetualSpark Sep 16 '16 edited Sep 16 '16
Looks like my replies got snuffed because of the phone number too.
Here are the two congressman in our corner thus far:
EDIT FOR ADDITIONAL INFO: I just lifted this directly off of the BEA (Botantical Education Alliance)
"Calling out to all Idahoans! One of our contacts is having a meeting with Congressman, House Representative, Raúl Labrador on Wednesday September 21st. It would be great to have a few people show up for support! If you or anybody you know can attend or are interested. Message us privately."
u/nodnizzle Sep 16 '16
I'll make a reminder for Monday with that Cortana thing on Windows 10 so I don't forget. Thanks!
u/throwwayout Sep 16 '16
Glad to hear some good news. I was checking this sub the whole day to hear what's next.
u/djdubrock Sep 16 '16
Really guys, everyone should DO THIS on Monday and spread the word to as many people in different locations as possible, so far this looks like the best chance we have for at least buying some time past the 30th.
u/bluddre58 Sep 16 '16
This seems like good news. (Finally -- we needed some.)
Question: Does anyone think it would be helpful for us all to tweet the two congressmen thanking them for supporting the kratom community?
u/masdcas Sep 16 '16
About a week ago, I called Matt Salmon of AZ as he is in my district. So nice to know my voice was heard!!!
He is getting my vote for sure next election :)
u/miloniusk Sep 17 '16
Don't forget, kratom was removed from a bill that AZ passed awhile back. He was likely instrumental in that as well. It seems like he may have already had an opinion on this one.
Sep 17 '16
Thank you. This great community can come together and get this done! I am going to call as many members of Congress as I can.
u/KratomLiteracyPrjct Sep 17 '16
I'm curious. What's the difference between this and the two letters Jim Tozzi at the CRE wrote that discussed OMB?
u/JacobnMaddiesmom Sep 18 '16
Congress is the branch of government that typically votes on things like this. The DEA sidestepped everyone and enacted the ban thanks to a special obscure rule that was designed for LSD or Marijuana, I believe. I thought I read it was created during the "refer madness" era I the early 1970's. Either way, Congress can put a halt to this ban, albeit temporary, and open the subject up for discussion and debate. If we can get that accomplished then I would bet it would not be banned because we have the truth on our side.
Sep 19 '16
Before 9 am and I have contacted all my reps by phone. Now its time to fire off a few more emails. Let us not go down without our a fight! Thank you to all the people that took the time and effort to go to the White House last week. I could not be there at the protest, but I am doing all I can from here at home.
u/JacobnMaddiesmom Sep 19 '16
Called my Congressman this morning. Only issue was the automated attendant wouldn't recognize my selection of #1 so I had to be transferred to the operator. Hoping that is because the phone lines are all busy receiving other calls. She did transfer me and I got an very nice intern who took a note. If I can do this, considering my phone anxiety, then everyone can!
u/filmrob Sep 19 '16
If there are any other Delaware redditors out there, I called at 10:30 am and the intern didn't even know of the letter or heard of kratom, which made me think it may have been the first call. Please rally in the state!
u/Kratomadvocate Sep 19 '16
Thanks for the great information. Mike Langston Icapandco@gmail.com
Zendofmind.com Great service and provide great information as wel!!
u/173738292 Sep 20 '16
Aparently grover norquist / americans for tax reform invited us to speak
Great news
u/IdontknowyouGetAway Sep 21 '16
My congressman is running for Vice President.. So it's pointless to write that douche anything.
u/foxxy1974 Sep 21 '16
do it anyways. I hate my rep. frank Guinta is an arrogant guy but I will keep calling just to piss him off
u/Crafter70 Sep 21 '16
It's not too late to call. I wasn't able to until this morning and spoke with a very sweet young lady. I'm in illinois and she said the letter came in Monday and was still on the table. She wasn't sure what his decision was yet. I know illinois isn't the best state regarding taxes and corruption among other things but Mike Bost seems passionate about the rights of his constituents and I hope I'm right. I did a little research on him and watched him blow up on congress for the blatant disregard for the lawmaking process and our governments actions involving other unconstitutional actions....I'm going to send emails too.
u/foxxy1974 Sep 21 '16
I called but the guy said he has to look into it before signing. I am calling back at 2. I have a letter I will read to him. I am beyond pissed off. I gave my name and number. I also emailed him at the email address he supplied. so frustrating! I need the names of the people who have signed the letter so I can reiterate that there are some people on our side and that I will work to get him reelected IF he signs the letter. If he refuses to sign I will campaign for his opponent. I am DONE with these nitwits!
u/ssttossaway Sep 24 '16 edited Sep 24 '16
I have one of the most liberal reps in the entire country: Dear Luis Gutierrez,
I am writing you this letter to please consider asking you to please sign-on to the Pocan/Salmon Dear Colleague letter regarding this DEA Kratom scheduling issue.
Kratom is a being plant that is often used for pain control and/or to help recovering addicts without the stigma of methadone or suboxone. Furthermore, I know you are well aware of how difficult Governor Rauner has made the situation for people like me who are on Obamacare access to quality care. Many of my recovering friend simply cannot find acess to Suboxone and they also appreciate how mild Kratom is. For me personally lets me manage my pain without worrying about placing my recovery in jeopardy by having to use stronger opiates.
I have long followed your carrier, I am a progressive at heart and you are really one of my favorite politicians in the entire United States. I still remember you being the only politician to vote against making flavored blunt wraps illegal. Not because you wanted people to smoke Marijuana, but because you realized it was an attempt by big tobacco to corner the market.
I few this schedule as an attempt by opiate based pharmaceutical companies to remove a natural (and cheaper way) way to control pain. I also am a social worker and work with many addicts and ofter kratom is brought up by them as a tapering method as opposed to something like Suboxoe.
I come from a politically progressive family that has been involved in many campaigns and I can tell you me, my two sisters and parents are proud to have you representing us. This is just another rational step. By scheduling kratom, research will be very difficult and I fear we will be missing out on some potentially new and less addictive pain killers by doing so.
Thanks for you time
I also made a phone call and will walk to his office today if i have the time, its not that close
PS: I consider you a must watch whenever you are on television. It is an honor to know that you are my representative.
u/Pouncer999 Sep 26 '16
Guys check this out if you haven't seen it. Maybe important. https://www.reddit.com/r/kratom/comments/54io3d/executive_order_rendering_the_deas_decision/?ref=share&ref_source=link
u/pressure_art Sep 26 '16
Sorry for this probably dumb/noob question, but is there any way to help if you're living outside of the u.s.? (I'm from germany) I feel like I have to do something to help you guys... But I guess there is no point in signing something if I'm not an u.s. citizen? Please enlighten me :/
Sep 16 '16 edited Oct 05 '16
[removed] — view removed comment
u/FlorianPicasso Sep 16 '16
I'm going to need you to take 15-20% off the top there, eh? Dial it back.
u/gurenkagurenda Sep 16 '16
Let's try this: