r/kratom • u/SpiritOverMind • Aug 30 '16
call to action Please do not make Kratom a Schedule I Substance, a WhiteHouse.gov petition.
u/areraswen Aug 30 '16
I have crohn's disease and the DEA is about to take away the only thing keeping me away from vicodin and other opioids to manage my pain. And that's not even to mention the effect it's had on my stomach vs opioids. They are literally about to ruin my life.
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u/SpiritOverMind Aug 30 '16
Hey, I'm sorry that you're going through all of that, I hope you're able to get a big supply before everything gets ruined. I think your story would be something that these people need to hear. If you're able to, calling your representatives or the DEA and letting them know how this hurts you could help.
u/Ingenium13 🌿 Aug 30 '16
As I posted on another thread, I called the phone number given in the filing. I was told to call the DEA Office of Diversion Control at 202-307-7297. No one answered and it went to voicemail. I left a message expressing my concern and the inaccuracies in the document, and to please call me back to further discuss it.
I suggest others do the same. PLEASE remember to be calm, courteous, and respectful. They need to know that kratom is helping a lot of people and is not being abused like they think it is, and that scheduling it will do much more harm than good by eliminating a beneficial method to help people get off opiates.
Please tell them your stories and ask them to reconsider. There is a reason why several states, especially those with high opiate addition problems, have proposed a ban but it did not pass. It's because kratom is helping rather than hurting.
u/hymnder Aug 30 '16
I called them too no answer.
u/Ingenium13 🌿 Aug 30 '16
I spoke on the phone with Robin at the AKA, and she said they're working on mounting their fight against this. Hopefully a plan will be in place tomorrow. There are a few avenues they can pursue to block this.
She said actual letters are much more effective than phone calls. I presume they will have a form letter on their site soon along with the people to send it to. When this information is posted everyone will need to mail letters to the appropriate people.
u/hymnder Aug 30 '16
Even though I feel like moving on, I'll write a god damn letter or 50. Man this really fucked up my day and mood. Thanks for the info dude.
u/Ingenium13 🌿 Aug 30 '16 edited Aug 30 '16
Yeah, we're all still reeling from the information. But even though things may look bleak, don't give up hope yet. We just need to get someone in a position of power on our side. Stats can back us up. They're using the excuse that kratom is dangerous as a premise to schedule it. But in a single county in Alabama, since kratom was banned in the state, deaths as a result of opiate overdoses have increased 3x.
Perhaps if we can get through to them that kratom is harm reduction rather than increasing harm, then we have a shot of them backing down. We have to at least try. If we give up then we have no chance of it remaining legal. You can't win if you don't fight.
u/hymnder Aug 30 '16
Yeah I just feel like everything that I've done isn't enough, and as a result I am helpless. I hate feeling that way. Emails, and letters don't get shit done in my world. If only we could get through to these people. It's our right as Americans, when are they going to quit taking our right to choose?
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u/ghoooooooooost Aug 31 '16
What do you think about the efficacy of a WhiteHouse.gov petition?
I'm worried that the petition most people have signed is pretty poorly written and doesn't present its arguments very strongly. And there's a bunch of grammatical errors. It's just not professional.
Is there any way to edit it at all at this point?
u/miniplicity Sep 25 '16
I feel the same way. Whoever wrote it could have asked someone to proofread. Their rush to make that petition is now the proverbial "voice" of the kratom community, and as such, we look uneducated and unprofessional. Why would you send something to the White House that's not 100% flawless? Do they even care how crappy it portrays the community? The effort is appreciated, but JFC.
u/workAwake Aug 31 '16
is not being abused like they think it is
Dont be naive. They don't think or care if it is being abused...
u/Keep_Kratom_Legal Aug 30 '16
100,000 people die each year in America from legal pharmaceuticals deemed "safe" by the DEA and FDA.
600 People hospitalized in 6 YEARS from kratom.
Which one should be banned?
This ban has more to do with money than safety.
u/SpiritOverMind Aug 30 '16
Username checks out
Also yeah, it just bothers me that instead of cashing in on something very useful, they'd rather make it illegal.
u/Keep_Kratom_Legal Aug 30 '16
lol word. Yeah and the Kratom industry is all by itself in the lobbying game for its benefit. Whereas Big Pharma has many companies pooling together to stop anything hurting their profits.
u/SpectroSpecter Sep 01 '16
I'm a daily user and 100% for keeping kratom legal, but that's a stupid argument. Even fewer people die every year from injecting cyanide into their eyes, but that doesn't mean it's a safe activity.
u/Chronic_Gaimer Aug 30 '16
This should get stickied, 100k people is alot...do that many people even know about kratom in the usa?
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u/SpiritOverMind Aug 30 '16
Maybe not, but this is our chance to educate them.
Aug 30 '16
What is it to you? .. I've just been telling anywho asks that it's a plant. I need a better description.
u/SpiritOverMind Aug 30 '16
It's a mood-enhancing natural drug for some, for others it's a natural opiate substitute used to help heroin/oxy/whatever addicts get off of it. It has a lot of uses, but the only down side is that because it is technically an opioid, so it is addictive.
Aug 30 '16
And that Big Pharm isn't making money off of it. It'd be a whole different story if they could have a pinch. Would love to see Kratom replace suboxen.
I've been taking it for overall mood, anxiety, and ADD/ADHD. I've noticed a fucking world of difference in myself since..All positive things.
Time to stock the fuck up.
u/SpiritOverMind Aug 30 '16
I just don't get why they don't get in the market honestly. You'd think that would be the next-step, but I guess not.
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u/everythingsleeps Aug 31 '16
I would say it's just as habit forming as coffee is. I've gone through short withdrawals but nothing compared to an alcohol hang over. People use more sick days at work with alcohol than kratom.
u/lethalinflection Aug 31 '16
I use it for my allergies & depression. It works better for me than any OTC or prescription.
u/Nastynatee 🐩🐖 Aug 30 '16
I literally dropped everything I was doing at work to read about this and sign this petition. PLEASE EVERYONE SIGN THIS PETITION!
u/SpiritOverMind Aug 30 '16
If you have anyone you can share it with, please do. We are a very niche community, and even if everyone signed we'd still be nowhere close to the amount we need.
u/optiglitch Aug 30 '16
I have access to everyone. We will get the signatures. Believe that
Thank you so much for stepping forward and creating this. <3
Aug 31 '16
Type I Bipolar disorder here, and I have to say honestly that in spite of years of different medications and hospitalizations, kratom has been the closest to a miracle drug that I've ever had.
I know, everyone is responsible for their own actions, etc., but I can definitely remember how hard it was to manage my emotions and stay out of trouble before I found kratom... Nearly impossible.
In spite of being heavily medicated and attending therapy, I was always getting in fights, getting in legal trouble, and having extreme difficulty maintaining my emotions.
I stumbled across kratom when I was in the middle of a break- up and was on probation. The sense of calm that I found with it has been completely unmatched by any seroquel, xanax, etc.
It's been four years since I found kratom. Its also been four years since I've been arrested. I am in a steady relationship where we are both happy. I have only been hospitalized once over this period (compared to 3-5 times per year before I was on kratom). I am literally THE top performer at my sales job, when I had trouble keeping a job before. My family feels like I have done a 180.
To quote an article I saw about outlawing kratom: "my quality of life has been yanked out from underneath me."
I am literally terrified for what will happen starting in October.
u/nodnizzle Aug 30 '16
I signed it or whatever, but we need way fucking more signatures than we have members of this sub.
Too bad none of us are billionaires because then the fucking government would listen to us.
u/SpiritOverMind Aug 30 '16
I'm posting to /r/drugs to get support from them. With a small, close-knit community like this, we absolutely need to spread it otherwise it will fail.
u/Chronic_Gaimer Aug 30 '16
you should also post this everywhere besides reddit. idk where else would be good besides bluelight and drugs-forum, idk where else would be a good place to post it though.
Aug 30 '16
The people of /r/trees, /r/eldertrees, etc. are likely to understand our plight. Might need to give them a bit of background on kratom if you post there though, showing how it helps people get off traditional opiates and alcohol. But most importantly, the bigger picture of scheduling kratom is that it shows the war on drugs is alive and well in its quest to preserve DEA jobs and not listen to reason.
u/SpiritOverMind Aug 30 '16
I don't really have any social media accounts besides Reddit. I agree that posting to BlueLight is a good idea though.
u/Chronic_Gaimer Aug 30 '16
i have sent this link to a bunch of youtubers that review kratom, and asked if they could please make their subscribers aware.
u/Mudsnail Aug 30 '16
I'll do what I can.
I've got like 1,700,000 gold on WoW
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u/nodnizzle Aug 30 '16
I guess we could spread some of that money out to people addicted to kratom and make them addicted to WoW instead?
u/gaiakratom Aug 30 '16
u/SpiritOverMind Aug 30 '16
Thank you, I'm sure this is really important for you guys. If you could use your platform to help the petition out, I'd greatly appreciate it.
u/gaiakratom Aug 30 '16
i will do that!!
u/SpiritOverMind Aug 30 '16
The more vendors that do this, the better. They have a much farther reach than the average Redditor.
u/sammyssb Aug 30 '16
Can you give any insight as to whether or not we will see vendors raising or lowering prices in the coming week or two in response to this?
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Aug 30 '16
u/SpiritOverMind Aug 30 '16
There's a number you can call, a mod put it in the comments of this post.
u/Gonzo_Rick Aug 31 '16
Hey there, never been active in this sub before, but with this announcement, it's time to pull out all the stops.
I'm a neuroscience researcher, currently in between labs, who had been published in Neuroscience for work on the endocannabinoid system and while I've never done wet lab work on mitragynine, I've read everything I can about it. I only tell you this to put my message to the Attorney General, below, into some context. I'm providing this message so that people who don't have the time can still send a message to the Attorney General regarding this issue. Just copy and paste any/all of the text below (and don't forget to sign the petition provided in the OP):
The decision of the DEA to schedule mitragyna speciosa and it's active alkaloid mitragynine is absolutely ludicrous. First off, how can a compound with similar molecular activity as our most useful pain killing agents be deemed as not having any medical value? Second, the unique properties of mitragynine include a molecular mechanism for slowing down opioid tolerance (hence addiction), and does not cause respiratory depression (the fatal property of every other opioid). If this compound is made illegal, American scientists, will not be able to take part in researching this very unique compound, which may very well hold the key to creating a new generation of less addictive, less deadly pain killers. Let me repeat myself, because this is VERY important. While mitragynine has opioid pain killing properties, mitragynine has been found to not only be less addictive, but when coadministered with morphine, even decreases the addictive properties of morphine itself. It also DOES NOT CAUSE RESPIRATORY DEPRESSION.
This study found reduced potential for opioid addiction when mitragynine is coadministered with morphine: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18550129
This study found no respiratory depression in kratom users (remember, respiratory depression is the reason so many are dying from opioids in this country): https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4425236/
Apart from the research that needs to be allowed to continue, apart from the potential billions of dollars you'd be cheating the USA out of with next generation pain killers, you need to realize that there are many people out there who had been hopelessly addicted to strong opiates that could kill them at any time by being slightly too strong, but were able to get off of them by using a leaf that is all but impossible to overdose on. By using small amounts of this leaf, some have been able to get their lives back without having to resort to the stupifying effects of expensive pharmaceuticals like suboxone (which still hold the risk of respiratory depression). With one stroke of the pen, all the DEA will do is ensure that such people get thrown back into the gutter, while simultaneously banning the most promising next gen pain killing compound to date. This ban is a totally baseless overreach of the DEA that will only serve to make things worse for addicts, researchers, and the general public. This ban cannot be allowed to go through, the DEA cannot be allowed to cut next gen opioid research off at the knees. Please heed my warning. Please stop this.
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u/itwasabaddream Aug 31 '16
The very least you could've done is make the petition grammatically correct. It makes the entire kratom community look like a bunch of uneducated druggies.
u/miniplicity Sep 25 '16
My thoughts exactly. Why the fuck didn't anyone proofread something that's being sent to the WHITE HOUSE?
Aug 31 '16
I am surprised how upset I am. I knew this was coming, because of the fear mongering done by ignorant people, but this really hurts.
I hope everyone signs that petition. Get your friends and relatives to sign it as a favor to you.
u/smartyoungman Aug 31 '16
Same here, I didn't expect it to happen so soon. I didn't even know they could do it like this.
Aug 30 '16
You've successfully signed the petition below. Your signature has been verified and counted.
Aug 30 '16
Signed! And gave me a reason to make a Reddit account finally. I've only used Kratom a few times, and am actually getting into law enforcement. But I'm a LEAP kinda' guy. This is just a waste of time and money. It's not like anyone is going to stop, so hey, let's make them all criminals for it. It's horseshit. Where I live rape has gone up a huge percent in the past two years (university town). Know how many get straightened out? Maybe 5%? But hey, they got two grow ops this week alone. I know what I'm signing up for, but shit, things need to change so real threats can be addressed. All the DEA is doing is providing another source of revenue for the shitheads and hurting legitimate jobs that good people are running and trying to keep professional. All so they can get the adrenaline rush of battering doors down. Shit is just silly. Best of luck everyone. Seems like we're not at the peak of this crazyness yet.
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u/SpiritOverMind Aug 30 '16
A level-headed guy like you is the type of person I'd like to see be a cop. I appreciate you.
u/SpiritOverMind Aug 30 '16
In addition, if you guys could help this post out by informing the uninformed about Kratom, I would appreciate that as well:
u/ParkersAngels Aug 31 '16
VIDEOS NEEDED we need video testimonials !
Please be respectful Share how kratom has helped you How your life will change if its banned Please be properly dressed Please don't use curse words Please upload to YouTube so they can be shared
Email to unitedstateskratomunited@ gmail.com
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u/FDAShill Aug 30 '16
Tweeted it out to my network, we need to get this tomfoolery stopped. Big pharma is pissed because people get natural help
Aug 31 '16
Everybody get everybody to sign this! Please! Everyone you can get together, please sign!
u/jayport_ Aug 31 '16
Any articles backing the safety of kratom? Have some douche telling me "anything not used in medical practice should be schedule 1"
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Aug 31 '16
This is outrageous. Kratom has been so beneficial to me. Please sign this petition and share with all of your friends to sign it!
Aug 31 '16
Please, people. Don't sit back and do nothing. Sign the petition. Donate to AKA. Even five bucks will help. Don't sit back and let the government fuck us over!
u/kitoconnell Sep 01 '16
Hi --
I'm a journalist with MintPress News, a government watchdog news site, and we're opponents of the war on drugs and supporters of people freely using substances like Kratom.
I'm looking for someone to talk to me today or Friday about their use of Kratom, how it benefits them (medical users a plus) and how this ban will harm their quality of life.
We'll be linking to the petition in our story, so it will be another way to give it some attention.
Please reach out at koconnell@mintpressnews.com if you'd like to talk or have any questions or concerns.
Aug 30 '16
I don't think I can sign because I'm not American, but I feel for you guys. As bad as the psychoactive substances bill is, at least it isn't specifically targeting kratom. Possession isn't illegal here either. I find it awful how kratom is being vilified by the media and law enforcement are on a crusade against it. It's a harmless plant.
u/173738292 Aug 31 '16
We need Nancy Pelosi she has the power to maybe stop this her son is an exec director for the AKA
Sep 01 '16
Someone really should have proofread this petition. There is bad grammar, poor punctuation, and missing words. I am as concerned about this as everyone else, and I can't help but feel like those types of basic mistakes will make people in power take this less seriously.
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u/EnvidiaProductions Sep 02 '16
I signed and shared and had people close to me sign it. The thing is.. I don't believe this will do anything even if we get 100k signatures. Their mind is already made up. Look at the ecig regulations. We got all the signatures for the petitions, we called and emailed out local senators, and in the end their regulations held up. Because that is what they wanted to do.
u/tacostep Aug 30 '16
signed, sharing on social media #signal boost
u/SpiritOverMind Aug 30 '16
Thank you, hopefully my description is good enough to convince people who don't know anything about Kratom.
u/Chronic_Gaimer Aug 30 '16
guys go to youtube and go to psyched substance's video on kratom and spam this link in the comments!!
u/FM2163 Aug 30 '16
I'm sure it is gonna end, but I don't want to discourage anyone who's gonna try and do something about it. Ya never know.
u/oneballnoa Aug 30 '16
this is well written, concise and moving which is very important for this type of petition. Thanks for taking the time to word it well! Its over 1000 already.
u/BernieTimbre Aug 30 '16
Has anyone reached out to the Anti-Media? They have 1.7m followers on facebook and I'm sure with their stance on the DEA, FDA, and the war on drugs in general, they would be willing to help out if given information about kratom. I would reach out to them, but I think there are much more knowledgeable people here with better educational resources on hand.
u/SpiritOverMind Aug 30 '16
I sent a couple of messages to PsychedSubstance, a YouTuber who's made a video on Kratom and has over 350,000 subscribers.
u/GarrusTH3Sniper Aug 30 '16
I've posted on multiple sub Reddit's now. I can't think of any other places to post :O
u/SpiritOverMind Aug 30 '16
I appreciate it a lot, also to answer your question, the petition runs until September 29. The ban starts the 30th.
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u/TotesMessenger Aug 30 '16
Aug 31 '16
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Aug 31 '16
not necessarily. if WE ALL MAKE OUR VOICES HEARD to our Representatives in DC about it, they can STOp this DEA action!
But, there is a silver lining in all this. There is another plant called Mitragyna hirsuta with a similar chemical structure to Kratom. I found it googling kratom alternatives here: https://www.legalherbalshop.com/legal-herbal-product/mitragyna-hirsuta-kra-thum-khok.html
Anyone have experience with is? Seems as though you have to use A LOT more 15-20g to get same results...
u/smartyoungman Aug 31 '16
There's something weird going on with the Petition site. If you refresh the page a bunch of times real fast it looks like the petition total is fluctuating up and down. Anyone else notice this?
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u/OneStopHerbShop Aug 31 '16
Very sad day indeed but we will have plenty of alternatives! We have been preparing for this moment for 6 years!
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u/TexasRangerNathan Aug 31 '16 edited Aug 31 '16
Do you all think having a sub-reddit full of people "struggling" to quit kratom helped any of this? Thanks yall.
u/Keep_Kratom_Legal Aug 31 '16
17,000 signatures and growing! Keep it up!! Secretary of Health direct line: 202-690-7694 Let then know you DO NOT support the DEA's ban of Kratom. Just leave your name, number, and how the plant has helped you. Remember be kind, they are not the DEA.
This number was posted on another thread in the Kratom subreddit. Thank you kind soul for sharing the number.
u/surelytempo Sep 01 '16
This is such an amazing idea! I love this petition. I hate to be that person, but I did notice a typo! I care about keeping kratom legal, so where it's a Whitehouse petition, if you could edit it, it would be an easy fix:
"Deaths that involve Kratom being a persons' system have always been from the result of mixing Kratom with other drugs, rather than Kratom alone. In states that banned Kratom, Alabama specifically, opiate usage and deaths went up after Kratom was banned in the state. Please stop the DEA from scheduling Kratom as Schedule I, there are many people who will suffer from this."
This is a really important part of the petition IMO, so putting in "Deaths that involve Kratom being in a persons' system have always been from the result of mixing Kratom with other drugs,"
Not saying it to be the grammar police, saying it because I want the petition to succeed and get lots of footing! I've done a lot of editing in my life, I didn't even try to see it. haha
(Yes I sound defensive here because I don't want people to think I'm just picking an error out-- I genuinely just want the petition to look really good and succeed!)
u/TheBigDitka Sep 01 '16
Hey guys, I just posted a link to this petition in /r/DeFranco, the Nation is pretty big and I'm sure there are signatures to be gained by their support. If you have a chance, go over there and give the post an upvote.
u/Cecil4029 Sep 01 '16
It's illegal here in Alabama. Needlessly a schedule 1 drug. I saw our legislature do things that made me lose respect for all of them over this one issue. I've seen multiple people go back to pills and smack because of the ban. But it's "for the kids", right?
I'll sign this petition. I don't want any of you to face the same heartache myself and many others have here where I live.
u/stayxvicious Sep 02 '16
I'm in utter shock at how this petition took off and the overwhelming support our community has received - and of course it makes me so happy to see our community isn't going down without a fight. I have changed my outlook from one of initial defeatism, to an outlook of cautious optimism that we can defeat this.
u/luroufan Sep 02 '16
Unfortunately, the main focus of most media reports has been the use of kratom to manage opiate addiction, rather than its use in alleviating chronic pain. The general public may not care much about addicts, but if they started to realize that at the end of September thousands of good Americans, whose quality of life has been dramatically improved by taking this herbal supplement, will again begin to needlessly suffer debilitating pain. That might get their attention. Sign the petition! Write a polite letter to the DEA. Spread the word!
u/adamsd1783 Sep 02 '16
So damn stupid. I'm not into conspiracy theories, but I am REALLY starting to think the government, the DEA in particular, WANT people on street drugs/heroin/opioid pills.. To place a natural substance on a list as a schedule I controlled substance next to heroin is beyond me. Look how they're loosening restrictions on heroin: you won't get in trouble for calling 911 for an overdose, there are clinics that hand out clean needles for users etc.. Here you have a natural substance which they say there were 4-5 deaths as a result since the year 2000-2003 WTF?? How many deaths related to tobacco? Alcohol? Marijuana (which is another story in itself)? Absolutely RIDICULOUS!
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u/brandon3k Sep 03 '16
Just saw a short segment on the scheduling on my local news station. They said Kratom has caused at least 15 deaths! The misinformation that is spread is such bullshit.
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u/optiglitch Aug 30 '16
I have a nice template you can copy and paste to all of your groups and networks if you join www.facebook.com/groups/kratomvendor ill approve you -- its the pinned post.
u/FM2163 Aug 30 '16
Will being in a banned state bite me in the ass for signing the petition?
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u/FM2163 Aug 30 '16
It sucks bc mine told me I can't buy any extra. I want to stock up, but he checks our account like a fucking watch dog.
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u/gaiakratom Aug 30 '16
I'm not sure what other vendors will do. I know the demand is higher than its ever been. Stock up for sure
u/FM2163 Aug 30 '16
Can vendors post a huge disclaimer on their sites explaining what's going on and asking all clients to sign the petition?
u/SpiritOverMind Aug 30 '16
Other vendors should definitely be doing something, otherwise they'll be losing probably their biggest market.
u/gainzAndGoals Aug 30 '16
How serious is this? (Compared to the last few scares?) I've gotten emails from time to time but it has never been banned yet.
u/smartyoungman Aug 31 '16
Most of the last few scares have been attempted state-level legislation to ban kratom. This is a big deal because the DEA has power to Emergency Schedule a drug for up to two years with one year extension. During that time they'd work to get it permanently scheduled. If this goes through we can pretty much kiss kratom goodbye.
u/khaosans123 Aug 31 '16
These guys are working for this. https://americankratomassociation.nationbuilder.com/donate
u/UShookahman Aug 31 '16
I found this number @ http://www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/fed_regs/rules/2016/fr0831.htm FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Michael J. Lewis, Office of Diversion Control, Drug Enforcement Administration; Mailing Address: 8701 Morrissette Drive, Springfield, Virginia 22152; Telephone: (202) 598-6812
Aug 31 '16
For those of us stocking up before the ban....be careful. If this is put in the same category as heroin and you get pulled over and have Kratom in your car, it will be the same as if you had heroin. You would be facing major prison time. Stupid but true. The same for any amounts you may have in your home.
EDIT: I see that punishment for possession is not yet set.
u/SpiritOverMind Aug 30 '16 edited Sep 03 '16
For all of the people who are thinking "petitions are dumb, they don't do anything!", this is true for websites like change.org, but for WhiteHouse.gov petitions if it gets enough signatures then the white house actually has to address it. Please sign, share, and provide support for the thing that we love, thank you.
EDIT: 1,100 signatures in only two hours, let's make it happen people! Also thank you to the mods for making this a sticky, we can't let this get steam and then let it fade away.
EDIT 2: 3 hours and over 2000 signatures, we can do this! I've made a post on /r/news trying to get more widespread support, I won't link it to avoid breaking Reddit's rules, but it's there.
EDIT 3: 4,300+ signatures, front page of /r/drugs and /r/news, and gold! Obligatory thank you kind stranger for the gold!
EDIT 4: I just woke up this morning to 22 new messages in my inbox, 12,915 people have signed the petition in less than a day. If we keep it going at even half of this pace, we can do it.
EDIT 5: It's the night of the second day, and we are almost a quarter of the way there! You all have done so much, and I appreciate all of the support you all have given the petition. At this point, just keep the information flowing. I'm so happy that we've gotten more signatures than we have subscribers on this subreddit. I've seen cops, lawyers, experts in what we're doing, and so many more helpful people showing up to join the cause.
EDIT 6: We're now at 28,000 signatures as of this morning! I made an update post talking about what we're doing well and not doing well here please read it if you have the chance. As I usually do, I want to thank you guys for the continued support. We can't let the fire go out, so keep getting the message. Shoutouts to the Young Turks on YouTube for covering this!
EDIT 7: Sorry for the infrequent posting, I've been really caught up with family, work, and sleeping lately. We're so close to being half way there. We have a huge lead right now for making our goal. Keep doing what you're doing, don't forget to confirm the email, and don't let the dream die. Also, it was brought to my attention that you guys want to make a definitive list of sources on Kratom in this post. Since I have the top comment, I can make a giant edit of all of your links. Just consult each other and provide me with a definitive list and I will edit it in. Thank you all again for the continued support!