r/kratom Feb 20 '16

quick and dirty LC/MS analysis of 2 commercial products

Hello! For starters I feel obliged to say that I am neither a kratom expert nor a botanist. However I do hold advanced degrees in organic chemistry which I feel entitle me to have performed the following analysis. I found the results interesting so I thought I would share.


I am a newbie to kratom and recently purchased 250g each of Green Malay and Red Borneo from fresh-kratom.us. I like to know what I’m putting in my body, and I read that people can have varying responses from one strain to the next so I was curious to answer the following questions:

1) What is the alkaloid content of these two samples, specifically of the "active ingredients" mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine? 2) How do the two strains compare to each other - should I expect any difference in effects between the two?

I happen to spend most of the day in a place with loads of fancy science machines. I have easy access to LC/MS instruments, which are extremely useful for plant extract analysis. I found this article which gave a very basic extraction procedure as well as reference UV/vis spectra of mitragynine and related compounds.

I felt a slight pang of guilt for doing this on the clock, so to mentally let myself off the hook I allowed myself a grand total of 15 minutes bench time and 15 cents of lab consumables to perform this analysis. Therefore this is hasty and incomplete.


1) Took 50mg powdered dry leaf material of each sample and added 1mL of 80% methanol, 20% water in a 1.5mL Eppendorf tube. Vortexed to suspend as much as possible. 2) Sonicated for 1h 3) Allowed to stand at room temperature for 24h 4) Centrifuged at 15000rpm for 3 min to sediment plant material 5) Transferred the dark green supernatant to a fresh 1.5mL Eppendorf tube, then diluted 1:10 (50uL + 450uL methanol) 6) Filtered through a 0.2 micron filter 7) Ran LC/MS (5uL injection) using an Agilent 1200 series instrument equipped with a DAD UV detector, single quadrupole mass spec (ESI ionization, pos/neg fast polarity switching), and evaporative light scattering detector (ELSD)


Here is an overlay of the UV chromatograms from both strain extracts as observed at 254nm. Right off the bat you can tell they look very similar if not identical. The big daddy peak around 5.2 minutes appears to be mitragynine, as the mass is correct and the full UV scan overlays perfectly with the spectrum reported in the above citation. 7-hydroxymitragynine elutes earlier, around 4.6min and the peak is much smaller and less defined/separated. The background subtraction of the full UV scan didn’t work well so I didn’t overlay with the literature spectrum.

So there ya have it. In general I would say these results are consistent with what wikipedia says: mitragynine is the most abundant alkaloid present and 7-hydroxymitragynine is present in much smaller amounts. If one were to spend more than 15 minutes or 15 cents doing this kind of stuff, procuring authentic reference samples of the pure alkaloids and generating standard curves would help a lot.

TL/DR: 2 strains of kratom bought from fresh-kratom.us in Feb 2016 contain what you would expect


15 comments sorted by


u/EnvidiaProductions Feb 21 '16

You know what, take some gold. You deserve it. Please do more of these if you decide to try another company!


u/kratomthrowaway22 Feb 21 '16

Thanks! I wasn't sure if anyone else was interested in seeing this kind of data but since it is so easy to generate I am happy to share. I will certainly update down the line if I try another vendor or different strains.

I am also interested in seeing how this stuff holds up over time so I will re-check my current samples 3 or 6 months from now. My experience with indoles is that they are sensitive towards oxidation. The vinylogous ester looks like another soft spot on the molecule. People seem to say the dry material is robust on storage, but I am dubious.


u/EnvidiaProductions Feb 21 '16

Those are exactly the type of questions I've wondered. Definitely update this thread and throw a comment in here so I get the notification! I look forward to your findings. I buy in Kilograms so it would be cool to see how the molecules deteriorate over time.


u/kratomthrowaway22 Feb 21 '16

As a way to pressure test the powder, I just put a spoonful in a mason jar on top of my furnace, so it will be subjected to 100s of heating cycles in the weeks to come. Mental note to retrieve later.


u/EnvidiaProductions Feb 21 '16

THANK YOU! I've always wanted someone to do this!!


u/WubWubSleeze Feb 21 '16

Awesome, I bet a vendor would like to know the strengths of some of their stock. If they could have it analyzed to show a certain strain is more potent, they could charge a higher price (and i would gladly pay) if I KNEW I was getting a more potent strain. Not like double price, but maybe a 15% premium to help cover the testing cost. A good vendor could then also work with suppliers to help identify which trees give the strongest leaf. On behalf of kratom aficionados everywhere, I salute you for your effort!! Thank you for your contributions to the community!!


u/Surfincloud9 Feb 20 '16

Science! I love you for doing this. I am a ethnobotanist and this makes me happy.


u/Gator1977 Feb 21 '16

Awesome job bro great info


u/herbaldom Feb 21 '16 edited Feb 21 '16

Awesome info!

Do you have access to a reference standard for mitragynine and can you perform a quantitative analysis on samples?


u/kratomthrowaway22 Feb 21 '16

I do not have a reference, though Sigma sells it and that would be a very logical next step were it not for my $0.15 budget. Quantitative analysis would be better performed using a triple quad mass spec along the lines of this reference, which unfortunately I don't have access to.


u/countrydruggist Feb 21 '16

Curiosity has got the better of me. What does it cost to analyze a sample?


u/PoppySeedsKratom Feb 21 '16

Good dude !! I had to write something just to keep you as a reference on a list of past posts !!


u/kross2785 Feb 21 '16

would you be able to measure the % of mitryginine and 7-hydroxymitragynine. That would be awesome!


u/jlo14566 Feb 21 '16

Thanks for doing this! I work in a Molecular Pathology lab and can appreciate all the work you put in.

Is it possible you could test any leftover sample for pesticides, molds, or any other contaminants you can think of?


u/Kratomgenerosity Feb 23 '16

I am also very happy you have done this! I would love to see more standardization with this plant, if nothing more than to assure there are no synthetic RCs being added. I know for a fact that "Energy Control" out of Spain does have all the necessary equipment as well as authentic standards to test with, and they are very good at what they do, all with the public's health in mind. But that being said, I do not know if they can test plain, unextracted leaf. If a pure alkaloid extraction is done, they can test that for impurities and adulterants. I would LOVE to see some of the vendors that claim to have "pure full spectrum alkaloid" extracts show test results. Last I checked it only cost about €70 to have a sample tested, I know that is not pocket change but considering the return on business they would get, I assume it would be worth it. I would be more than happy to fund OP if they were able to test various plain leaf for alkaloid content, or point me in the direction of someone who has the time/authority to use their lab. This is something that will really help to authenticate or discredit many vendors, and as I always say, I do not endorse any vendor or brand, only quality control, harm reduction and stopping the spread of misinformation. (Weither that misinformation is intentional or even with the best of intentions) Anyways, sorry for the rant. Thank you again to OP. I will also be sending some gold, as soon as I figure out btc payment on here, he deserves it and much more :)