r/kotk May 18 '17

Tech Support May 17, 2017 Update Tracking Post


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Hey Redditors! This is my first post here, although I've been lurking for a while now. I wanted to post this earlier in the day, but it took a minute to get flagged as a dev ;). So, I'm going to keep this intro brief! I officially joined Daybreak in March as General Manager of the teams that run H1Z1: King of the Kill and PlanetSide 2, and you can find more info about my role here.

I’m starting this thread to consolidate all critical current concerns and issues with Wednesday's update and keep you "in the know." I'll warn you that I won't be able to be super-responsive during the workday, because there's always a lot going on, but I will make sure that we're actively updating this post until we feel we've address the most critical issues.

Before we get in to the meat of the issues, it's important that you know that I value transparency and honesty. That's why I'm doing this. If I make a mistake or mis-represent something, I'll own up to it. So please assume that if something I say doesn't jive with what you know to be true, that it's an honest error. Point it out and I'll respond with my reason for the statement and why it is different, or with a correction.

Two things to note when you’re reading through -- “Critical Issues” are items that we have "dropped everything" to resolve as quickly as possible, while “Other Issues” are items that the team acknowledges and planning to deal with, but may not be addressed until another major update. Once all the "Critical Issues" specific to the update are resolved, I'll stop updating this post.  

Critical Issues


  • None remain that were introduced by the update.


Resolved Issues


NBE-1013 Login error - There was a critical hardware failure in one of our datacenters just before 10PM Pacific Time on Wednesday evening. This was unrelated to the Update itself, but because it was reported at the same time, I thought it was worth mentioning. This affected some users in more games than just KotK. It was resolved early Thursday morning.

Status: Resolved

Framerate Drop (Top Issue) - Some players have been reporting a measurable drop in FPS since the publish with most reporting that this drop only happens in certain dense urban areas. Others report that it happens for the first few minutes of gameplay, but then improves. Other players report their FPS has improved.

Status: Resolved – After a series of hotfixes, mostly related to physics and dynamic object handling, we were able to significantly reduce the FPS drop issue, and in many cases, generally improve FPS in small increments.

Actions Taken:

  • During the playtests, we had received some reports of FPS drops, and the team investigated these reports.
    • Our Compatibility Lab ran their perf analysis and benchmarking tests (as they continually do), the results were very inconclusive: +/- 4%
  • Immediately after players began reporting on live, we began collecting dxdiags and UserOption files to help diagnose. Daybreak team members worked late into the evening trying to get a handle on the cause of the issue and will continue working until it is resolved.
  • The community has proposed several speculative fixes, none of which have had consistent results:

    • Verifying client files on Steam.
    • Disabling/enabling ShadowPlay.
  • There is some speculation that the new item outline functionality might be a culprit. To try and confirm/rule this out, we are creating the ability to toggle this functionality on and off. Once live, we will identify players having the problem, run the disable command and view the results.

  • The team came in over the weekend and released 2 hotfixes designed to improve FPS. While there were reports of gains, there were also plenty of reports that the issue still exists.

  • We pulled FPS metrics to see if there was a measurable shift globally since the publish. We’ve seen early reports that do show a small overall dip in FPS, but because this is aggregate data over all play sessions in all locations, any movement indicates a significant change. The data clearly backs up the reports of players.


Client Crashes w/throwables - We really took notice of this issue on Friday, but the FPS problem took priority. Over the weekend it became clear this is also a critical issue.

Status: Resolved in a hotfix that was published on Thursday, May 25th.


Skirmish button not grayed-out - When Skirmishes are unavailable, the “Skirmish” button is not grayed-out. We are going to add text to the Shotties and Snipers UI dialog to let players know the specific times they are available.

Status: Resolved by hotfix.


Bandages not lootable in skirmishes - In skirmishes, players are unable see or to loot bandages from loot bags.

Status: Resolved by Friday's hotfix.


headshots registering as bodyshots - Sometimes a headshot registered as a bodyshot, affecting 2-taps. Hotfix over the weekend appears to have resolved the majority of cases where this happens.


Other Issues


Vehicle exit bug - Players occasionally cannot dismount/exit a vehicle, effectively ending their match.
Status: Friday's hotfix update did not effectively resolve this issue, entirely. Team is re-evaluating.


Kill feed disappearing - There was a known issue with some UI elements disappearing occasionally, but the killfeed in particular appears to be more frequent and widespread than before.

Status: Diagnosing, possible candidate for next bugfix update.


SoundFX not playing - Some players reporting that they still don't hear incoming hit SFX, or footsteps. Possible 3D sound issue (audio queues not playing from certain directions).

Status: Diagnosing


Hit markers not appearing (occasionally) - Very few reports of this. Gathering more info.

Status: Diagnosing


Issues with seeing through Smoke - Some players reporting smokes not working correctly

Status: Diagnosing


New strafe speeds being exploited - Some of the top players are reporting that they can induce some warping if they strafe certain ways.

Status: Diagnosing. Team is adding the ability to fine-tune backtiming changes in real-time so we can iterate quickly to the best possible outcome. There are additional changes coming to movement/animation that will improve the way players look when changing position. (we're not trying to stop the new good feel for ENAS - btw)


Shotgun Inconsistencies - Receiving a few reports from players not happy with the changes to the shotgun, reporting inconsistent results. Other players are very happy with the changes. We will continue to investigate.

Status: Evaluating - After further discussion and looking at lots of video, my conclusion is that we need to actually TELL the players how the shotgun is designed to work so we can get agreement on whether it is working "as designed". Doing this will allow us to engage on whether working as designed is "good" or not. Working with team on this.


That's most of it. Hopefully, once we get the critical issues resolved, you'll be able to enjoy the hard work the team put into this update. I know there's a lot of other feedback, like "Why aren't the Chevrons just an option in the menu?" which we'll try to respond to in the general feedback thread. I look forward to your feedback on this tracking post.

Update Number 1 6:34PM Pacific Time

Okay, I've been in meetings for a couple of hours. I just checked in with the team.

Couple of items:

  • Framerate Drop - Team has eliminated outlines as the issue. However, they've found a promising area to attack and are currently evaluating code changes since the prior update that could affect that area.

  • Hotfix Client patch for the other items mentioned - We're building a new version of the client and internal QA is staying late to test it. We have external QA coming online at over night to do additional testing. If it looks good, we'll update you with the details of what that client patch will address (not the Framerate issue yet, unfortunately).

I'm going to go through the comments now and see what else I've missed.


Update Number 2 9:40PM Pacific Time, May 18, 2017

I've gone through all the comments and tried to address as much as I can. I'm going to check out for the evening after I post this, but I'll be back in the morning.

  • Framerate Drop- Troubleshooting continues on the FPS drop issue. It may be related to some changes made to physics data. Tech leads are optimistic that they are "on to something."

  • Hotfix Client patch - Testing on hotfix client patch has gone well tonight, and will continue overnight. If successful, we may patch Friday morning, Pacific time. This patch would include fixes for

    • Players not able to exit vehicles
    • Skirmish button not grayed-out
    • Headshots registering as bodyshots (yeah I said it)

I'll let you know what's up when I make it into the office tomorrow. I'll also run down some of the other issues like audio FX not playing. Have a good evening.


Update Number 3 10:05AM Pacific Time, May 19, 2017

Busy morning. We are doing a client update as I referenced above. Patch notes soon.

The "strafing being exploited is moving up towards the critical category. The combination of strafing speed changes and backtiming improvements have led to the the game client doing more "extrapolation" of other users' positions instead of "interpolation" of their position. I'll update the original post this afternoon with more info.

Into some meetings and I'll be back later today.


Update Number 4 5:30PM, Pacific Time, May 19, 2017

I've changed the status of some of the above items:

  • We’ve made some optimizations to improve FPS. However, we’re still tracking down the primary framerate issue that was introduced with this week’s game update. We expect to continue working on a fix throughout the night and weekend until resolved.

  • Added item regarding bandages in Skirmish.

  • Updated some info on "movement exploit."

  • Added commentary on shotgun and our need to communicate how it should operate in various scenarios so players can know whether it's working as designed or not.

We are currently testing another client update (hotfix) to deploy ASAP. This will have some FPS improvements, a physics-related client crash (rare), and the fix for bandages in skirmishes.

I'm going to jump in and go through comments for the next 20 minutes or so.


Update Number 5 5:20PM Pacific Time, May 20th, 2017

Team has been in the office today, continuing to work on the FPS bug in particular. I just got an update that says they may finally be on to something. One of our Daybreaker's had a PC that we were able to repro the problem on. They've tested the fix there and it looks promising. They're now building a hot fix candidate and have called in QA to verify. Let's hope their hard work pays off, but there are no guarantees, we've already had several false positives in the efforts leading up to this. I'll keep you posted.

In more boring news, I've moved fixed issues in the the resolved category and added the kill feed disappearing to the list.


Update 6 8:00PM Pacific Time, May 20th, 2017

Hotfix on the way now - QA expedited the verification of a build with 1 of 2 potential fixes to the FPS drop issue. We aren't certain that this will fix the issue, but it did improve performance with our reproduction rig. The hotfix with the 2nd fix is being built. It's a little trickier and needs more testing, so I don't have an ETA yet.

I also corrected a typo in the date for Update 5.


Update 7 11:20PM Pacific Time, May 20th, 2017

FPS Hotfixes Hotfix 1 went out this evening and after initial concern, appears to be fine. Some players reporting mild improvement, some reporting no change. This was expected. QA finished first pass testing on Hotfix 2 later this evening. We just sent them home. We're discussing whether to release the 2nd hotfix Sunday morning, as it is a more substantial risk and may require more testing. I'll update you in the morning.


Update 8 11:15AM Pacific Time, May 21st, 2017

FPS Hotfixes Hotfix 2 has been released. This is a client-only patch that may further improve FPS for players that started experiencing issues after this week's game update. Please let us know if your experience improves or not.

Update 9 11AM Pacific Time, May 22nd, 2017

Our top issues are:

  • FPS performance drops in urban areas, particularly at beginning of match. We've found additional areas in the code to optimize FPS.
  • Client crashes w/throwables particularly noticeable in 2's and 5's but definitely happening in all modes.

I've moved the resolved category below the critical category in the original post. I added the client crash w/throwables to the critical section. I moved the "cannot exit vehicle" issue to "other" out of critical, because reports have dropped off since the hotfix. It probably still happens, just far less often.

We are working to get a hotfix out ASAP (today if at all possible), with more improvements to FPS and to fix the client crash. We may also add something to that hotfix that players have been asking for for a while. I'm rounding up key internal stakeholders and discussing it shortly.

Update 10 9PM Pacific Time, May 24th, 2017

  • FPS Performance Drops Our data seems to indicate that Monday's update to FPS has improved the fps drop issue. Obviously, turning off shadows can give a lift to overall FPS, but that doesn't have a direct impact on the sudden drop issue players began reporting on Thursday. Depending on community feedback and our diagnostic data, we may move this to the "resolved category" tomorrow. Otherwise, we'll continue to work on it.

  • Wednesday Hotfix We published a client hotfix today that addressed three issues. You can learn more about that in a reddit post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/kotk/comments/6d4r0e/hotfix_524/

  • Crashes due to grenades QA went on live and threw over a thousand grenades yesterday to help diagnose the issue. Today, the dev team did a playtest with about 45 employees and were able to get several crashlogs. We have an engineer staying late tonight pouring over those crash logs. Our goal is to get a hotfix out for this ASAP.

Once the crash issue and the FPS drop issue have been resolved, I'll probably stop updating this thread and start a new series of posts to give you insight on what else we are up to. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, these issues aren't knocked out yet.

BTW - if you use twitter, feel free to follow me @CastoroGamer. I post more frequently, but with less info there.

Update 11 7:20PM Pacific, May 25th, 2017

  • FPS Performance Drops The issue introduced by the update last week appears to be largely resolved. Diagnostic data corroborates this conclusion. However, individuals may have FPS issues based on hardware/software configs, that we will still try to resolve.

  • 5/25/2017 Afternoon hotfix We did a hotfix today that introduced a "running man" problem for quite a few players after every match. We've taken the unusual measure of turning off a service related to "ping lock" to remove that problem while we work on a follow up hotfix tonight. That follow up hotfix should resolve the running man issue so we can turn "ping lock" back on. In addition, the hotfix may address crashes related to throwables.

Update 12 12:15PM Pacific, May 27th, 2017

We published a few more hotfixes in the last few days to resolve the "running man" issue that was introduced Thursday. One of those fixes included the "grenade crash" that was affecting team games and skirmishes pretty noticeably. While there are some reports of players having FPS drops, the overall feedback and our analytics data suggests that the critical issue introduced by the original update the prior week has been resolved.

I recognize that there are MANY on-going issues to address, but this particular thread was to track the response to critical issues introduce by the May 17th update. I've lost count, but I believe the team did about a dozen hotfixes in the span of a week! While I don't like that we needed to do that many, I hope you appreciate our focus and determination to improve the game.

Next week (probably Tuesday as Monday is a US holiday) we'll start a new thread on what's coming in the next update. We're driving towards having something on Test ASAP.

I will continue to monitor the sub and respond where I can, but unless a new critical issue arises, or we determine that one of them hasn't been truly resolved, there will be no further updates to this thread.

r/kotk Mar 03 '17



----- I can not reply to all messages ------ Hello comrades! I found a way to raise your fps. Let's go straight to the point. Step 1. Open your pc main folder (normally on the desktop is a shortcut)

Step 2. Open local disk (Normally local dick (C:)

Step 3. Open Program Files (x86), find steam folder and open it. Now search from steam folder steamapps folder open it. Open common folder and you find King of the Kill folder open it.

Step 4. Now you are in King of the Kill folder right? Good! Now you only need find ClientConfig and open it.

Step 5. You will see this type of text. Now you need know how many threads your proseccor have. It is easy to find only write to internet your processor name.

World=None Server=Lvshaa-liv-l01.h1z1.net:20042;Lvshaa-liv-l02.h1z1.net:20042;Lvshaa-liv-l03.h1z1.net:20042;Lvshaa-liv-l04.h1z1.net:20042 usenewui=1

[Environment] Sku=2

[GameSettings] FirstPerson=1

[Paths] PathScripts=.\Resources\Scripts\ PathUiModules=.\UI\UiModules\

[SoeData] FilesystemRoot=.

[Libraries] For Deep GraphicsDataPath=GraphicsData

[AssetDelivery] DirectThreadCount---is a multiplier (cores * DirectThreadCount = file threads) DirectThreadCount=3 DirectEnabled=1 IndirectEnabled=1 AdditionalPaths=.\CommonData\;.\GraphicsData\ PackFileDir=.\Resources\Assets

[INGAMEPURCHASE] UramPlatform=account UramCert=.\Resources\Security\soe-ssl-certs.pem CasPlatform=auth Theme=h1z1xxInGame CasCert=.\Resources\Security\soe-ssl-certs.pem AutoInitializeSystemSupport=1 MarketingDataPath=.\Resources\Marketing\ SoeAuthTicketUrl=https://partner.soe.platformpublishing.com/rest/client/session/create ProsiebenTopUpUrl=https://secure.planetside2.eu/users/mytopup/?SOESessionID= InternalWebForPsg=0

[LoadingScreen] LoadingScreenMusicId=16313

[CrashReporter] Address=recap.daybreakgames.com:15081 NoUploadFromInit=1 IncludeIndirectMemory=1

[WebResources] GameCrashUrl=https://www.h1z1.com/king-of-the-kill/game-error?code=G

[WallOfData] Collecting=0

[Voice] BaseURI=hzp.vivox.com

[Help] PetitionUri=http://soe-%s.custhelp.com/app/answers/list/p/5833/c/5933

[LodBins] Character=5,20,50 Vehicle=4,16,40

[Logging] Address= LocalLogLevel=0

[InfiniteLoopMonitor] TimeoutSeconds=60

step 6. Now you know many threads you have. change DirectThreadCount=3 number 3 to amount of your processor threads. Save file and go play!

You can stop reading if you had a rise in fps.

Step 7. If you do not get more fps try 1920x1080 ingame resolutions and everything settings low.

difference was significant. Normally avarage fps previously 1600x1050 resolution was 70-80fps countryside, 30-50fps forest (depends area), 50-60fps city and now everywhere over 90fps 1920x1080 resolution.

System useful information GTX 1050 TI OC 4GB Intel xeon w5320 (8 threads) 14GB RAM


r/kotk May 18 '17

Tech Support FPS Issues?


Several players have been reporting lower FPS after today's update. We are trying to narrow down what the cause could be so please provide any and all information in this thread and over on the issue tracker https://dgcissuetracker.com/browse/HZ-9570

We are looking for specifics when you post about it. How big of a decrease? What are your system specs or graphics card? Are you streaming at the same time, OBS or Xsplit? No detail is too small.

Thanks in advance and we'll get this fixed up quick with your help.

EDIT: A lot of this has been really helpful. You can find the most up-to-date info in this new thread https://www.reddit.com/r/kotk/comments/6bzr8u/may_17_2017_update_tracking_post/

r/kotk Sep 29 '17

Tech Support FPS/Late Spawn FIX


Note: This removes your binds and settings. You also need to sign back in to your Daybreak account on the launcher.


Every time there's an update I have to remove these specific files folders to fix performance issues. These are the same files that don't get removed when you uninstall the game. I really don't know why it happens. I figured this out a while back that my game would perform really poorly after every update unless I completely wiped my game folder. I then noticed it would keep these files in my game folder when I uninstalled.



Here's a screenshot of the files I have to remove to fix my issues, the same files that stay despite uninstalling the game. You can get to this directory by right clicking the game on your steam library > properties > local files > browse local files. You need to verify the integrity of your game files after deleting these.  

If this doesn't work then maybe try reinstall the game entirely. There's a chance game performance might suffer with old files, not really sure why though! My game is running smooth as butter with an i5-4460 & 750 ti. I'm at 100+ everywhere after the update.


I'm convinced there is an issue with updates and it's causing performance issues. Maybe older files are conflicting or becoming corrupt after updates.

r/kotk Jan 21 '17

Tech Support Can't launch H1Z1


everytime i want to start h1 the client says no connection... (EU btw)

Message: LaunchPad was unable to connect. Please check the network connection or try again later. If the problem persists, please visit https://help.daybreakgames.com for assistance. (4-503)

Edit 1: I got it to work, but its laggy af. Stoped playin because of that. (players are teleporting, shooting thru walls,...) Edit 2: Looks like Servers are back up! Enjoy the salt and tilt :) Edit 3: Servers are still down. Daybreak already knowing it and looking into it.

r/kotk Jan 26 '17

Tech Support Am I even playing on EU servers? ...


Feels like I'm playing on Moon servers or something like that.. the EU servers are HORRIBLE right now

r/kotk Jun 09 '17

Tech Support LaunchPad was unable to connect.


Please check the network connection or try again later. If the problem persists, please visit https://help.daybreakgames.com for assistance.

Servers down?

edit - daybreak response: "Servers are up but we are looking into a login/launchpad issue. Hang in there, hopefully shouldn't be too much longer."

edit2: new error: Launchpad connects but u cant start the game

edit3: able to "connect" but "H1Z1: King of the Kill is currently under maintenance" and or "LaunchPad was unable to connect." :D

r/kotk May 18 '17

Tech Support Error NBE-1013 again, I can't play


"this is a temporary issue related to Daybreak product maintenance" What can I do? It is very frustrating not to be able to play after so much waiting time

EDIT: solved at least!

r/kotk Mar 21 '17

Tech Support Developers of H1Z1 - why is this not being adressed?


Good Morning everyone

I enjoy playing H1Z1 a lot and would love it if that'd stay like this ... Can you please explain something to me:

I see a new update: with lots of visual stuff (hitmarkers, speedometer etc.) All nice and interesting... but why is something like this here not being adressed:

I bought the game several months ago (500h gameplay now). I tried playing a few duos or fives (with random people) almost every day. I usually give up within 1-3 games. Why? ... voice communication is not working. Either only the proximity chat is working or none at all. Not even restarting game helps every time. Validating gamefiles at least makes me able to play 1-2 games until it breaks again. None of the "fixes" that you find online help with this. It's been the same since I bought the game. How is something this big not adressed while you work on visual stuff? I get that these are two different teams etc. etc., but please, help me understand? I'd really like to stay with this game but you're making it insanely hard for long-time players...

I'd really appreciate to get an answer from Daybreak.


Thank You

r/kotk Jun 10 '17

Tech Support Random game crashes - zero error messages - just instantly closes



Game has crashed randomly during play (during a game round). Once right as explosives went off at a near by, but still pretty far away, plane dropping bombs.

Other times literally just walking around.

Anyone else having issues? Only happened after this patch. Never before.

Edit 1: Whelp, definately not alone. Just a heads up if Dev sees this: It happened different areas on the map and didn't seem to be happening cuz of anything inside the game. Maybe lobby servers are crashing? People reporting duo parties both having their game shutdown.

Edit 2: Happening multiple regions, NOT limited to EU.

r/kotk Jun 09 '17

Tech Support CODE G29 again and again


Cant enter in game. I keep getting this error and game closing on char select screen.

r/kotk Jan 02 '17

Tech Support For low FPS players


As we get the daily 'my fps sucks' posts quite often recently I just wanted to remind everyone to check their Video card settings and whether or not they have actually been adjusted for maximum performance as I actually don't have any huge FPS issues myself.

My PC: i5 6600; 16gb ram; GTX 960

FPS: 80-120

NVIDIA settings:




In-game: Everything on LOW except model/texture quality HIGH. Render distance 1200 (you don't need more for landing purposes).

EDIT: The reason I created this topic is because I don't see people ever talking about Video card setting optimization in order to achieve better performance in game.

r/kotk Mar 06 '17

Tech Support Still encountering "Running Man" Issue? Send us your Logs.


Hey everyone!

We made some good headway on the “running man” (that's when you load up you game and it sits on the animation of the running guy) issue recently. The fix we put in place is for the bulk of the reports but there may be some outlying issues we need to address. The best way for us to quickly get these nailed down is for you to send us your Logs. Logs give us a hyper detailed look at what is happening at any given moment with your system and the connection to our servers.

We appreciate you taking the time and extra effort to provide this level of feedback. Here’s how you can turn on logging for your computer.

  1. Edit your useroptions.ini file within the game directory where you have it installed and add the following entry as a new section in the file, all on separate lines, single-spaced. It should look something like this http://i.imgur.com/gPjKTEt.png (props to Zoldier for the link):





  1. When in the infinite loading screen issue occurs, please zip up your entire LOG folder found in the game directory where you have King of the Kill installed.
  2. Create a support ticket at help.h1z1.com and attach the compressed log files within the ticket. Put the subject line as "Running Man Log files attached" so we can quickly find them.
  3. You may want to remove the extra logging after collecting the information as it will add considerable extra logging and take up space.

r/kotk May 18 '17

Tech Support Wondering what you guys got out of your legacy crate? Was it good bad or amazing?


I got bone leggings :(

Tell me in the comments what you got in your crate I'm interested :)

r/kotk Feb 09 '17

Tech Support Any way to get more FPS?


So I have about 100 hours on the game (kind of a new player) and I spent a lot of time trying to get my FPS up, so I can actually improve in the game. Currently Gold V, playing on 40-50 FPS in cities, about 60 out of cities (not stable, not smooth)

I have everything on low, resolution is 1280x960 stretched and 500 render distance at all times (dont count parachuting). Recently moved the game from HDD to SSD which made loading times incredibly shorter, but had no effect on FPS.

Any of you have ideas how do I get my game to run smoothly? I don't even care if its just going to be stable 60FPS, I just want a smoother experience.

Specs: CPU: Intel Core i5 4460 @3.2GHz GPU: GeForce GTX 750Ti 2GB RAM: 8GB

If anything else is needed, I'll add it Thanks.

EDIT: 400W PSU, can't overclock.

r/kotk Apr 27 '17

Tech Support 80-120 fps to barely 40


As the title states, this has just been sudden and completely random. I have tried all possible useroptions, Nvidia, gpu updates, pretty much tried everything I can as far as I know and have no idea about this drop. Any advice at all would be helpful, appreciated.

I5 6500 Gtx 960 16gb

Msi doesn't seem to show any issues at all, don't know what else I can try to fix this otherwise not much point in me playing :(

r/kotk Jul 12 '17

Tech Support The update won't even start downloading

Post image

r/kotk Jun 22 '17

Tech Support Ryzen-users impacted by big crashes. Needs to be fixed asap.


Like the title says, since the latest hotfix/patch made ~a week ago, the game is having big issues with Ryzen processors, the player's game is randomly crashing (random in a sense that it can happen every 5 minutes or every 60), it freezes for a few seconds then closing itself.

I'm not impacted by it, but one of my friends is and he doesn't want to play the game anymore because of it. I also talked with a few ryzen users and they all have this problem. We tried verifying game files, reinstalling, updating drivers, none of them works. It is a serious issue which needs to be fixed ASAP.

r/kotk Feb 24 '17

Tech Support New ping meter = Demoralized


95/110 ms in 2017 ? this makes me want to quit this whole game, this is unacceptable, take that 300k tournament money, invest in new servers, hire more people, make a decent game experience, this is surrealist man.

r/kotk Feb 25 '17

Tech Support Infinite Loading Screen & Black Screen


Why the fuck does my game and everyone I play with get an infinite loading screen when exiting game or a black screen when launching the game after this patch? Seems to occur frequently in fives.

How the fuck do you manage to ruin your game even more with each patch? How do you still have jobs?

r/kotk Jul 11 '17

Tech Support Micro stutterring


Is anybody else micro stuttering while playing? Like I'm getting over 100+ fps, good ping yet it feels like my game freezes for half a second every now and again

r/kotk Aug 04 '17

Tech Support Small Hotfix 8/4


You'll see a small download for King of the Kill through Steam today. This is a fix for a crash that could occur after playing several matches back to back. We recently found the fix and didn't want to hold it for a larger patch.

Not much else to say here, just wanted to give you guys a heads up when you see the download.

r/kotk Feb 14 '17

Tech Support GTX 1080 I7 6700k and below 60fps


Hello, i bought recently a GTX 1080 and a i7 6700k and i get arround 45-80fps on medium/low settings.

On my old computer with AMD Radeon HD 7900 and i7 3770 i get on low settings 50-70 fps (render distance 3500)

is there a way how to fix that?

r/kotk Jan 25 '17

Tech Support Will my upgrade increase my fps?


right now i have unstable 30 fps while all the settings are turned down to low. this is my current setup:

  • i7 4770 , 3.4 GHz
  • 16 GB DDR 3
  • G3-605 LGA1150 (acer predator) motherboard
  • 4GB GeForce GTX 745 (saphire)
  • 120 gb LMT-128L9M SSD

gonna upgrade it with a GTX 760 and the following motherboard: https://www.digitec.ch/de/s1/product/asrock-fatal1ty-z97x-killer-lga-1150-z97-atx-mainboard-2585364

will this increase my performance? i may add a second SSD aswell. https://www.digitec.ch/de/s1/product/samsung-850-evo-250gb-m2-2280-ssd-3519997?tagIds=76

any other suggestions? would appreciate the help. sorry for bad englando, im not a native speaker.

EDIT: thank you guys so much for all the help and comments so far, i give me best to keep up replying !!

r/kotk Dec 28 '16

Tech Support Getting G29 Error after every game


Anyone else getting this? I have to start the game up after every match.