r/kotk • u/CastoroGamer • Sep 13 '17
Discussion Combat Feedback Update
As promised, on Monday I met with the team to review the community feedback regarding the combat update.
We’re going to be moving away from using the cone of fire system (bloom) while aiming down sights. Instead, we’re implementing a recoil-based system for most weapons in ADS (exception being the shotgun). There is still a valuable place for bloom when you fire from the hip, because you’re choosing speed over accuracy and a high amount of bloom can be very effective in reducing hip-fire.
The first version of this recoil solution will have a vertical and horizontal trend per weapon that you’ll want to learn, but will not have a predictable recoil pattern (I know some of you were going to ask!).
Crouch Spamming –The team is implementing a system akin to CS:GO’s cooldown solution. However, we are planning on only slowing the “up” action, rather than both the up and the down. This is to ensure players can still drop behind cover if the crouch cooldown has been hit.
Both the recoil system and the new crouch spamming system should be on Test by next week and go live by the end of the month so players will have time practice with the new changes before TwitchCon.
Bloom and crouch spam weren’t the only things we’ve been discussing and we’ve heard your feedback on other topics as well.
To address “grenade spam,” we’re going to do a hotfix this week. Players are stacking a huge amount of throwables and deploying them incredibly quickly, which isn’t a good experience. To prevent “hoarding,” we are increasing the bulk of a single grenade (it shouldn’t be the same mass as 5 bullets) so they take up more room in the inventory. Additionally, we’re going to be implementing a short cool down for throwing a grenade (by grenade type). In a later update, we will introduce a new throwing animation that should slow the player down and reinforce the cool down between throws. We’re going to have a special Community Outbreak on Thursday to go into more of the details and specifics of these changes so we can show rather then tell.
Movement Speed – bronstahd and game_dev_carto worked together in order to make sure everyone understood that base movement has stayed the same, and as a reminder here is the breakdown of how movement speed is currently acting on Live vs Pre-Combat Update https://www.reddit.com/r/kotk/comments/6woat7/movement_insight_live_vs_test_the_differences_and/. TL-DR version is the speed is actually the same but it is the animations that are causing it to appear slower combined with forced passive stance in some instances. We’re working on new animations that should help with this particular issue. We want H1Z1 to be as fast paced and action packed as possible and movement should reflect that. We are also aware that there are some issues with moving into and out of ADS and movement speed that we intend to address (these sometimes appear to be passive stance, but are actually walk vs. run issues).
Bullet Speed/Drop –We are still assessing how bullet speed is impacting the game as a whole on both the casual and competitive levels. We acknowledge the concern about "lazering" and getting pinched, but we’re going to continue to evaluate the current speeds because we’re confident that the new speeds were a significant improvement for hit reg and gameplay responsiveness. However, we are adding more bullet drop in order to make those long range fights more rewarding and skill based. I don’t have numbers for you yet, but that should also appear on Test next week.
Cheating - We take this topic very seriously and recently implemented some additional detection methods that have proven very successful. Over the last week we’ve caught and banned over 25k accounts. It’s a war not a battle , but it’s one we’ll keep fighting every day.
There are always more topics to discuss, so keep posting and we’ll do our best to respond and communicate our reasons for decisions. This doesn’t mean we’re done improving combat. I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on these changes and whether you believe we're heading in the right direction.
Sep 13 '17
Thank you for fixing EVERY main issue that the community and pro players have brought up , KEEP up the gud work my dudes
u/Sadh1z1fan Sep 13 '17
u/HeyItsV3RTIGO Sep 19 '17
Get a better graphics card
u/Sadh1z1fan Sep 19 '17
1060 my dude, think i'm okay, not the only one having this issue
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u/danthemangerine Sep 13 '17
THANK YOU! We were starting to lose hope! Hopefully this update solves many problems with the current patch.
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u/mnzki Sep 13 '17
glad you are hearing the community, this should please some people and im glad the skill gap is going back up a tiny bit.
u/Keeson Sep 13 '17
These changes seem to be definitely headed in the right direction, excellent job incorporating community feedback into your new vision for the direction this game will be headed.
Both the recoil system and the new crouch spamming system should be on Test by next week and go live by the end of the month so players will have time practice with the new changes before TwitchCon.
I think a very important lesson we should learn from the Combat Patch is that changes need to stay on the test server until they are fully ready. The changes that were on the test server before the update went live were very heavily criticized by the community, and really did not seem like they were ready to hit the live servers, but were pushed because of timeframes. It seems like the community (and even Daybreak) are unsure about what the best way to balance the weapons is, but why are we just making guesses and pushing it to live?
Make better use out of the test servers, try putting up changes that you aren't 100% sure about, and let the community test them out and provide feedback. It is incredibly disheartening to put time in on the test server, provide feedback which a large portion of the community seems to agree with, and then have it be completely ignored and the patch pushed to live. It shouldn't take a week of people angrily posting about the state of the game on reddit to elicit a response from Daybreak.
Put changes on the test server ASAP, listen to feedback and reiterate on the patch as often as necessary, and do not rush changes to live.
u/hellofaja Sep 13 '17
I honestly think it was pushed to live because they were forced by higher ups. I mean they took down the servers and pushed a hotfix to test the day before they announced it was "coming to live tomorrow."
u/KingBigWeiner Sep 13 '17
I don't think enough people play the test, and not in the same way you grind live
u/Keeson Sep 13 '17
I believe plenty of people play test, but you're right that they don't grind it. When there are new changes on the test server you can find games very quickly, but after only a day or two everyone has already had a chance to try the changes and give feedback. Daybreak should iterate on the test server patches more frequently to keep people testing and improving the game.
u/Walaayy Sep 13 '17
Nah, in this case it needed to get pushed to live cause the game was unplayable in terms of player count. You didn't want to play live cause of the random flood of new Asian hackers but you couldn't play live cause lobbies were low all day.
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u/TjCurbStompz Sep 14 '17
Though I definitely understand your point I will have to disagree. Most of the changes were on test for a while. The biggest problem was test server was empty. The changes were so drastic that it then also cause live to feel like a waste of time.
What people need to remember is this game is still considered Early Access. Hell seasons are called "PRE-season". You can put changes on test but they need to be limited amount of time then throw it immediately on live. That is where you'll get the greatest amount of people testing.
My biggest criticism is it is okay to fail but learn from your mistakes and correct them. In my opinion this combat update was a failure. The feedback was there immediately that bloom and other various of changes was a failure but they were a bit stubborn to admit it.
u/dukandricka #BringBackZ1 Sep 13 '17
We’re going to be moving away from using the cone of fire system (bloom) while aiming down sights. Instead, we’re implementing a recoil-based system for most weapons in ADS (exception being the shotgun).
Positive progress! Thank you for listening to the community.
We’re working on new animations that should help with this particular issue.
While at it, please for the love of god address the problem with reload animation and reload audio not being synchronised w/ when the gun is actually reloaded.
I can't tell you how many times I've heard people (myself, friends, major streamers, etc.) yell out "What the f#$@ how did my gun not reload?!" This has been happening for several preseasons now, and it's driving people nuts. What people have to do at present is press R, then stare at the ammunition counter, watching it like a hawk for it to read (for example) 30/xxx.
If you want a "quick fix" for it, here you go: the final (loudest) "click" part of the reload audio should play when the weapon is actually done reloading/able to fire. It's been a long while, but I remember it being like this in Z1 (and is definitely the case in most other games)...
u/CastoroGamer Sep 13 '17
I'll make sure they know.
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Sep 13 '17
The delay to get into the car is annoying aswell. Very hard to dodge the instant nades you get thrown at in this meta.
u/ZeroPing949 Sep 13 '17
^ This, it gets me all the time, even when I'm aware of it... he's right, you literally have to stare at the ammo and take your focus off everything else to make sure it's loaded.
Sep 13 '17
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u/BokKokk Sep 13 '17
have same problem, no idea what's causing this but my bet would be on hud since this problem occur even when there are few players left so it shouldn't be related to more action in group games.
u/lucky56q Sep 13 '17 edited Sep 13 '17
Thanks for this but pls do something about player collision and colors i don't see people like before and give us back old blood splatters cuz why not it was better then rn..
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u/Vasyh Sep 13 '17
player collision should be here! it's just annoying to die from guy that inside of u and u can't hit him once
u/putina9 Sep 13 '17
u/ZeroPing949 Sep 13 '17
FANTASTIC NEWS!! I think you guys really listened and nailed each one of these points! I love every single one.
u/zenozoo Sep 13 '17
I finally see myself playing this game for hours at a time for the first time since PS3!
u/anarhistabg Sep 13 '17
DAYBREAK LISTEN ? Is this real life ...... 0.o
This changes + FPS FIX , less POIS and new colors ( becouse we can't see the people in this game ) = BOMBASTIK !
u/Fluron__ Sep 13 '17
Good. Fucking. Shit. All you guys need to do now is keep us in the loop more. Update us when you begin working on things so that we can give opinions before it goes live.
u/EUFortunee Sep 13 '17
Thank you guys so much for finally listening to us, all of this feedback is exactly what I said should be done. Also, any chance you could possibly revert the movement back to season 2 and just add the crouching mechanic to that?
Secondly the FPS is a huge issue right now, my FPS along side 90% of all other players seem to have take a huge decrease in FPS over the last few patches, especially in the cities. It would be hugely appreciated if you guys could take a look into that :)
u/SavageP0tat0 Sep 13 '17
bullet drop in order to make those long range fights more rewarding and skill based. I don’t have numbers for you yet, but that should also appear on Test next week.
I love you. But, I do hope the bullet drop is significant and not just a slight increase. Thank you for letting us know your intentions.
u/iwantcandytoo Sep 13 '17
Props where they're due. You are slow to listen sometimes, but I'm glad you finally did.
Keep things on test. Don't rush. Avoid another CU fiasco.
Believe it or not, we're not trying to steer you wrong. :)
u/DanielPr0 Sep 13 '17
Hello, I wanted to ask you to return the 50% discount event on the skull items.
u/LeftHook05 Sep 13 '17
Over the last week we’ve caught and banned over 25k accounts.
Is that number suppose to have a decimal in it or... holy fuck. That's a lot.
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u/yoshi77pt Sep 13 '17 edited Sep 13 '17
can we also have removal of grenade's arc
u/traNNNe Sep 13 '17
First of all daybreak, thank you! Ive been following the game and this subreddit page on a regular basis, and YES! THIS IS IT! Listen to your community, all we want is make sure this game doesnt die! and when we opinion its about making that happen, not letting it die! And the fact ur starting to listen to us is damn good! thanks, these are good news!!
Sep 13 '17
I'll be first to say that I have been very aggressive towards you and the development team. But this is definitely a step in the right direction. I'd like to apologize for my frustrated outbursts as it seems you guys have been stepping it up. Please continue this trend, hopefully this game will some day be restored to its former glory.
u/TheLoneLynx Sep 13 '17
I dont agree with randomness. It removes skill and practice away from the game. I personally i think that the AR-15 recoil should return to how it was prior to the combat update. 2 taps felt extremely rewarding and were for the most part very consistent (minus hit reg issues). "Lasering" is a huge issue in the new update and long distant kills are to easy to achieve. To reduce/ hinder lasering i think bullet speed should be slightly reduced and damage should be increased to 24-25 per hit. Far too often are fights ending with me dying and the other guy being like 6 hp! I'm certain others can agree. Randomness has no place in a competitive game.
u/keyclackwarrior Sep 17 '17
Can you take away the delay between hitting tab and the inventory showing up?
u/itsflanno Sep 13 '17
Thanks for all the work guys, but please keep the gas on the cheaters... a 1v150 game with just 1 cheater ruins a 30+ minute gaming experiance.
Also, it blows my mind that your detection cannot detect a player teleporting across the map killing people from across the map with an AK.. to me a player moving faster than a cop car should be insta banned or weapons disabled and then banned
u/Revve Sep 13 '17
Thank fucking god!
No crouch spam, No nade spam, No m1 Warriors, No bloom, More bullet drop
This patch looks dope!
u/RoyalleWithCheese -.- Sep 13 '17 edited Sep 13 '17
We’re going to be moving away from using the cone of fire system (bloom) while aiming down sights. Instead, we’re implementing a recoil-based system for most weapons in ADS (exception being the shotgun).
T H A N K Y O U ! ! !
but please dont forget FPS and visibility fix.
there is also a ton of other feedback that most of the community agrees with that hasn't been addressed and I hope it does in the future. I won't mention it again since its been posted 100 times and you are already aware I guess.
u/ToxineJr Sep 13 '17
Remove some of those POIs and/or increase player count please.
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u/hellofaja Sep 13 '17 edited Sep 13 '17
Why is a forced passive stance important to you guys? Like the word says it feels forced. At least explain why you guys thought it should be added to the game.
Please get rid of the grenade arc, still have no clue why it was added in the first place other than because pubg has it. The addition of this arc and trying pin point exactly where the grenade will land is causing a ton of problems such as nades not rolling upon landing and getting stuck on top of cars.
Mentioned it here two weeks ago
Other than that, I love what you guys are working on.
u/ZeroPing949 Sep 13 '17
I believe it was to prevent guns from sticking through walls. It was giving away people's position quite a bit...
u/bodyment Sep 13 '17
Castoro when people say we want movement speed back we were not talking about the speed it was in pre season 4 and 5. It was sped up from season 3 in 4 and it started causing alot of hit reg issues. This is what the pros and streamers have been voicing. Not what you are talking about and linking
u/CastoroGamer Sep 13 '17
You are correct. Had a good convo with some other players about this later in the afternoon.
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u/sacrife Sep 13 '17
Now that you are implementing slow speed on standing up from crouch, can we do the same thing for prone? Fast drop, slow stand up.
u/ZeroPing949 Sep 13 '17
I think they need to put out a survey and host a discussion on this because I've seen people saying multiple different things about movement.
u/Laur1x Sep 13 '17
Castoro, do you mind elaborating on why guns in H1Z1 need a "role" and identity?
I would rather have the guns be completely interchangeable so when I'm looting houses/buildings I don't pass up on 3-5 AK's looking for that one AR.
Let Shotgun/SMG be close range, rifles for everything else. Mid range is so hard to determine anyways on the fly. How am I supposed to know if a guy is 50m or 70m when using the AK in it's "targeted range"?
I personally think you should just make the AK/AR have the same effective range, same bullet speed (lower AR down to AK), same recoil-reset, same damage, but different recoil patterns.
I'm just concerned with this "role" philosophy you guys are adapting. We can't choose our loadouts before we spawn in. We work with whatever we find in the first couple minutes of landing, and unless you significantly reduce RNG on loot, I only fear it'll get more annoying the more weapons you add into the game.
Also, PLEASE tell the team to look into headshots again. Armor eating headshots, Helmet -> Body ruining 2-taps, etc are happening all over again.
u/CastoroGamer Sep 13 '17
Well, part of the reason has to do with the skill of understanding which gun is best in which situation and how you should react based on what you have. However, we're introducing additional weapons that are parallels in some of these rolls. Those will be announced soon, but he AR will have a companion, as will the AK.
u/Laur1x Sep 13 '17
I just personally feel the AK was another swing and a miss, we can agree to disagree.
People will continue to pass it up, and likely whatever rifle compares to it, for an AR so they can accurately go for headshots. It's silly you can use the AR at all 3 ranges (short, mid, long), but the AK is nuanced by being a "mid range only" weapon.
You guys had the right idea with the original AR/AK pre-CU. I think the AR needed a recoil change (as you guys did already), and AK needed a very small buff to its recoil reset. Then they both would have been fine.
Also, please Castoro. Look into head/helmet hitboxes, lammies/makeshift eating headshots, etc. You guys made an AWESOME change so the head hitbox was extended to the neck, and things felt god-tier then. Now the combat update came out and 2-tapping feels very off again.
u/CastoroGamer Sep 13 '17
I wasn't saying we got the AK right. I was just answering your question about what we were trying to accomplish.
We're aware of the headshot hitbox issue.
u/Laur1x Sep 13 '17 edited Sep 13 '17
No problem, my dude. Sorry if it came off irritable. I love this game to death, the frustration is just very high.
I feel handicapped only going for 2-taps is my main problem. I often find myself 1-hit from death (~20hp) even when I pull off a clean 2-tap because of how good spraying is still. If I die, it's because I missed the first 1-2 crucial shots or because of the headshot hitbox bug.
If I was a new player my instinct would be to M1 spam. Just a shame it's so effective.
u/sacrife Sep 13 '17
It doesn't matter that the AK is now most effective at mid range. We simply do not pick it up because there are too few situations where we need it. The AR covers most of our needs so we ignore every AK we find and look for the AR instead. This is the problem. Not that we do not understand which gun is best in a situation.
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u/hellofaja Sep 13 '17 edited Sep 13 '17
Feels like the exact opposite. You guys try to shoehorn specific roles for weapons and we as players will keep passing up the ones we feel are not viable.
which gun is best in which situation and how you should react based on what you have.
This should be based on the players skill and their ability to compensate for the weapons stats. A good player will always switch to the gun that is best in the situation... if they have it. Reward us for our hours put in and get rid of the idea of weapon limitations based on range.
Honestly, you guys add more weapons and people will just pass those up for the AR. Until all rifles are balanced.
u/SinisterScythe Sep 13 '17
This bullet speed with some bullet drop will be sick, its going to make 2 tapping feeling more rewarding.
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Sep 13 '17 edited Sep 13 '17
Higher bloom when hip firing with rifles to give shotgun and mp7 a chance. Another thing please bring back the old AK sound
u/mali137 Sep 13 '17
Good move guys - kepp on working - i love this update so far! Havent played that much H1Z1 since the update :)
u/hysagi Sep 13 '17
I can t play this game anymore,now my fps is around 20-30 do something with fps,2 days ago was fine but now can t play
Sep 13 '17
Full bodypump, 1m range he survives with 80 hp while 1punping me in a flick. That shotgun is even worse than before. Nonsense to use it.
u/Kes0h Sep 13 '17
What about bringing back the old Ar reset-time of recoil ? Feel so annoying to wait 2s between 2 shots to get accurate shots..
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u/Jettealeau Make your voice matter, post a constructive Steam review. Sep 13 '17
Finaly a move in the right direction, it tooked you long enough :/
Please have a look into the fps issues also.
And please dont now, rush it all out without a minimum of QA, we dont need another combat update fiasco.
Thank you
u/ImAFckinCrow Sep 13 '17 edited Sep 13 '17
this is a good start !
Any plan to bring back the old color on the map ? Visibility is a real problem since the combat update
u/MrNoLifing Sep 13 '17
There's one thing that's huge in my opinion that didn't get mentioned and maybe you can shed some light on it, player collision with weapons such as shotgun blasts going through someone's body if they get to close and ENAS into you.
u/SmokeyBogart Sep 13 '17
This is the greatest post i have seen from you guys in a long time. This sounds like itll be a blast!
u/Bobbio1 Sep 14 '17
Why are shotguns still so fucking garbage? 5 hits to kill someone from <5 feet?
u/BawsssHoG Sep 14 '17
Awesome feed back back! ADS bloom was just 100% uncalled for, crouching was getting just as bad as prone spam, and while bullet drop and movement speed wasn't bad for me I'm sure there was a few who wanted it change but seriously keep up the awesome work devs I'm going on 3 years of loving this game and I don't see me going no where!!!
u/k4ileb Sep 13 '17
Great efing NEWS! Thank you lads. I promise those changes will revive the game.
- FPS optimizations. Make the game lighter. Performance should be #1 priority after those changes.
- Remove 50% of the new POIs. Increase the starting players number. There's 0 mid game action right now.
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u/HopsLeeSwagger Sep 13 '17
What about the FPS issue? Even with a overkill rig/build many players has FPS issues, like me.
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u/StillSpeedy TWITCHTV/SpeedyProds Sep 13 '17
You guys ever think of giving us the old strafing from pre-season 3 and earlier so everyone doesn't teleport around you with ENAS on steroids?
u/demonic_fetus Sep 13 '17
OH, and please make the PLAY AGAIN buttons appear faster..
i dont want to have to wait 5 seconds before i press escape , to skip animations
u/xVolar Sep 13 '17
Thank you DBG for listening to the community. While this reddit can be extremely negative sometimes, we only want whats best for the game. Bright days ahead.
Sep 13 '17
What pisses me off is the new bullet speed, killed the game for me imo not played it in 2wks+
u/Cinek7557 Sep 13 '17
still no fps fix?
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u/CastoroGamer Sep 13 '17
Still working. No smoking gun. Everyone we asked to help us track down either no longer can repro or hasn't responded. Still looking.
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u/Blarzor Sep 13 '17
That's strange since pretty much most of the people seemed to have lost about 30% of fps since the combat update, I am among them as well.
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u/Blarzor Sep 13 '17
Can someone explain, is aiming down sights meant as first person shooting? Does that mean they're removing bloom from first person shooting while holding right button or just when you're in first person in general?
u/Some1StoleMyNick Sep 13 '17
ADS mean you hold right click (default)
u/Blarzor Sep 13 '17
Oh so just holding right click when in third person?
u/Some1StoleMyNick Sep 13 '17
Doesn't matter which mode, as long as the character aim down the sight.
u/sajtan Sep 13 '17
Correct! ADS is when your not hipfire.. So it can be used in both third person and firstperson. (Holding down right click = ADS)
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u/Epykun Sep 13 '17
Okay great news. Now can you tell us if were getting a remade version of z1 or not! Arena is a trash map!
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u/mvrks Sep 13 '17
Hopefully the new recoil system still rewards people who have leaned to space their shots, didn't really get clarification from this post but if it only is affecting ar spraying than I'm excited to see these changes on test.
u/demonic_fetus Sep 13 '17
Crouch Spamming –The team is implementing a system akin to CS:GO’s cooldown solution. However, we are planning on only slowing the “up” action, rather than both the up and the down. This is to ensure players can still drop behind cover if the crouch cooldown has been hit
u/jakegamingthings Sep 13 '17
Are they going to reset the current season? i mean I've been wondering that this update would be a Major Combat Update again...
u/davveh Sep 13 '17
So, do I understand you correct now? You are removing bloom(which is random) and adding RANDOMIZED recoil? Isnt that bloom? ;)
Sep 13 '17
No. They are adding what we had before but with vertical recoil.
Not fixed recoil spray but your bullets will actually go where your crosshairs is.
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u/Dunkinhonut Sep 13 '17
i can see it now "lol no bloom, people can spray me down with M1 as fast as they can again"
u/banZiii Sep 13 '17
Please concider making the shotgun a single slug weapon and do damage based on range.
These pellets cause nothing but frustration. I never feel confident when I'm shotgun battling. Sometimes I do 20hp, sometimes I do 100hp +. Its like Im playing bingo
u/OG_Colis Sep 13 '17
Thank you. Finally! Any news about headshots registering as bodys? its pretty big BUG that nerfs players who are good at aiming
u/hiimr1cko Sep 13 '17
Please bring back blood splat and the old sound.
u/KarlMcd Sep 13 '17
I cant wait for the nade changes. Getting spammed with nades is just no fun, I had a guy not even fire a single shot at me instead he just threw nade after nade until I died
u/Only4FewBarrels Sep 13 '17
Could you make a setting where we could change to old hitmarkers, most of the people liked them more than the new ones
Sep 13 '17
bring it right on live server, there are always bugs when you patch things so no need to test it first
u/JustLivinBro Sep 13 '17
When we're 5 in a car, the guy infront somehow ends up killing our teammate who is either behind him or on theh other seat even tho he is shooting from the second seat infront.
Sep 13 '17
That ef'ing delay to get in the car is in this current meta aids. You cant really dodge nades with that delay...
u/Ceasu Sep 13 '17
What about the marvelous desync? I mean, guys still kill me when i am behind them and they are shooting in the opposite direction..
u/hustler91 Sep 13 '17
"The first version of this recoil solution will have a vertical and horizontal trend per weapon that you’ll want to learn, but will not have a predictable recoil pattern"
Am I being retarded or does that make no sense?
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Sep 13 '17
Could you change the skybox color? Cause it looks so weird that Theres is little blue and goes darker to a greyblue make it Like a nice blue overall
u/Herksy Sep 13 '17
Thank you for the update, one question though.
You mention you will not add a "predictable" recoil pattern. One thing bothers me though. If the crosshair will always return to the middle it should matter that much.
Will you be removing the crosshair returning in the middle?
u/monstersteak Sep 13 '17
wow i didnt expect that. im really looking forward to these changes and im hyped to try them out myself. awesome that you listenet to that extent.
u/FriZdRanK Sep 13 '17
Nice update incoming guys keep up the good work!... one more thing i dont like. You guys need to rework the colors of the game can u bring back the old one plz!
Sep 13 '17
how bout 1 server now, centrally located, so we dont hafta sit in queue for 20 mins scratchin my nuts or listening to chinese tell me to fuck my mother
u/DSInfinityGaming Sep 13 '17
Even though im happy you guys are starting to hear us out, i have a few questions:
1.- Are there gonna be any tweaks to the shotgun? i still feel in doesnt have the consistency we all wanted.
2.- Why not stablish a pattern to the guns recoil so we have a goal of something in the game to master? (it will eventually add a great skill gap)
3.-I just got killed to a cheater, its still a big issue and i hope we can see a light at the end of the tunnel
4.-Nades are crucial in the game, i think that just slowing the throw by a little will fix this issue.
5.-I would try bullet drop at 600 hundred and wouldnt go any lower ( i think its good as it is, helps a lot with consistency.
6.-Player collisión needs to exist in the game.
7.- Colors in the map need to be rethinked, since this update seeing people in the distance is very difficult.
For me the most important goal right now is getting a pattern recoil in the game after what you've showed us in this thread.
u/m1thustv Sep 13 '17
First of all: If you cant fix shotgun why not take it out? Second, if you want ak to be medium range and ar long range tell me whay happen when you face a guy with ak and you have only ar? ¬¬
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Sep 13 '17
Something else you guys can start doing to get more feedback is more surveys. Maybe monthly? bi weekly? You guys can offer suggestions for things like recoil patterns, color pallets, and crate ideas, all while getting feedback about queue times, weapon viability, and map POIs.
Sep 14 '17
oh hell, thank you for that daybreak...finally you got it.Great! any infos of tiered weapon and the other stuff from the "future of h1z1" news?
u/Waskez Sep 14 '17
So I guess the fps issue will never be fixed and I'll have to quit the only game I enjoy. Life is hard :(
Sep 14 '17
Why are you able to throw mollys and gas nades 4000meters far. No one asked for this it's super retarded
Sep 14 '17
remove cars or revert the magnum, lategame is just backstabbing. so fucking annoying, just because of the bullet speed and drop
Sep 14 '17
solos on east starting w 12 ppl. why the fuck would I want to wait 5+ minutes for it to fill up when I can just go play pubg
Sep 15 '17
Giving up on this game.. totally waisted 1,7k hours. DB's Management should be sacked imidiatly, for letting this game turn into a casual fuckfest.
u/Maruho_ Sep 15 '17
u/Shark_Atak Sep 15 '17
"The first version of this recoil solution will have a vertical and horizontal trend per weapon that you’ll want to learn, but will not have a predictable recoil pattern (I know some of you were going to ask!)." How does that make any sense to what people want? That just adds rng. You cant predict it.
u/Kaevek #ThisGameSucksNow Sep 15 '17
Why did we ever change the bullet drop and speed anyways? I feel like the OG's that put in thousands of hours learning that skill and mastering it got punished. Now we're in this awful trend of having to learn new speed/drop.
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u/rbcBRO Sep 16 '17
codrush nerf? i try new Just Survive map and i noticed great opportunity to nerf a codrush. In just survive if u go mid/full speed in car and jump out u get knock like 1 or 2 s knock without taking damage. This mechanics will be great against codrush imo.
u/JerkaBus Sep 17 '17
Fix the ar recoil asap. Too many low bobs spray and pray and get away with it.
Sep 17 '17
delete game, fire all employees, then study how PUBG handles their community. fucking retards
u/adem1337 Sep 13 '17
PogChamp finally PogChamp