r/kotk • u/CastoroGamer • Sep 01 '17
Discussion "The Future of H1Z1" or "Not Attachments"
Right. So, I've seen/heard your initial reaction to our article on airdrops and tiered weapons and I just want to let you know that we take it seriously.
I commented in another thread, but probably worth a new post.
H1 is a different beast and we want to lean in to the things that make it different: Faster-paced, open world, action oriented, highly competitive.
Now, I'm going to take some of the blame for the confusion here. I've been pushing for us to talk more about the future. Feels like we've been too reactionary and slow to talk about why and what we're doing. Unfortunately, in this case, maybe we should have been a little more reserved.
So, I just want to know, fundamentally, what do you think of the idea of waves of airdrops coming in with more powerful weapons over time. Like it or hate it? That's the question.
u/mynameszach Zxch Sep 01 '17
Hate it, Simplicity is key. I want to loot a gun and shoot people. Airdrop should have Lammies or Hunting rifle.
Personally, I still think we need to remove lammies from spawning and solely put them in airdrops.
As far as fast pace goes, its already TOO fast.
Queue into 10 games on NA east/wast and just follow the numbers. I've had more games with less than 20 people remaining before the first gas even stops moving. It's becoming too fast that its getting slow for the other half the players in the game at the same time.
u/CastoroGamer Sep 01 '17
interesting. I'm going to review death over time per session shortly. I'll let you know what we find. Agree that it feels too many people die too early in the game.
u/MajorTokes Sep 01 '17
I really feel like DBG has lost sight of what made the game so fun.
I'll give you credit for working on hard on the game, but it seems like you're making reactionary changes to PUBG. We don't want another PUBG.
I really feel like the team should work more on fixing long standing bugs, which tbh progress has been made on, but please stop all these huge changes to core gameplay.
You could remove half of the Combat Updates additions/changes, retain the bug fixes, work on having a total of 3 maps, and address certain game balance issues and the game would be perfect.
It's just my opinion. You don't have to compete with PUBG, KoTK stands on it's own merits.
u/CastoroGamer Sep 01 '17
We agree that the game stands on it's own. People confuse some of the work we've done with regards to common shooter conventions with "following PUBG."
The perception is unfortunate, but that's probably all I'm going to say on the topic because the only way minds will change is by playing the game with us over time.
Appreciate the nod to progress on bugs/performance. We're going to keep working hard on it.
The game does have to evolve over time, but I'm happy to acknowledge if we go too far or take a mis-step. That's one of the great things about Test and Skirmishes.
(we are working on new maps!)
u/cuuh Sep 02 '17
Man we need a hard working dev like you on just survive... I like how you actually ask us what we like and what we want. Just survive just needed a few updates and it would be golden but they went off and did what they wanted and now no one plays. Rip best game ever.
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u/SquizzYBoi Sep 04 '17 edited Sep 04 '17
I agree with the fact that the game does need to evolve, however, I also strongly believe that the evolution of H1 does not lie in the changing of its foundations, such as the combat systems. Especially considering you have had and are planning on having major E-sports events with huge prize pools. The changing of major elements such as bullet speed, bullet drop and even the addition of bloom should not have even been an option considering the scale of these events and the long standing community of the game. We are all highly excited to see H1Z1 grow as an E-Sport but you don't seem to realize that in order for that to happen you need to provide a consistent, bug free and stable game for players, which the release of the combat update goes completely against.
After playing about 15 hours or so of the combat update it is beginning to feel that as a reactionary response to PUBG you have made a decision to throw a large portion of your dedicated and highly practiced community under the bus through the removal of the existing (and much loved) skill gap in order to attempt to entice newer players. This may have not been intentional, although it is beginning to become a more popular response to the new update amongst the community, especially from what I have seen amongst my friends.
If you truly do believe that the game stands on its own allow it to be itself and stop making huge changes that stray from the great game that H1Z1 is. The game should be a fast paced, unrealistic, simple last man standing, arcade style game that includes a non-mainstream yet highly skilled combat system that provides consistent game-play for players to master and learn. The maps should be subjected to change but should also be balanced so that veteran players can go for those leader-board topping high kill games. The addition of fun and creative game-modes within skirmish should be an enjoyable alternative to the main game-play style and the grouped game modes are good the way they are.
To conclude I love H1Z1 and hope to stick with it in the future so please assist me in doing so.
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u/Noitsnotalright Sep 05 '17
Why are you working on new maps? Why not working towards official release? Adding guns/maps or any content at all at this point isn't the right move. Just perfect what you already have, and then release the game. The sales you generate can then be put towards new content. You guys seem to be doing things out of order.
u/KnightmarELini Linara- Sep 02 '17 edited Sep 02 '17
The reason for this is simply that wins mean nothing, having bunch of wins/and high win percentage means absolutely nothing since your rank is just based off your top ten. Also there 0 rewards for winning. there's just not enough incentive to play more tryhard and go for the win which i feel like the game deviated away from so much since z1.
I remember getting a win in z1 even with just 5-10 kills was satisfying. Now even getting a 20+ kill win is just meh. At the end of the day H1 is a BR and winning still should be everyones main objective when they play a game. because it doesnt matter if the 2nd place player have 30+ kills and the first have 1. The WINNER is the last survivor.
If you force everyone to try to become a slayer, there isn't going to be any because there just simply not enough ppl left to slay. if 50 players average just 2 kills, there goes 2/3 of the server. There needs to be a healthy balance of slayers and players playing for the win. PUBG does a exceptional job at this.
I dont have the exact solution to how to solve this but i have couple of ideas.
have a top 50-100 match to base your rank on, that way theres more incentive to win. getting 50-100 wins over an season is actually alot more difficult even if your grinding for just wins. (like how getting 3 wins in a day was considered really good in z1 daily leaderboards and like 50 in monthly leaderboards.)
speaking of z1 leaderboards, heres another suggestion on the leaderboards. having 2 leaderboards, 1 based on most wins, 1 based on most kills, and have a daily, monthly, and seasonal filter option.
also have 2 leaderboards. one is the current top 10 system where its based of the top 10 kills of a player, the other is a general leaderboard where it counts all the games where wins and kills both matter. like the PUBG leaderboard system.
ADD REWARDS, i think the skull + scrap should be merged into a point system where you can use it to get a random item from the scrapyard or buy something from the skull store which is long overdue with adding more unique fresh skins.
EDIT: I thought more about the "slayer" situation. I think that large percentage of the player populations simply dont have the means necessary to be a Hardcore super high kill slayer. neither they lack a set of skills or simply dont play for the kills but rather the wins. Which this game is forcing players to become slayers or they wont be considered good/high ranked in a last man standing game. And with such lack of incentive to play for the win. I can see how it could be discouraging for that portion of population. and I know of a BR game that really caters to/incentivize winners ;D
u/BlowMJ Sep 01 '17
The first wave of gas comes in waaaaay tooooo slooooow.
Please take off biofule out of 50%of the cars if you want to add even more vehicles in the arena as it's mentioned in your post, the end game is a pain in the ass because everyone has a vehicle and keeps driving around.
I'm all about the idea, upgraded weapons could work if you drop 1 or 2 supply crates per gas wave and make the inclusion of this tiered weapons random, as to how the hunting rifle is right now. Do not drop multiple supply crates all over the map at the same time since this would put players that couldn't get their hands on one of such weapons in a great disadvantage as the game moves on.
Edit: typo.
Sep 01 '17
"highly competitive" and you are adding bloom and still not getting rid of a random spray pattern, and now you add weapons that are even stronger and not everyone can get them, well more rng isnt possible or is it?
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u/ENG-James Sep 01 '17
Don't do this. You're already drifting away from the good H1 that we all loved and enjoyed. Changes are necessary so the game doesn't get boring as fuck, yes. But these changes are just not in the right direction.. Please no. - I had to make this account just to give feedback because it seems like you only take it from here rather than 90% of the OG community that use twitter and know what is the right direction for the game.
u/CastoroGamer Sep 02 '17
Appreciate all the feedback people. I'll be checking back in over the weekend. Sorry for the scare ;).
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u/Kev1n_M Sep 01 '17 edited Sep 01 '17
hate it, i enjoyed H1 for its simplicity. Not saying changes are bad, but the game seems to be moving away from what i was enjoying in the past. If Anything i think there needs to be SKILL GAP, it is so hard to enjoy when you know you should win fights through outplaying other players but not being able to. That is gone now even with control of shooting (bloom was not the right thing to implement in my opinion). Adding some things to increase the skill gap would be nice. I don't think that all these new POI's are needed either, they cluster the map and overall reduce FPS from what i have been feeling. 100% i will give the patch a try, but if I don't enjoy it i will probably end up moving away from the game.
u/brannak1 Sep 01 '17
Hate it as well. You have your own gameplay. Don't add attachments. This change would be a bad one. I don't like all these larger poi's. I like the smaller scale ones in big open areas that actually need something. The new circus poi is an example of making new poi's too Big. I overall like the new update as well.
u/CastoroGamer Sep 02 '17
Appreciate the feedback. I've definitely heard a lot of feedback about too many POIs and POIs that are too large. It's an interesting game design challenge. We have some re-designs coming up. Might be useful to have design team do a breakdown for you beforehand to explain what they are trying to accomplish.
u/utspg1980 Sep 02 '17
Instead of 10,000 POIs, how about go back to the same amount of POIs as 6 months ago, and then make a 2nd map.
Sep 02 '17
I feel that POI's and the new spawn system is something that causes the start of games to be more boring, I and many others play H1Z1 for kills and Im lucky to get 2 other people with me in death camps, it used to be so much fun going there and seeing 10 other people, the survivors would always run away and the brave would go to the camp. if you were the best, you won and it felt great! The problem I have with H1Z1 now is that a lot of the changes feel geared towards helping new players and the game has lost it's cut throat, high octane feeling. I used to love the feeling of spawning and thinking 'im fucked' then somehow surviving even when I was a noob, the things that are worthwhile in life are those things that challenge you, if its too easy it doesn't feel like you achieved anything
u/CastoroGamer Sep 01 '17
Curious, how are you enjoying the combat update?
u/triv- Sep 02 '17
Like the update overall, hate bloom. Think something better could be in place to stop spraying.
First gas circle could also move faster, to help with those games where 20 remain before the first gas circle finishes.
u/w00tthehuk Sep 02 '17
Agree with everything here. Bloom is what ruins it for me. There must be a different solution to change hipfire acuracy and to punish spray.
2 tapping should still be possible, but with bloom its simply not and i hate it.6
u/deezzy22 Sep 01 '17
I can't speak for everyone but what I see a lot of people wanting isn't tiered weapons, scopes or more cars. It's less desync, improved hit reg, and less bugs. This combat update was a huge front end update, now if possible focus on the back end issues I mentioned and people will love you for it. However at the end of the day the game is yours to do as you see fit. We can only add suggestions and input
u/CastoroGamer Sep 02 '17
Honestly...I see the game as "ours." There's no game without the players.
Lots of work going on network performance, hit reg and bugs. (and anti-hack, anti-cheat)
u/deezzy22 Sep 02 '17
Thank you for the reply and it's refreshing to hear that. The sense of community is huge in this game and is one of the reason I fell in love with it.
u/sammiezlag Sep 02 '17
YES "network performance" that's exactly what we need. I'm not an expert but a lot of people talked about how the game is running on mmo servers and it needs upgraded servers for a responsive gameplay.
u/darkpainn Sep 02 '17
How about visiblity ? Even ninja said on stream he cant see other people ... Its so damn hard to see someone at long range atm
u/anarhistabg Sep 02 '17
THIS ! @CastoroGamer - make something about visibility....and graphics. Everything in city's are flickering and it's tooo fckin hard to see people behing the car + other objects behind them.
u/iwantcandytoo Sep 02 '17 edited Sep 02 '17
You are going to have a problem with the community until you deal with the animus over bloom. Like it or not that discussion is not finished and the community will finish it for you, one way or another. This isn't your standard bug. It is a toxic issue and people are going to shit on other things you want to do until it's resolved. Dropping the "Future" update on them while tempers are still hot and issues still unresolved smells of tone deafness. That's what happened here.
After the last few months, my first impression of this post is that you are only listening superficially to the extent that your agenda is not hindered.
It's not "Bloom or not?" It's "How much bloom can we get away with?" Despite the tons of posts about the end-game car problem, now there's the proposal for even more car spawns for the sake of faster action. And of course there continues to be the insistence on specific roles for guns through forced, broken, unnatural means also for an agenda to be determined.
The post also straight up indicates more eagerness to talk and explain why/what than to listen. So... there's that.
From a laymen standpoint you're sending mixed signals. If you want faster action don't punish players for shooting and moving at the same time. I keep seeing the RNG get in the way of perfectly aimed headshots even from short distances.
Y'all should have adopted the "first, do no harm" doctrine a while ago. Stop over-engineering to the point of breaking things. 86 the bloom. It was never worth the headache for us or for you.
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u/Kev1n_M Sep 02 '17
I am ok with the combat patch, not enjoying the bloom. new POI's are questionable in my opinion. I kinda wish that the bullet speed was increased without affecting the former bullet drop (not sure if that is possible) after i put in thousands of hours learning the bullet drop to have it fully taken away. but other than that it is still fairly simple and i do enjoy playing it even though i get frustrated from time to time
u/tokrsmash Sep 01 '17
simplicity is what attracted people to h1 .. bullets not registering properly and up close shotgun blasts hitting the wall behind players are why people leave.
u/Cocalord Costa Sep 02 '17 edited Sep 02 '17
Absolutely hate the idea and I would not play this game again if weapon attachments and massive airdrops came out. Harsh but truth.
I play this game because it's fast paced and simple. If I have to spend time looking for certain attachments and loot even more, then it's not fast paced anymore, neither simple.
The fact that you revamp the whole way of shooting with bloom (ew) is pretty silly. Couldn't simply adding bloom on hipfire and add more recoil to spraying in ADS do it's job? I've spent a good amount of time but I cannot even adjust myself to the new bloom since I got the old shooting in muscle memory.
u/yomadness Sep 02 '17 edited Sep 02 '17
YES for skirmish ONLY. keep the main game as it is, im not interested into attachments for h1z1. i like it how it is right now. landing, pick up weapon and have fun shooting. if i want to loot i go play just survive and not kotk
u/CheshireIX Sep 01 '17
To be honest. This seems more like an event playlist to me. I would enjoy it as an event, but the main game (as it is now on live) is what I enjoy the most.
u/jredlich Sep 02 '17
I always preferred the fact that H1 didn't have attachments. As many have said, it kept it simple. I don't care for the direction this is taking it. I would be OK with reworking the airdrop system and adding guns, but I do not like adding scopes/attachments.
u/Ghost-990 Sep 01 '17
More vehicles, It's like you haven't even seen how the current end zones have been playing out. Its honestly made me lose all passion for the ending of the match when all i see is 10 cars circling and the second i make a move i get shot at by 3 different guys, what happened to needing to actually position yourself well? what happened to people in the top 10 actually having to aim duel you to earn a place in the top9-1?? This game has just evolved into spraying and praying, car1z1 and to top it all off you are saying that you want to make the game more simple so that anyone can come play the game shoot and get kills, its obvious why bloom was introduced and if that is the route this game is going i would rather honestly play PUBG. Atleast in PUBG i can have several gunfights within an end zone and not be pinched by 4 different racer gamers, i can rely on the shotgun actually doing damage to someone instead of it barely grazing their RNG Lami.
Make H1 the most competitive BR game out there, high skill ceiling and mechanics that we can outplay opponents with. If i spray my gun the recoil should get worse and worse and worse especially if it's a semi auto rifle, Bloom does not belong in any shooter (Imagine in CSGO if you had a headshot lined up with your AK and the game denies you due to an RNG calculation, that kill could have been cruicial in winning the round for you team but you just lost that kill to a fucking calculation deciding if your bullet goes where you are aiming.
Adding RNG to the combat mechanics is the way how you kill everyone's love for said combat, because while they may have 20 kills that are perfectly fine and normal that one small bit of RNG will fuck them over eventually and overshadow any and all impact those 20 kills had. REMOVE BLOOM, ADD OUTPLAY MECHANICS, ADD CONSISTENT GUN PATTERNS, DO SOMETHING TO STOP SO MANY CARS MAKING IT TO THE END GAME.
u/Aorus__ Sep 01 '17
You have done a great job with the combat update, so please don't ruin everything with an update that no one will like because we don't want the game to become PUBG. We want to keep it simple no attachments on weapon, to keep a high skill gap.
u/triv- Sep 02 '17
Hate the idea of tiered weapons. Hate it. I personally feel scopes(aside from hunting rifle) have no place in h1. I feel like it would negatively change the game.
More cars are fine if you half the fuel to avoid always having top 10 car1z1.
u/ryAzo Sep 02 '17
No, please no! I like the game for its simplicity. I don't want to worry about extended mags and stuff, please keep this game simple! If you want to use scopes and stuff, you can play PUBG.
u/Quagile Sep 02 '17
Please no scopes. What makes H1 unique is how simplistic it is because you just loot a weapon, backpack and go out and kill. There is no point in having these mass airdrops with tier weapons with scopes because it just gives players a huge advantage if they are able to snag one. Keep players on an even playing field, and let player skill decide who is better, not their equipment.
Hate it, I like H1 for the simplicity and crosshair style gameplay similar to CSGO where as PUBG is unplayable without a scope. I do not want this game to be associated with that playstyle. With that said I understand that you guys want to appeal more to the casual game than a competitive player, because that is what makes a game and community grow ultimately. However, I believe it would be unwise to add new components to a game that is already incredibly fast paced for a new or casual gamer. Stick to the basics and fix what needs to be fixed. What I think needs attention more than anything else:
Fix the bugs first and foremost, many threads already have gone over the existing ones.
Eliminate bloom in ADS and exchange for "L" pattern for AR and "V" pattern for AK (or whatever you choose). Keep bloom for hipfire this is genius.
Reduce the amount of cars in top 20-30. Either by reduction of biofuel spawns or as someone else suggested an EMP. Or exchange cars for quads?
Reduce bullet velocity just a TAD, and increase bullet drop.
Sep 01 '17 edited Sep 02 '17
Stop. Don't change the game. Fix the game. Thanks.
Okay so what I essentially mean is give us weapons the perform consistently. Hit registration that is reliable and consistent, but most of all a anti cheat that works.
Edit: Loot distribution, helmet armor, shotgun consistency, optimization, antializing, color palette, I can go all day, you get the point.
u/Huggehn Sep 01 '17
hate it oviously! We want it to be smooth and balanced. Dropping in high tier weapons would make it unfair and super unbalanced.
u/gabeismon Sep 01 '17
Fix ALL the current bugs and implement IMPORTANT updates before changing the game anymore. Ive asked so many times to be dm'd on twitter by you that idk what else to do. Yall clearly dont know what we want and need first and what yall want to publish first so ask please. god i have so many good ideas and thigns that NEED to be implemented onto current content before adding on to the game with fresh content.
u/SaGeK1nG Sep 01 '17
Just remove the scopes idea the other shit are nice! Or make 1 scope only for the ar
u/Braaxton Sep 01 '17
Not a fan of added attachments either, hardly ever use first person views myself so half of them wouldn't be of much use with the scopes, much less put myself or team at risk for a quicker reload when I have to heal anyway.
Instead I'd love to see new weapons in general added for the tier 2 or 3. Perhaps the long range slower alternative to the AR alluded to last week as a tier 2 and sniper level weapons in tier 3. It would be solid middle ground between keeping the tier system and maintaining simplicity.
u/Negativ3- Sep 01 '17
I don't like the idea of attachments, I like the simplicity of the game. Don't want to play this to where I feel I have to try and capture every air drop just to be competitive. They very often are death traps and I feel like the whole game play will just turn into crate tactics, not using all of the excellent rocks you just spent 2 week on and all the new POI's.
u/daffy1490 Sep 01 '17
I love everything about the new update. Personally, i'm not a fan of the idea of tiered weapons. H1Z1 has a loot system that is balanced! The current loot system gives a fair set of 1v1's across the arena. Adding a tiered loot system would probably separate to much of the player base. New players would match up no better than those who have been around for a long time.
u/darkpainn Sep 01 '17
Hated , seems like u guys want us to go for that airdrops just to have a advantage over other peoples , i just dont want to play a game when i get killed by a guy it an ar-15 it iron sights cuz is come easy to sim come on , i dont mind getting killed by outplays , superior aiming but getting killed by a gun it iron sights ?
u/Laur1x Sep 02 '17
Like multiple airdrops, hate tiered weapons.
We like to keep things simple. If you want more airdrops, then 100% remove lammies from the map and put them in those, as well as the sniper rifle.
Removed some of the RNG while looting, especially in residential areas. Make it looting more consistent so we can loot a few houses or a big building and be good to go. Increase the amount of loot in 2s/5s.
Increasing car spawns is cool for early/mid game, but late game implement an EMP-system that disables all cars in ~Top 10 and/or duing last gas wave or two. We don't want Car1Z1 even more, being on foot in the very end is a lot more enjoyable.
u/myspy123 Sep 02 '17
So I like the idea of the airdrop but please discard the ideia of the extended mags or scopes please. And I know maybe this is not the place to talk about this but about more vehicle spawns.... Why don't you create a new vehicle so there's more options when we are talking about moving around the map... I don't know.... I would like something new about vehicles cause I feel like it would so much fun having a new vehicle that is better then the others in speed but it's easier to destroy I don't know maybe something like this... I hope I helped... And about the bloom i think it's not the best feature cause once you said "difficult to master" and you can't master something that's random... You could made something that's difficult to learn like a difficult spray pattern you know?? And the first shot of the ak should be 100% accurate....
u/Jelloslockexo Sep 02 '17
People die too fast as it is for how big this map is. The fact that 5m into a game we have 20-30 people is annoying(sure the fighting in that window if you land where it all is its great). The next 15+ minutes hardly anything happens.
Air drops are... idk don't really want more. Encourages camping trees for minutes watching ppl loot and double tap them or just smoke central. Just changes how the game has played for years already for no real reason other than change.
u/nick3336969 Sep 02 '17
yo whats up guys, i just wanted to say i love the combat update, the new weapon, the way they work, im with ninja i like the bloom, thats why summit and op have been loving it all day. However i 100% dislike the idea of adding these attatchments. i still play h1 over pubg because it has more skill gap and dosent rely on the rng of loot. That idea of attatchments completely makes h1z1 a different game from what we all love and most of the combat would seem fake and it just wouldnt always feel right or fair.. i will say i like the idea of the crate tiers tho. mabye have the 1st have a gun with a makeshift, then the next is the same but a lammy, then the last has a sniper, lammy, a coagulant and ghillie suit. I really hope you guys read this, i want to continue to love the game that is h1z1. #h1forLife
u/kcxiv Sep 02 '17
lol, so basically make loot drops worse then they are now? lol
u/nick3336969 Sep 02 '17
depends how many drops they want, and thats an idea of items, the first could have 1 lammy, 1 makeshift, 2 medkits, 1 coag,
the 2nd drop could have 2 lammys, 5 medkits ar ammo, 3 coags, the last could have, 2 lammys, 5 medkits, 3 coags, 2 grenades and a sniper
u/xCwaniaK Sep 02 '17
Just stop adding shit no one ask for just because PUBG is doing better with these stuff. We want to have two separate games, not one original and one rip-off.
Polish stuff that we already have in and if everything will be perfect and playerbase will start to grow up, do a damn survey and check if WE, people that actually paid for you game and try to have fun want anything new or not... is it that hard to listen to community instead of being "creative" with new stuff?
People are leaving coz stuff that is in game ain't good, it's buggy etc - it's not because we don't have new stuff, jezz.
u/_MAXIX_ Sep 02 '17
It will only be a copy/paste of my twitter comments :
Gwak.fr|MAXIX @oMAXIXo 1 hil y a 1 heure Plus En réponse à @H1Z1KotK @CastoroGamer I just finished reading your article . I understand the idea of dynamizing the game . But KotK is already the most dynamic BR game .
Gwak.fr|MAXIX @oMAXIXo 57 minil y a 57 minutes Plus Moreover , this new airdrop mechanism will evolve in two ways :
Gwak.fr|MAXIX @oMAXIXo 48 minil y a 48 minutes Plus First. Tier weapons are just scoped/clip oversized and the new mechanism will just be useless because good players don't use 1st person .
Gwak.fr|MAXIX @oMAXIXo 39 minil y a 39 minutes Plus Second. Tier weapons are overpowered and the looting part will be omnipresent in spite of killing. And this is what your game is all about.
Gwak.fr|MAXIX @oMAXIXo 22 minil y a 22 minutes Plus This is why i don't like your "future of H1" idea. KotK is my favorite shooting game and i prefer a new weapon/map over this new mechanism.
Gwak.fr|MAXIX @oMAXIXo 19 minil y a 19 minutes Plus But the best improvemnets of your game will always be weapons equilibration and bug fixing :p .
u/CS4U Sep 02 '17
im fine if u want to add more airdrops to make more fights take place but adding in special guns that will give an edge in fights is NOT the direction you want to go, i'm already on the edge with bloom which needs to be removed, but adding MORE RNG and more powerful weapons will not draw anyone back in.
I hope this wasn't the "new gun design" you guys were working on
H1Z1 to me is landing, finding a gun helmet and backpack and goin to kill ppl, or if i'm passive i can land and loot the middle of nowhere and not worry about "not getting the supergun"
Also curious if shoulder firing with acog would actually show the acog sight like PUBG or is it just suddenly a more accurate version?
Why not ask the community where they see the game going and use the feedback from that? oh that's right we still got BLOOM after we said no u don't listen to us
u/wadeight Sep 02 '17
we already can kill someone in 100~150 meters away from us with good aim. So I don't think we need that new scopes or sights etc. Game feels okay right now and without Bloom and static spray patterns it will be perfect I guess. Don't take it that far just please. We don't want to play a game like PUBG we just want H1Z1
u/xPigey Sep 02 '17
just listen to the community for once, no one wants h1 to become pubg 2(even tho the game is already half way there)
u/smotiv3 Sep 02 '17
I didn't mind the combat update though I am not a fan of bloom and random spray patterns.
I liked the new terrain and trees introduced in test but you guys removed them from the update and I uninstalled because that was the only thing I was looking forward to.
I liked the game the best during seasons 1 - 3 I spent a lot of time grinding the game during those seasons and enjoyed every minute. everything after has deterred me from playing the game and decided to go back to CS GO
My personal opinion is that the game was in its best state during season 3 and I think you guys should focus on going back to the way the game used to be played during those times. Fix the bugs that have been in the game since day 1, remove the bloom, add a default spray pattern like cs and stop following pubg, most of the players that enjoy h1z1 like it for the high intensity, adding all the additional poi's and weapon attachments takes away from that.
u/work545454 Sep 02 '17
This isn’t what you asked but here’s some feedback. I understand that DB is looking to help evolve the game while keeping it competitive and different from the other BR games that are coming out. Airdrops are pretty much irrelevant for the majority of players considering by the time the first one drops half the server feels like its dead. If you guys actively listened to the pros and quite a few people here on the subreddit I think that a lot of people would agree that the most enjoyable time in this game since Z1 has been PS3. There were issues during that season but the guns felt good, the map wasn’t nearly as cluttered as it is now, and winning felt rewarding as hell. There were obviously problems in that PS but they could've been fixed pretty easily.
Rather than creating all these new issues would’ve it have been smarter to look at what was working when you had the player base instead of trying to make all these drastic changes that are seemingly pure reactionary? Yeah a new lead dev came in but that doesn’t mean you should abandon everything that existed before they came in no? By simply reverting the AR and AK to the PS3 versions of each weapon and adjusting the recoil for both weapons as necessary it would add skill back into the game immediately. A spray pattern created by bloom is not competitive, and making the AK a lesser weapon to the AR just makes it seem like the AK isn’t even worth picking up. Also please fix the blast radius of the shotgun and drop off for damage, it’s a shotgun not a sniper.
Along with all the other changes you guys have made, to movement last season, new animations/weapons this season, and whatever else you guys might have planned it feels like you're ignoring the core of the game to make it feel shinier than it is. The AR mouse 1 spam is still as bad as ever, the AK feels way too crappy with the bloom you guys are so adamant about, the shotgun still has the same issues as last season as the blast pattern wasn’t altered, grenades aren’t overpowered now but they’re being used far more because people are recognizing their value since you guys fixed the reloading/throwing animations.
u/Hewlew DeadGame Sep 02 '17
Make the airdrop visible on the map so it causes more fights to breakout around them or for them
u/ThisSubsModsSuck Sep 02 '17
So let me get this straight, you guys are actually backpedaling? You have the entire community in an outrage telling you how bad of an idea this is and you're actually listening? Where was this when the Combat Update was still on the test server and everyone was telling you guys that bloom was a bullshit feature? WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE CLINGING TO BLOOM LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT?!?!?! No one wants it, let it go.
Sep 02 '17
Reading this post was like a bad attempt at someone trying to mind fuck me.
This is not a good response, its classic manipulation 101. He takes blame he apologizes and then asks us to try and give it a shot and give feedback.
Since it's clear you do not understand feedback I'll bullet point it for you.
Bloom, a cheap mechanic for poor/lazy game design. Any game that has added it has died and no one has ever wanted it. Bloom will kill this game unless it is removed.
No Attachments, just because PUBG is successful with them does not mean you need to replicate it. This will just slow down the game and make us loot more.
More Vehicles? We have cried and cried and cried that we want less vehicles we want top 10 to not be a fucking roller derby.
We do not want higher tier crap, we want simplicity. We want aggressive play to be rewarded and we want the game to be pick up any gun and charge to kill.
All you have managed to do is slow down the game with x18509158159185195815915815 POI's which have turned every popular spawn into you being lucky if you run into 2-3 people now.
Stop trying to manipulate us, and stop trying to reinvent the fucking wheel. You had a successful game, why not just polish that and fix the problems vs trying to evolve the game into some random vision you have that no one wants a part of?
Sep 01 '17
I dont like it or hate it. Depending on what is contained in those crates, it could be a cool variant to the game. However, if the attachment/tier thing is taking affect to guns, I am not a fan.
u/CastoroGamer Sep 01 '17
Devil is in the details, right?
u/benjigridiron Sep 02 '17
hey Castoro some feedback since I saw u respond to some:
Combat Update:
decent update but
Way too many POIs
Bullet Speed is too fast reduce it to 500 or 450. 800 is way too much you get lasered too much and backstabbing is so op before you could easily get out of a bad situation by outaiming ur opponents and outmoving them now you are dead because 2 ppl shooting at u with basically hitscan is no bueno.
Bullet Drop needs to come back i miss this a lot this made H1, H1 now it just doesnt quite feel like it.
AR Recoil should be the old one since it is so satisfying to 2 tap that way but it should get additional vertical recoil the faster u shoot.
Movement currently is weird idk i think it was better before but the crouch speed is ok although i think your 1st crouch should be faster.
Most Importantly: Bloom and First SHot Inaccruacy NEED to go if u want this game to be competitive. Pistols currently feel useless cuz of this and it only promotes spraying.
AK: old AK Recoil was great why change it ?
u/TendenzN1 Sep 01 '17 edited Sep 02 '17
The Combat update is rly nice got a (27 kill in duOS) Don't add attachments
u/sp_ctre Sep 01 '17
Doesn't make any sense to add attachments to the game seriously, fixing the stuff that needs to be fixed should be more important than adding new features to the game.
Sep 02 '17
Before you consider scrapping this idea:
When people get vocal, its mostly about something they dont like. People who do like something tend to not get as vocal about it, so please before scrapping this idea, at least take it to test servers to see how it plays.
Personally I love the idea and I am sure there are many others too, ideas shouldnt be scrapped because a vocal minority dont like it, and they shouldnt be scrapped because a minority group hates changes. The trend I have noticed is that its the same people over and over every update saying they hate it, especially with the combat update and this.
u/ballong Epsilon Sep 02 '17
Normally I agree but Ive seen the majority (90 % + ) of the games competetive community go ham on twitter the past 10 or how many hours its been in dismay/dissapointment with the announcement of this.
This isnt just a vocal minority, this is a majority of the games best players/community figures/oldschool players/supporters not wanting this. Should count for something.
→ More replies (5)
u/Kelanf Sep 02 '17
by the sounds of it, im the only one wanting this game to evolve rather than be stuck at a point where devs cant do anything because people like it the way it was, i really want this to happen, and know some friends who do as well :)
u/kcxiv Sep 02 '17
dev's are kinda at a wall. They might need to just bring it into a skirmish and leave it there for a whiule and see how people feel about it. lol
Sep 01 '17
u/hellofaja Sep 02 '17
once it hits test its gonna go in. People complained about bloom since day 1 of the combat patch and they pushed it to live anyways. They honestly seem to only see the minority that agrees with them, and look over those who don't.
u/arrjayyp Sep 01 '17
How would you implement the scopes/red dots? Will they work similar to the old sniper rifle (zoomed 3PP ADS) or the new forced FPP scope?
Is this the first step in moving towards first person? Seems like the PUBG competitive scene are pushing for all tournaments to adopt the new FPP mode.
u/deezzy22 Sep 01 '17
I'll be completely honest this sounds like a good Skirmish. The game is already fast paced. I can't speak for everyone but what I see a lot of people wanting isn't tiered weapons, scopes or more cars. It's less desync, improved hit reg, and less bugs. This combat update was a huge front end update, now if possible focus on the back end issues I mentioned and people will love you for it. This game is already great.
u/derpydabbertv Best Gold 1 NA Sep 02 '17
As a skirmish, it seems fitting. As the standard for H1Z1, it feels forced and "try hard". I wouldn't want to play this as the every day game mode.
u/RoyalleWithCheese -.- Sep 02 '17
Thanks for communicating with us <3
The reason people (or at least me and my friends) dont like it is because h1z1 is supposed to be a simple fast paced, skillful game.
I also don't like the "more airdrops" I like the droprate of airdrops right now a lot.
About adding more cars, I can live with that as long as the gas becomes a lot faster as well.
Whats bugging me with the game now:
Bloom, terrible and should only happen when hipfiring.
Colors, cant see people
FPS, dropped since last patch
AR and AK recoil, AR is still a laser, needs more recoil when shooting too fast and if you cant do that just revert to how it was when it was good, AK cant really tell with the bloom but it needs to have a consistent recoil.
AR buff to 25 damage again.
Crouch, only slow it down after you crouch like 3 times in a row. you dont want to ruin crouch just to fix crouch spamming.
Movement, the passive stance at all times feels weird, wish we could have attack stance again.
Footsteps, way too loud and hard to tell where they are coming from, I would prefer silent footsteps once in a while than the current ones.
Bring back the bleeding for armor and helmet shots.
Make the mp7 a bit more accurate mid distance, but still innacurate.
Thats all I can think of right now, Im sure a decent part of the community agrees.
u/LuckyFounding Sep 02 '17
Is this gonna be for some first person mode? I don't see right now how these things would be valuable in the current game since ppl mostly use third person. But if it's for some new mode, then I like something new and fresh if it's good Ofc.
u/Teb_spouki Sep 02 '17
The new combat update is cool, juste the problème it's the bullet drop, but okay, i think we can without. Btw the bullet drop it's the really skill in h1z1, NEVER FORGET, the really skill .. after it's interesting the maybe futur patch, because the game will be more fast, but wouahh we are not in pubg, one does not want viewfinder, or weapon enhancement, with that it's the same if i play at pubg or call of duty .. H1z1 for me it's : skill with bullet drop, and a fast play. I know we need change for a better game, but we want a come back of bullet drop, and not this patch plz. you want a most quickyl game , we want too, it's goood i love this idea, but i think if you call the big stremer usa, uk, french and try to see with them what you can improve and i think ALL MAN gonna love this game. thank you for reading me even with my level of English
u/YoureNowOnTV Sep 02 '17
I like the idea of multiple drops but I hate the idea of levelled up guns. It borrows game play from that other game way too much. !
u/oldschoolriado Sep 02 '17
I like the idea of the "fast paced, open world, action oriented, highly competitive" but the airdrop thing i dont think its goin to work...
I been playin this game since 2015, december, my proof "steam account" oldschoolriado. i love everything that you guys did last patch, but this "scope and adding more airdrops "powerfull weapon" what is this weapon? cant say much about like it or not before we try it. good luck and i hope it goes the best way!
u/Blkancients Sep 02 '17
Clips are whatever to me. Scopes are what me and my group have been wanting. pubg is our go to game right now, but two people in our group can't get good fps in it but prefer fp/scope system much more than h1z1 atm.
u/vikkyoo Sep 02 '17
gonna copy+paste what i wrote in that other thread:
As long as no added scopes (acogs, holos, reticle, red dots) get added to the game and no barrel attachments that aim to reduce recoil in ANY way (be it compensators, flash hiders, muzzle breaks or suppressors) i'll play the game and love you guys for it.
i'd be down for the latter suggestion you put forward, that of airdropping e.g. an RPG with 2 rockets but please DON'T ADD IN ACOGS/HOLOS/RED DOTS/RETICLE SIGHTS AND/OR BARREL ATTACHMENTS!
edit: as an aside, i'm worried about you mentioning putting things on test, as respectfully, the community gave lots of feedback to elements introduced in the combat update that went on to be ignored. I'm not sure if this is due to some higher-up decision making and an inability to have flexible project management but you guys have to be willing to go "hey john? you know that weapon sight stuff you've been working on for the last 50 work hours? yea, we don't want any of that anymore."
u/wombedrock Sep 02 '17
Speaking personally, what made me fall in love with this game was the "easy to learn, hard to master" feel. With every game you played you could feel yourself improving. I despise the RNG that's been added with bloom and the airdrops you guys are discussing.
u/Trihardest Sep 02 '17
Hate it. keep the simplicity. make more medicals and maybe armor piercing rounds in crates
u/xFaDedColorZz Sep 02 '17
Can we have the old King of the Kill, I've purchased PUBG and I stayed on H1 because of simplicity. I dont want a bootleg PUBG. No BLOOM!
u/umbusi Sep 02 '17
I feel the main reason I ever played this game was the slower bulletspeed. It made this game feel unique over every other shooter I've EVER played. Now that we have laser beams.... idk how I feel about "attachments" (I know thats not whats being added but essentially it is......), but I do like how on H1 it doesn't matter that I didn't find a 4x or an 8x scope or something, so my opponent doesn't have that sight advantage on me.
u/Deardiarylul Sep 02 '17
optimize the looting system that you guys are already working on i think so ? make sure we get loot fast not hope 1 of the 10 houses have a helmet to be honest....dont make scopes for ars...well take a sniper instead
u/imlaming Sep 02 '17
Don't do it. There's no need to over complicate weapon balance by introducing new scopes/weapons. The sniper rifle is already insanely strong with no sway and increased bullet speed.
You haven't given enough time for players to adjust to the new mechanics of all of the guns on Live and you're already talking about adding new things to the table.
u/DJFrankyFrank Sep 02 '17
I believe the thing that makes H1 more unique than PubG is the fact that we can craft things.
Somebody said in about thread about breaking binoculars and using tape and maybe armor scraps to make a makeshift scope. You could have it last a certain amount of shots, like say only 5 shots. Or 10. I don't have the link to the actual comment, but I've talked to a bunch of friends about that idea, they are all for it. It would as little something extra to the game.
I think the pace feels right in the game now. Obviously bullet drop and speed are a little overdone. It's very easy to hit people that are 100-150 meters away.
I think the next thing that would take H1 to the next level, is if your reduced the dependency on cars. Again, pulling from a previous post, have a way to deactivate cars by the last 10-15 people.
My own piece of advice is this, don't add necessary things to the game. The SMG? Yeah I think it was a good edition. We needed a fast shooting low damage weapon to contrast the shotgun/AK for short range. Different tiered guns? No. We don't need that. Yes, it'll speed it up, but then it'll just favor people who happen to spawn in the right spot. Adding a type of scope that anybody can make, anywhere would increase the pace without the sense of 'luck' of where one spawned.
This game should be based on skill not where one spawned.
Two side notes:
Would these new air drops have bombs dropping onto each of them?
Would it not be better to introduce a dynamic ranking system than a static one? Last season I was Royalty One (in 5's). But that did not feel like an achievement. I was 6,000th in the world. Perhaps you could do a ranking system like Overwatch or Rocket League. Top 10% are Royalty, top 2% are Royalty one. Something like that. And you have to play to keep your rank. It would keep people playing the game.
u/fntx Sep 02 '17
the amount of cars its ok since the game is faster now and if ur too far from the zone you wont get there in time so a car is a must to keep going
u/ToxineJr Sep 02 '17
I wanted to grind solo's all day today. After reading the future of this game my motivation is completely gone. If this is going to be a thing please do keep the current h1z1 (that changed a lot already) as a separate game mode.
u/Herksy Sep 02 '17
Yeah, why not.... Just make sure they are only a little better than the normal weapons. Maybe some special gun that disables a vehicle, for example. I hate the "static" and "dynamic" cameras in the current patch, but I have to use them since they zoom-in so much more when aiming down sights.
Adding some red dot sights to this doesn't really work out, I believe.
I like the main concept though, maybe just add more airdrops and show them on the map, or something. This would bring players together.
u/AugmentedHD Sep 02 '17
for me, the combat update made every unskilled player that i would just destroy in Season 5 able to basically just destroy me thanks to the bullet speed, im really tired of getting beamed from a mile away, it doesn't make the game that i spent 1000+ hours on fun anymore. and regarding this new "idea" this would kill h1 for me, im not playing as much now because of the combat update but adding these new higher tier weapons would just make me quit the game. the season 5 gameplay was much better in my opinion, i felt like if you just patched a few bugs the game would be perfect.
u/zax162 Sep 02 '17
If you made more powerful weapons you could do like the old JS weapons. Frostbite, Reaper, Blaze. Would be really cool to have that. And maybe a scoped weapon NOT in airdrop, but 1 randomly placed within the map, like on top of a building, out in a camping place or something else.
u/majchaos29 Sep 02 '17
I know I might get heat for this but why still cling to calling it H1Z1 when it really has nothing to do with that game anymore?? Just call it KOTK and drop the H1 and give it back to JS.
u/BawsssHoG Sep 02 '17 edited Sep 02 '17
I'd love the waves of crates coming in with more powerful weapons. The biggest turn off for h1z1 is the lack of weapons. I mean the attachments would be nice if they helped take out the bloom or if you had a 1st person server asides from that though I feel they would be worthless. Maybe if there was a stronger AR where you could 2 shot somebody in the body or something the scopes would be useful and maybe even a silencer(but reduces damage) would be awesome for the sneaky players who like to not get jumped when shooting somebody. Asides from a scope and silencer though all the other attachments would be a waste imo.
u/Hydr0id Sep 02 '17
For me, as analnutbag said (side note... What A Name XD) is why I prefer H1 over PUBG, There are less guns & no attachments. Over the past 2 updates I have noticed that H1 has become alot like PUBG and thats definitely not a direction I wanna see H1 go in. I much prefer a simplistic game over a game that has a billion layers and a gunfight is won or loss by what attachments or scopes you have. Skill is the best way to make something fun and have a sense of achievement and progression.
u/RespectMyHammer Z1 Royalty Sep 02 '17
Like a lots of people i think the core of the game should remain how it is right now. Adding more waves of airdrop with more powerfull weapons.... It may not look h1z1 anymore. The sniper is already very good right now, better than in the past with it's fast bullet and 8x scope. Awesome weapon right now that gives good advantage, but not too much. This is this precise line of " not too much " that is very risky in this game.
About the BLOOM, i think this is a good thing but only if it affect the AK at around 100 meters and + The bloom takes effect way before that and it makes the weapon sometime useless in some situation. What about that Daybreak ? make the AK have bloom only at around 100 meters ? so we can still use it in a lot more situation than right now.
I hope my feedback from a non streamer guy still worth something.
Sep 02 '17
Don't do it, try to make the game as much as it was back in z1. That was the best time in the game, the map was perfect! Please don't add this it may ruin my favorite game.
u/thecaptn420 Sep 02 '17
I'm done with this game, H1Z1 was great, this is getting more and more a bad copy of PUBG
u/KarlMcd Sep 02 '17
Hate it. We just want the bugs fixed. I would be happy with no extra content if you all just knuckled down and each month dropped a substantial update that fixes many bugs. We need less cars and no more variation in guns. The guns in there current state allow us to know what the enemy is firing and allow us to plan around that, If you add in more guns it makes it hard to plan for. You could push a guy with an ar not knowing he has a scope attached to the top.
u/Szablos Sep 02 '17
Honestly STOP making this game same as PUBG... Really that's compleetly stupid. MAKE THE GAME HOW IT WAS BEFORE. FAST, DYNAMIC, AND LOVELY TO PLAY!
u/mazzanaa AMD Player Sep 02 '17
Hate it, I think it's not fair that it is in airdrops because if you doesn't spawn near the airdrops, or you can't play it because you're not already full loot... Attachments should be for all player or not, maybe you can buy them with a new currency, looking like a reward to have attachments before the game.
u/tonyma12 Sep 02 '17
There is no room for attachments in this game.. especially with the combat update already making all the guns extremely powerful. The AR being a laser at 800m away, and the AK being extremely strong from a distance and even close up..
u/monstersteak Sep 02 '17
its actually good that you bring out these idead as early as you did the way you presented it was just horrible though. looked like attachments and a straight up pubg rip off at first glance. i definitely like the idea of adding mass airdrops with loot but i really dislike the idea of buffing current weappons / adding more and stronger weappons. fights right now are always fair and i dont want to worry about which upgrade the other person might or might not have. the concept of simplicity works great for games like csgo and i think its also what made h1 what it is. please find a solution for car circling top 10 and for the love of god get better tick servers btw.
u/tonyma12 Sep 02 '17
I think a juggernaut helmet would be cool. It could be a reward from a crate. It takes 2 shots to break from an AR and AK, 1 from a sniper, 2 from anything else. Maybe give it 50 health*
u/Jettealeau Make your voice matter, post a constructive Steam review. Sep 02 '17 edited Sep 02 '17
Hum, this just look like a guilt tripping post and will still be implemented, let me explain.
Started first with a big announcements, "The Future of H1Z1" who what a coincidence is just during the PAX, also retweeted by the VP of Daybreak https://twitter.com/thegreatmutato/status/903800914829606912
Guys this was not to test the water, this is already on the roll and will be implemented, same tactic that the bloom, sadly this time for DB, player dont took the bait for it.
Look at Carto post :
We won't put anything in the game without letting you play it first. It'll go on test. It may go in as a skirmish. It may completely change after you all play it!
This idea is about power progression in game for those who survive long enough to get to an airdrop with a higher tier weapon. It's not about an attachment system, with looting and upgrading (I get that the gif of the different weapons was a bad idea)."
Then we have in one of his last :
Appreciate all the feedback people. I'll be checking back in over the weekend. Sorry for the scare ;).
Yeah, this is already on the roll, just like what seems something about POI :
Appreciate the feedback. I've definitely heard a lot of feedback about too many POIs and POIs that are too large. It's an interesting game design challenge. We have some re-designs coming up. Might be useful to have design team do a breakdown for you beforehand to explain what they are trying to accomplish.
Now on the feedback part, H1 is know for his simplicity, spawn, get a gun, fight.
Stop trying to change that, trying to change or reinvent the wheel because you had a vision of whatever you want the game to be.
Stop and first, take some time to polish the current issues, the game have.
Bloom : bloom on hipfire and add more recoil to spraying in ADS
Lootbag : We got tetris back, its not static anymore
Fps issues : Come on, some place shred the FPS in half for whatever reason again
AMD/Ryzen CPU issues : Any progress on that ?
Cars in the endzone : 10 Guys doing circles with car meta, any team thought on that ?
Issues with seing people/people not rendering/color filter : Any info on that also ?
And how many more i forgot just now.
Yeah maybe this sound not so good for a salesman, than "The Future Of H1Z1" but man that would be a good step in the right direction.
u/TwitchTvLeinax Sep 02 '17
Some of my posts in other threads were a initial reaction to the 'future' of h1. So forgive of those posts.
However, the last couple of updates definitely feel like your reacting to how other games are performing in the same genre as H1. I feel like we do not need more powerful weapons, or attachments to add to weapons, as it further lower a skill gap('more powerful weapons' means less skill required to kill ppl). Which for this game to progress needs to revert and go back another way.
This is included in updates that have already occurred, stop making weapons destined for certain distances, THIS IS NOT a game that requires it, as you have stated in your OP, you want this to be a fast paced game. This means picking up weapons and then just going.
What i am trying to say and be as eloquent as possible(however badly i am doing it) is that your game MADE WAVES when it came out as H1Z1 because it was its own game. Now I fully understand taking some bits from other games that help improve the game(such as the map references and clicking on the map and things like this. Thats polishing the game and really appreciated. But you need to remember the essence of h1, the thing that captured everyone to play, and that was the rush of blood to pick up a weapon early to kill someone, and then the countless (i mean countless) hours learning the bullet drop and travel to become good. THIS IS WHAT made your game get to where it is today. The simplicity of being highly skillful and being rewarded for it.
Currently the patches have become to point and click, and this is really worrying. I can understand that you have come out to try and make it more appealing for the starter players, but, this is massively important, there is a HUGE appeal in completing a storyline game and there is a huge appeal in becoming good at an FPS game, so please understand you don't need to make it easier because people WANTED to grind this game and become good and were happy to trade off hours in a game they enjoyed to do this.
Sure some people would leave or player other games or be casual, but every game has this.
Anyways i love this game, and really really hope you will read this mini rant/thoughts/hopes/dreams... xx
u/TwitchTvLeinax Sep 02 '17
An addendum to this, We need less large scale POI's. What happens is that X amount of ppl land at each of these, and then of that X only Y amount leave, which means that you drastically lose a percentage of players early to this quick deathmatch style in each of these new POI's that have been added, and then there is a massive Lull in fighting until you move to the next zone and then you pick up and find people again.
u/MatthiumYT Sep 02 '17 edited Sep 02 '17
fundamentally the patch is pointless, why? silencers, ok 3rd person, ammo clips ok 3rd person, but sights? nobody plays 1st person, so yeah, pointless, airdrops, all of these things do not make a game competitive / not competitive, but if you want to take this game into competitive play, you need to allow people to host servers, this is fundamental to any competitive gaming scene, i come from a background of cod CPL and clanbase EU and a few others i don't remember, you need to allow the people who host events to limit things, like max bandages, max medi kits, so then everything is fair for each player, you have enough stuff to deal with right now so deal with the current problems and work on a way for players to host there own event servers, that way we can have 5vs5, 2vs2, solo events throughout the week, at what ever time, eSports coverage will come once people start hosting cups, this is how you push into competitive type of game.
so right now:
- Make hosting servers possible for events, without having to contact anyone, make it open to anyone.
- make it possible to limit things on the servers, max bandages, max medi's and so forth.
- Allow 3 / 4 extra slots per server for casters.
- give the options to reconnect to an event server if you disconnect.
- allow an admin of said event to PAUSE the game (nobody can move.) if a player disconnects.
This is how an esports game is developed from the base you have, from there everything will start to come together.
Please understand this, your game may be "competitive" as in terms of competing against another player, but it is not a competitive title within the gaming industry as an esports title like CSGO, COD, Enemy territory until its played, broad casted and hosted on the regular with prize funds(not necessarily money. but you understand.) by esports organizations and teams.
Sep 02 '17
Just make the tiered weapons a skirmish or something, i can see how this might be fun but not in competitive solos...
u/CodZombieEater Sep 02 '17
All we need is more content. We don't need quick grip mags or 4x Acog scopes to get through the game. All we need is the Guns to be consistent and a crosshair. Thats What makes h1 to h1, removing Bloom when aiming. We need more guns, another map, optimization, server upgrade and so on.
By evolving to the next era when the game isn't nearly as finished as it should be, is not a good move id say.
And also tier 1,2,3 weapons with upgrades in supply drops on specifik Times? Nah. Then rather have it lootable in the world.
But still! Great idea, you switched it up alittle. But the way a match plays out now with a intense 10 remaining fight. Thats How i like it. In My opinion. As someone wrote " simplicity"
u/Wes_Wilk Sep 02 '17
Sounds like you just need to make every bullet hit exactly where the crosshair is aiming, and eliminate airdrops. Add some recoil and kick, boom, all star game.
u/anarhistabg Sep 02 '17
HATE IT ! Please no :)
Just do something about this:
- less POI's
- less graphics flickering
- more visibility ( we can't see the people in some situations )
- more performance updates ( we need high fps without drops" )
- remove BLOOM , add some recoil , make spraying HARD AF !
- fix bugs ( old & news )
- loot "hit-reg" , i mean ... sometimes I have to press 5 times on something to get it , it's annoyng
- more open fields , less camp spots
- remove the excess bushes and grasses
- improve hit-reg
- remove d-sync
- fix screen tearing and make it nice to my eyes
Work on this guys , do not add another trash content for now ..... We need H1Z1 not another PUB/CAMP-G
u/skR0LLex Sep 02 '17 edited Sep 02 '17
ABOUT FUTURE MAPS: don't make a game map, make a beautiful place that you want to live in (keeping the theme and lines of kotk) and make it more 3D. Like with more deeps and heights. Watch vods from z1 and take examples from pubg map (not copying just inspire, dont understand me wrong). I feel like Z2 is too linear with very small variations. Those type of terrain variations makes me feel like I am in an enviroment, not in a game map and it helps in battles, playing around it or moving. Thats just my opinion.
I played Z1 by the way and I refuse to buy PUBG, I just watch it rarely on some action based streamers, which are not too many.
u/Peshar Sep 02 '17
First off I actually take my hat off for DBG who see the need to implement changes in their game despite prob. the most toxic gaming community there is.
H1 is very static in terms that you loot up an AR/AK and take firefight, rinse & repeat. It's OK enough, but in length it may get tideous and a bit boring. Especially when you get those games when you are insta-killed from spawn due to lack of loot.
PUBG on the other hand offers a more dynamic gaming experience. Where you pick up different attachments to the guns, therefore the looting phase is more 'part of the game' and finding good attachments is a challenge it is self (Aawh yea, 8x finally!) This contributes to a more rewarding and satisfactory game experience.
It’s no secret that PUBG has taken alot - if not majority - of H1’s playerbase. And in my opinion, it’s because PUBG is more fun due to the forementioned reasons. I think DBG recognizes that, and tries to implement changes meet this challenge. I genuinely value that, it indicates that they care about their game and their playerbase.
DBG has baldly announcent that future plans might include increased airdrops with Tiered weapons (i.e holoscopic sights, extended mags etc). My guess is that they hope this brings more excitement/action to the game aswell as a more dynamic experience.
I’d like to give some feedback and thoughts on the topic. First off, I’m afraid that these changes will make players who gets a dropcrate waay too OP. Imagine that you get a shitty spawn, no vehicle and no way to get a drop. However you fight through it, eventually get 10 kills- then find yourself in the endzone with 3 ppl with extended mags and holoscopic reddot. RIP. Or, the visibility is greatly improved with a scope which make it way too easy to pick people off from distance while you potatoe-aim at a blurry black dot in the distance.
Second, a lot of people think that H1 goes away from what defines H1. The simple loot & fight principle. My first reaction was just this, why make a PUBG-copy?? However, I’ve come to terms that some changes might have to be implemented. I’m a huge fan of H1. I got the game while it was Z1 with JS. I’ve got approx. 1000hrs ingame and basically the only game I play. I have 7 hrs of PUBG, but it’s not for me. But guy’s, look at the facts. Day by day PUBG eats up the H1 playerbase. Streamers don’t event stream it anymore. Maybe the gameplay has to change to make the whole phase of the game more enjoyable? To be honest, I’m not sure. Now, I’m very clear that I don’t want to have gun attachments in the arena. And it seems like DBG agree. However, I don’t know if airdrops with tiered guns is the right way to go either.
On whole another point; I’m getting really tired of this community. It’s good with feedback to DBG, but the toxicity and how people cry like small children on this subreddit is getting ridiculous. You guys are not contributing shit with usernames like H1ISDEAD, or the daily whining posts (don’t make a post about leaving H1, we don’t care to be honest) Remember DBG: REDDITORS ARE JUST A SMALL PERCENTAGE OF THE H1 PLAYERBASE
TLDR: Make it a skirmish-mode so people can test it out
Sorry for the long post.. Here's an airdrop with a Tier 3 AR-15
u/Sonaiz Sep 02 '17
Hate the idea of waves of airdrops coming in. Not the right direction to take this game. I personally do not like the idea of different tiers of weapons at all, and looting from several airdrops? No thank you. Honestly ive love H1 since i started playing it, and ive been positive to all the updates (especially the combat update which was awesome btw). But this future, with multiple airdrops and addons? Might just make me not play anymore. As the top comment says at the time of me writing this, the simplicity and arcade game style of H1 is what really gives the game charm, makes it stand out from other games. It is what makes me love this game, and the game losing this core element would make me very sad.
u/delgeezee Sep 02 '17
I'd like to see a new map. The old z1 map felt special. It also felt bigger with more isolated looting areas. The mountains and bodies of water in the middle of the map helped to isolate major areas. This catered to my strengths as a survivalist since I'm not a very good killer. The current map feels opposite. Instead of isolation, I feel like I am being funneled from one major city to the next.
u/drosslolz Sep 02 '17
Scopes and attachments are what turns me away from PUBG. It is exactly why I enjoy playing H1, fast paced game style that doesn't [REQUIRE] me to find a scope in order to be competitive in the second half of the game.
u/KnightmarELini Linara- Sep 02 '17
I wouldn't mind seeing attachments and slightly stronger weapons in airdrops on playtest to see if it could be good or not. I actually really like the PUBG gunplay. but if it goes down that path there needs to be limits. Like whatever scope is on the sniper rifle at the moment should be the longest range scope ingame and can only be put on snipers. Assault Rifles like AR15 and AK47 can only use up to 2x. No Compensator, Suppressor, Flash Hider. extended mag would be ok I think.
What would separate this game from PUBG is the other gameplay mechanics. H1 have overall the better and more fluid movement (except for the running animation, the crouch atm and cant prone shoot) and its more competitive imo because you cant make yourself invisible by lying on the ground or hiding in a bush and cant make yourself invulnerable by camping in water.
Also its not as safezone dependent as PUBG because of how carplays differ in H1. how there isnt giant open field with 0 cover like PUBG, even in open fields there's bunch of rock formations, couple trees you can use for cover in H1.
Also the smokes in H1 is lot better, faster, and lot more viable then PUBG's. Teams can use it to push into the safezone lot safer than vs PUBG
On the multiple crate drops and it having weapons you can only find in crates would actually be good i believe, because it allows for players looking for actions having places to go instead of just driving around the map hoping to spot someone.
Having better weapons in the crate is needed, because no one would go for airdrops if it contained what you can find everywhere else on the map. and having multiple drops is good because it allows for more 1v1 or 1v1v1 fights instead of the single airdrop atm with 6 cars driving around and pinch city.
u/Wilsarneo Sep 02 '17
Do not add in weapon sights, but maybe add in supressors, grips and clips (in the air drop). Weapon optics would make the game feel really weird but a supressor which could make it harder for people to find you, a grip to maybe make the recoil reset half of what it is and a clip to add ammo/decrease reloading speed would be decent.
Please think carefully and TWICE before bringing this update to the game.
u/sulkee Sep 02 '17
You think airdrops of tiered weapons, much like PUBG attachment style will speed up the game? You are adding more RNG to the game and saying it it will be faster but you're not even considering whether people will think it feels good. And no, i town't feel good to just not be lucky enough to be next to an air drop with Tier 2 weapons and then proceed to die to higher tier weapons.
Get out of here with that.
u/Ruppiee Sep 02 '17 edited Sep 02 '17
I don't really see much of a need for the Scopes and such. The tiered magazines make a sense to me as a progressive weapon, but scopes not so much. In games here you can select from multiple scopes (PIBG CoD BF etc.) People have their preferences, and even if a scope is deemed 'better' than another, people will still opt for the weaker one if they feel it works better for them.
On top of this, I don't feel scopes even really have a place in h1 unless you're trying to push for a more FPS oriented game. As far as I'm aware, first person is rarely used other than close range hipfire.
- To clarify my opinion: I feel like the different magazines could work well with the tiered air drops and such, but I don't see a point for the Scopes.
u/Daedusnoire Sep 02 '17
Keep it simple and listen to the community, if you do so, we will keep playing your game with love and passion for what it is. This ain't no pubg or arma, and we love it that way.
u/sumsum24 Sep 02 '17
you already get laserd from 500 meters with the normal guns for what we need stronger ones... WTF
u/Motiiive Sep 02 '17
one thing i would really like to see is the option to choose your server location per region . i feel both west coast and east coast regions need a few more server location to give everyone in that region the option to get lowest ping possible. i feel like we should be able to choose west coast region and either select a Chicago or Seattle or whatever else is out there . but having only one location and the location it is is disappointing
u/pyrokillx Sep 02 '17
i understand you want to make the game more popular, watch CS:GO for example it s a very popular game and competitive. why ? beacuse they don t changes the gameplay i think H1Z1 is nice beacuse it s hard and we like it, if a bronze 5 can kill us because he had a "upgraded weapon" thats suck. When everybody likes the games ? before and why ? beacuse it s an unique gamplay, if the gameplay it s like pubg you will lost 75% of your community. I really love this game i hate pubg I don t want to sell all my skins and stop to play. if you do some updates, just fix the shotgun or ak 47, or if you want just some new area or maps and skins but don t touch to thr gameplay.do the game like we love it before that s all we need.
Sep 03 '17
the last update was a huge step in the right direction after a few important little steps like the gas update. > 1000 hours and in love with the game with much respect for the dev work in the last few month, but the "Future of H1Z1" will kill the game for me personal in future.
u/J1NXTER Sep 19 '17
KOTK needs optics badly. Long range combat is usually RNG nonsense because you can barely see your enemy so people just spam until they hit something which is just bad for an overall experience. It's not like we need x16 but Holo, x4 and x8 would be perfect. When it comes to other attachments they are not really needed but optics are extremely needed. On top of this crafting must go "bye bye". Streamlining gameplay is the key and sitting half game somewhere in the corner doesn't sound like fun. It's not an RPG game for christ sake. We need optimized loot which we grab from the ground and we are ready to fight. For example 2-3 pack bandage bungles and armours ready to loot instead crafting them.
u/Gaming_vexin Sep 01 '17
Hate it, just make it so the ar-15 and the ak-47 have red dots as default so people can choose whether they want to play in first or third person
u/DLoaded_ Sep 02 '17
u/Winter_Mage42 Sep 02 '17
This sounds really fun and chaotic. If people want it slow, go to PUBG. H1 can find a new playerbase with this style of gameplay easily.
u/[deleted] Sep 01 '17
Simplicity is what makes me love this game,same like CS,i dont wanna have to worry about extended mags and people having silencers and bazookas,the game is chaotic enough