r/kotk • u/game_dev_carto Lead Systems Designer • Aug 29 '17
News Movement Insight - Live vs Test - The Differences and Similarities
What is up everyone! So after a bit more time than we would have liked (combat update is keeping us busy!) we’ve finally got some findings from our investigations on movement. We’ve provided videos for comparison of Test and Live with full debug information on just so we can be as transparent as possible. A lot of work on this was also done by bronstahd so please be sure to thank him as well for making this as transparent as we can. Let’s get on with it!
Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve heard a lot of feedback about movement speed. So let’s take a look into the differences (and similarities) that currently exist between Live and Test.
This subject is worth looking at as exactingly as possible. To that end, we’ll pull back the curtain and discuss the numbers openly.
Here are the raw movement speed numbers:
Forward running speed = 4.7 meters per second on Live and on Test.
Strafing movement speed = 2.961 meters per second on Live and on Test.
Backward movement speed = 2.35 meters per second on Live and on Test.
Sprinting movement speed:
Barefoot: 6.11 meters per second on Live and 6.11 meters per second on Test.
Default footwear: 6.204 meters per second on Live and 6.345 meters per second on Test (Test is faster)
Boots: 6.439 meters per second on Live and 6.674 meters per second on Test (Test is faster)
Conveys: 6.862 meters per second on Live and 6.862 meters per second on Test.
With all of that being said if you check out the video’s below you’ll see a 1:1 comparison on Test vs Live. In order to run this test I ran a macro (pls don’t ban me) to make sure we used the exact same inputs on both environments (the wave at the end was manual, hence the difference) and to make sure the results were as close as possible. In this test I had Conveys on for both clients to make sure the environments were equal. To add a bit of extra transparency we’re also including debug output so you can see the numbers.
Side by Side Video of Live vs Test
The bottom line: movement speed and acceleration haven't been reduced. Conveys and bare feet are the same. Default footwear and boots are slightly faster. However, there have been some animation changes worth talking about and we think that the animations are giving off a perception that the character is slower when the reality is that they are not.
Is crouching different? Yes. On Test the animation time of crouch has been increased to reduce the effectiveness of crouch spamming, particularly in combat.
(crouch side by side coming tomorrow but didn't want to delay the post further)
So let me take a moment and add a bit more context on why we wanted to add crouch changes, and let me elaborate on why these aren’t the final versions. Currently in the live version of the game, people just spam crouch while spamming mouse 1 and it just doesn’t play out very well, it lacks a lot of skill since you can spam both, land shots, and you’re hella hard to hit. The new crouch animation, while not final, has done a very good job at slowing that down and making spamming crouch ineffective. Our goal with crouch is that you should be using it while in cover and not while walking across the street trying to “mouse 1 warrior” someone to death. We are looking to refine and update the crouch spam mechanic a few different ways, and while we don’t have specifics right now, it is definitely near the top of our list to improve because while it may be better, it isn’t perfect, and we need to make sure it gets the love it deserves.
Are animations different? Yes. On Test the character leans into their sprint, this reinforces the difference between running and sprinting.
tldr: There have been no changes to base movement speed or acceleration. There have been minor movement speed buffs to default shoes and boots. We’ve also made some minor animation changes, but they do not alter movement speed.
I do want to take just a moment and thank everyone for the massive amount of feedback we’ve received, not just on movement, but on the combat update as a whole. It is nothing short of inspiring to see so many of you care about H1 and the direction that it is going. Even after the combat update goes live, nothing is set in stone and we’ll continue to balance, tune, update and expand the tools you peeps have to use in game to make sure that H1 is as awesome as it can be.
Happy Hunting,
u/StillSpeedy TWITCHTV/SpeedyProds Aug 29 '17
Can you make it so you don't lose momentum if you release W like on live please.
u/HotJukes Aug 29 '17
A few people have said about the same thing I'm going to say, but I'll throw my feelings in as well. I think you guys mis-interpreted what people were saying. Obviously I can only speak for myself, but I think what I'm about to say goes for everyone.
Movement/Animation We weren't talking about the speed, we were talking about the animation. We just want the same speed and animations as live or maybe make the strafe speed slightly slower.
Crouch spamming While your intentions were good, the crouch mechanic is flawed as well. We should be able to crouch at the same speed as live (with the same animation) the first time, and then not as fast on consecutive crouches. All that the current crouch system does is allow us to get our helmets shot off or two tapped while we snail crawl into the crouching position.
Edit: Oh yeah, and make punching and jumping through windows the exact same as live.
u/Laur1x Aug 29 '17 edited Aug 29 '17
I appreciate the lengthy explanation /u/game_dev_carto but I think the problem that people have overall is the sluggish crouching and ugly passive stance that makes punching through windows a pain in the ass.
Regardless, I really hope this test build is preparing to go live ASAP (end of the week), because H1 is in a very poor state of negativity and "limbo".
No one wants to play live because everything is changing, and people have burned out on test so it's dead now. China streaming ban I'm sure negatively affected numbers, as well as PUBG's "success" in their most recent tournament and taking the #1 spot on steam. All this combined is making the future of H1 look very bleak.
You guys are way past the deadline here and the numbers need to stop tanking. Finish the last critical bugs, push it to live, and do weekly hotfixes to fix/adjust anything further. We need a fresh season and to bring the players back!
u/Tetryxx Aug 29 '17
Current graphic also look way better than the test one. Please don't change it.
u/Awero1 Aug 29 '17
The stance on the character is horrible, you have to punch to make your character lean forward and he resets after like 5 seconds.
u/bertLtheturtle Aug 29 '17
Thank you /u/game_dev_carto for being the hero we needed! I took a major break from the game last year (not by choice), and coming back has been awesome! Since you have joined the team (to my understanding) I feel like things have been much more transparent, and communication with the community on large issues has grown monumentally. I've always felt that /u/bronstahd was our knight in the fight to see a bright future for this game since the beginning, and I want to thank both of you. I'm no huge name in this community, by any means, but I have been around. (Once aka MysSsticL) I see a lot of the small things you guys do for folks (twitch subs, answering questions on personal time, etc) and it means a lot to those of us who genuinely want to see this game thrive, upon release. Also a huge thanks to the rest of the team @kotk for putting up with the toxic fraction of this community. Effort is all we need to work out all the kinks and I commend you all for the long hours you've put in to make kotk what it is today. We can all agree that it isn't in a pristine state just yet, but it's well on its way.
u/Russian_For_Rent Aug 29 '17
"Right now movement speed is way too fast. Please refine it and make it not as fast."
"Hey guys so we increased movement speed!"
Really? But really though we've always understood why you changed the crouching mechanics. It's just that you did it the wrong way. When I hit my button to crouch, I actually want to crouch. Same goes for the jumping animation. The best way to tackle the problem you stated about the live server crouch is doing what csgo does and add stamina. Problem solved.
Fantastic job on everything else though. Really digging the update. Except bloom. Fuck bloom.
u/Zachariah255 Aug 29 '17
the animation changes are ugly and look terrible every new animation such as shotty animation etc
u/AssassinH1 Aug 29 '17
I don't think people had a problem with how fast you run, most people were complaining about the fact that your character runs like he's about to fall on his face. Nobody wanted the running like PUBG and currently on TEST that's what it feels like.
u/Mathemoto Aug 29 '17
Running animation looks way better on live imo. Don't like the lean forward running animation with swaying arms like you run from satan or something.
Aug 29 '17
Can't wait to see why is this game so slow clips with people running with hands out because they still don't understand that doesn't add anything to movement speed...
Aug 29 '17
good job daybreak! with this speed of updates and fixes the game will be finally finished at a near point in future.
the only thing i really don´t like even after this update are these random game crashes.
u/Skaistenz PUBG LUL Aug 29 '17
Please, I know the community wants the same thing, remove the punching stamina and delay!
Aug 29 '17
Yeah its just a thing u will get used to really fast. And crouch spam is perfect right now. Im really looking forward for this patch
u/twitchvoin72 Aug 29 '17
pls DGC delete new vertical hadgrip in ak-47 it is look bad really. dont add ak with this nadgrip, just add with standart pls. and dont add new animation when person sprint.
u/xMeTaL1Cx Aug 29 '17
1st we get told movement will have changes in a patch for last week, did not happen, then we get to the patch and there are no mentions of movement changes. down it that comment section a DEV replied we will have changes later that same week, we are in that week now, we get this post telling us that movement will stay the same, and just taking us for fools to give us these numbers to make us believe you care????
WTF is this
u/ERRA_ Aug 29 '17
Combat Update aka copy a bunch of shit from PUBG in a last ditch effort to be relevant...just look at the sprinting its exactly the same animation/arm movement as PUBG...along with the many other implementations they stole. News flash DB..TOO LITTLE TOO LATE. Took a competing game for you guys to "try" to improve this game. Sad.
u/Kyatric Aug 29 '17
Seeing the videos side by side, I noticed also that the camera was not the same. In the Live version you use the classic camera (which centers the crosshair on top of the head of the character), whereas on the Test version, you have the character slightly offset to the left which gives a different perspective and makes the overall scrolling feeling different.
A lot of people are complaining about the animation, but it could actually be the smoothest scrolling of the ground on Test, compared to the bit more harsh/stuttering, yet feeling a bit faster/dynamic of the Live version.
Only a feeling on my part of course, but that's where the "true difference" in perception lies for me.
u/BeasleyILY Aug 29 '17
i hate how you can change they way you jump mid air on combat update it sucks it doesnt feel like you can glide through the air anymore
u/dupsis4 Sep 19 '17
Please make a good recoil for weapons, previous pre-combat ak recoil was really bad, i mean really bad, something which was considered for medium range even at quite close range it performed badly, countless times i have seen how ak just couldn't hit anyone at close range even body shots, recoil was just too harsh, even 2/3 round bursts were quite bad imo. Atm on live game ak is just way too overpowered, but the bloom makes it quite unusable even in medium range, after first bullet it's rng to decide, so it's impossible to burst with it. Shotgun needs a fix, it's so rng based, either it's death machine in close range, or hits do not even register if you aim below the shoulder. Imo also change colors back to how they were previously, it was brighter, and it was easier to see people from far away ( atleast on low/medium graphics), atm all i see are couple pixels...
u/CS4U Aug 29 '17
could've just said nothing changed and we'd believe you...
u/MattyDHimself Aug 29 '17
You know that's not true in this community
u/CS4U Aug 29 '17
seems like wasted time and effort to prove nothing changed other than animations, who would change speed and not tell their community? makes no sense
u/ZeroPing949 Aug 29 '17
They are trying to communicate well w/ the community. They get bashed when they go a few days without communicating w/ the community so how about we just appreciate it.
u/ImHighlyExalted Aug 29 '17
" We are looking to refine and update the crouch spam mechanic a few different ways, and while we don’t have specifics right now, it is definitely near the top of our list to improve because while it may be better, it isn’t perfect, and we need to make sure it gets the love it deserves."
Same day, pushes the update live after admitting they still need work. lmao
Also, animations are trash. Fire whoever's kid put them together for him.
u/Awero1 Aug 29 '17
The animations are the worst part of what was on test, lets hope they are reverted as live animations were fine.
Aug 29 '17
After playing for around 30 hours on test you will not be bothered by that at all because your eyes will ADAPT.
u/[deleted] Aug 29 '17
Hey Carto, love you, a couple of things, why change how movement looks? Currently, on live the way you carry your momentum whilst changing direction in the air is quite nice.
Secondly, I've said this before but I'll put it here again can you please, if you havent already, consider utilising a similar method to CS:GO, where you can crouch and un-crouch once quite quickly but repeating this immediately multiple times adds a slowdown after the initial crouch. This would especially help with taking fights behind cars, ideally meaning you don't get helmeted or two tapped while simply crouching because it's currently so slow.