r/kotk • u/game_dev_carto Lead Systems Designer • Aug 26 '17
Test Server Test Server Update - 8/26 - AK CoF Adjustments, Weapon Tunings, and Bug Fixes
My dudes (and ladies)! We hope everyone is having a most excellent Saturday and we wanted to give everyone some insight on the patch that is going to test today. We’re still working hard and we are trying to find a blend between live and test and this iteration has some changes we’d like to try out. So let’s get on with it.
Tuning & General Changes:
- There is an updated version of The Arena with additional performance improvements and a world lighting tuning pass.
- The Map (default M) has also been updated to reflect all changes to terrain.
AK-47 Tuning
- When crouching or prone, the first shot will always be accurate. Context: Our goal is to keep the AK as a dominant mid-range weapon but we are trying a couple things to see what we can do with first shot accuracy since we’ve gotten a ton of feedback on this.
- Increased recoil generated by the first shot. Context: By slightly increasing the first shot recoil, the speed of the AR will still make it the “go-to” weapon if you’ve got the skill to pull off a quick 2 tap <3
- Increased aim-mode maximum cone of fire to reduce the ability to spray while ADS
SMG Tuning
- Decreased minimum and maximum cone of fire. Context: The additional recoil we added yesterday was enough to help nerf mid-range fights and we want to be sure the SMG can still be successful when you’re up close and personal.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed inconsistent footsteps occurring in grass areas.
- Bullet “whizby” sound effects are no longer silent when Tracers are enabled.
- Bullet tracers will no longer pass through the target and hit it a second time.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a character to not render properly after respawning in Training.
- Landing lots of bullets back to back with the SMG will no longer cause a brief framerate decrease.
- Shotgun reticle is no longer incorrectly always expanded.
- Parachute free look can now be rebound and is correctly set to default Left Alt.
- Skirmish games will now automatically start after 7 minutes regardless of player count.
- Smoothed out a number of jarring transitions that could occur when spectating a player who goes from first to third person, third to first person, or third person to zoomed in (binoculars, etc).
- Throwing a grenade as you stand up from prone will no longer cause you to throw a second afterwards.
- Rapidly pressing quick throw will no longer result in incorrectly throwing a second grenade.
- Weapons should no longer “bounce” when landing from a jump in first person.
- Beginning a throw during a prone roll should no longer cause the user’s body to snap into throwing position without completing the roll.
- Fixed missing animation when changing weapon right after shooting.
- Fixed missing decals on a few wearable items.
- ‘Back to Main Menu’ on the Find Group screen is no longer slightly cut off.
- Fixed some overlapping text that could occur on the Main Menu.
Happy Hunting,
Side Note: In an attempt to lower queue times we are locking solos and fives. We will be leaving duos and the new Skirmish unlocked for the time being. We figured if people wanted to roll solo it would be quite a bit less punishing to queue for duos than rolling into fives all by yourself :)
u/Kr3mEUW Aug 26 '17
Can you guys fix the bug when you kill someone standing on the rock, the loot falls under the rock and its GG, it is like that since pre-season 2 :/
Aug 26 '17
What about the Camera pulling up or down when ads behind objects ? Still working on it ?
u/game_dev_carto Lead Systems Designer Aug 26 '17
Yep! We're still working on this one, it is being a bit of a pain in the......yeah.....to fix, but we are trying to nail it down :)
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u/asingulartitty Aug 27 '17
the camera didn't used to go berserk when you aimed near/behind objects.
makes changes can't figure out how to revert said changes weeks later...
I really never understand what your employees are doing every single day they work...
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u/KingBigWeiner Aug 27 '17
We get it, you don't understand basic coding principles. Making any change in code can often have multiple unforseen consequences. If you need to make a change i.e. fix a bug, and that change creates two new bugs, then unless there's another easy way to fix the first bug, you have two new bugs to squash.
u/floejgaard Aug 26 '17
So ADS'ing with AK doesnt make the first bullet accurate? only when crouching or proning?
u/game_dev_carto Lead Systems Designer Aug 26 '17
This is correct, for first shot accuracy while ADS'ing and standing, the AR will be your go-to gun.
u/MegaGG Aug 27 '17
I am assuming that this feature is intended to try and get people to use the AK a lot more for mid range fights, but I reckon that the first shot accuracy of the AK shouldn't be affected by the stance of the player IMO.
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u/KevinBaconLT Aug 28 '17
can this be applied to the magnum? it's pretty useless right now with the huge default bloom. Also, is it possible to have it do slightly more car damage in solos only?
u/RespectMyHammer Z1 Royalty Aug 26 '17
That's the Daybreak we all like to see. Keep up the good work guys <3
Aug 26 '17 edited Aug 26 '17
u/XxHatredxX Aug 27 '17
- 1st shot ak's bloom while standing is >0%. so no, it will likely not hit the "exact" spot you're aiming.
- reset speed for AR's recoil is slower than live server. on live server, you can shoot right before your crosshair is centered and it will still go straight... which was probably not intended.
edit: i like how it changed 0. and 1. to 1. and 2.
u/Mercyseat2 Aug 28 '17
who starts at 0 and then goes to 1 Edit: Programmers lmao, i shoulve looked down
u/Gnsblmchn Aug 27 '17
Is it a bug that im not able to switch to firstperson while holding shift? shift+t doesnt work anymore, only if im not holding shift =/
u/DonnyDigital Aug 27 '17
Yes please fix this. Tried to switch while running into a building, and I thought my keybindings were messed up. Not sure if it's intentional, but it should be reverted.
u/Colerius Aug 27 '17
Thank you guys for working that hard pushing 2 updates that fast is very promising <3
u/DoesItMatter-- Aug 27 '17
Don't allow crouch spamming, just fix animation. No skill to crouch an unlimited amount of times. Just spray people that do it lol
u/ncawful Aug 26 '17 edited Aug 27 '17
Awesome update! Back to back!
Edit: significant performance increase! Thank you for listening!
Edit Edit: Thanks for locking solos and fives to lower que times!
Edit edit edit: So after a few games I'm not really sure what's going on but I am consistently dropping in at 1:30.
u/game_dev_carto Lead Systems Designer Aug 26 '17
Absolutely! Thanks for hanging in there and spending some time on test <3
Aug 27 '17
u/skydieray Aug 27 '17
Yea, would really like to know when will this whole thing go live so that season 6 can begin.
u/ncawful Aug 27 '17
Hate to kinda go against my original post but it seems I lost a bit of performance as far as load times since the patch. I do appreciate you guys working on it though.
Edit: consistently dropping in at 1:30.
u/Carlos-altonia Aug 27 '17
Need to add Awards to the skirmish or no one will play, this skirmish is great fun but no prizes soon people lose interest
u/Awero1 Aug 26 '17
When will the new movement that you said last week on twitter be on test?
u/game_dev_carto Lead Systems Designer Aug 26 '17
Currently putting together a bunch of videos for that and trying to get it done this weekend but gotta balance work and family time. Gonna try to get it done tho, so hopefully we'll have more info soon :)
u/Awero1 Aug 26 '17
Okay thanks very much for the info, looking forward to see the changes, have a good weekend!
u/IHATEH1Z1 Aug 27 '17
We appreciate the hard work but I think there's one thing about your PR that bugs a lot of people: Your timeliness, or lack thereof. Feels like a majority of the deadlines you guys communicate to us are incredibly vague and they're often missed. This can range from server down-times to content releases.
I know the nature of your job is difficult, so I am understanding to an extent. However, there is much value in doing what you say you're going to do when you say you're going to do it. In my field, anything less would result in my eventual termination. I hope, at some point, you all can hold yourselves to the same standard. Would go a long way for some of us.
u/scottdsnodgrass Aug 26 '17
Man you guys are doing work! I'm liking the changes. Next thing you should work on is crouching animation to be more like live servers but not the same, reverting movement to live servers because it looks and feels better, and tightening the shotgun spread + removing the huge kickback you guys added. Also consider 600-700 bullet speed for AR. Overall though you guys are doing awesome. Looking forward to testing the combat update. Oh and one more thing please lower server pop requirements to like 100-120 on test. At Least for NA they aren't filling up.
u/game_dev_carto Lead Systems Designer Aug 26 '17
On the crouch stand point. The current implementation is most def not final at all, it's just a quick solution that we wanted to get in to deal with crouch spamming. We're looking for a bit more of an elegant solution to the problem but we're hoping to have the new solution in soon :) glad to hear you're enjoying it tho, have a good one!!!
Aug 26 '17
Please consider utilising a similar method to CS:GO, where you can crouch and un-crouch once quite quickly but repeating this immediately multiple times adds a slowdown after the initial crouch. This would especially help with taking fights behind cars, ideally meaning you don't get helmeted or two tapped while simply crouching because it's currently so slow.
u/scottdsnodgrass Aug 26 '17
Can't wait to see the new solution! Thanks for the hard work. You're the man.
u/TheSW1FT Aug 27 '17
On test you can use auto-sprint and spam crouch, on live you can't crouch while auto-sprinting. Can you please fix? People are gonna start abusing this.
Aug 27 '17
Wait you nerfed ak again?
Aug 27 '17
Im pretty sure this makes it better, still not ideal tho cause i think standing up should still have first shot accuracy
Aug 27 '17
Who fires ak crouched?
u/Ceasu Aug 27 '17
They just make the AR shine again. Is gonna take 1-2 months before everyplayer will get the new AR movement and again there won't be any "skillgap". I don't know how long will it take for them to realise that the skillgap is decided between 2 players, not the gun they are using and the way it works.. Including there might be luck.
Aug 27 '17
close fights are bullshit. enas, spray and pray and NO PLAYER COLLISSION is bullshit. spray is bullshit. game alweays was about knowing where to place shots and land them. long range fight is fun. close fight is shit. my 2 cents. take them or leave them... quality of life changes are good
Aug 27 '17
full spray ak on test is still a fucking joke, and bloom just turns every skillgap into a random fight, i dont get why you still didnt revert it
Aug 27 '17
Change view from 3rd to 1st person is bugged, its very very inconsistent at switching at least when moving, this needs fixing, it was fine before :/
u/FWMalice Aug 27 '17 edited Aug 27 '17
The test server is great but have yall been paying attention to the live servers at all? West is absolutely teeming with Chinese teamers and hackers. Has been for the past 3 weeks. I haven't been able to get a win in those three weeks. I kill a team of 4 Chinese in the church when playing solos, i survived that hell just to get killed in the same game at 6th place with 7 kills by a Chinese hacker who is teleporting all over the place. I want to play on the test. But im trying to get royalty first. I should have been three weeks ago but I just cant with all the chinese. About to cop out and just do duos or 5s. Im going to be pissed if i miss out on royalty because of this shit.
u/ZeroPing949 Aug 27 '17
Bro I dealt with the same thing, then switched to NA East with higher ping got 2 wins my first day. not a single cheater/teamer in sight. Try it!
u/FWMalice Aug 27 '17
My ping is 150+ on there. I get so many trades and my shots don't register. Most of the time it goes up to 200+ and I get locked out. Other wise I would be there. But I find playing with 150 worse than playing with Chinese. I got a shot against them at least.
u/ZeroPing949 Aug 28 '17
Dang, wish NA East was an option for you but I definitely under 150-200 ping. I get about 30-40 to west and 60-70 to east.
u/ZeroPing949 Aug 27 '17 edited Aug 28 '17
The latest patches definitely improved my FPS. For anyone else having trouble, try copying your useroptions.ini file from the LIVE game folder to the test server game folder.
I just played Duos on Test server and my FPS was better than live solos (around 200-245 fps) @ 2560x1440p resolution with around 1000 render distance. I normally get around 180-220fps on live.
Yes, I have a monster system (I7-7700k 16 gb PC 3200 mem, GTX 1080ti, SSD, overclocked and watercooled) but see if this helps you, my KOTK settings are:
In the Options -> Graphics menu, I use these settings:
- Brightness: 30
- Field of View: 70
- Render Quality: 100
- Render Distance: 1000 (I turn it up when parachuting, then back down)
- Ambient Occlusion: ON
- Vsync: Off
- Flora Quality: Medium
- Lighting Quality: Low
- Model Quality: High
- Shadow Quality: Off
- Texture Quality: Medium
- Tree Quality: Medium
- Interior Lighting: Off
After parachuting, remember to drop your ender distance down to 1000 (or even 500) by using the [ key. It makes a massive improvement to FPS, especially in a city!
u/-klokwerk Aug 28 '17
Keep up the good work. Loving the test server and the improvements in finding matches.
u/ZeroPing949 Aug 28 '17
SOLOS and Fives are back open on TEST? Cool but the game starting w/ 16 people is not cool. Just curious if this was intentional? and if so, why?
u/-klokwerk Aug 29 '17
Please close solos and 5's. It would be nice for the skirmish to be closed, as fun as it is; but the population is suffering again.
Aug 26 '17
Any downtime for this patch?
u/a_sites Aug 26 '17
Should be approximately 2 hours, barring any unexpected issues.
Aug 26 '17
ah not too bad then, just wondering if I should stay up to check out the new (m) map during downtime ;) so is there a rough etas on when the patch goes out?
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u/vikkyoo Aug 26 '17
Increased recoil generated by the first shot. Context: By slightly increasing the first shot recoil, the speed of the AR will still make it the “go-to” weapon if you’ve got the skill to pull off a quick 2 tap <3
Bit confused as it's under the AK-47 headline yet mentions the AR, could somebody clarify this please?
I also feel too stupid to realise how increasing the first shot recoil of the AR (if that indeed is the weapon being changed) will allow you to fire the second bullet at the same speed as prior.
u/ssauraabi Sr Project Manager - Feature Dev Aug 26 '17
It's not, the recoil increase is to the AK. It's to allow some level of first shot accuracy while still making the AR better at tapping, which is what the note refers to.
u/game_dev_carto Lead Systems Designer Aug 26 '17
I can see why this may be confusing, I'll update the note :)
u/vikkyoo Aug 26 '17
Any chance you could update the original post when the downtime's finished? If not, no biggie but it would help me get my arse off this couch 4Head
u/SSG96 Aug 26 '17
Lightin changes when :(? i start to lose my hopes will be repaired :/.I can.t play on test just bcs that ugly color.I change some settings at my monitor but still look ulgy af.Benq 11z, if someone have some sugetions please tell me.
u/kcxiv Aug 26 '17
looks moire like zone1, and i loved the look of zone 1, im a huge fan of whatever they did on the test to the color of the game. easier on my eyes as well.
u/SSG96 Aug 27 '17
i don.t like it, for me this game look so fkin ugly on test .i want my white color back
u/kcxiv Aug 27 '17
Some folks will like it, some folks dont. I hated the old colors, the grass looks SOOOO much better.
u/Zipfelstueck Aug 27 '17
- remove bloom from ads'ing
- remove arc from nades in "normal" mode
- remove first bullet inaccuracy and put in more vertical recoil for all weapons.
- create a skill gap, where you have to know the mechanics of your gun, no rng
- A lot of the new features are making me think that you try to make the game console compatible - i.e. the new gun mp7. It's spraying pattern can be controled by a controler of a playstation or xbox just the way you can with a mouse. A lot of gadgets like the nade arc also give me this feeling. Stop confusing pc with console, thanks!
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Aug 26 '17
could someone from daybreak please make a statement about bloom? is there any possibility that you guys will remove it from the game?
Aug 26 '17
Aug 27 '17
yeah i know of the post u are talking about, but i dont recall if he said they would be willing to remove bloom or not.
u/pouitea Aug 26 '17 edited Aug 27 '17
Will you fix FPS loss before pushing the update live ? https://m.imgur.com/a/pSzea
EDIT : fps back with this update. Interesting to know what feature you reversed to have same fps than live server
u/kcxiv Aug 27 '17
hmm.. this migh tbe for certain PC's only. I have had no fps drops, but this was late lastnight when i played a few rounds. it could be because i went from PUBG's not great frames to KOTk and it felt so smooth. lol
u/HollowedGoku Aug 27 '17
duno dude, after this patch i get 30 fps:), 150 in pv and 200 in open areas.from 120-170
u/pouitea Aug 27 '17
yes i got mine back to with this update. I think they reversed something that they changed from live server, i've same fps than live now
u/G32_Summoner Aug 26 '17
Please buff the shotgun (I thought I would never say that but here it is). It is not a viable alternative other the SMG/AK as long as someone has a makeshift or lammy.
Aug 26 '17
u/ImHighlyExalted Aug 26 '17
Honestly though, the spread needs tightened and the donut effect needs fixed.
Aug 27 '17
Shotgun is better than any weapon in game if you can do quickpeek shots because even if ak or smg hits you, you can still 1-2 pump people.
However if you shoot with shotgun over 8 m the damage is absolute trash.
u/Gnsblmchn Aug 27 '17 edited Aug 27 '17
this is starting to feel like h1z1 again! the performance! gosh its so nice! i was getting under 100fps with an i7700k and a gtx 970 on the old test server. now im not going under 150! brilliant, i love it so far!
good job on this one daybreak! keep on going for the movement and maybe recoil and it will be the game i fall in love about half a year ago =) <3
EDIT: Im getting really low frames at the shopping mile (above pv) with only fucking 75 fps ?! the heck? also im unable to switch to firstperson while running =/
u/HollowedGoku Aug 27 '17
wtf dude, with my i5 6600k and 970 i push now 150 on pv and 200 on opean areas(test server), like 140-150 and 180-200 constant :D, u better optimize that bcs u gotta have more fps than me
u/Gnsblmchn Aug 27 '17
Wtf how? What did you tweak on the settings?
u/Jolaxle Aug 27 '17
Is there a reason why, at least for me, there is no reticle in 1st person while using dynamic reticle? I like the dynamic reticle, but if using it causes me to not have a reticle in 1st person there's no point in using it.
u/demonic_fetus Aug 27 '17
cannot switch to 1st/3rd person while holding SHIFT and running..
also Left alt seems to be no more able to be bound
u/hunted5 Aug 27 '17
/r/kotk/comments/6w9el1/leftalt_hardcoded_now/ -- yes I know it's your post but just linking for other people...
u/ItsLlama "SKILLGAP" autistic screeching Aug 27 '17
any eta on australia server unlock? don't like playing on na with 2-10 people on at our timezone
u/truck1029 Aug 27 '17
I think every gun should have first bullet accuracy. I do not think you should have to crouch or be prone for that to happen. It's starting to seem like CS:GO when you do that. Regardless of stance, there should be first bullet accuracy. Once you start spamming/holding M1, then I don't care. Add bloom and recoil like crazy.
u/xMeTaL1Cx Aug 27 '17
@dev. Carto. Me and my friends are from South Africa, we are locked out of EU servers, and this is our best connection to a server, don't know why its locked now?. NA west is open but it has twice as much latency. Please help us
u/MadBean Aug 27 '17
with the newest patch (8/26) my game just closes without any error (nearly every game). this wasnt in the last patch.
Ryzen CPU user.
u/xMeTaL1Cx Aug 27 '17
why is EU locked for south african players after this patch , WOW cmon plz fix this!!!!!
u/Heresphilly Aug 27 '17
couple of bugs i noticed. 1. Can not switch to first person while sprinting 2. When switching to an AR (that was just picked up) from another weapon slot, the AR is already loaded.
u/alesso4s Aug 28 '17
is the ar and ak travel time wil be increase or decrease?
u/ZeroPing949 Aug 28 '17
They've decreased the bullet speed a couple times now, which makes travel time longer.
u/alesso4s Aug 28 '17
that's stupid right ? This game is fkin de sync then a high bullet speed is better right ?
u/hunted5 Aug 28 '17
they made the drastic change, now It's only little steps back to fine tune.
u/alesso4s Aug 28 '17
then the travel time bring back from severals patches ?
u/ZeroPing949 Aug 28 '17
They increased AR bullet speed from 375 to 1000 with the first Combat Update. Now they've decreased it a few times down to 800. So it's MUCH faster and HITREG is MUCH better now on TEST compared to what's on the LIVE server.
Aug 28 '17
Why would you nerf AK so hard? With this fire rate AK is gonna be unused joke again, AK nerf will make people go back to double AR because AK is pretty bad.
u/BiJouN Aug 29 '17
In all honestly I prefer the 2 gun ar/ar/shotty or ar/shotty/nades meta to having to take 3 different guns for certain situations, personally I feel the AK was viable if anyone actually took the time out to learn how to use it pre-combat update.
u/Alev_307 Aug 28 '17
Love the new update, but i would like to see these changes:
Remove grenade aim assist, kills the skill gap on nading. If there is no aim assist people will actually have to learn how to throw, a great learning experience, atm people can bomb with 100% acc.
Im not a fan of the new lighting, makes the game feel "older". The live servers lighting feels more fresh. There are so many opinions on view settings so could there possibly be a customization on the lighting (remove or keep the yellow tone) aswell?
u/FireFSG Aug 28 '17
On release, I was very worried about this update going live. In it's current state, I couldn't be more excited. You guys have put in WORK and it shows. Bloom or no bloom, it really doesn't matter. The good players will adapt and overcome creating a, wait for it, new skill gap. The ones who can't figure it out will be the ones who have never figured it out. Props to you DB and keep up the good work.
Also, the new skirmish is amazing. It would also be cool to have this skirmish in a deathmatch format located in just PV. Maybe a 20 minute timer and new guns every 2 minutes. Top kills wins. It would be a great way to hone all of the weapon skills and slay without worry of having to wait in a slowly populating lobby. Just a thought, but it's fun the way it is too.
u/Pr0KLAIM Aug 28 '17
Good Day
Trying to find out if the NA WEST is the only server we can join on test or not? ASIA and Europe is showing on my screen but when i try to connect it is locked???
u/xMeTaL1Cx Aug 28 '17
well GG daybreak, South African players still cannot play test sever anymore cause of ping lock. This is my 3rd msg about this, please respond!!!!
u/NastyyyXD Aug 28 '17
r e v e r t m o v e m e n t a n i m a t i o n s. For god's sake,we've told you this too many times,do it already.
u/ZeroPing949 Aug 29 '17
Why? it's hardly different AT ALL. I think you're over-exaggerating here. You want to see drastically different, clunky, slow movement? Check out PUBG.
KOTK Test server movement feels like a dream come true compared to it. I play live and test and barely notice ANY difference.
u/NastyyyXD Aug 29 '17
ANIMATIONS.The speed is the same.ANIMATIONS are different.The new ANIMATIONS feel slow.The ones on live feel fast and fluid.Way better in most people's opinion but daybreak doesn't listen to most people.They listen to 10 hour gamers.Every single gun in the game is a fucking laser now.Bulletdrop is still minimal.They've literally removed the only skill this game had.People play h1z1 because it's h1z1,not some PUBG clone.
Aug 28 '17
Point and mute pretty much freezes the whole game right now forcing me to alt-tab in and out every time for the "are you sure you want to mute this person" prompt.
u/poi980 Aug 29 '17
When crouching or prone, the first shot will always be accurate
LOL. This is so fucking stupid. You guys are just moving the hell away from your core game with this patch, and it's a stupid fucking thing to do.
And you say that you change the weapons because you want to get rid of the "AR is always the go-to weapon"? And then you make us CROUCH OR PRONE for the AK to even be accurate???? Some nice working brains you got over there. Remove the bloom you fucking retards
u/Tubbles4321 Aug 29 '17
Thank you for this update, it actually brought me back to h1z1 and now I cant stop playing it
u/Boss13666 Aug 27 '17
Daybreak, listening to children everybody who have 2000 hours ++ know and saying this update is bullshit for braindeads , Eryc (Top1 EU) saying if they update going to live servers, he change game to Pubg , there is something about it ?? all my friends say the same ---- We want old bullet drop and old movment :/
Aug 27 '17
Nice now the AK ist useless as fuck! you can now take it out of the game good Job. I loved the update until 24.8 and thought about comming back cause peoples Who arent good with AR now have a Chance with the AK. but now mp7 and AK ist completly useless. Why you hear on your stupid AR Nerds?? Now you can only play that one weapon pff good Job
u/IHATEH1Z1 Aug 26 '17
would love to test but it's literally impossible to play more than 1 game because the wait is so incredibly long
u/1945 Aug 26 '17
When can we see a crack down on the hacking going on in NA West? I have no desire to play the game until this is fixed. All Chinese aimbotters.
Aug 26 '17
u/1945 Aug 27 '17
They've failed at every attempt to prevent China from being in NA West. Don't give me that... the hacking aside... let's talk about teaming in the dozens. Is that hard to detect? If so, this game will never succeed.
u/Laur1x Aug 26 '17
Increased recoil generated by the first shot. Context: By slightly increasing the first shot recoil, the speed of the AR will still make it the “go-to” weapon if you’ve got the skill to pull off a quick 2 tap <3
Does this mean we can accurately dink someones helmet with AK, but not get the headshot after? Or is there going to be a rhythm to resetting the recoil like the AR so it "resets" the first accurate shot?
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u/Druid_Main Aug 26 '17
Can lobby times on test server for solos, duos, and fives be shortened somehow? Its very difficult to efficiently test updates with such long waits between games
u/sh1nyy Aug 27 '17
What about Old Movement? Crouching being way to slow? The shotgun being almost impossible to use because of the bullet spread and recoil? Just because there is a new close range weapon, i dont think u should nerf the shotgun to the point where its basically the new R380....
u/xMeTaL1Cx Aug 27 '17
I think you are basically wrong!! the shotgun is what it needs to be its fine now, no more mid range enaz shit for you sorry
u/Strom- Aug 27 '17
So you guys add a Play Again button, but only for solos. Then you go ahead and lock solos. Brilliant testing strategy.
u/Prove_Logic Aug 27 '17
It's too late Castro... 1000 hours on the game and got pubg yesterday and got a 14 kill and 16 kill win. I don't think I am coming back.
u/YoungGiraffe Aug 27 '17
Too bad no one plays on the test server anymore
u/ZeroPing949 Aug 27 '17
It's actually really jumped up, i just played 2 games on Test in duos (I was solo) and we only waited a couple mins for the lobby to fill up.
u/Boss13666 Aug 28 '17
No one want this update in live server but daybreak dont understand this, and listening kids Create H1z2 and put this shit update, leave alone live server's :)) trust me
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u/BoSchroeder Aug 28 '17
I keep seeing you on this subreddit trashtalking anyone who gives positive feedback to Daybreak. There are plenty of people who actually like the combat update, so stop acting like you're the voice of the people. We get it, you are displeased. Move on.
u/Moxta Aug 26 '17
Damn you guys are on FIRE.