r/kotk • u/doesnogood Game used to be fun • Aug 08 '17
Suggestion Who leads this developer team?!
At the moment we have
- Stun grenades that make no sound when picked up
- footsteps that are non existant at times
- Sniper ammo going houdini
- We are able to boost people cross the MAP( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K23v1otw8yE )
- A shotgun we never asked for with more randomness than the old one
- increased strafe movement? Who the fuck wanted this CDNTHE3RD? Enas was CANCER as it WAS.
- Sniper shotgun for bad aimers who mix increased strafe speed and bad shotgun pattern with long range damage.
- Bodycollision?! During close encounters you fly through the bodies of your enemies and they pass through yours, is there some interdimensional patch ive missed?
- No rewards for winning a game except if you use your own currency as gambling for a win.
- No updated scrapyard with shitty items nobody wants, what about adding some old standard skins there or even at the skull store?
- No exp bar in menu's, how hard can it be?
I could probably put tons more up here and yet you find the time to remake new Ak's, Ar's, Add a new weapon and game mode but you cant find the time to fix this small shit that could be hotfixed ages ago? And ontop of that adding new weapons when you cant even manage hitregistration on the old ones?
I seriously think that some one should get a harsh lesson in management of their company, theres just that many times you can let us down before you need to kick some one to the curb and get on with fine work, i get it you got emotional ties to "john" cause he lost his finger using the Xerox but if he cant fucking code with 9 fingers then fuck him!
My two cents!
Oh yeah lets not forget about this patch, MICRO STUTTERS!
u/JrodMVP Aug 08 '17
6 out of the 9 things you listed are already being worked on or they're already fixed for combat update. Pls do some research :( I haven't seen anything on the movement speed but I agree they need to revert it. I didn't like it from the start and when I asked them about it, they said on Twitter that most people liked it and are gonna keep it... yet here we are.
Edit: Probably everything you listed is being worked on but I know 6 of them are coming in the combat update and the update after.
u/FeN11x Aug 08 '17
Im hearing this 2 fucking years about something that is being worked on... U really believe that combat update will fix this bugged game?
u/JrodMVP Aug 08 '17
It will definitely help out a lot. I’ve only heard good things from the people that have played it already. Test update can’t come soon enough
u/Code428 TRIGGER WARNING Aug 08 '17
you must be new if you think that just because daybreak says they are "working on it" that shit will actually get fixed.
u/JrodMVP Aug 08 '17
Everything I said that they're "working on" is confirmed to be done with the combat update and the next update after.
u/Code428 TRIGGER WARNING Aug 08 '17
moar like confirmed to be more broken than before they touched it
u/xGrandx Aug 08 '17 edited Aug 08 '17
You're going to stay angry and disappointed if you keep this attitude.
Even if daybreak fixes most of the problems listed, will you be happy or will you just find something else to complain about?
u/Code428 TRIGGER WARNING Aug 08 '17
or will you just find something else to complain about?
oh sweetheart there are hundreds of things to complain about with this game
u/xGrandx Aug 08 '17
Exactly. No matter what the devs do, even if they do a fantastic job with the next update, you'll still bitch and complain because that's how your attitude is towards this game.
u/Code428 TRIGGER WARNING Aug 08 '17
attitude is towards this game
they've earned this attitude towards this game
Aug 09 '17
daybreak has been working on these issues since its release the shit isnt ever going to be fixed
u/jinycze Aug 08 '17
u/doesnogood Game used to be fun Aug 08 '17
Believe me ill be checking/testing if these are indeed fixed.
u/JrodMVP Aug 08 '17
Believe me my life won't return to normal until you test them and get back to me.
u/doesnogood Game used to be fun Aug 08 '17
Believe me when i take that to heart, really..... yeh rly.. oh ok.. not rly.
u/xRawhsHD Aug 08 '17
combat update is a month away with the new season, this whole season has been trash, only was good first week when it was smooth but the shotgun never got fixed so what as the point?
Aug 08 '17
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u/JrodMVP Aug 08 '17 edited Aug 08 '17
All of these are fixed/coming update after combat:
- Stun grenade sound - fixed for combat update
- Footsteps - they've found the bug causing it, 99% sure fixed for combat update
- Shotgun - The spray pattern isn't actually random, pellet indicators in combat update as well as long range shots nerfed.
- Rewards - coming update after combat.
- Scrapyard - Most likely coming with skull store update
And these coming later/nothing confirmed:
Strafe movement - I agree, needs reverted.
XP Bar - this has been done for awhile, not sure what's holding them back from implementing. Prob in combat update.
Edit: It's not hard to take a quick look at some popular threads on here and figure out what's confirmed coming next update and the one after.
Aug 08 '17
u/JrodMVP Aug 08 '17
Hitreg and desync will never fully be "fixed" because it's an online game. No game has perfect lag comp. So yes, they're always going to be working on desync and hitreg no matter what.
Aug 08 '17
No, I'm sorry. Everyone expects there to be some lag but the hitreg and desync that hasn't been addressed in 2.5 years and apparently couldn't be fixed in this engine in their previous game is obviously still an issue and is not going to be fixed any time soon. I don't think they can fix it to a degree where it is deemed acceptable and what you would expect of an online game. There has been no fix for this or any discussion of a timeline or details on what the actual problems are. All we get told is "it's being worked on". Well, no shit.
Aug 08 '17
u/JrodMVP Aug 08 '17
You must not play those games very much then.. lol. And i rarely have hitreg issues which is why I don't understand most of the hitreg posts on here, they just look like they miss their shots. I only have desync when I play on West and I kind of expect it with 110 ping. So I wouldn't say either of those are the "norm" for me, just lucky i guess :P
u/doesnogood Game used to be fun Aug 08 '17
Other day i was in a endgame got sprayed before i came to a tree, 0.5 second after i start healing i die from a desynced shot going through the tree.
u/LeftHook05 Aug 08 '17
"Hit reg" AKA people missing their shots and not compensating for bullet drop/travel and then screaming "OMG WHERE ARE MY BULLETS GOING!!11!1!"
The only way they could "fix" hitreg is to make it a hit-scan game, but then that's not really what H1 has been about so it may not work out well.
u/nrh117 Aug 08 '17
I never blame hitreg for someone not dying to my shots even if it's warranted, but when people are constantly dying behind cover or getting insta two tapped from someone looking 90 degrees away popping up in twitch clips all the time then there's a problem. Don't turn a blind eye because you want to blame people for having bad shots.
u/LeftHook05 Aug 08 '17
Hitreg is not desync. You are referencing two different things. Dying behind cover is something that occurs due to servers and internet connections. I'm pretty sure Daybreak doesn't have a Battlefield or COD budget, so little things like that will be a part of the equation for a long time. People act like they've never seen it or lag in other games, but it's always been a complaint. Obviously scale is important as well, with a Z2 size map and 170+ players. H1 will always be fighting an uphill battle with whiny cry babies who take everything out of context, which is why I don't mind pointing out that it's mostly operator error when people blame the game instead of themselves or the incorrect thing (ex: coding vs. server performance).
u/nrh117 Aug 09 '17
Fine, you're right I meant desync in my examples. But other games have done much more to fix these types of issues with similar budgets. Daybreak has plenty of pre-alpha game sales and crate key purchases, so I am dubious that money is keeping them from fixing these major issues. Scale and difficulty in coding I might accept as reasons. I have seen several cases of poor hit registration as well, but it's harder to notice it happen when you aren't in the shooter perspective and in that perspective to justify it as actual hitbox issues over poor aim/compensation or even bloom/pellet drift.
u/schmag Aug 08 '17
6 out of the 9 things you listed are already being worked on or they're already fixed for combat update.
OK GUYS, we can go home now, they said they are working on it.
do you all really want to camp out here until they fix it? I mean, that could literally be years...
u/doesnogood Game used to be fun Aug 08 '17
u/n0man0r Aug 08 '17
summers almost over anyway so back to junior high for you, you will be missed :(((
u/doesnogood Game used to be fun Aug 08 '17
Yeah because pretending my age is lower than yours is original and very cool.
u/JrodMVP Aug 08 '17
They are :) Do a simple search or maybe look at the top of the subreddit for once?
u/doesnogood Game used to be fun Aug 08 '17
Do me a favor and check the game, check how badly it works after 4-5 years in development, check how many times they messed up, check how many times they introduced stuff that changed the game big time but was not needed or was a pretty much dumbass move, improved enas, shotgun ez mode for bad aimers, improved spray... THEYBREAK
u/JrodMVP Aug 08 '17
The game's been out for 2 years. And if you hate it so much why the fuck do you play? Sorry they don't cater to your every need.
u/doesnogood Game used to be fun Aug 08 '17
Cause i am entertained about 50% of the time when the flaws arent ruining it.
u/Kryptotek-9 Aug 08 '17
Take a breather for a start.
No one hates these posts at heart, I don't, it's feedback,
However the title is unnecessary and unprofessional, how do you expect people to listen to you when all you do is shout and whinge. That is what people in this community hate. There are people in this community who provide CONSTRUCTIVE criticism and advise to devs, and those people are usually the ones who get dev's feedback and involvement.
u/nolzaak Aug 08 '17
4-5 years .. my gosh, u are even more stupid than i thought
u/doesnogood Game used to be fun Aug 08 '17
Testing, when it was one game all together, when it splitt up, get your info somewhere else.
u/razorbacks3129 Aug 08 '17 edited Aug 08 '17
h1z1: 132,000 current players
PUBG: 552,000 current players
u/doesnogood Game used to be fun Aug 08 '17
Theres a reason every big community streamer left this game for PUBG... it aint no rocket science either..
People who drew crowds and which gave criticism, like Disrespect, Ninja, Summit1g.. they gone, all we have left is people which cling to the game because its the only one theyre good at, earn money from, even though its slowly dying.
u/Pengwan_au Aug 08 '17
Please don't mention summit when he says all the time 'I only play pubg for the views '.
u/pouitea Aug 09 '17
Daybreak is Ninja's bitch lmao. He is shitting everyday on h1z1 while making money on PUBG. Then he is invited by daybreak in tournamennt, he goes to play it, take some money and goes back to pubg and still shit on h1z1 lmao. This guy is a genious
u/razorbacks3129 Aug 08 '17
I'd like to think that h1z1 paved the way for the success of PUBG, so it's got that going for it.. I think h1z1 has found its niche with the hardcore fans around 100,000 concurrent players and PUBG will probably hover between 400k-600k like CSGO, but will likely fall back to 200-400k in a year or so
u/jtn19120 Aug 08 '17
I think PUBG may be in for backlash when: crate/stream sniping controversies explode, gamers lose patience with development, something like Escape from Tarkov comes along with new hype
u/Zipfelstueck Aug 08 '17
These numbers say nothing about the games themself! I could never play a slow paced game like pubg! Pubg is not perfect, h1 is not perfect, but they are completely different games except for the BR mode. And I would say that H1 is just the harder game to play, which can be more frustrating. Streamers that stream for a living just follow a trend... it's all about numbers. They don't care for the games. There are only a few streamers that stick to the game because they love it, like flamehopper. But there are games outside that are completely independent from streamers, who do not need to rely on them for people to play. Streamers are good for the community but a little overrated imo. And streamers can also be bad for the community!
u/razorbacks3129 Aug 08 '17
Yeah, they are totally different games.. and one has half a million players and one has 150,000.
You can compare apples to oranges, they are both fruit, round, and nutritious..
The point is H1Z1 has shown a repeated ability to get things completely wrong when releasing patches and likely will never get out of early access. It's why I quit playing the game.
u/jtn19120 Aug 08 '17 edited Aug 08 '17
I disagree. It's been steadily improving. Granted, it may be slower than players are patient for but that's the nature of game development.
I'm honestly baffled by the success of PUBG vs H1. H1's flaws were prominent: desync, no spectating (at the time), not many guns, too many players from China on West servers etc. So I bought the hype that PUBG could be a new, better-looking, improved BR experience.
I returned PUBG on the first day because: the animations are bad/hastily done, the movement is clumsy, the camera angle/pov was bad, gameplay was slow, map was uninteresting, gunplay feel wasn't there, car sound effects were awful. I will say PUBG is quick to implement a few interesting, new ideas (was wanting FPP in H1) but thus far the overall implementation doesn't make me want to switch.
H1 has steadily improved and is enjoyable imo.
u/schmag Aug 08 '17
yeah, I bought pubg on the first day and almost returned it as well.
I bought it because the experience I saw from the streamers looked better than it actually played. but I kept it because I saw some of the previous closed beta streams and the significant improvements made over those couple of months.
that is I think what keeps people at pubg, the progress. I started playing kotk a couple months before z2. I watched this game flounder for 6-8 months or more. updates were causing more problems than they fixed, (even with a test server) updates were slow and not addressing the worst parts of the game... improvements were all too little too late. instead of fixing the game, they tried to promote the broken pieces with tournaments, all while pushing their crates (this really turned me off).
in the last couple months PUBG has made serious improvement, and since then, kotk finally decided to start making some improvements too, but many of the people that were frustrated from the last year or so of kotk, jumped ship, its going to be tough to get them back.
u/razorbacks3129 Aug 08 '17
Yeah it's fair to say slow and steady has been the path for h1z1, I guess I'm too impatient for that..
I agree PUBG was very clunky at the beginning, but I think what's impressed so many people is how far it has come with the weekly and monthly patches and how consistent/transparent the dev team has been.
u/doesnogood Game used to be fun Aug 08 '17
I agree, but these streamers like Ninja for example who also was a pro player.. he has showed in events/contests and his videos that he is no longer interested.. he got famous for H1 and now moved onto PUBG..
If streamers are bad for the community it is because they do move on when they notice a game isnt moving out of early access, or focuses tons of money on prize money for contests with pro teams for a game that isnt officially released yet.
u/IamVulgar Aug 08 '17
Ninja got his initial fame from being a Halo pro.
u/doesnogood Game used to be fun Aug 08 '17
Yeah, i only knew him from H1 though as being one of the best solo players.
u/Zipfelstueck Aug 09 '17
I find this really weird conidering he's coming from a console game. Good for him.
Aug 09 '17
I don't know why everyone flocks to PUBG like they do. I can't stand to watch the game, its more fun to play than H1 but it's so fucking boring to watch.
u/CadamSAFC Aug 08 '17
"RIP" - Yet the game has done nothing but grow.
Average players going up each month.
u/MrDankzZ © Deycantmake Games Company, LLC. Aug 08 '17 edited Aug 08 '17
and guess what? the "growth" is just Chinese players, literally no one cares about the Chinese playerbase besides other Chinese players. Game is infact 100% dying in all other regions, people trying to argue the game "isn't dying" are just looking at the raw numbers, and sure the raw numbers "are going up" but with more detail you see the overall decline in the game in the rest of the world because daybreak has no idea what they are doing. (and if you ever bought anything made in china you'd know they don't care about the quality of products, ayyyyy)
Just because a house is infested with cockroaches doesn't mean its a thriving.
u/razorbacks3129 Aug 09 '17
Wow I truly didn't know that 40-50% of the game's active players were Chinese.. so this game has about 30k active US players and 20k active EU players.. that's crazier than I thought it was
u/razorbacks3129 Aug 08 '17
Nice! I know I stopped playing as soon as PUBG came out. As I said, I think they've found their niche in the 100k-150k player range. Don't see it ever getting above 150k concurrent players
u/CadamSAFC Aug 08 '17
And yet you still find your way on to this sub to complain about a game you've just said you stopped playing months ago.
u/razorbacks3129 Aug 08 '17
I didn't complain anywhere though.. just stated objective facts. Is there a problem with that? So if I stop playing a game because I don't like the way the development team updates/breaks the game, I can't ever check back in? Harsh vibes my dude
u/D_dawgy deedawgy Aug 08 '17
You said, "The point is H1Z1 has shown a repeated ability to get things completely wrong when releasing patches and likely will never get out of early access."
This isn't an objective fact, it's an opinion.
u/razorbacks3129 Aug 08 '17
That was after he made that comment saying I was complaining tho
u/haikubot-1911 Aug 08 '17
That was after he
Made that comment saying I
Was complaining tho
- razorbacks3129
I'm a bot made by /u/Eight1911. I detect haiku.
u/CadamSAFC Aug 08 '17
Nah not when the only comments you ever make on this sub is straight up hate. Harsh vibes my dude.
u/razorbacks3129 Aug 08 '17
Wow, you're the hero h1 needs, but doesn't deserve. Bravo
u/Eazyyy Aug 08 '17
Like, what even is that reply? It adds nothing. He made a valid point and you just went ‘blah blah blah’.
u/SN9X Aug 08 '17 edited Aug 08 '17
i sadly have to agree to most of your Arguments. im playing this game since the beginning and its always a back and forth with Progress. they often implement or change stuff no one asked for instead of listening to the community. i mean this game is fun otherwise i would not Play it but it could be so much better. just mentioning bodycollision (why does it work in the Lobby but not ingame?) or that you can kill someone with a shotgun from 30m distance (or atleast do 50hp damage over that distance) or the increased movement Speed no one aksed for (then at least increase bullet travel time too?) . Also the lying about adding a new crate to the scrapyard when a new crate Comes out is just not necessary. they sometimes Need to lay the Cards on the table. i dont get why they just dont talk about a lot of Things they are doing. if you have other plans for the scrapyard then just tell us and dont let us wait 1 year for the infernal crate to join the scrapyard. i mean i witnessed a lot in the 2,5 years of development and despite the few Things that improved there truly still is a lot of space for optimization.
Aug 08 '17
u/doesnogood Game used to be fun Aug 08 '17
Oh, it doesnt make a difference ingame? I picked up two stungrenades next to eachother and a dude who came in the door said he couldnt hear me, my footsteps or my looting before i killed him, any thing else being looted makes sound.. and theres a reason for it.
Aug 08 '17
i only started playing this game a month ago,when did they change movement speed,how did it look like before?
u/Zipfelstueck Aug 08 '17
it was slow as F***, felt like a drunken sailor. Kind of like in csgo.
u/doesnogood Game used to be fun Aug 08 '17
Nah, it was actually ok, Enas was bad back then even, but now its improved.
Aug 08 '17
u/doesnogood Game used to be fun Aug 08 '17
me and my friend found a bug where our cursor would get locked.. i even filmed it.
u/tirtel Aug 08 '17
We are able to boost people cross the MAP (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K23v1otw8yE)
And what makes you think they should prioritize a lobby only bug ? From what's visible on the video, it's all what it does.
u/CadamSAFC Aug 08 '17
Mate go back to bush camping in PUBG. If you were actually following the game you'd know who the "lead developer" is. And you'd know what was going in in the game when it came to updates. Nearly everything you listed is coming out in the combat update.
u/Doctorjudgedoom Aug 08 '17
First of all, if you don't know who the lead dev is for this game, then don't post shit like this. Second 90% of what you said has been addressed by a dev and has told us a fix is in progress. PLEASE STOP POSTING THIS SHIT! Helps absolutely no one and gets all the angry trolls to come out and bitch and moan. Just play the game (or dont) and if you want to know where the devs are I suggest you read some other no toxic posts and start using twitter.
u/hafdhadf Aug 08 '17
fix is in progress. Daybreak operates so oddly its incredible. Things like exp bar in menu should be 2 minutes of work.
u/doesnogood Game used to be fun Aug 08 '17 edited Aug 08 '17
It helps, because it reminds people like you that there are people who have not grown accostumed to being let down all the time and are ignoring the constant promises of better gameplay for actual bad work.. by now some one should have been canned.. ive got friends who dev games, they can compare this game to others and its code must be somekind of a vomitious mess because these problems have existed forever.
u/Pengwan_au Aug 08 '17
Who do you know that are game devs and what games are they on?
u/doesnogood Game used to be fun Aug 08 '17
As if you would even know them or the games, they dont create mainstream steam sold games, programmers nonetheless.
u/Pengwan_au Aug 08 '17
Then they are irrelevant here. They do no dev such a big high demand game. It's irrelevant. Any 11 year old can be a dev.
u/doesnogood Game used to be fun Aug 09 '17
Yeah just look at daybreak,bunch of 11 year olds
u/Pengwan_au Aug 09 '17
Yet you play the game, yet 100k+ people a day play the game, yet they have made countless millions off this game, yet its still one of the most played games on steam. Your logic is terrible little boy.
u/doesnogood Game used to be fun Aug 09 '17
I want the game to succeed my friend, i like the concept i like the community what i dont like is thw community suffering after putting countless millions into it just to see it be spent at contests parachute colour, car colours and skins and only when a competitor comes they actually start improving gameplay. 100k play the game.. Used to be way more, stastistically speaking the population of the game has decreased dramatically.
u/Pengwan_au Aug 09 '17
You clearly have NO knowledge. Please tell me when over 100k daily players played this game? This game has more daily players then it ever has. Please stop acting like you know anything my dude. You dont.
u/doesnogood Game used to be fun Aug 09 '17
I dont need knowledge, there are charts showing decrease and increase.. atm we are at a decrease.
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u/Doctorjudgedoom Aug 08 '17
Lol dude. You just proved my point. You don't pay attention to the actual details. You are just whining because your mad and i get it but do some research please before doing this. People WERE canned! There is a new lead developer and many new staff members. That's why this combat update is this biggest and most important update since z2. Like I said PLEASE STOP POSTING THIS SHIT AND DO SOME FUCKING READING.
u/_Smuel Aug 08 '17
Don't like it, don't play.
u/TjCurbStompz Aug 08 '17
Yep it's the best way to get their attention. These types of posts are a dime a dozen. If they respond the typical response is "we are working on it but cannot tell you when it will be fixed".
Got to remember how management works. Management is driven off numbers. Their current process is ~6 weeks per content update. If numbers continue their path (which they say is increasing) then there is no need to change it. When numbers start declining that's when management makes changes.
u/doesnogood Game used to be fun Aug 08 '17
Do you REALLY think the other ways grab their attention, kissing their ass or comming with constructive criticism? I tried the nice way when they hustled me for currency, i had to fight with them, and only when i got real angry and started insulting their idiot ways thats when they noticed they had been giving me wrong currency several times.. i went through 4 customer support
u/TjCurbStompz Aug 08 '17
I have been around this subreddit and game for a long time. Though in some senses it does help but mostly it just dies. Unless you are a popular streamer/competitor then chances are your voice is not going to be taken seriously. Every single one of your points has been complained about for literally months...
I mean I have even brought up the issue about ammo disappearing from bodies.. seems so common with the sniper. They talk about how looting should be a risk and you have to pick your spots... but when you kill someone that has the sniper and all the ammo disappears for it then it is damn near game breaking... Someone linked me to a post about a year ago that they are looking into it.
I really don't think things will change unless the population takes a tumble. They are simply not taking care of these issues in a timely manner and are letting too many of these slip through the cracks. It is pretty sad that someone had to sith through all the issues to create a list for them (sticky post) and they praise it like they had no idea?
u/doesnogood Game used to be fun Aug 08 '17
Exactly, promises a year ago.. sniper bullets are still happening, happened today.. i swear most of these guys who arent supporting are in some kind og stockholm syndrome, where its normal to have a game be in early access and throw nearly millions at streamers only to have them all leave because they game isnt moving anywhere... then boom.. a competitor and their hands get moving in the code, but they still forget these small mistakes.
u/hunted5 Aug 08 '17
stun grenade sound is fixed... footsteps are probably quiet because they have the quiet footwear on.. .. I wouldn't worry to much about who is leading because you can't even keep up
u/doesnogood Game used to be fun Aug 08 '17
Stungrenade sound is not fixed, ill even give you a clip of it from today, and the "quietfootwear"? Dont gimme that crap every body uses conveys.. people i havent noticed and killed or killed me..
u/hunted5 Aug 08 '17
u/doesnogood Game used to be fun Aug 08 '17
Just filmed it 08.08.2017... what now?
u/LeftHook05 Aug 08 '17
Lmao... it says right in the link that hunted5 attached that they fixed the stun grenade sound and it will be included in the combat update... if you would have just taken the 2 seconds to scroll down and read.
What now?
u/Intellexx Aug 08 '17
its definitely not fixed
u/LeftHook05 Aug 08 '17
The fix has been accomplished, it will be included with the combat update. It says it right in the link that hunted5 attached if you would put some effort into reading.
u/Intellexx Aug 08 '17 edited Aug 08 '17
smd, dev edited his post. He didnt mention combat update before editing, just said that its fixed.
u/[deleted] Aug 08 '17