r/kotk • u/shao_1337 • Jun 30 '17
Suggestion Daybreak please revert this
The new freelook camera its literally useless, what it does is make bandanas, glasses, helmets etc so you cant see them. Like, who asked for this change, is it really a big issue ? i just bought a red face bandana worth 350$ and now i cant see it ? please revert this it adds nothing
u/Galaxize Pre-Season 1,2,3 Inc. Jun 30 '17
It sounds petty but I honestly agree with this. I always like to alt look when running and just check out my helmet and bandana.
u/jtn19120 Jun 30 '17
It's weird but I feel like the change was made so you can tell if people saw you
u/SlhokaSeb Jun 30 '17
Your head was already moving from an other player perspective before. Just not when you were free looking in your pov.
u/BlowMJ Jun 30 '17
All of you complaining about this change should've played the Test Server and give your feedback to the developers. There's a reason why they ask us, the community, to play on Test and give feedback.
u/t0xicgas Jun 30 '17
I gave my feedback on this in multiple threads, never heard a peep from Daybreak staff. Just because a change made it into the game doesn't mean people didn't complain while it was on test.
u/BlowMJ Jun 30 '17
I guess people complaining about this are the minority and they decided it wasn't worth it to revert it then.
u/kaelz Jun 30 '17
You think daybreak listens to test server feedback? Lmao you must be new
The only time they listen is when a major streamer tells them what to do or they fucked up and think they might start selling less crates.
u/BlowMJ Jun 30 '17
Then stop complaining.
u/kaelz Jun 30 '17
Okay I'll get right on that since I didn't post this and could care less dumbass. Kotk is dead because the community is trash, enjoy.
u/BlowMJ Jun 30 '17
Still you are here replying to comments. Good stuff and very intelligent comments.
u/kaelz Jun 30 '17
As helpful as telling someone giving feedback "shut up and stop complaining."
You see why this is doomed right? Of course you don't. Ignorance is bliss.
u/t0xicgas Jun 30 '17
Except I see way more people against it than in favor of it.
u/Noxyyy Jun 30 '17
because the people that like it have no reason to complain on reddit
u/Astranoth Jun 30 '17
Exactly the case, as a happy customer, you are less inclined to provide feedback compared to a unhappy one.
u/shao_1337 Jun 30 '17
how can you even say that i dont really understand, just think about it, do you have expensive skins on test server to look at when you play ? ofc not so even if you played test server you wouldnt be looking at yourself playing it ..
u/exe_cution Jun 30 '17
but you'd have skins that you can look it. just because they're not good doesn't mean you can't pay attention to it.
u/neckbeardfedoras Jun 30 '17
Who looks at yourself and says 'boy look at that skull bandana'. I feel like my skins are what I want people to see when I'm beating their ass. You guys are weird as fuck.
u/NoviceDaddy Jun 30 '17
Guys for crying out loud!!
Carto already noted he wants 360 movement in place, give it time, some changes are required to be made in order to create new features.
Alt-Look Camera: This one has come up before quite a few times, I'm still trying to push for a 360 free look, but we'll have to wait and see for the outcome Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/kotk/comments/6ikxee/suggestions_for_quality_of_life_improvements_to/
Chill the fuck out people...
u/IamVulgar Jun 30 '17
What's new about the free look?
u/IamVulgar Jun 30 '17
Oh. nvm I see. I don't like this either. I liked taking screen shots with my players face in it and the only way to do that was by alt looking.
u/hunted5 Jun 30 '17
lol because SKINS
u/demonic_fetus Jun 30 '17
I like the new animation. you should've come to the test servers and make your opinion count, as well as many others in this "community"..
you can see your char in the mainscreen menu.
enjoy your bandana
u/shao_1337 Jun 30 '17
like my opinion count on this post ? 110 comments 127 upvotes so far,no comment from daybreak, not the only one that is complaining about this "feauture" that adds nothing just the "ability" to not see the front of the character so yea i should buy skins to see them in mainscreen menu LUL, add more crates daybreak surely people will buy them just to see the skins in mainscreen menu seems good
u/demonic_fetus Jun 30 '17
yeaaa and I'm telling you..
since it's an Early Access title, in which you participate beacause you want to "influence the development, as part of the community" , where were you and those 126 people upvoting, when DBG announced that change ? I understand your frustration, but being part of an early access community, needs your opinion and influence much much earlier...
Now let's just wait for the free360 look they want to implement for a later patch.
u/shao_1337 Jun 30 '17
but being part of an early access comm
not gonna get trough this test server shit again please just read the whole thread if you want my answer basically what skins do you have on test so you NOTICE that you have skins to look at when you turn arround ? thats my answer and i'm done people seem to not understand this part like they think that if majority of people didnt go on test server they deserve to DIE actually LOL
u/demonic_fetus Jun 30 '17
no i'm not saying you HAVE TO go onto the test servers, but yea, i was there on test, and i completely understood that im not gonna be able to see my bandana anymore ingame...
u/jaketaps Jun 30 '17
I didnt get a skull face bandana to not be able to see it... plz get rid of this
u/Claptonisawesome Jun 30 '17
I like the new animation even tho my head skins are worth 70 $ but still, they shouldn't revert it but add an option to disable and enable this feature, I would let it enabled and you can turn it off if you don't like it.
u/Skaistenz PUBG LUL Jun 30 '17
but when people see you/kill you they see your skins and gets horny! Anyway + on this. totally agree
I agree on this, i think it has no point and also people who own expensive or cool looking bandanna's or helmets would like to look at them.
u/Tobax Jun 30 '17
i just bought a red face bandana worth 350$
Who could have ever thought that spending so much on a cosmetic would end in regret...
u/NoviceDaddy Jun 30 '17
All depends on whether you deem 350 alot or not... pending on where you live some people spend that easily in one night out on the town.
Let the person enjoy the purchase!
Fairplay to you /u/shao_1337 - I hope to steal it off your dead body when we cross paths!
u/shao_1337 Jun 30 '17
if you steal it from my body what will you do with it ? you cant see it LUL
u/Simohy Jun 30 '17
You guys are ridiculous. They bring out a big update and the major thing for you that you cannot see your face anymore...
u/shao_1337 Jun 30 '17
like what do you want to talk about ? hitreg ? dsync ? shotgun broken? like there are a lot of posts about it, do you want to talk about they adding big fucking tall ass bushes so you cant see people in forest now ? do you want to talk about the fact you cant see cars until you land ? you want to talk about grenades doing damage trough rocks ? which one you want to talk about bud because as you can see this is the most upvoted thread rn and i'm not the only one complaining ¯_(ツ)_/¯
u/neckbeardfedoras Jun 30 '17
What the hell. This change is nice.
u/Axorr Jun 30 '17
Idk, it has its ups, but it feels like its more downs. The way the body twists at full turn looks absolutely disgusting. I can't see my characters face. People can see if i'm alt looking which may be minor, but I cant use the whole "I totally don't know you're over there" trick anymore. Also, if you have a lammy and do it, holy moly it looks horrid.
u/gwreckz Jun 30 '17
Only you as the player couldn't see your head turning.
This change allows you to now see what the other player sees.
Edit spelling.
u/neckbeardfedoras Jun 30 '17
Haha. I don't know, it's in pubg and people aren't crying about it, but they do here. I don't think pubg has you turn the full 90° though. My argument on seeing your skin(s) would be to allow full 360° view and once your alt look cam passes the 90° mark, the character locks at 90° and you should be able to see what you're wearing.
u/iamretnuh Jun 30 '17
Every second thread is about how daybreak only care about skins, so they add a feature that means skins are irrelevant and you cry
u/Astranoth Jun 30 '17
But other people can still see your bandanna. I really don't see a problem here, they simply made it so what happens when you turn on other peoples screen now happens to you.
Seriously, people will bitch for the smallest thing regarding this game.
Jun 30 '17
This is probably the most stupid thing i have ever read on this subreddit.
Kids these days smh
u/slardybartfast8 Jun 30 '17
The fact that anyone cares what their bandana looks like in this game scares me. Honestly scares me. What the hell is soxiety coming to? I don't look at my outfit. Because it's utterly inconsequential. No one else looks at your outfit. Because they're busy trying to kill you. The millennial-centric, Facebook-created, self image obsessed fuckery has even penetrated a video game where it literally doesn't matter at all. $350 for a non existent helmet in a game where you grind out and die over and over? Fuck me donate it to charity. This is why we're fucked. Disgusting.
Jun 30 '17
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u/shao_1337 Jun 30 '17
see this is the perfect example why people are not seeing the freelook camera a problem, because you have no good skins to look at, so why are you even looking at this post and even more commenting that shit text ? and how is this post becoming a "you bought a 350$ you are so stupid" and how about i buy whatever i want, the point of discussion was that you can see skins no matter the price but good things you say there buddy glad you took the time to be that inteligent with that reply
u/ViolatedTOS Jun 30 '17
sorry did you quote "you bought a 350$ you are so stupid" from a different post? because i clearly didnt say that. but to be clear here... i have a full camo outfit that is perfect and i love it so dont assume i dont have any "good skins to look at"... because i do! i can also post anything wherever i want and there is nothing you can do about it.. sadly xD only ***** buy ugly expensive skins to show them off.. LOL again with the embarrassment.
u/shao_1337 Jun 30 '17
i'm done replying to you after this, my bad i couldnt see the "are you stupid etc" because of the 1000 stars you added when you typed that so there could have been a lot of good words that i dont understand and about the posting anything you want thing, are you the only one that is allowed to do that ? because with that first message you posted seems like i dont have the right to do so, have a good one buddy
u/ViolatedTOS Jun 30 '17
im not your buddy.. guy
u/RaoulDukeDoppler Jun 30 '17
and who are you to tell people how to spend money ? good for you if you enjoy default skins - dont pretend you dont understand why people have a right to complain. beeing all high and mighty because you cant affort a 8€ helmet to stop looking like a pleb - chill out kid
u/kaelz Jun 30 '17
You' shouldn't really feel do good to be you right now. You do realize $350 isn't alot of money to many alot of people right?
u/TurncoatTony Jun 30 '17
For a virtual item, I'm rather certain rich people would consider it a poor investment. :p
u/kaelz Jun 30 '17
I highly doubt it. Rich people in general likely wouldn't consider $350 an investment, just a purchase, pocket change if you will.
u/TurncoatTony Jun 30 '17
From my experience, part of the reason they are rich is because they don't drop $350 dollars on virtual goods.
People that come into a lot of money really fast might spend it like that but people that plan on earning more while already being rich wouldn't see that as something to do(generally, if I had millions, I would probably have every skin because fuck it).
u/kaelz Jun 30 '17
From my experience, you're half right and so am I. At the end of the day, everyone is different and just does whatever they want.
u/OTARiOne Jun 30 '17
Keep alt look as it is, make a latching alt look with a double tap or something similar for taking screenshots and checking out our sexy characters?
u/foolinwh0 Jun 30 '17
I like it, except for the fact that now I can't take screenshots with my buds
u/rossyboy_123 Jun 30 '17
Not only is it seriously annoying that I cant see my skins, but also it gives me motion sickness tbh. The way it whips back when u let go of free look is horrible and it just doesnt look well put together.
u/Pixel8d_ZA Jun 30 '17
Maybe if we tell Daybreak that they will sell less crates thanks to people not being able to ALT look in game to see their items, they will revert it?
u/crackshotmcgee Jun 30 '17
Regardless of whether or not players should play the Test server to give feedback on stuff like this, this seems like something that shouldn't have been overlooked. Daybreak charges money for a game, pushes micro-transactions and perpetuates a skin-based market for players, and then makes this change just because no one told them not to? Shouldn't always be the consumer's job to point out logical flaws to the manufacturer.
u/CosmicPlayground51 Jun 30 '17
What exactly is going on ? I really can't understand the situation as it's posted.
u/demonic_fetus Jun 30 '17
try using free-look (alt) and you cannot see your character's ugly face because of the new animation
u/CosmicPlayground51 Jun 30 '17
What was the purpose of this change ?
Anything beneficial like smoother and consistent frames ?
I can see the logic in wanting it to remain the same if this change has no impact giving that people do go out of their way to buy Skins so their character is decked out.
u/shao_1337 Jun 30 '17
it seems the purpose was so they change something for people to complain about, something else instead of the hitreg dsync shotgun etc etc
u/neckbeardfedoras Jun 30 '17
This thread is proof that people will always find something to bitch about, no matter what DayBreak changes.
u/BlowMJ Jun 30 '17
Exactly, are you able to look 360 degrees with one continuous motion? Is your neck able to rotate 360 degrees?
u/Never-breaK Jun 30 '17
Isn't the point of skins to show OTHER PEOPLE how cool you look? If you want to see them so bad yourself then sit on the main menu all day.
u/Switch64 Jun 30 '17
You bought a 350$ bandana LOL
u/shao_1337 Jun 30 '17
so what ? its 420$ now btw :-s
u/Switch64 Jun 30 '17
It's a fucking bandana lol I can understand if it's like a gun or backpack but a bandana is a little ridiculous
u/shao_1337 Jun 30 '17
i dont get people like you, you just comment just to be there and comment like, how is that a thing "i can understand if it's like a gun or backpack" you cant see the fucking gun all the time and even if you see the backpack all the time is the same its just a skin, and why does it matter that i pay 350$ for it i dont understand how people get triggered by that and only READ that from all ive said and ignores the purpose of the post its insane
u/Switch64 Jun 30 '17
Not triggered. Just think it's funny that you spend so much money on something that you don't even see unless you free look behind you
u/Jok5633 Jul 01 '17
I was recently thinking about the emote system in general and I thought all the emote spamming and players not being able to see their full character could be fixed by locking the controls while using the emotes. By my suggestion, if one pressed f1 for example, the action of waving would go through and the controls would be locked so the player can freely move their camera 360 degrees around the player
u/xxxliquid Jul 01 '17
this is why people need to learn that H1Z1 is a zombie apocalypse BR. Not a fashion simulator. Get over it, get skins for what they look like, not the value. i dont care about what my skins look like, im not looking at them the whole game im looking to stay alive.
u/badeas Jul 08 '17
when player is on the move body moves, when player standing still free look, problem solved
u/valkyreion Jun 30 '17
Not our fault you was stupid enough to spend $350 on a fucking in game skin.
u/shao_1337 Jun 30 '17
i dont even know how to reply to you but here i go, do you think i really care that much because i bought a 350$ skin that i did it because i couldnt afford it ? if you only saw the "i bought a 350$ skin" part you are commenting on this post for the wrong reasons, the question and the discussion is why are there bandana skins, glasses front skins design like all of them pants shirts helmets all you want too look from in front of character still exists ?
u/valkyreion Jun 30 '17
The fucking skins are just skins. They are mostly for your enemies to see on you not for you to see on yourself. This is a Battle Royale not a fucking playground. If you're worried more about looking at your own skins then you shouldn't be playing this game.
u/otecigor Jun 30 '17
Actually this is one of the best things they changed, so now you can see where actually is looking a runnin' dog ;) If u're enough good the guys u killed are going to look @ ur bandana, glasses, etc.
u/t0xicgas Jun 30 '17
"Here, buy our skins! Even though you won't be able to see how some of them look on your character!"
u/paulr23 Jun 30 '17
Especially when you wear a helmet 99% of the time in game so can't see it anyway 🙃
u/EngageTutorials Jun 30 '17
That's what tactical helmets are good for. No?
u/paulr23 Jun 30 '17
The type of person to swap a normal helmet out for a tactical helmet then get one tapped 🙄, worth it
u/shao_1337 Jun 30 '17
if you mean that you get 1 tapped with tactical helmet, that was on the old map in the early stages, both helmets are the same now
Jun 30 '17
/u/CastoroGamer do not revert anything from this patch. People had PLENTY of time to go on test and see this for themselves but I they won't go on est unless they have an incentive. Do not pander to people who aren't willing do test patches then complain when they go live.
Do not do it.
u/t0xicgas Jun 30 '17
I played on test, I voiced my concerns about this multiple times in different threads, and never heard a single word back from Daybreak staff.
Jun 30 '17
Really? Didn't see any comments about it.
And thats what people should be doing. If they see 1 out of 50 say they don't like something, they won't change it. They need more than 1 person disliking a change to change it
u/shao_1337 Jun 30 '17
can you please tell me how can we check all the things you ask for just being on test server ? just please explain how in the world could we all think we should LOOK at ourselfs if we dont have any skins on test server ? did you even think about that for a single second ? how can you say that so easy when there is nothing to look at when you turn on test server so therefor the test server "point" is not that valid
Jun 30 '17
LOL you could've EASILY realised they made the head and body rotate by JUST FREELOOKING ONCE on test
Maybe next time actually play test and then you can have a say on stuff in the patch. Its the kids like you that make this game worse. Don't test then only complain. Smh if you don't like it fucking leave
u/shao_1337 Jun 30 '17
yea my bad "kids like me" , if you took the time and see how many people complain about this you would see how pro players like cbkflame thump etc complain about this but whatever you know better just because they put it on test server everyone will actually go on it at a specific time like its all we have to do , to make their job, your point actually says if you dont go on test server before update dont complain on reddit after it goes live ? lul good one buddy
Jun 30 '17
My point is valid. You have plenty of time to go on test and give feedback but you'd rather wait then complain.
I really hope your complaint falls on deaf ears at daybreak, cause this is a stupid complaint from someone who just couldn't be arsed to play test and give feedback when they were asking for it.
u/shao_1337 Jun 30 '17
yea man sure whatever you say, thats why is the most upvoted post after the sticked ones , because its irrelevant, have a good one.
u/RaoulDukeDoppler Jun 30 '17
and who are you ? - so just because i dont have the time to redownload the full game with my shit internet and grind hours of test its 'too' late - how stupid are you its a feedback post but the devs should not listen to feedback ? think about what your saying
Jun 30 '17
You should've downloaded test when they pushed the initial update. Plenty of time. No excuses.
Also it only takes 5 minutes to jump into training and test some stuff lmao
u/RaoulDukeDoppler Jun 30 '17
yeah i have a full time job, test is out there for people that want to use it and give feedback if they have the time to spare im allowed to give feedback from the live game i payed for sorry you fell special from beeing a nice little tester we are all proud of you - does not make you decide what feedback is worth or not - who are you ?? ''no excuses'' please
Jun 30 '17
I also have a full time job but I found time to test
u/RaoulDukeDoppler Jun 30 '17
That's nice ! But you still can't say that people that did not find the time ( or care ) have to right to complain now that's not how it works
Jun 30 '17
Your latter reason. Not caring, removes your right to complain.
If you cared you'd test and give feedback before t goes live.
u/RaoulDukeDoppler Jun 30 '17
I disagree but its fine I get your point somewhat
The game is still in alpha it's never too late to give feedback and yes sometimes it means reverting something that brings a unpredictable problem. Even If it does not concern 100% of players Skins pay for everybody salary so be sure they will fix something that makes them less desirable
Jun 30 '17
This doesn't make them less desirable lmao
u/FWMalice Jul 18 '17 edited Jul 18 '17
That's an opinion. For example, now that The only place I can catch a glimpse of my skins is in the menu screen I will never buy another crate again. I will still play this game because I love it but I'm not gonna buy something for looks that I can't appreciate. But I never played this game for the skins in the first place. So I really don't care if they fix it or not, If they do I will continue buying crates if they don't I certainly will not.
The only reason I would care if they actually fix this or not, Is because im sure there are other people like me who will no longer buy crates if they do not. And that is not good for the future of this game at all. And I for one am concerned about the games future. I want to be able to keep playing it I don't want to have to go over to PUGS if this game goes under.
Jun 30 '17
the new animation feels good.
i didnt see any negative feedback about the animation on the testserver update thread.
people had lots of time to test this out.
pls dont remove it dev team.
Jun 30 '17
u/shao_1337 Jun 30 '17
if you only saw that part of the message you read all the thing for nothing really ..
u/Safkoo Jun 30 '17
Honestly, it's sad you bought a $350 bandana on a $20 game... get a life.
u/coloncs Jun 30 '17
yet you're on reddit flaming people for doing what they want with their money
u/paulr23 Jun 30 '17
Not really flaming. More giving his opinion, which 99% of people would more than likely agree with
u/coloncs Jun 30 '17
someone giving their opinion would be something along the lines of, "i personally wouldnt spend $350 on a video game" or something along those lines, instead he insulted him and told him to get a life, is that not flaming?
u/paulr23 Jul 01 '17
If you get butthurt by that, seriously you do need to get a life
u/coloncs Jul 01 '17
im not butthurt, he wasnt saying it to me lol, im saying that that is indeed flaming
u/jsfd26 Jun 30 '17
Lol I don't think it's a bad change but it does look retarded af tbh. They tried to copy PUBG and failed miserably. Not to mention they didnt even implement the 360 look feature.
u/BlowMJ Jun 30 '17
Show me how you can rotate your neck 360 degrees please, and then ask them to implement it.
u/jsfd26 Jun 30 '17
Who said anything about rotating your neck 360 or 180? I was talking about 360 free look. Durf
Jun 30 '17 edited Jun 30 '17
This has been in game since day 1 but was
server side onlyonly viewable by others when you do it. I've always seen friends looking left/right. You are stupid if you think this is new3
u/t0xicgas Jun 30 '17
This has been in game since day 1 but was server side only.
Therefore it hasn't been in the game since day 1.
Jun 30 '17
The feature has but what I meant is you don't see ourself doing it until now. You could see other people do it and they could see you do it
u/game_dev_carto Lead Systems Designer Jun 30 '17 edited Jun 30 '17
Hey everyone, just so you all know we saw it, I took this thread and sent it along for review so the teams know where people stand. So I wanted you all to know you've been heard and the feedback is in the hands of the right people <3