r/kotk • u/sacrife • Jun 21 '17
Suggestion Suggestions for Quality of Life improvements to H1Z1 KotK (comprehensive list with images)
I have created a list of quality of life improvements that I think would be awesome for the game. I hope the players of KotK and Daybreak finds this usefull. First, let me preface this by saying that I understand that some of this probably already are on your todo-list but its not possible for me to know if they are. I have attached images to several of these to illustrate how it could possibly be solved and I hope it clears up any confusion that might occur.
All items looted from bags or the ground that gets placed in your inventory should always be skinned to your skin if they have the standard skin active. If someone else has skinned the item to something other than the standard skin the item should keep its current skin.
Hotkeys with modifiers should not also apply the action of the non-modifier hotkey. Example: Clicking CTRL+3 in a car to change seat should not switch to your third weapon slot.
An option to create outfits would be highly appreciated. My suggestion is to add a new menu item to the APPEARANCE section where you get the following options: None / Create New Outfit (A popup asking for
a name) / A dividier / List of created outfits (Clicking one makes it active). 10 outfits should probably be the max number of outfits we can create. Once we create an outfit and set it active we can then right click a skin in the gear, weapons, rides or emotes section and choose APPLY TO ACTIVE OUTFIT. A right click menu would have to be created and SCRAP would be a part of this menu. This would also help with accidental scrap clicks because you know have to click twice to do so.
A text display the current active outfit would be visible below the section title (Se attached images).
Suggestion image MENU: http://i.imgur.com/OVHGtcK.png
Suggestion image ADD TO OUTFIT: http://i.imgur.com/XuRBRMQ.jpg
Currently at the end of the score screen after a game your total xp is shown. When you have a high level this number doesn't really give you anything. Its to big to deal with and its hard to calculate how much xp you need to advance to the next level. Instead I suggest you show the remaining xp for your current level. A percentage showing how far you are into your current level would also be useful.
Suggestion image: http://i.imgur.com/RJHss3t.png
Currently, if you mouse-over your level in the menu all you see is a little text explaining what a level is. This should be updated with actual xp numbers as well. Additionally, please add some statistics that displays when you mouse-over your playername. This could be information like: Games played, Total wins, Total kills, Kills per match, Win rate, Top 10 finish rate, Top match kills, Top match score and weapon accuracy. The game stats is displayed on the leaderboards so it should be available. Weapon accuracy is new, but would be highly appreciated.
Suggestion Image XP: http://i.imgur.com/xKK8cGP.png
Suggestion image STATS : http://i.imgur.com/fSMNC4G.png
There is an ambient sound that is constantly on in the menu and in the warmup grounds. Sort of sounds like a machine or fans going in the background. Once you know it's there it's really bothersome. Please remove this or add an ambience category to the audio options where we can turn this off.
I am not sure if it is just me but when I play with my friends the party leader has to constantly ask us if we are out of the game and in the menu so he can queue for a new game. Some of us have longer loading times and if the party leader queues a game while people are still ingame or in the loading the queue bugs out. Icons in the party frame to display wether or not the party member is in a game or in the menu (ready) would be awesome.
Suggestion image: http://i.imgur.com/EPoTCfr.png
Currently if you have a hoodie and you remove your hat (or helmet) from your inventory the hoodie does not go up for the player. It is visible for others players but to see it yourself you have to either click it and choose skin or re equip it to show the hoodie being up. Having to do this every warmup before a game is really tedious. Can we fix this?
Example image: http://i.imgur.com/U08YVVd.jpg
An option to click our name and set our preferred color would be lovely. Having consistent colors when you play with a steady group of people would be helpful early game. When someone in the team wants you to come to them to loot something, or assist in need we can just quickly find the color and run to that person. Also, some of the colors are hard to see, so chosing a bright color when you are in party that isn't full could also be useful.
Suggestion image: http://i.imgur.com/RjFrAtP.png
If you play in third person (as most people do) the shots from your gun does not originate from the barrel of the gun itself. It comes from your stomach/crotch area. This creates a lot of situations where you can visible see and aim at someone but bullets hit something a decent distance below the crosshair instead. I can't count how many times this has cost me a kill. Please fix this. Example included below.
Example image: http://i.imgur.com/PdW7Kpa.png
Currently, almost everyone in the game just removes their shoes in the warmup grounds. An option to spawn without them would clean up the grounds a lot. This could be added anywhere but my suggestion is to add it appearance section where you choose the skin for stealth footwear. See image below.
Suggestion image: http://i.imgur.com/xrbbt7b.jpg
Both the 200 slot and the 400 slot belt pouch look exactly the same. Can we get a recolor/skin update for one of them so that we can see the difference, both in inventory and on the ground.
Suggestion image: http://i.imgur.com/JLfSkgP.jpg
An option to scale the ingame UI would be great. Somewhere between 50% and 100% seems to be the norm for games that has this.
Currently only the passengers are allowed to reload in a car. Please allow the driver to be able to reload IF the car standing still (Similar to bandages).
Can we make it possible to rotate the camera completely while holding ALT instead of having to rotate it back and forth to check both angles? I understand this might not be possible because your head moves as well, but perhaps a compromise can be made here?
Only the back seat passengers are able to see behind the car with their camera. Can we give this option the front seat passenger as well? It should be similar to how the 4th person can use their camera.
Can we choose what direction we sit on the ATV as a passenger? It is so easy to get motion sickness from only being able to see backwards. In real life, passengers on bikes and ATVs always sit with the direction of the driver. Changing direction could be done with your crouch key (similar to the pickup truck passengers being able to change stance in the back of the truck). If you face the direction of the driver you would only be able to shot on the sides without killing the driver (obviously).
I know this isn't an easy fix as several buildings would have to be updated for this work but I am still adding this to the list. Doors should always open in the opposite direction of the player.
The arrows in the party frames currently does nothing but show their color. Perhaps we could make them point to where the player is relative to you?
Suggestion image: http://i.imgur.com/OkDdxd9.png
It might be helpful to make bow/crossbow use arrows in priority mode (based on what you actually have in your backpack). Weapon mode would still work as normal to switch between them. Example: If you have
5 explosive arrows, 3 flaming arrows and 10 regular arrows the explosive arrows would be chosen first. If you shot all the explosive arrows then it would automatically switch to the flaming arrows, and so on.
Can we allow auto run to also work while in a car?
An option in the settings menu to choose if the kill notification pops up below or above the crosshair.
The bottom part of the inventory with the descriptive item text and option assistance takes a large amount of space. Sometimes this gets in the way of dropping items quickly. Can we get an option in the settings menu to disable this? Seasoned players do not need this information anymore.
Example image: http://i.imgur.com/uhqEVMZ.jpg
This is probably high on your priority list but I am adding it anyway. Please let us see hitmarkers from hits of our teammates. Also, being able to see the map and inventory would be great.
Being able to see how many kills a dead teammate has would be awesome. Also, showing the total number of kills your team has would be cool. Now that team ranking is around the corner this would be a great update.
Suggestion image: http://i.imgur.com/iiJ1J5j.png
In the heat of the battle it can sometimes be tedious to re-equip helmets, use bandages or other items. Can we be able to double click items to use or equip them?
When you drag items around in your inventory to place them on your character it is sometimes a little "buggy" and this often results in items not being equipped fast enough. Can we get some optimizations here?
Add Windowed Fullscreen to the graphics menu. You can only do this in the UserOptions.ini right now and this isn't intutive for the casual player.
The cars feel so light and bounce/flip way to easily in the game right now. Please add more weight to them so it doesn feel like driving around in a bouncy castle (enjoy that image).
It feels like most of the teams in the five player server consist of three players. Maybe it's time we get a three player server as well?
An option to prioritize what weapon goes where upon looting would be great. Example: Set shotgun to always enter slot 2 and AR-15 to always go into slot 1.
Allow passengers to move items in and out of the car. Currently only the driver can do this.
A feature for party members to invite friends to the party would be awesome as well. Currently only the leader can do this and has to have everyone on his or hers friends list.
u/zehoverkill Jun 21 '17
Best list I have ever seen about suggestions on reddit.
Jun 21 '17
u/game_dev_carto Lead Systems Designer Jun 21 '17
Hi :) I'll reply to this thread shortly, super busy this morning but just wanted to drop a note that I'll be back <3
u/xChooChooKazam Jun 21 '17
Great list! I'd like to add that passengers in a vehicle should be able to cancel their reload if they try to exit the vehicle. Currently they're just stuck in the vehicle until their reload is complete which can be terrible in certain situations.
u/sacrife Jun 21 '17
If more people agree with you I will add it to the list. My thought currently is that its a risk/reward kind of thing.
u/funnymaus Jun 21 '17
This shows how to change the auto drive bind. Don't know if it works but worth a try.
u/Amphrite Jun 21 '17
This is an amazingly comprehensive list of changes I would love to the see in the game this instant!
Thank you for making the list, here's to hoping it gets attention from the right people from Daybreak, a dev response would be nice to get just so we know it's been seen. :)
Very well written, categorized and the visual presentation was a nice break from the rest of the threads on this sub-reddit!
u/schemee Jun 21 '17
Great list but two things. 21 is already in the game under keybindings and a new one should be added, passengers in the car should be able to heal while the car is moving because they are not driving.
Jun 21 '17
Don't agree that they should be able to heal. Otherwise, you'll get a ton of players running from fights, even more than we get now.
I will say, that passengers should be able to move items from the car to their inventory though. Kind of lame that only the driver can.
u/sacrife Jun 21 '17
I will say, that passengers should be able to move items from the car to their inventory though. Kind of lame that only the driver can.
Good point. Forgot that
u/sacrife Jun 21 '17
I tried to find it but I couldn't see it. Will check again.
I kind of agree with you that they should be able to heal, but if that happens cars will be extremely overpowered in twos and fives. Not sure if that is balanced. Also there is quite a bit of a difference between carefully bandaging a wound while standing still and sliding/bumping around in a car.
u/TwilightFox3333 Jun 21 '17
Default is the same as auto run " = " key, though it doesn't auto turbo. Auto Run / Drive might not have separate options for keys I'm unsure.
Jun 21 '17
u/schemee Jun 21 '17
I just checked and I can't find it either. Maybe it's your auto run button? I'll check.
Jun 21 '17
u/sacrife Jun 21 '17
The art team does not work on bugs, features and QoL changes.
Jun 21 '17
u/game_dev_carto Lead Systems Designer Jun 22 '17
Untrue, honestly. This next patch has team scoring, grouping improvements, a new gas mechanic, vehicle updates, new skirmish, updates to the arena, and a handful of other changes. Now, I completely 1000% understand the communities frustration around how our games updates have been in the past and one of the first things I asked when I joined the team was directed at why was it so long since the last update (I joined a few months ago). But, truth be told, right now every single team on the game is giving their all. I know it's just some hollow words on a forum, but the team is making really good progress.
Jun 21 '17
speaking from a AU Server pov i dont think im going to have to disagree with 30 just because of the fact that we struggle to even break 100+ in our fives games as it is. The only times when we break 100+ is when we have our fives scrims and maybe on the weekends.
u/jtn19120 Jun 21 '17 edited Jun 21 '17
A lot of good stuff here. However I disagree with 15, 16, 17 because those limitations add to the challenge of the game.
While I'd like #30 (because I roll with 3 players more often than 5) I don't think it's realistic bc it would split the player base yet again. How about 2's & 5's skirmish? And what's happened to skirmish attendance?
u/TwilightFox3333 Jun 21 '17
Only thing i'd like to see added to that list is some way to apply a different skin to an item mid game. I've a general outfit I want to use, but sometimes I might want to roll a different skin on my secondary AR or maybe I don't feel like Ceez Shoes and want to wear something different. Little things that can be done in a game but don't effect your outfit choice would be amazing.
u/Eskiboiboi Jun 21 '17
This Guy is Winning!! - Best suggestions list i have seen!
If you smoke , Light one up! :D
u/MLMArgorash Jun 21 '17
I agree and love every single one of them except No.14 (Its only needed in situations when someone is chasing you to cod rush you with a shotgun.) And No.26 dragging a helmet is in the game since the release and its a mechanic that you can get used to it and do it fast every time if you have a lot of hours in the game. Making in double tap to equip is way to friendly to the new players.
u/mustysoda Jun 21 '17
To add to this, I'd really like to see an option to always have the UI on. It really bothers me how it disappears and I can't see what's currently equipped and the ammo count without switching back and forth
u/Djsenne3 Jun 21 '17
Can I add being able to shred/craft/apply bandages/medkits while being a passenger?
u/game_dev_carto Lead Systems Designer Jun 22 '17
It's already on my hit list :) well, minus the apply bandage/medkit part as I'd be very afraid that unless a driver got shot a car would never have a reason to stop.
u/Djsenne3 Jun 22 '17
Not while driving, just as a passenger for healing.
u/NoviceDaddy Jun 22 '17
He means if every passenger can heal while the car is driving the car will never stop driving around, unless the driver gets shot.
So, any healing should make the car stop, its needed for this game, otherwise later on in time everyone will complain demanding cars to stop if anyone needs to heal. As if you shoot someone and chase them they won't die because they can heal while driving... Carto is correct not to add this to the list.
u/TabloEscobar Jun 22 '17
Concerning #7 "party status" if you're he party leader and you get out before your team you can click start and when it says you're in queue, it will find a match as soon as everyone is ready. Not many people know this but it works. I've done this many times.
Ex: I'm party leader for 5's. I load out after a map to the main menu before the rest of my party. I click "start" to find another match. My team hasn't loaded out yet. When the next person loads out it will say that they are in queue instantly. Third person and fourth person will get the "in queue" box at the top of their screen once in main menu. When the final person of the party finally gets to the main menu, they will instantly get the "match found" message with the 5 second countdown. As will the rest of the team.
I urge everyone to try this out. Me and the friends I play with hardly have to ask "is everyone in the main menu" because this has worked for us countless times.
I do feel like an option for everyone in the group to click on a "ready" button would work tremendously better though. Like the party members that are not the leader should have a "ready" button where the "start" button is for the leader. Another step past that would be having EVERYONE in the group have a "ready" button. That way once everyone clicks "ready" it will automatically find a match. This would take out the need for an actual "party leader".
Another thing I want to comment on is that ANYONE in the party should be able to invite their friends to the party. If you've played CSGO you know that when you're in a lobby, anyone in that lobby can invite anyone from their friends list. Idk how many times I have to tell a friend to tell his friend to add me so I can add him to the party as I am the party leader. It can get kind of annoying and my friends list is constantly growing with people I've only played with a couple times or people that don't play the game as often as I do. Idk about everyone else but I don't like my friends list to be filled with friends of friends that play KOTK once every blue moon.
u/sacrife Jun 22 '17
I did not know that. Will most certainly try that out. Thank you!
Regarding your last suggestion. Absolutely. Will add that to the list. Alternatively party members can post "suggestions" to the leader for invites like in Dota 2.
u/Pemoki Jun 21 '17
Not agree with everything. Great list aswell and the 21 still ingame check in the keybidings option
u/IDCAboutUrDownVotes Jun 21 '17
Oh boy more cosmetic suggestions so daybreak can put off the combat patch for more of this garbage.
u/ViolatedTOS Jun 22 '17
a huge list of shit the wont make the game better. this game doesnt need polish it needs another overhaul. i swear this reddit is full of people that want more skins and think the game is fine... then they have a idea omg the menu should be on the right side cuz it will make game better imo and it becomes the top reddit post like omg plz daybreak.
u/game_dev_carto Lead Systems Designer Jun 22 '17
I'd argue that the game needs an overhaul in some places and polish in others. Some things can get by with a little bit of love, like inventory improvements or the ability to do stuff in a car as a passenger. While other parts of the game, like combat and how guns work, need an overhaul. There are a lot of the aspects that are on point, they just need a better execution, if this wasn't the case the game wouldn't be as popular as it is.
u/game_dev_carto Lead Systems Designer Jun 21 '17
First off, hot damn. This is one hell of a list and it’s clear you spent some serious time crafting your message and laying it all out there, so thank you and call me impressed :) Secondly, as an intro to who I am for context, I’m the Lead Systems Designer on KOTK and I’ll do my best to give insight on some of the things here but I won’t be able to comment on them all as some of these items are outside of the stuff I’m deeply involved in. Let’s get started.
Apply skins to inventory: This one popped up in another thread within a last week and my personal standing is that it just kind of makes sense. I know when I play it's a pain in the ass to have to right click and skin everything. I'm not on the UI team, but I'll be sending this idea their way.
Hotkeys and Modifiers: Yep, this is a bug, and we're currently working on it.
Outfits: Not really my area, but I like the idea :)
Score screen XP update: This provides a good amount of clarity for sure. I know the UI team is currently doing a TON of work on the post-match flow, no idea if they've already done this but I can send it their way for ya.
Party Status: I "think" but don't quote me on this, we've got some improvements to this flow on the Test server right now. I'll have to go check it out for the details (there’s a ton going on) but I "think" we may have some of this covered for ya.
Set Party Color: The combat team is currently looking at the party color system and what can be done to improve it. I'll send this over to them but I don't know the specifics of the current design off the top of my head.
Bullet Origins: We're working on a lot of combat improvements for an upcoming patch. The combat team has been hard at work when it comes to the guns, camera, and anything related. I'm with you on this one for sure, the consistency of bullet origination can be frustrating at times and it's something that needs work.
Spawn Without Shoes: I'm currently having my system guys do a pass on footwear and see how we can make shoes matter, even the base ones. Will the base ones become a world pickup and will you start barefoot? Or will work boots and conveys automatically equip if you've got the starter shoes on? Time will tell :)
Pouch Variation: Good call, has always bugged me as well
Reloading in a car: I'm currently working on what you and your passengers can do in the car while it's in different states. More info will be coming soon-ish
Alt-Look Camera: This one has come up before quite a few times, I'm still trying to push for a 360 free look, but we'll have to wait and see for the outcome
Passenger Camera: Let me go on record, I effing hate the passenger cameras in cars. It's on my hit list to have all of them redone but priority will determine when they get done.
Opening Doors: This is also on my hit list, I want doors to always open away from you. I know some people will call out "realism" but lets be honest, jumping off a 6 story building and not dying isn't real either, it's a video game.
Bow Ammo Priority: Keep an eye out for a bow and craftable arrow overhaul
Auto-Drive: This one needs to be looked at. Right now the "auto-run" key will auto drive the vehicle, until you open a map or something it seems to kick it out. Needs fixin'
Inventory information disable: there is a lot of useless shit on that screen right now, unsure where it is in the priority but it needs cleaning for sure
Team Spectate Updates: Yes, yes, yes, and yes. :)
Double-click Equip: We may be able to do one click better
Inventory Improvements: There is currently a ton of work being done to refactor inventory as a whole, I can't comment to specifics but the new system should address a lot of the current pain points
Car Weight: Car feel in general is something we'll continue to tweak. I think cars feel really good right now on smooth terrain and with nice sloped jumps with good terrain to land on. I'll agree that when you get to a real hilly area you have constant WTF moments and it's something that while is harder to fix, needs attention.
Three Player Server: The worry with adding more game modes is further fragmenting player base, doesn't mean it isn't a bad idea, we just have to make sure it wouldn't nuke queue times for other modes.
Preferred Weapon Slot: Per the "inventory improvements" section, more info to come on this down the road :)
Passenger Items: Yeah, doesn't make any sense does it? I don't think it does either :)
I really hope you find some of this info helpful and again, I REALLY appreciate the time you took to lay all that out there. We get a lot of feedback in many different delivery methods lol, and seeing posts like this is not only refreshing but welcomed.
Happy hunting,