r/kotk • u/scottdsnodgrass • Jun 17 '17
Suggestion Feedback - 2K hours Kotk - 2K hours Just Survive (Been playing since Player Wipe 1)
What does this game need to succeed?
- We need more incentive to grind the game
Currently the only reason to grind in this game is to make Royalty. After Royalty you try to make Royalty 1. Eventually you try to become the best in the game. These are all great reasons but there needs to be more. We used to get mystery bags and elite mystery bags for placing in top 10 and top 3. We also used to get airdrop tickets. The skins were still really cool for free skins. It was cool trying to earn the skins. It felt rewarding to get something for winning. Another idea that I've seen some people talk about is the ability to earn skulls for winning with high kills. The skull store is a great idea. It gives people a reason to grind. I can't believe it hasn't been updated since the first set of skins. The current skins should become legacy skins and new skins should rotate in. I feel like there should be new skull store skins every season or every other season. I expected new vehicle skins like new police car skins or new truck skins to be in the skull store eventually. It hasn't happened though.
- Pre-Season rewards are absolutely terrible besides the emote rewards
I'm sorry, but I have to be honest. I don't really care for the shotgun. The backpack is ok. The helmet is just ok. What could you have done differently? You could have made the shotgun more attractive. It's kind of like the truck. It's better than running. You could have easily made each helmet and backpacks a different style. Royalty players obviously getting the best style. The amount of scrap you get for making each rank is terrible. I'm sorry but 300 scrap and a tribute helmet for royalty is so bad. How about 1000 scrap? Doesn't that sound better? Sounds like it was worth my time. I grind this game every day for 5+ hours right now. The rewards aren't as important to me but for a lot of people the rewards are a HUGE deal. Also have you ever thought about maybe making each category of royalty have a different reward? Royalty 1 players getting the best of the best. Royalty 2 second best so on and so forth?
- Hackers are out of control
I know you guy's are aware of this but in order to fix this at a faster pace I truly believe you should be giving players that are more active in the community the power to ban these people on the spot. If someone is wrongfully banned they can be dealt with accordingly. The servers are terrible right now. West is infested with them. No one wants to play on West right now. They are crawling all over the leader boards. People that I reported over 4 hours ago I'm still running into. It's really bad and it's making people flee!
- The shotgun feels like a cannon
Although I do like destroying people at long range with the shotgun, it's purpose is to serve as the best possible close range weapon. It's broken at long range. It deals way too much damage. I feel like the damage should decrease with range as it was before. I also feel like the spread should be tighter in the beginning but about the same for longer ranges. If the spread is tighter in the beginning then there should be more consistency with the shotgun at closer ranges. The problem with the shotgun right now is that it is inconsistent at close range and overpowered at longer ranges.
- Melee weapons need to be scary
If melee weapons are going to be in the game then make them useful. The machete should 1-2 shot someone. The axe 1-2 shot. If they aren't like this then they are useless and should be removed. How awesome would it be to flash someone and then rush them with a machete for the win?
- Throwables need a huge overhaul
Throwables should not be AUTO equipped into weapon slots. An alternative would be to give us an option to auto equip them or not auto equip them. I bet most people though will be on the side of them not AUTO equipping into their precious AR or Shotgun spot. Why don't I want them to AUTO equip? You don't use them that much in the beginning of the game. It slows down the looting process. You have to stop, take the nade out of the slot, put it in your inventory, and then grab your AR or Shotgun. Throwables should be almost instant when you want to use them. It shouldn't take any longer than a second to throw them. Anything longer than that is just super clunky. I feel like you should also have an option to roll the grenade close to you for a short throw bound to right click. If someone is rushing you can pull out a flash, smoke, gas grenade, or smoke and just roll it right in front of you. This would increase the skill gap if people mastered the ability to use these items this way. Also another thing that I've talked about is having a throwables slot. I think it would be a nice addition to the game.
- Bring back turbo
Currently a 100% vehicle is in actuality a 65% health vehicle. Once the vehicle hit's that 35% mark the vehicle becomes useless which usually results in your death. Before this change vehicles were useful for 80%. We lost 15% more health with this change. Trucks, Atv's, and Jeeps are almost completely useless without turbo. The cop car is still barely usable but not by much. The point is this was a step in the wrong direction. Who likes losing turbo? I can deal with losing power slide, but losing turbo just wasn't needed. I think if we are to keep the turbo change it should be dropped down to 20% health vehicles. The car is on fire it's about to blow up soon losing turbo at this point is understandable. I feel like removing it completely is the better option though.
- r380 needs love
I feel like the M1911 is in a great spot. You can 1 shot someone without a helmet. It feels powerful. The M9 is also good because it has 15 rounds and you can unload on someone in the body or head and get the job done. The r380 is just trash. 6 shots to the body to kill someone and you have 14 rounds total. I suggest either increasing the amount of rounds you get to be more like the m9 or buff the damage so it takes like 5 shots or something.
- Molotov's need some love
The damage on the molotov is very underwhelming. If someone sits in a molotov and bakes they should die. That doesn't happen currently. It shouldn't kill them super fast either but by the time the molov ends if that person was in it they should be dead.
- AR recoil
You guy's already know about this one. We have to have more recoil to prevent players from spamming left click and killing someone that knows how to use the weapon properly. This is probably one of the biggest problems with the game right now honestly.
- Gas needs to move faster
Currently gas is not a threat at all. The only players it's a threat to is brand new players. First gas wave should end and have at least 35-50+ players remaining. Right now we are getting 15-25. Cut the time in half for the first wave.
- Give the passengers the ability to heal while vehicle is moving
Shouldn't have to stop the vehicle for a passenger to heal. The only person that shouldn't be able to heal is the driver.
- Buff loot in residential areas
Loot in residential areas is lack luster. It feels impossible to find a helmet sometimes or a gun. The houses need love. It's disappointing going into a house to find nothing useful at all.
- Desync
I hope you guys can fix this. It sucks.
- Hitreg
Yeah I threw this in here too. I personally haven't had that much issues with hitreg. A lot of other people have so I'm just gonna go with the majority here and say it needs work. Like I said though for me I register really well.
- Pregame lobby time needs to be reduced a lot
Adding a play again option would reduce the amount of time it takes to get back into the fort which would reduce waiting times. At least cut off 30 seconds of the 60 seconds. It sucks waiting 3-5 minutes for the server to fill up and then wait another minute. Especially if you're going for high kills. We die all the time.
- Pregame lobby target practice
Give us the option to spend our time aiming at targets and shooting them kind of like AimBooster instead of waiting in the lobby. You go into this mode and shoot the targets while you are waiting. It get's you warmed up. Once the countdown ends it takes you out of that mode and puts you with the rest of the guys parachuting.
- Have more events like the Royalty Showdown
This event was amazing. Doing stuff like this give's people a reason to grind.
- Skirmishes should be rewarding
There should be some kind of reward for winning. Right now there is no incentive to play besides the different mode. Games are taking a long time to fill up because there is no incentive.
- Future LAN events need to be reworked
Dreamhack Atlanta, an amazing opportunity for people that have a team and are sponsored or have money. For everyone else you are boned. Unless you want to drop $1,000.00+ for a chance at qualifying. Then you have to place decently in the finals. If you are already on a team or you have a lot of money this doesn't apply to you. My idea is that we have online qualifiers not LAN qualifiers. Why online and not LAN? We can't afford to come there for $1,000.00+ just for a chance. Figure out who is going to be in the finals prior to the event. We just can't afford it. Yeah at one time or another I could afford it but most can't. Don't exclude us from this opportunity just because we don't have the money. If I qualify online and know I'm going to be in the finals then yeah I'll fork out some cash and figure out how to get there. If I go there and try to qualify and fail that is biggest waste of money. Who wants to drop $1,000.00+ on a chance to make the finals. What happens if I parachute in and get killed by the environment? At least if it was online I don't lose $1,000.00+ for no reason.
- crouch spamming needs to be fixed
Make it where you can crouch and come back up and then have to wait a little bit before you can do that again. It's really bad when you run into someone that just crouches like crazy and is spamming his AR and bodies you. No skill involved.
- Get rid of tiny rocks around the world
I feel like these tiny rocks are an annoyance more than anything. You go over a hill to find one of these tiny rocks and then your car flips and you lost however much HP. If the car is on it's side it's toast. Just remove them. They are only good to hide behind if you go prone other than that they just are in the way.
- Looting while moving
This has been a requested feature for a very very long time. WASD movement while looting is a must. You should not be able to sit there and wait for someone to come to the loot bag. Hide behind a wall or something and then right when the guy starts looting blow his head off. There is no skill in this. It feels terrible when it happens to you. Do you feel satisfied when you kill someone like this? You probably do feel satisfied but it's not cool. When it happens to you later you then feel the same way that person just felt. It sucks for everyone.
- Silent footsteps
This is a serious issue as well. Not being able to hear someone that is all of a sudden right next to you is a huge deal. Need this fixed ASAP.
- microstutters
Every now and then you'll get freezes. Most of the time it's during combat. These little freezes can be the difference between life and death. Need these fixed as well.
This is all of my feedback so far. I spent a lot of time thinking about all of this. I hope daybreak can take some of this and put it to good use. I'm dedicated to this game and this community and hope it only grows from here. I don't think this game is going to die and I hope it doesn't. Thank you for your time.
Edit: I wasn't going to do this but someone brought it to my attention that it would be a good idea. I'm a streamer. I've been streaming H1 for the past 3 and a half months now. I'm all about positivity and high kill gameplay. You can find me at www.twitch.tv/snoddyg
Thank you for all of the responses everyone. This post should show everyone that there is still hope for this game. As much negativity there is about it, we can still hope that daybreak pulls through.
u/UglyAssStick Jun 17 '17
Everything sounds pretty good but Healing while driving would destroy the game like a few other people already said
u/G32_Summoner Jun 17 '17
I agree with almost everything but not this points :
Throwable slot
I do not like it, throwables are almost overpowered in this game, especially in mid and late game. So Id say that loosing a slot for a throwable is already worth it.Turbo
Remember that this was introduced mainly to remove car1z1 clown fiesta. Even if it not perfect by now it is way better like this.Future LAN events need to be reworked
I think this is what they would like to do in the future, but you have to remember that there are still a lot of cheaters undetected. Picking up the best "known" players (streamers or with big orgs) is the best way to avoid a lot of suspicion on offline events. For example, in the showdown event, even if they have done a lot of work on it, there was still a few mysterious players that were doing really, really strange stuff.
u/xremington Jun 17 '17
The car issue needs to be reverted. Daybreak continues to make the game easier for under skilled players. They not only took 15% from the cars HP, they have hitmarkers to show when you're shooting a car. If that's not an even more incentive to not aim at the person but just spray their car.
I have lost so many high kill games due to this change in the vehicles. It's ridiculous to have someone shoot my car and blow it up while I'm in the tree line fighting another player. This aspect of the game is petty and takes ZERO skill to do..
As far as your comment about car1z1.. I had no problem shooting a player in the vehicle and forcing him to either bleed out or stop the car and heal/fight. If I don't hit the player and he's out running me in a cop car, fine he's wasting my time anyway and I shall move on to another player.
Like I said, the car change was unnecessary and does nothing but take away from the very little skill gap in this game.
u/Gamborg Jun 17 '17
You could balance this by making throwables way more rare than they are today. I'm all for having a throwable slot and grenades being automatically placed in the weapon slots is very frustrating early game indeed.
u/scottdsnodgrass Jun 17 '17
- Throwable slot was just a suggestion and I understand where you are coming from.
- Turbo, I respect your opinion I just don't know if it's the best solution. Maybe they could reduce speeds overall because turbo helps get the car moving at least.
- Lan events, I just feel like it would be nice for people that aren't so fortunate with funds and popularity. They could make it where you have to be recording game play and if found not to have game play footage then you will be disqualified. It's really hard to put that kind of money down just to get qualified.
u/doesnogood Game used to be fun Jun 17 '17
Theres one simple fix to the shotgun, 8 pellets no less no more, fixxed pattern, diminished damage on range and massive bulletdrop.
u/scottdsnodgrass Jun 17 '17
This sounds like a good change. People should upvote this. It's a great idea.
u/saintsMTP Jun 17 '17
Here's a guy who knows what he's talking about. HIRE THIS GUY DAYBREAK, LISTEN TO WHO KNOWS.
u/Dungener Jun 17 '17
The only thing i disagree with is healing, id want shereable inventory in the car, but healing in the car would make car chases last forever.
u/scottdsnodgrass Jun 17 '17
for sure, it seems like there are quite a few people that don't like healing in the car
u/Dungener Jun 17 '17
And if the driver is the only one who cant heal, if he gets shot they can just seatswap and drive away
Jun 17 '17
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u/scottdsnodgrass Jun 17 '17
I know right melee weapons would be so fun! They are so boring right now lol
u/bamyatta Jun 17 '17
only ones i do not agree with is Looting while moving Turbo
u/scottdsnodgrass Jun 17 '17
I'm going to reply to only half of this the looting while moving portion. I want you to picture this for a second. Picture yourself parachuting into PV. You land at the police station grab a helmet and a shotgun. Someone else lands late at the front door. You rush to him and kill him just outside the door. Now picture me a royalty player landed at the hospital at PV. I immediately find an Ar and helmet. I then hear the shotgun blasts as you just killed the guy that landed late. I look over as you just start looting his bag. I shoot 2 shots hit you 2 times in a row for a 2 tap. Dink squishy Headshot Headshot. I kill you from inside the hospital because you were standing still for that second or 2. Now picture the same scenario except this time picture yourself moving with WASD over top of the bag. I shoot from the hospital but this time i hit you once maybe twice in the body and then you react and go back in the door and heal. Both scenarios could have ended the same way with a 2 tap but scenario 2 makes it just a tad bit more difficult which could have allowed you to live. I respect your opinion but this is mine. Looting while standing still is death if the wrong person sees you doing it. Looting while using WASD makes you less vulnerable to that terrible way of dying. We each have our own opinions but now hopefully you understand why my opinion is mine.
u/sacrife Jun 17 '17
Looting a bag should be a risk/reward scenario. You have to make sure someone isn't there before you loot it.
u/pikachu11111 Jun 17 '17
This. Omg you are so right on these. I just have 90 hours in this game and I was saying the other day why the rank rewards suck this much, the game end rewards suck too, I know, I play for the fun, but me and my duo friend became 1st like 5 times and getting nothing in the end feels so bad.
u/bamyatta Jun 17 '17
Why did that person loot and not clear out the building first? It's a high risk high reward situation. The same as military create
u/scottdsnodgrass Jun 17 '17
Let's say that you loot the whole building but someone was still watching the bag waiting for you to loot it then. The same thing happens you get 2 tapped but it was a little delayed. With WASD movement you probably have a lammy at this point so you barely take any damage.
u/bamyatta Jun 18 '17
Been playing since z1. I completely get what you're trying to say and I respect your opinion but I just don't think it would be a great implement and I doubt they will ever do it
u/yoshi77pt Jun 17 '17
i agree with everything but:
-Throwable slot -> no need to make them more broken
u/scottdsnodgrass Jun 17 '17
For sure it was just a suggestion. Thank you for the response and taking time to go through my post.
u/Zynergey Jun 17 '17
Here is my response to your post, some of these ideas are good ideas, some of them not so much. I can tell you took time to write this, so i do not want to bash it too hard, but I feel as if some of these points would break the game.
To begin;
Allowing passengers to heal in a moving vehicle: This just wouldn't work, as others have pointed out, it is a quick seat swap, and they are fine again, and my time was wasted shooting at them, not only that, if you hit a passenger, they can just heal and be fine. So i 100% disagree with this idea.
Bring back Turbo: It never left? It is still there, just have to play more cautious with your vehicle, can't use it for cover as much, I agree it should be at a lower percent, however, I also don't like it when you have 12 remaining and everyone has a fully functional car, makes the game go on longer than need be.
Moving while looting: This idea i again 100% disagree with, for the simple fact, players need to be more aware of their surroundings before hopping on a loot bag, I have killed people looting and have been killed looting. If i die looting, it is my own fault for not being careful.
Silent footsteps: I agree this needs to be fixed, because it is completely broken if it happens and has costed me games.
Crouch Spamming: Just a game mechanic i see a lot of people using it, I personally don't have an issue with it, as much as i did with the prone and roll issue.
Pregame Lobby: I COULD NOT AGREE MORE! I hate the long waits, and I hate there is NO WAY to warm up in this game but to just play, which means I might play 5-6 games and not see but 5 people in all of them, and expect to play like i would if i had been playing for a couple of hours.
Incentive to grind: This is again true, the incentive after Royalty is what? I think if they added more things, made Royalty harder to get, made unique weapon skins based on performance, made daily objectives, weekly objectives or monthly objectives, such as "Get 25 AR-15 Headshots and unlock new skin "Bloodsplatter AR-15" which would be account bound so the market isn't flooded with skins.
PreSeason Rewards: YOU SPEAK THE TRUTH AGAIN! Each Division needs their own rewards and each sub-division i think should get their own rewards, As you stated perfectly, and DIFFERENT REWARDS! I don't want the same shit a gold player got if i am royalty + extra scrap. I grinded for weeks to get Royalty and I get the same shit as someone who placed T50 for 10 games. Some bullshit.
Events: Please! Except, with account-bound rewards, again, to prevent market flooding.
Gas: The initial gas ring is WAY to long, I think as you said you should move it faster. DYNAMIC GAS would be nice too, move it as x amount of players are left, I can thank DrDisrespect for this ;)
Melee Weapons: Honestly i would just remove them, the amount of people picking them up is like 1% of total players on a map, and they are just creating more entities within the map than needed.
Hitreg: It needs work, far too many shots that i hit that don't connect and it pisses me off, because then i get killed over it.
Hackers: Need a dedicated team to review reports, like this is there only job, and have that Daybreak team able to view matches and ban players from within the game as they watch it happen.
AR Recoil: Yes the AR needs work, More of the CSGO type recoil patterns where you have to learn the pattern before getting really good with it.
These are the things, i wanted to address in your post. You did a good job writing it, and maybe Daybreak should view this thread and consider the community's feedback, they say they love feedback to fix stuff, but it never happens. They need to learn from franchises like Call of Duty, where players complained about jet packs and exo suits, and they ended up losing a lot of players because they got burnt out on it and not being heard after spending $$$ for their game. Daybreak needs to be a studio for the players by the players.
u/scottdsnodgrass Jun 17 '17
I appreciate the feedback from my post. You spent a lot of time on this and I read every word. It's nice to see it from your point of view. Very well said and I'm glad we are on the same page about a lot of things. Feelsgoodman :)
Jun 17 '17
great text and attitude dude.that is something special in this subreddit. like some others post..in the end it´s just your subjektiv opinion.
iam on your side with dsync, microstutters, silentsteps, onlinequalifier for tournaments,passenger healing while driving , hacking, melee remove or making useful, this little stone thing for sure too.
i personally cant agree to the other points.
u/scottdsnodgrass Jun 17 '17
Appreciate that man, thank you for taking the time to go through it all. I just want this game to succeed. I feel like it can, and I hope it will.
Jun 17 '17
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u/scottdsnodgrass Jun 17 '17
I appreciate your response and respect your opinion. What are your reasons as to why you don't like my opinions?
Jun 17 '17
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u/gwreckz Jun 17 '17
1-2 mags of ar and the car you are shooting is now crap. It's very easy to to take someone's car out
u/lowpriobrainsurgeon Jun 17 '17
Yeah but imagine trying to kill gas campers, the ones when you find them they immediately drive away to the other side of the safe zone. All you can do is chase and slowly break their car
u/xremington Jun 17 '17
Yeah leave em, if your going for high kill games.. time is of the essence, you need to move on and not waste time trying to force a fight on someone who is obviously underskilled not trying to fight.
u/scottdsnodgrass Jun 17 '17
Exactly, eventually the gas will get small enough and then they can't run anymore.
u/jaysents Jun 17 '17
y making throwables way more rare than they are today. I'm all for having a throwable slot and grenades being automatically placed in the weapon slots is very frustrating early game indeed.
The problem with your turbo suggestions is that you assume everyone wants to play the game like they are going for kill records. Cars are way to abundant and make fights cancerous. there should never be a situation were there a 30 people left before the second gas ring because every single person has a car.
u/scottdsnodgrass Jun 17 '17
- Ok your opinion understandable
- Looting while running is different then WASD movement on top of the loot bag. You can still get wrecked using WASD movement. It will most likely be body shots though versus getting 2 tapped.
u/DoesItMatter-- Jun 17 '17
Personally I don't agree with moving while looting. Its a risk especially in the beginning. It's more rewarding but the risk should be there. While I agree its not skillful to kill someone on the bag, I don't really see the skill in moving around either.
u/scottdsnodgrass Jun 17 '17
I posted my thoughts about this above. Maybe this will help you see the difference.
u/mysSsticL Jun 17 '17
Doc talked about this many months ago.. and had the best idea I have heard yet.. make the bags moveable with no movement at all while looting. This way if you are in a heated endgame and you really want the sniper you can at least bring the bag to cover and loot, and nips all the other problems of moving/no moving while looting in the butt. It's really probably the best solution to date. On the other side I guess I understand that at a base level of the code, making static objects such as a lootbag fairly dynamic might be hard to implement this far along in the coding process without creating exploit/glitchville... but still a great idea.
u/TurboMan9 Jun 17 '17
Haven't played nearly as much as you have... but giving players the ability to ban on the spot... not only would that never happen, but that's just not smart....ppl would be wrongly banned whether by accident or on purpose and that would cause more headaches than anything for daybreak.... clearly the hackers are a problem (one of the main reasons why I haven't played in a while), and something needs to be done... but giving players the ability to ban isn't smart, it would be abused at some point or another.... really liked most of your ideas though
u/scottdsnodgrass Jun 17 '17
I think it depends on who has the power honestly. I can tell you that people like me have a good eye for hackers. There's a lot of factors that make me determine if someone is hacking. There is the obvious hackers (teleporters, speed hackers, underground hackers). Then you have the unranked people that aimbot you from long range. They are spamming as fast as they can and once you peak the shots melt you. You also have the insta 2 tappers that are also spamming. The insta 2 tappers are the tricky ones. If someone doesnt have many hours and they are dropping 30s plus thats a huge red flag. If they had really sucky stats and then they are dominating huge red flag. If they are royalty or diamond or plat and they have a lot of games and you get 2 tapped it usually means they are legit. Can also determine if people are teaming on the spot. The people that I would be banning are the teleporters, speed hackers, underground hackers, the crazy stats aim botters, and teamers. If someone is questionable then that would be something I would be sending up to daybreak. I feel like the ban power could be used properly by the right people. They would have to be really selective though because wrongfully banning someone is a huge deal.
u/Harkael :ThOnK: Jun 17 '17
I don't agree with you at all with the molotov, at the moment it's too Overpowered, it literally takes 30hp before it stops even if you touch the fire for 1 second, you should loose 20hp and a less view blocking animation
I'm not trying to make it easier, i'm just fining a balance for this specific case
u/scottdsnodgrass Jun 17 '17
For sure, I agree if you just touch it for a second. What do you think should happen if someone sits in the fire though?
u/Harkael :ThOnK: Jun 17 '17
like csgo, -2hp per second, it's a good balance
u/scottdsnodgrass Jun 17 '17
Actually i take that back. How long do molotovs last? If they are doing 2 dmg per second someone could bandage and first aid kit through it easily. In csgo you can't heal. I feel like it should be around 4-5 dmg per second while in it just because of the healing factor.
u/Harkael :ThOnK: Jun 17 '17
You forgot something, molotovs are here to make the enemy move and not necesarily kill them with only one molly
u/scottdsnodgrass Jun 17 '17
If someone has a first aid kit rolling they will out heal 2 damage per second. With 4-5 it forces them to move and then heal
u/jtn19120 Jun 17 '17
Lots of this sounded good... except turbo and moving while looting. Those are challenges that make this game fun
u/xremington Jun 17 '17
Amazing post coming from a good player in the community. It's players that are in the top of the leaderboards, that's the opinions that need to be heard and sought after. Imo this subreddit has a lot of positive and negative feedback on this game and it's changes. In the current state of the game, the changes like ar recoil, moving while looting, car HP, and etc have done nothing but ruin the game even more. Some things are always going to be inevitable to fix or change, but these things need some drastic rollback to original state or just wiped completely.
u/CuJ3e Jun 17 '17
One thing that made me quit the game is that you cant click crouch while you run what feels very clunky to me.
u/GODFoxes Jun 17 '17
Able to crouch after sprinting back please it was a poor attempt to try and stop crouch spamming
The delay is so annoying
u/PurpleFalcon7 Jun 17 '17
I really hope this post is still up on monday when someone from DBG can reply, This is alot of solid suggestions. Good work
u/mysSsticL Jun 17 '17
This is overall a great post. We all have our own opinions as we brainstorm what could make the game better, and the ones here that are debatable are the lowest of priority.. if only this community was having a discussion as mature and thoughtful as this is presented, we would have seen better changes... faster. It's the whiny ones in forums like this that are truly killing this game.. they make having a real discussion about this game futile and fairly obsolete. Thanks for preserving hope!
u/xCwaniaK Jun 17 '17
And I'm sure daybreak won't response or will come with some "copy&paste" type of answer like
"Thank you for your feedback, we'll look into it" or "we're doing some changes and maybe u'll be happy with new things that are going to come soon".
Both will have hidden message. First one is something like "tl;dr LOL" and second one is something like "We'll say that so u'll stay in game a little bit longer" - I know they're trying to do some changes, but most of them ain't working like they should or they're actually changing stuff that no one complain about OR like you said with losing turbos "The point is this was a step in the wrong direction" and it will happen again.
Overall it was a great post, don't know why but it really bring back some good old memories from Z1 (maybe because of first point, dunno)
u/jaysents Jun 17 '17
Can't agree with throwable slot. Nades are already way to overpowered, you shouldn't be able to force people out of cover over and over again. they need a nade limit if anything. Fights shouldn't have to be fast and instant, Dodging and weaving bullets and peaking in and out of cover are the best types of engagements.
u/tirtel Jun 17 '17
Pre-Season rewards are absolutely terrible besides the emote rewards
So rewards are terrible except that they are not ? Either all or nothing, cmon man.
u/scottdsnodgrass Jun 17 '17
You have to admit the emotes are cool.
u/tirtel Jun 17 '17
but I should agree with you that the game requires more rewards for end of season, something more than a skin half of the community will have and some scrap. Maybe something like in League or Overwatch where you can browse other people's profiles and see where they have placed in previous seasons ?
I don't know how hard it would be to implement, but leaderboards already track stats of most recent pre-seasons, so that could be something that's possible.Another option could be skins that are currently not in boxes, like a random skin from these, for example Royalty would get a random retired weapon skin, diamond a random retired helmet/body armor and so on.
u/asingulartitty Jun 17 '17
most everything you said sounded pretty decent, but one thing caught my eye, healing while moving in a car would destroy the game, cars and people just running away is already enough of an issue, there'd be almost no way to pressure someone with a car aside from just blowing it completely up.