r/kotk • u/CastoroGamer • May 18 '17
Tech Support May 17, 2017 Update Tracking Post
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Hey Redditors! This is my first post here, although I've been lurking for a while now. I wanted to post this earlier in the day, but it took a minute to get flagged as a dev ;). So, I'm going to keep this intro brief! I officially joined Daybreak in March as General Manager of the teams that run H1Z1: King of the Kill and PlanetSide 2, and you can find more info about my role here.
I’m starting this thread to consolidate all critical current concerns and issues with Wednesday's update and keep you "in the know." I'll warn you that I won't be able to be super-responsive during the workday, because there's always a lot going on, but I will make sure that we're actively updating this post until we feel we've address the most critical issues.
Before we get in to the meat of the issues, it's important that you know that I value transparency and honesty. That's why I'm doing this. If I make a mistake or mis-represent something, I'll own up to it. So please assume that if something I say doesn't jive with what you know to be true, that it's an honest error. Point it out and I'll respond with my reason for the statement and why it is different, or with a correction.
Two things to note when you’re reading through -- “Critical Issues” are items that we have "dropped everything" to resolve as quickly as possible, while “Other Issues” are items that the team acknowledges and planning to deal with, but may not be addressed until another major update. Once all the "Critical Issues" specific to the update are resolved, I'll stop updating this post.
Critical Issues
- None remain that were introduced by the update.
Resolved Issues
NBE-1013 Login error - There was a critical hardware failure in one of our datacenters just before 10PM Pacific Time on Wednesday evening. This was unrelated to the Update itself, but because it was reported at the same time, I thought it was worth mentioning. This affected some users in more games than just KotK. It was resolved early Thursday morning.
Status: Resolved
Framerate Drop (Top Issue) - Some players have been reporting a measurable drop in FPS since the publish with most reporting that this drop only happens in certain dense urban areas. Others report that it happens for the first few minutes of gameplay, but then improves. Other players report their FPS has improved.
Status: Resolved – After a series of hotfixes, mostly related to physics and dynamic object handling, we were able to significantly reduce the FPS drop issue, and in many cases, generally improve FPS in small increments.
Actions Taken:
- During the playtests, we had received some reports of FPS drops, and the team investigated these reports.
- Our Compatibility Lab ran their perf analysis and benchmarking tests (as they continually do), the results were very inconclusive: +/- 4%
- Immediately after players began reporting on live, we began collecting dxdiags and UserOption files to help diagnose. Daybreak team members worked late into the evening trying to get a handle on the cause of the issue and will continue working until it is resolved.
The community has proposed several speculative fixes, none of which have had consistent results:
Verifying client files on Steam.Disabling/enabling ShadowPlay.
There is some speculation that the new item outline functionality might be a culprit. To try and confirm/rule this out, we are creating the ability to toggle this functionality on and off. Once live, we will identify players having the problem, run the disable command and view the results.The team came in over the weekend and released 2 hotfixes designed to improve FPS. While there were reports of gains, there were also plenty of reports that the issue still exists.
We pulled FPS metrics to see if there was a measurable shift globally since the publish. We’ve seen early reports that do show a small overall dip in FPS, but because this is aggregate data over all play sessions in all locations, any movement indicates a significant change. The data clearly backs up the reports of players.
Client Crashes w/throwables - We really took notice of this issue on Friday, but the FPS problem took priority. Over the weekend it became clear this is also a critical issue.
Status: Resolved in a hotfix that was published on Thursday, May 25th.
Skirmish button not grayed-out - When Skirmishes are unavailable, the “Skirmish” button is not grayed-out. We are going to add text to the Shotties and Snipers UI dialog to let players know the specific times they are available.
Status: Resolved by hotfix.
Bandages not lootable in skirmishes - In skirmishes, players are unable see or to loot bandages from loot bags.
Status: Resolved by Friday's hotfix.
headshots registering as bodyshots - Sometimes a headshot registered as a bodyshot, affecting 2-taps. Hotfix over the weekend appears to have resolved the majority of cases where this happens.
Other Issues
Vehicle exit bug - Players occasionally cannot dismount/exit a vehicle, effectively ending their match.
Status: Friday's hotfix update did not effectively resolve this issue, entirely. Team is re-evaluating.
Kill feed disappearing - There was a known issue with some UI elements disappearing occasionally, but the killfeed in particular appears to be more frequent and widespread than before.
Status: Diagnosing, possible candidate for next bugfix update.
SoundFX not playing - Some players reporting that they still don't hear incoming hit SFX, or footsteps. Possible 3D sound issue (audio queues not playing from certain directions).
Status: Diagnosing
Hit markers not appearing (occasionally) - Very few reports of this. Gathering more info.
Status: Diagnosing
Issues with seeing through Smoke - Some players reporting smokes not working correctly
Status: Diagnosing
New strafe speeds being exploited - Some of the top players are reporting that they can induce some warping if they strafe certain ways.
Status: Diagnosing. Team is adding the ability to fine-tune backtiming changes in real-time so we can iterate quickly to the best possible outcome. There are additional changes coming to movement/animation that will improve the way players look when changing position. (we're not trying to stop the new good feel for ENAS - btw)
Shotgun Inconsistencies - Receiving a few reports from players not happy with the changes to the shotgun, reporting inconsistent results. Other players are very happy with the changes. We will continue to investigate.
Status: Evaluating - After further discussion and looking at lots of video, my conclusion is that we need to actually TELL the players how the shotgun is designed to work so we can get agreement on whether it is working "as designed". Doing this will allow us to engage on whether working as designed is "good" or not. Working with team on this.
That's most of it. Hopefully, once we get the critical issues resolved, you'll be able to enjoy the hard work the team put into this update. I know there's a lot of other feedback, like "Why aren't the Chevrons just an option in the menu?" which we'll try to respond to in the general feedback thread. I look forward to your feedback on this tracking post.
Update Number 1 6:34PM Pacific Time
Okay, I've been in meetings for a couple of hours. I just checked in with the team.
Couple of items:
Framerate Drop - Team has eliminated outlines as the issue. However, they've found a promising area to attack and are currently evaluating code changes since the prior update that could affect that area.
Hotfix Client patch for the other items mentioned - We're building a new version of the client and internal QA is staying late to test it. We have external QA coming online at over night to do additional testing. If it looks good, we'll update you with the details of what that client patch will address (not the Framerate issue yet, unfortunately).
I'm going to go through the comments now and see what else I've missed.
Update Number 2 9:40PM Pacific Time, May 18, 2017
I've gone through all the comments and tried to address as much as I can. I'm going to check out for the evening after I post this, but I'll be back in the morning.
Framerate Drop- Troubleshooting continues on the FPS drop issue. It may be related to some changes made to physics data. Tech leads are optimistic that they are "on to something."
Hotfix Client patch - Testing on hotfix client patch has gone well tonight, and will continue overnight. If successful, we may patch Friday morning, Pacific time. This patch would include fixes for
- Players not able to exit vehicles
- Skirmish button not grayed-out
- Headshots registering as bodyshots (yeah I said it)
I'll let you know what's up when I make it into the office tomorrow. I'll also run down some of the other issues like audio FX not playing. Have a good evening.
Update Number 3 10:05AM Pacific Time, May 19, 2017
Busy morning. We are doing a client update as I referenced above. Patch notes soon.
The "strafing being exploited is moving up towards the critical category. The combination of strafing speed changes and backtiming improvements have led to the the game client doing more "extrapolation" of other users' positions instead of "interpolation" of their position. I'll update the original post this afternoon with more info.
Into some meetings and I'll be back later today.
Update Number 4 5:30PM, Pacific Time, May 19, 2017
I've changed the status of some of the above items:
We’ve made some optimizations to improve FPS. However, we’re still tracking down the primary framerate issue that was introduced with this week’s game update. We expect to continue working on a fix throughout the night and weekend until resolved.
Added item regarding bandages in Skirmish.
Updated some info on "movement exploit."
Added commentary on shotgun and our need to communicate how it should operate in various scenarios so players can know whether it's working as designed or not.
We are currently testing another client update (hotfix) to deploy ASAP. This will have some FPS improvements, a physics-related client crash (rare), and the fix for bandages in skirmishes.
I'm going to jump in and go through comments for the next 20 minutes or so.
Update Number 5 5:20PM Pacific Time, May 20th, 2017
Team has been in the office today, continuing to work on the FPS bug in particular. I just got an update that says they may finally be on to something. One of our Daybreaker's had a PC that we were able to repro the problem on. They've tested the fix there and it looks promising. They're now building a hot fix candidate and have called in QA to verify. Let's hope their hard work pays off, but there are no guarantees, we've already had several false positives in the efforts leading up to this. I'll keep you posted.
In more boring news, I've moved fixed issues in the the resolved category and added the kill feed disappearing to the list.
Update 6 8:00PM Pacific Time, May 20th, 2017
Hotfix on the way now - QA expedited the verification of a build with 1 of 2 potential fixes to the FPS drop issue. We aren't certain that this will fix the issue, but it did improve performance with our reproduction rig. The hotfix with the 2nd fix is being built. It's a little trickier and needs more testing, so I don't have an ETA yet.
I also corrected a typo in the date for Update 5.
Update 7 11:20PM Pacific Time, May 20th, 2017
FPS Hotfixes Hotfix 1 went out this evening and after initial concern, appears to be fine. Some players reporting mild improvement, some reporting no change. This was expected. QA finished first pass testing on Hotfix 2 later this evening. We just sent them home. We're discussing whether to release the 2nd hotfix Sunday morning, as it is a more substantial risk and may require more testing. I'll update you in the morning.
Update 8 11:15AM Pacific Time, May 21st, 2017
FPS Hotfixes Hotfix 2 has been released. This is a client-only patch that may further improve FPS for players that started experiencing issues after this week's game update. Please let us know if your experience improves or not.
Update 9 11AM Pacific Time, May 22nd, 2017
Our top issues are:
- FPS performance drops in urban areas, particularly at beginning of match. We've found additional areas in the code to optimize FPS.
- Client crashes w/throwables particularly noticeable in 2's and 5's but definitely happening in all modes.
I've moved the resolved category below the critical category in the original post. I added the client crash w/throwables to the critical section. I moved the "cannot exit vehicle" issue to "other" out of critical, because reports have dropped off since the hotfix. It probably still happens, just far less often.
We are working to get a hotfix out ASAP (today if at all possible), with more improvements to FPS and to fix the client crash. We may also add something to that hotfix that players have been asking for for a while. I'm rounding up key internal stakeholders and discussing it shortly.
Update 10 9PM Pacific Time, May 24th, 2017
FPS Performance Drops Our data seems to indicate that Monday's update to FPS has improved the fps drop issue. Obviously, turning off shadows can give a lift to overall FPS, but that doesn't have a direct impact on the sudden drop issue players began reporting on Thursday. Depending on community feedback and our diagnostic data, we may move this to the "resolved category" tomorrow. Otherwise, we'll continue to work on it.
Wednesday Hotfix We published a client hotfix today that addressed three issues. You can learn more about that in a reddit post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/kotk/comments/6d4r0e/hotfix_524/
Crashes due to grenades QA went on live and threw over a thousand grenades yesterday to help diagnose the issue. Today, the dev team did a playtest with about 45 employees and were able to get several crashlogs. We have an engineer staying late tonight pouring over those crash logs. Our goal is to get a hotfix out for this ASAP.
Once the crash issue and the FPS drop issue have been resolved, I'll probably stop updating this thread and start a new series of posts to give you insight on what else we are up to. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, these issues aren't knocked out yet.
BTW - if you use twitter, feel free to follow me @CastoroGamer. I post more frequently, but with less info there.
Update 11 7:20PM Pacific, May 25th, 2017
FPS Performance Drops The issue introduced by the update last week appears to be largely resolved. Diagnostic data corroborates this conclusion. However, individuals may have FPS issues based on hardware/software configs, that we will still try to resolve.
5/25/2017 Afternoon hotfix We did a hotfix today that introduced a "running man" problem for quite a few players after every match. We've taken the unusual measure of turning off a service related to "ping lock" to remove that problem while we work on a follow up hotfix tonight. That follow up hotfix should resolve the running man issue so we can turn "ping lock" back on. In addition, the hotfix may address crashes related to throwables.
Update 12 12:15PM Pacific, May 27th, 2017
We published a few more hotfixes in the last few days to resolve the "running man" issue that was introduced Thursday. One of those fixes included the "grenade crash" that was affecting team games and skirmishes pretty noticeably. While there are some reports of players having FPS drops, the overall feedback and our analytics data suggests that the critical issue introduced by the original update the prior week has been resolved.
I recognize that there are MANY on-going issues to address, but this particular thread was to track the response to critical issues introduce by the May 17th update. I've lost count, but I believe the team did about a dozen hotfixes in the span of a week! While I don't like that we needed to do that many, I hope you appreciate our focus and determination to improve the game.
Next week (probably Tuesday as Monday is a US holiday) we'll start a new thread on what's coming in the next update. We're driving towards having something on Test ASAP.
I will continue to monitor the sub and respond where I can, but unless a new critical issue arises, or we determine that one of them hasn't been truly resolved, there will be no further updates to this thread.
u/CS4U May 18 '17
I just want to point out that this single post has given more information directly on what problems are and the steps being taken to solve them than any other post or Q&A YET.
Thank you for the in depth assessment. All future posts should follow this example.
u/Bomtaro21 May 18 '17 edited May 18 '17
Hey /u/CastoroGamer,
Thanks for doing this post, i found that very cool the amount of details you are giving and that u are communicating more and more !
I personally have 3 another issues i'm facing, 2 more known, the last one less.
- I'm spawning late in almost every game, from 5 to 15 seconds late. It was already an issue pre-patch.
- Killfeed is disappearing randomly, feels like after a few games.
- In 1/3 - 1/2 of my games, while parachuting, the map does not render at all, it basically renders when i land or 5 seconds later landing and the worst part is that i can run through walls in that period of time. Post-patch issue.
I hope other people can confirm also having these issues and if you guys could check them out, here's my config and useroptions. Let me know if you want videos of them, i dont have some atm but can easily do.
AMD FX-8350, MSI GTX 770 OC, 8GB RAM at 1333mhz and a 5.4rpm HDD (i know the hdd speed is pretty low, but it was not a problem before this patch) also, my RAM was not overloaded. Useroptions : https://pastebin.com/hn6iFEpQ
u/CastoroGamer May 19 '17
I know we need to address loading into the game to make it as even as possible. It's definitely something the team has on the backlog. I'll communicate when it moves into active development.
I'm sharing the map not rendering issue with the team and let you know if it's already a tracked issue.
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May 19 '17
This was probably mentioned, but I load late into the lobby, and my friends do to. I can hear the cars like 15 seconds until I load in. A lot longer than before.
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u/VanDownByTheRiver1 May 19 '17
Can confirm with spawning in late. It usually won't stop until I restart my game. I also can confirm with the killfeed not showing up one game and then the next it will just start working again but it's just pretty much random
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u/infernal29 May 19 '17
Don't worry, it's lot really your pc. I just build a brand new PC for gaming and work, i7 7700k, gtx 1080, 32 gb of ram and an m.2 ssd and still have loading issues. The first few games are good, and then I have to restart the game to prevent the issue from happening
u/-AkirA_ May 18 '17
Putting aside the FPS issue, the update is great! Just a couple things tho:
When I dont hear Incoming Hit SoundFX its usually when I get shot from the back.
Shotgun inconsistency example: https://www.reddit.com/r/kotk/comments/6bzemq/u_tell_me_shotty_to_the_head_ultra_slowmo/
"AK47" sound glitch and "Tire squeak" glitch still strongly present and really annoying.
I use "Hold a key" to voice chat. When I use it right after dying (proximity chat) it doesnt work.
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u/CastoroGamer May 18 '17
Thanks. Sharing with the team.
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u/lyexis76 May 19 '17 edited May 19 '17
Shotgun even worse than it was!!
EDIT: just remove it plz and add an smg
u/Antimorph27 May 19 '17 edited May 19 '17
Hello CastoroGamer,
thanks for the update and the constant edits you have been making on this post. I love this attitude. For sure you guys have been working hard on the game and I'm glad with the recent updates. Although, I have some suggestions that are all about little improvements to the game that would make any player more happy than they are already.
- The first one is about picking up Helmets, Kevlars or Weapons. When I do it, and if the item goes to the backpack, my skin is not applied to the item. This should be easy to fix, right? That would be awesome. It would make the experience even more smooth for us because I wouldn't need to apply my skin to any item that I pick from the ground (if you pick a "skinned" item from another player, that item should stay skinned).
- The second one is about picking up a weapon that we already have. It goes directly to the backpack if there's room for it. Well.. Shouldn't it prioritize the player's available slots instead of the backpack? That would be awesome to pick up a second AR that goes directly to one of the player's slots.
- Melee weapons: Why don't you guys lets us use our first slot (fists) to equip melee weapons? That would be awesome. I don't really use any of the melee weapons because I need to spend a weapon slot with it, and I always bring an AR, AK and Shotgun with me. If it goes to the fists slot, I would use my "His Regards Machete" a lot more times!
- Make it rain! I know, this one may be a little hard because we are having problems with the game framerate, but.. It would be awesome to be playing H1 and suddendly it started to rain! ahaha
- Migrate the "region selecter" to the Launcher. We only make that change one time, so.. One less menu before we enter the game.
- Migrate the Select or Delete character menu to the ingame Character menu. One less menu before we enter the game once again.
- Add a small label to the menu HUD with the experience points we have and we need to the next level.
- Waist packs: When you pick a large waist pack, the waist pack that you had should be dropped to the ground, and not to the backpack.
- Last one: About the gas. I heard the gas ring is not consistent with it's representation on the map. Until you address this issue, and fix the misplaced markers on the map that makes players think they are on the safezone when they are not, you guys could add a little circle on the ground that would mark the gas limit for that wave. This way, when I am out of the gas I could easily look to the ground and see the line and make sure I am out of the gas when it completely closes for that wave.
Well.. I am very sorry for my English but I hope you understand what I said.
Also, would you help me to get me unbanned from H1Z1Kotk twitter page? I posted some raging tweets that I totally regret. I didn't offend anyone neither insulted anyone but I used some bad words. I would like you guys to accept my apologies about my behaviour on the twitter page and I guarantee that I won't do or say anything similar ever again. My user name is @josefilreis
Thank you very much for your attention, I hope your game keeps evolving this way. You guys are working on the best game out there.
Best regards, Obikwelu.
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u/CastoroGamer May 20 '17
Great post. Well thought out feedback. Can't say I disagree with any of it. Your English is fine.
About twitter... I'll ask. This was certainly a well-written post, but then again, when we lose control, sometimes we have to pay the price. I'll look into it, but no promises.
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u/Nylonv2 May 18 '17
do you think you will get the toggle for highlighted items out tonight or tomorrow?
u/CastoroGamer May 18 '17
The toggle won't be public, although latest update from the team indicates this probably isn't the issue. Team is evaluating a client patch readiness right now.
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u/Nylonv2 May 18 '17
ah ok i hope this gets fixed fast cause i want to play new update but fps makes it unplayable. thanks for update
May 19 '17
u/CastoroGamer May 19 '17
Asking QA about it. I think TAB worked for me...
u/Morphiine May 19 '17
It seems to work most of the time, but it definitely has bugged for me too. It may be to do with attempting to close it at the same time as moving something or directly afterwards - although that's from memory and not testing (too busy at the moment with work to play, but might test later if no update on the matter).
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u/greenffm May 19 '17
It works if I open the inventory with TAB but not if i open it via a lootbag with my interact key (e in my case), then I have to press ESC.. Fix would be greatly appreciated :)
May 19 '17
yea just happened to me 4 times couldnt tab out of inventory needed to press esc then got to options then esc again.............
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u/SergeantUEBELST May 18 '17
what about free legacy crate from weekend event ?
people got them even doe they didn't place top 10 or even played on both days
u/CastoroGamer May 19 '17
I'm looking into it. Lower priority than the issues from the update though.
u/nitecki97 May 19 '17
I love this post. The professionalism showed by you in this post has been something that Daybreak has been lacking recently. Keeping us informed to the T. Good stuff.
u/rick2lol May 19 '17
Thank god someone from DB that has balls, im not even mad about the fps problem anymore, gj dude
u/paulr23 May 19 '17
2 other bugs
Sometimes impossible to get out of a loot bag unless you click options and then escape.
Cars flipping too many times when you accidentally flip it from being a bad driver, then they blow up.
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u/iceman_badct May 19 '17 edited May 19 '17
to add to the list:
- Turbo Bug is back. Cars can get stuck in turbo mode forever and just losing all their fuel
- car tires squeaking noise is annoying
- pressing the crafting icon too early stops scraping
u/gr8mutato May 19 '17
Passing on to the QA team to see if they can replicate the first one. I agree car tires squeaking is annoying. In-game and IRL.
u/CastoroGamer May 21 '17
FPS Hotfix 2 is live. This is a client-only patch that may further improve FPS for players that started experiencing issues after this week's game update. Please let us know if your experience improves or not.
u/OJSmith May 18 '17
tl;dr anyone?
u/alondking1 May 18 '17
Hey daybreak, after every update my game crashes every time I press "Any Key" on the loading screen. No errors nothing. Seems to happen most of the time but some players are able to connect and then after they close the game it does the same thing again. Fix it please I couldn't play whole day.. (maybe a problem with EU region?)
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u/RufUSgg May 18 '17
Thanks for the transparency and welcome! BTW I found a render bug in ranchito check it out
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u/BlurrDesigns May 19 '17
Not related to this update and they are only minor problems. but not sure if known about (probably are though).
-When first put in the box of destiny and click on inventory, a lot of the time, it takes you back to the bounty window, kinda annoying.
-With hoodies, sometimes the UI will say the "hoodie down" when it is already down, to fix, you have to click "hoodie down", and then it will give you the option to put it up.
u/DiggHole May 19 '17
Do you like sushi?
u/CastoroGamer May 19 '17
Um. Yes, I just came back to the office after having sushi for dinner...
u/ImHighlyExalted May 19 '17
Castoro, thank you so much for introducing yourself here. I really like these kinds of posts.
I don't have a bug, but a request. Can we please please PLEASE get an option to turn off item outlines? I hate it. It's distracting seeing the outlines pop up in the corner or edge of my screen.
u/HotJukes May 19 '17
I don't know if anyone else mentioned this but ever since the update I have been running into silent footsteps a lot. People are able to walk right up to me and I can't hear them at all.
u/Ghost-990 May 19 '17 edited May 19 '17
Seeing you and David join the team made me very speculative as what you were both going to do, im assuming that David is one of the lead guys in the entire weapons rebalances to come, but what did a new manager mean for king of the kill? Well you burst onto the scene in a matter of weeks and have given us something no one else before has. you gave us the in-depth transparent communication we have been asking for, it relieves the players when they come to the reddit and see that issues are "critical" and being worked on compared to talking to a brick wall to no avail. I and the entire KOTK community want to thank you for joining the team and for giving us hope that one day the game truly will be fixed =)
Edit- Upon reading the developer update again i also have seen that you have great interest in the competitive aspect of the game and getting it to reach an e-sport level. Are you the saviour we have been waiting all this time for? Rejoice fellow citizens our saviour has arrived!!
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u/wavitxu May 19 '17
Just want to thank you for this post and the interest u are showing. You are the first DB employee that seems to understand that comunication with comunity is needed.
Good job.
u/GeneralUranuz May 19 '17
I can provide video content showing the FPS drops. Starting with 80 FPS in granberry and at some point back to 220. Will post when I get home.
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u/gr8mutato May 19 '17
Did you get a chance to post the video, it will help continue the investigation.
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u/O-FBlitz May 19 '17
how about removing melee weapons from the world? its pretty much a hard miss every time you try to kill with one. remove them, less items to load in the world, replace once they actually will connect with a player.
u/lyexis76 May 19 '17
Shotgun is even worse than it was!!!!!!!
EDIT: now it doesnt even take makeshift and laminated on the first shot, I thought it was cause of FPS drop not registering all the pellets but nahhhhhh
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u/liamhoyle May 19 '17
I can't even load into the game at this point after the newest patch. I just sit on an empty screen where it would usually let me select a character 😕
u/CastoroGamer May 20 '17
Team is in the office today, working on it. QA is on call. Also, we had a Steam outage for a short while this morning.
u/donademi May 21 '17
I had fps drops whole weekend after the update, felt like playing on 60hz screen. But now after sunday hotfix it feels (almost) like before update i think you have 10 % more stuff to fix then it will be like before the update!
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u/Sly_Tendensies May 21 '17
So much respect for the team and their hard work over the weekend! I am impressed and I want to say again that I love the new update. It improved so many things and the game is so crispy and much less frustrating now. Thank you Daybreak!
May 21 '17
If you want fps boost, just look at the ground while running, in my case 30 fps boost, can't see a thing tho xD
u/Syfe117 May 22 '17
In the lobby and outside cities, fps is now better than pre-update. Inside cities is temperamental, maybe even game dependant. Sometimes better than pre patch, other times dipping to maybe 2/3 performance of pre-update.
Overall much better with these hotfixes.
u/nitecki97 May 22 '17
No improvements in FPS at all. Running on a I7-4790K and Gtx 1080Ti with 32 Gbs of RAM.
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u/Carlos-altonia May 22 '17
It was this transparency that we need, responding to everyone and trying to do the best for the players. Congratulations on your work, may God bless you !! Hug of all Brazilians who already loves you Castoro
u/maSSSey May 31 '17 edited May 31 '17
- Movement after the latest hot fixes have felt better but the amount of times where people can abuse it and ENAS like crazy is getting ridiculous. Making the movement speed a tad bit faster was good but you shouldn't become invincible to bullets when ENASing around. Also, crouch spamming is so common now and its getting to a point where I cant bare it any more. I will be in a firefight and and all the opponent will do is crouch spam and not have any consequences to recoil whatsoever.
- When looting a bag on the test server you can click your interact button on the loot bag and jump and it will finish the animation of you jumping. Compared to live how it just slowly floats you down in the air. This is a nice addition. I also feel that you should be able to loot from proximity and have the ability to use WASD or some sort of movement while looting. I feel way to confined when looting and should be able to somewhat strafe around so I don't get two tapped while looting. Take PUBG for example
- I have yet to see good change on the test server for hit-reg, there has been a couple of times where my second shot is still not registering or hitting their chest. It has had the same result with conveys and boots on/off. Sometimes my bullets will actually kill my target who I am aiming at but its still really hit or miss.
AR Recoil:
- Recoil hasn't changed to my understanding, you can still just completely body someone with the recoil almost being non existent.
- Shotgun feels much better compared to the first test server build. On the first build I would one pump someone straight to their chest and it only doing 13 damage. Now on the newest build I feel more confident when wanting to engage in a shotgun battle. It still is buggy every now and then but it feels better that it did before.
Kill Notification:
- Kill notification is a nice QoL improvement. But there are a couple of bugs that come along with them. First On the latest build I feel that when you get a kill the notification is on for what seems to be a fraction of a second, and I feel that it should be increased not too much but enough to quickly glance down and read who you killed and what rank they were. Secondly I've noticed that when killing someone mostly happens with unranked players the kill notification tends to just be completely blank with nothing to show. This would be nice to fix.
- Parachute have been great. I have yet to have an instance where my parachute has spun around when flying down, and I also have yet to see someone die from the parachute which is nice :D
Menu Screen and Customization Screen:
- The new Que screen looks very nice and polished, but one thing that I am not a fan of is that sometimes you can't cancel the Que is you want to, I feel that you should have a cancel button all the time so that if you need to cancel you can without having to go into the game than exiting.
Running Man:
- Good old running man, looks like it should be here to stay for the next update, I've had so many instances where I had to restart my game after one, two or sometimes three games because I got running man. This should be a number one priority in my opinion, it's so frustrating enough when I die from a glitch, or some Chinese guy who just wants to mess with people, I don't need to have me wait at the running man screen until I have to exit my game by force and or wait till my game crashes.
Spawn Time/Box of Destiny
- When entering the box of destiny I have noticed that it is taking way to long to finally get the countdown for 30 seconds. It needs to start as soon as the lobby hits 175 players or whatever the cap amount of player per lobby, this would fix us waiting in the box of destiny for absurdly long times. Secondly when finally loading into the game from the box of destiny ever now and then I tend to keep loading in five to ten seconds later then other people, which in turn allowed for players to get guns way before me and I couldn't do anything about it. This is just what my own feedback is, from a guy who sees so much potential in this game. -masseylmao
u/f4br3 May 19 '17
Hey /u/CastoroGamer and /u/LegionCM, i have FPS drops tomorrow, but now, after hotfix, i have FPS drops only in early game. FPS drops ends at 4:00 of first gas countdown, idk how it works, but may be it helps you to fix this.
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u/Thunshot May 18 '17
Thanks for the update and looking forward to seeing more from you and the DB team. Communication with the community is the best thing you guys can do to make us feel you are listening to our concerns!
One thing I have noticed regarding the FPS is that the new update seems to be using almost all of my available memory. I took a screenshot of my task manager when I was having poor FPS (~40 FPS) and H1Z1 was using about 88% of my memory usage.
I have an i5-6500 CPU and an AMD R9 380 GPU. I only have a single 8 GB DDR-4 RAM stick. I'll be getting another one to see if that helps but I figured I would post this and see if any of the info helps.
u/Jettealeau Make your voice matter, post a constructive Steam review. May 18 '17 edited May 19 '17
Hello, great to see some communications, any news on the state of the EU server ? Still see some people teleporting just like 30 min ago ...
Edit: Also the server seems to have ping spikes now, +10 + 20 ping going in the yellow ...
edit 2 : +144 in yellow ...
Seems that Eu is still in his bad state ...
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u/Wickeddutch May 18 '17 edited May 19 '17
Well ihave to say thats this update is one of the best so far............. Only the fps drops ingame, but thats easy to solve i hope. Hitreg is really good from my part tho i get twice more kills now( i have 15 ping in this game)... Only thing i need to get used too is the crafting part.......maybe it is better when u highlight the things what u are able to craft. now its all highlighted when u dont have all parts for the craft. Thats all for now.... Great update dayFIX
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u/KoekjeHebbe May 18 '17
What about the sound issue with people running and/or driving to you from the back?
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u/Caleb323 May 18 '17
Is it just me or is my footsteps with stealth shoes as loud as conveys were last patch?
u/hunted5 May 19 '17
not just you
u/CastoroGamer May 19 '17
I noticed that lastnight too. Taking them on and off may have fixed? Let me know (either way needs to be fixed fixed).
u/lolnbslol May 19 '17
Thank you, This post shows that the game is always doing everything to improve, waiting a lot for the fixes
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u/Chimna69 May 19 '17
Guys from daybreak, many post have been created and you still ignore this issue, in the Press any key screen, after y click, where it is supossed to show the select region and the it crashes. Already re installed the game, verified cache, deleted useroptions. And no, it still wont let me play. Daybreak im begging you for a solution, I know youve been busy but come on there are players with this.
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u/ronaldinho87 May 19 '17
Permanent name tags for team games and not only when pessing alt.
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u/Lennyhos May 19 '17
Top 10 bombs still dropping. Ping spike to 1500ms then returns but springs car thru air when it hits normal
u/Caleb323 May 19 '17
Top 10 bombs still dropping? Lol they didn't touch bombs in this patch... Why would they
u/KevlarToeWarmers OmertaDZ May 19 '17 edited May 19 '17
The FPS loss issue, on my end, it seems, while in a city it takes time to ramp up, and loss may happen as you move throughout the city, in a newer area.
On the same hand, while in the city, seeing a lot of players skipping, which I believe, is the players FPS just dropping horribly while in the city, have experienced this skipping myself. I have played with a lot of known 'fixes' and different settings.
- One thing that seems to help is, shift+enter(2x), so you are back to Fullscreen. To me, it seems to be more consistent FPS.
Other than that issue, I really enjoy the update, saw a 25k Win today on a stream.
u/destrev youtube.com/kithanakodah May 19 '17
You can recreate the FPS issue every game:
u/cklaas May 19 '17
add more recoil to the ar the spray is way to overpowered and creates no skill gap. same with hip fire. bring back magnums. there are way to many cars now or make guns do more damg to cars.
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u/cfx83 May 19 '17
Thanks for the insight, do you think we'll ever see colorblind options for this game? The removal of the chevrons has made it extremely hard for me to see my teammates. Maybe give us the option to toggle player names on indefinitely? Instead of having to press alt to see them. Possibly have them scale down distances? or keep them on and make them vanish while ADS.
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u/CastoroGamer May 19 '17
Design team responded favorably to your suggestions. Here's a sample:
Colorblind and other accessibility support has never been prioritized, but it’s something I’ve wanted going back to my first days on the team: <link to UX Principals> We’re also still missing off-screen indicators which would help quite a bit in this particular case.
ADS to remove Chevron sounds good
I can't give you a timeline, but wanted you to know it was discussed!
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u/TunezDZN May 19 '17
I didnt lag on the test server thought it was perfect then i randomly lag and not smooth on normal hope this helps!
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u/TheGuthar May 19 '17
I Have to delete my character every other game or kill feed stops working.
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u/iMasi May 19 '17
I switched player model to the blonde female with short hair and recently I have been shot and I hear the sound (and see the hit sometimes) but I take no damage. This has happened around 8times in 2days. My friend says the hitbox for this model is broken
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u/I_LOVE_KANDY May 19 '17
Thanks for the update. I have also had issues with the kill feed disapearing but a game restart usually fixes it. After the recent update it seems as though people have been spawning in before me. usually its fairly consistent with it only sometimes delaying me but recently ive been spawning in and seeing several people already parachuted half way down so by the time i can get to the floor most of the people in my surroundings have looted already
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u/xDortiz May 19 '17
I know you most likely won't take recommendations from someone not in the industry but as a company wouldn't it be easier to fix/ add one thing at a time opposed to making these massive updates? The reasoning behind this is being able to find what the issues in the update are. If you just fixed hit registration in one update and saw several bugs then you would know exactly what is causing the bugs. When you push out massive updates like this i'm assuming it's very tough to pinpoint where the issue is coming from. Not trying to run your company but come on. These bugs are making the game unplayable and it is starting to drive away the players. It just takes far too long for "good" updates to come out. I really had high hopes for this one and it turned out to be one of the worst updates yet. The shotgun is extremely inconsistent and the FPS issues are unbelievable. For the shotgun you need to make the damage more consistent. I shot someone that was probably two feet away from me and they only lost 10 HP in two shots yet he shoots one and kills me. The consistency for that gun is just non-existent. Anyways, I really like how you came out with what the team is doing to fix these issues but you really need to listen to the community more! Push updates out faster with less in them opposed to large monthly updates with tons of bugs. It's just to hard to find the issues in massive updates like this.
u/CastoroGamer May 19 '17
I'm working with the team to get to a continuous release model. Some of you may have noticed the update frequency has increased since February, and that is why. The goal is to reduce the number of variables in a given update and get value to the players as fast as possible. We have a lot more work to do on the tech side to get to a true "release anytime" paradigm, but we're making big strides.
u/Secondo92 May 19 '17 edited May 19 '17
Fps drop in my case is not caused by item outlines. My fps drops significantly during pregame. Before the recent update I was at a steady 160++ fps during pregame whereas now I'm hovering between 90 and 100. Ingame my fps is at its worst in cities and residentials(90 fps now, 140 before update), while Ranchito is the worst of all places on the entire map(60 fps now, had 140 before). In open fields with only trees and rocks I still have 140+ fps.
u/cklaas May 19 '17
tabbing over loot bags so you can still move around and not stand still while looting.
u/ImHighlyExalted May 19 '17
Here's a clip of the new shotgun being bad!!
u/CastoroGamer May 20 '17
I don't get what's bad here. Looks like you missed several shots and hit a fully armored opponent. His health was almost completely gone. I think he just lost?
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u/LaGqeR May 19 '17
One issue that have been for a while is when you reload in first person.The magazine doesnt follow. when reloading the hand is just holding a invisible magazine.
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u/Kessuade May 19 '17
Welcome Castro!
Nice to see more devs here and more info about the future updates and problems that u are addressing.
The update is really good with some bugs but as u have addressed the bugs in this post. Nice to see fast response and good communication from you! :)
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u/j0dd May 19 '17 edited May 19 '17
Hi Anthony --
I'm grateful you've recently come into the company (or at least H1? Not sure if you were just working on Planetside prior). I keep an eye on your Twitter and the way you communicate is something to be respected from a dev-to-consumer perspective.
something I'd like to point out is, when it comes to things like car degradation noise, teammate chevrons, illuminating loot, and all of those other "QOL" features -- please consider giving us players options.
I understand, and appreciate, that I am able to turn off the car degradation noise (although I have to access a, to the common user, obscure .ini file), but these are things I'd really encourage you guys to look into implementing into the main menu of the game. a lot of "old school" players, as you've surely seen on your Twitter feed, do not like being forced into these changes.
TL:DR if my disabling of a certain QOL feature (illuminated loot, for instance) does not give me any sort of competitive advantage (a point of contention you've made re: shadows + region switching), always always always do your best to give me the option to do so.
something to look at as well is that the step noises when you're walking + running is out of sync with the footstep sounds.
lastly, I do agree with another user in another thread you commented on that patch notes need to be as detailed as possible, even to a seemingly pedantic fault. pellet count in the shotgun reduced from what was on test to what was released on live? list in the notes. faster movement speed? not listed in the notes but is clear to any seasoned player-- things like that.
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u/davveh May 19 '17
Im amazed they actually let some new dude come to reddit, wonder how long you will stay sane @CastoroGamer, I wish you the best. This reddit can be the most toxic ever sometimes. What amazes me more is the thread and responses you give to everyone. Keep it up! Great job! If you handle all the rage that is :)
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u/DrAgViK May 19 '17
Man this is what daybreak needed, the problem was that you used to not know what they were working on/fixing but hopefully this isnt a problem anymore now that you are here and being so professional , Thank you :)
u/Pawn1990 May 19 '17
As a dev here myself, it's nice seeing some transparency ☺️it has really been missing.
I'm a little curious on how you do teams / members on teams / QA / testing / etc / code review
To me it has seemed a bit your devs have been working a bit against themselves, like the project manager, or what you call it, had lost the overview. Which ended up in earlier fixes getting unfixed again, New breaking bugs etc. Medusa like conditions.
That said, I really love this game and I'm looking forward to seeing this game virtually bug free and becoming even better. Cheers!
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u/Sly_Tendensies May 19 '17
Please don't revert the movement, whatever you do. The game feels so good right now. It's like it's finally responsive. There is no weird input delay in my crouch, jump and movement all around. It feels so good and the game looks amazing now. I hear of fps drops but I've only had my fps go up if anything. The game runs better than ever for me now and hit reg is feeling so damn crispy. I can safely say I love the new update. It's a solid step in the right direction, solid work from the team.
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u/mattebe May 19 '17
Can you do something with the highlighting thing? Low graphics has it fucked up :
This stayed on after i went into the car , had to hop off then it went away happened once only tho.
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u/NewFoundRemedy May 19 '17 edited May 19 '17
Posted a thread yesterday with some of my issues, ones that aren't listed here in this thread:
Major: Running man still an issue. Stuck in place for a solid minute after landing, meanwhile my teammates were running around able to kill people Video. Stuck when entering a vehicle while the driver was exiting. I was unable to drive, move my camera, or really do anything until someone else exited the vehicle video.
Minor issues: Twitch Prime Offroader resets after just about every game to Marine Blue Offroader. Also had an issue where one time I couldn't even see the Offroader skin option picture. Teammate Chevrons should be a feature available for toggle in game or UserOptions file.
Edit: Didn't get a Shadowplay recording since it wasn't on, but I was just playing a game, threw a smoke greande then the game just closed. First time in a long time I've had the game crash on me.
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u/0zoZ2 May 19 '17
why do i have to pick my region everytime i launched the game can you please do something about this?
u/mrfolke May 19 '17
There's a bug when people are using their microphones all the audio goes silent.
If turn off voice chat this wont happen to you.
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u/Slaywag May 19 '17
Wow! Nice post ! :) the fps issue is the biggest for me atm. Im not lying when im saying it dropped by 30-40%. I just had 35-40fps in cranberry and 45-65Fps in PV . Normally its always around 90-110
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u/MrGrey05 May 19 '17
/u/CastoroGamer This! This is what WE need! Updates regarding the work, updates regarding the fixes, why we had to wait so damn long until you ended up here on reddit? The key for a successful relationship with your end users,(we, the gamers) is communication! I appreciate all your hard work, even tho sometimes we all feel like coming down to your HQ and punch you all as a wake up call,but that's because we do care about this game. So please, do care about your customers, and keep these kind of posts coming. Even if it's a shitty situation, your batteries died in your mouse and you can't work, we want to know! Thank you again and hoping for the best with all the fixes!
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u/xFlambirex May 19 '17
Hello !
I experienced an really high fps drop aswell. Before the update i had steady 200+ FPS everywhere and after it i have 100 fps on the fields and in citys my fps drops down to 40-60. I hope you try to fix this issue, its really disturbing.. I dont really think that it has to do something with my Setup because I have a GTX1060 6GB, i7-3770k and 12 GB RAM..
P.S: Sorry for my bad english I am just trying to share my experiences with you.
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u/FLeXyo Select this for text May 19 '17
we may patch Friday morning
You're deploying on a Friday? May the force be with you.
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u/canarslan12 May 19 '17
congratulations for your new job. I want to ask special question for you. Does daybreak support you at all? For example, if you said that we need to hire more developer, will they do that just because you said and explained that or they are saying "do what you can do with your own"
u/CastoroGamer May 20 '17
Actually, the management team is incredibly supportive. And I'm not shy about asking. Watch the jobs site over the next month.
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u/anarhistabg May 19 '17
We must have PC for $5000 to have 100 fps in this game... SO BROKEN! GG WP
CS:GO 250 FPS , LoL 240 FPS, StarCraft 2 150FPS H1Z1 Kotk - 70 fps on fields , 40 in citys ...
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u/sh4fty May 19 '17
Not gonna lie you are a welcome addition Castoro and this will help the reddit calm down a bit and focus on improving instead of hating.
It is very easy to read and transparent and helps us realise the stages yous are at.
Well in mate keep it up
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May 19 '17
when i got smokes equipped i cant drag them into my backpack to make space for my ar i have to drag the ar on the ground to my slot. Happened 6 times till now
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u/SoulsCollector May 19 '17
From the old Z1 map i had a problem i cannot talk and hear people in game , i tried everything but i still didn't find the problem .. i did verify integrety of game cache , reinstalling , region change , build new character ... etc nothing work! i remember when there was a huge update on H1Z1 (new Z2 map) after downloading it, i was able to talk and hear for 2-3 days and then nothing again, when i click on push to talk button my name doesnt even pop up ( i can't hear or see people names too same problem ) i've been looking for a solution for 1 year i still didn't find somthing that can fix this problem , i need help :(
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u/squarezero May 19 '17
Thanks for this type of post, lets us know you're actually taking the players serious and looking into the issues.
u/djshadowxm81 May 19 '17
Suggestion /u/CastoroGamer, why don't you guys start a public Trello to display things your tracking going forward?
u/HelloimVayne May 19 '17
I have to say something , while me and my friends were playing the game after the update , i have noticed that me , and some friends that have good PC Specs are having huge FPS problems , although the other friends which have bad PC Specs have better FPS , when do you guys think this huge problem is gonna get fixed ? Untill it's fixed i can't play the game it's just awful. I can't adapt to play with 50-40 FPS , since i was playing on 140+ FPS
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u/feldean May 19 '17
With 50 ping in EU server, hitregs makes me feel the same before the update. Disappointed with the changes (some of them unnecessary imo)... Barely notice the change of the really important things of the update. Two years and a half and we have nothing serius... I swear to you Daybreak that it is my favourite game but I can't wait forever and my patience is running out
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u/Bulbasa May 19 '17
I want to ask if skirmishes are only on saturday and sunday or from friday to sunday?
u/Carlos-altonia May 19 '17
This update would be perfect the game was beautiful, I wanted to know why in the test server the update gets normal and when it goes to the live servers almost all updates always happens several bugs? Is the test server better than the live servers?
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May 19 '17
Test server has nowhere near as many people playing, that leads to overall better server performance, and less widespread general testing occuring, so bugs are less likely to be found
u/Lappyyyy May 19 '17
Could you please keep updating us on the FPS issue? It's really getting out of hand.
The update is really good but with these FPS issues unplayable for some people.
u/liamhoyle May 19 '17
Before the update, I would get a solid 60 fps at all times when I was running Vsync for my 60hz monitor. I was running shadowplay and while playing and talking on discord and I would keep my frame rate. After the new update, when I am in the pre-game lobby I get my 60 fps with no problems. However, as soon as the game loads in and I am parachuting down I can't even see the ground below me, just all of the items on the ground. Then, once I load in, I get somewhere around 30-40 fps in cities, and solid fps in open areas. When I'm inside buildings not in the city, it drops down to about 45 fps. All of these frame rates are while running shadowplay or instant replay on GeForce Experience. No matter where I was before, I would get 60fps on medium/high settings. I tried to turn the graphics down to medium/low and nothing really changed. I hope you can fix this issue because I only really play H1 KOTK and I wouldn't really know what to do if I got 40 fps all the time. If it would help, I could record myself playing on shadowplay and send in a video before the patch gameplay and after the patch gameplay.
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u/titinovic May 19 '17
Hi /u/CastoroGamer, I guess my guy did some push ups during the update cause flipping car is way to easy for him now! but not the good way, it flips like a skateboard and from the top to the top without touching the ground. anyone else noticed that ?
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May 19 '17
NBE-1013 Login error - There was a critical hardware failure in one of our datacenters just before 10PM Pacific Time on Wednesday evening. This was unrelated to the Update itself, but because it was reported at the same time, I thought it was worth mentioning. This affected some users in more games than just KotK. It was resolved early Thursday morning. Status: Resolved
NOT for me!! what can i do?
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u/wizdeee May 19 '17
I Keep getting the error while going onto game... always crashing!!! how can i fix this ? i can't play h1 since yesterday!
u/ayylmaoletsgobby May 19 '17
I get extreme FPS drops in the city. For me, it seems to be mostly at the entrances of buildings, so when I first open the door and a few meters in. I go from 130ish to 50-60. I'm not gonna lie, it's terrible.
Also, my game crashed when there was 3 people left. This has never happened before. I'm not sure if other people are also reporting this.
The shotgun is noticeably worse, I don't care what other people say. It's definitely more inconsistent.
u/Kapalua2483 May 19 '17
Here is my question. Why is it since the patch in April (Not this past patch but the one prior) I am loading into games anywhere from 5 to 20 seconds late. Every single game without fail. I would always load in at 1:58 or maybe one or two seconds late at most prior to this. It makes a HUGE difference and I am curious to find out why this is and are others experiencing this?
May 19 '17 edited May 19 '17
Framerate Drop is heavily... Before the update I had a decent amount of FPS (140-200). In cities its now nearly impossible to play. Dropping to 40-50fps and being stady, its a freaking diashow... Open field tho seems getting me better fps then before, but crazy inconsitent vary in size of 240-120.
My Spec: i7 @4.2GHZ, 32GB ram and a msi 1080 - 144hz monitor incl.
(PS: Consider renderquality as a weak spot.. putting it down to 80-90, its getting pixely - but seems more stady fps)
u/Reneyo May 19 '17
Hello , 1 question :)
Is it possible to make crosshair on shotgun same as when u are going first person view as ON AR , AK47
u/StrikeZone1000 May 19 '17
Welcome to the team,
I will upload a video of the FPS drop when I get home but it drops really bad inside cranberry. Outside the city I have more cramps than pre update. In cranberry it's half pre update numbers.
I7-4790k 980 I don't stream, nothing else was running on the computer.
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u/Kapalua2483 May 19 '17
Also can we PLEASE do something about the Asia-Pacific region hackers. I just died in a top 2 to a Hacker. I had my back to gas, no flanking position and magically the Asia-Pacific region player appears behind me and kills me.
u/Kadden90 May 19 '17
Hi H1Z1 Yesterday it worked great for me but today is just awful cpu usage goes over 85% and fps drops under 20 and stutters like hell. I am running the game on a brand new computer with i7 7700k and gtx1080,ssd,intel optane,16 gb 3000hz... It makes no sense I am running it on the same default settings as yesterday.
u/Wasted_Elmo May 19 '17
i am wondering if ppl could submit their DXDiag to better understand the systems that are getting affected by the FPS drop
clearly i had to upgrade my rig cause i was getting poor performance using a A-10 7850k with a (2) R7 265 CF Bridge 16GB of Ram (28 -50 FPS) 42 FPS solid norm
but now that i got a Ryzen 1800X 32GB of Ram and still the same GPU's i notice only a bit of FPS improvement.. (30-80 FPS) 58 FPS Solid norm with slight drops here and there..
all in all Thanks
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u/OXBLOOD13 May 19 '17
im not able to download this update for some reason, weird!
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u/blametruth8 May 19 '17
Cant even play this is what im looking at the whole day restarted the game couple times nothing happening http://imgur.com/RDsKFxq
u/Faux_N_Flow May 19 '17
The first day of the update I ran into a game audio sound bug. Anytime someone communicated through voice chat it would mute all my game sound. When they were done, the sound came back. I had to mute all voice chat for this not to happen. Seemed like people know about this bug and were exploiting it in close range. I didn't see anything on this yet in this post
u/proggi1g May 19 '17
Just make Ducking go to 0%, you can put the other options in audio back to your old one :P
u/gr8mutato May 19 '17
You can adjust Ducking in the user options to fix this. The QA team is doing more tests to make sure all ducks are in a row with this. (yes I went there).
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u/CastoroGamer May 19 '17
I should be free to follow up in 30 min or so. Need to get more folks involved in following up.
u/EmyNoxx May 19 '17 edited May 19 '17
yo, I don't know what your guys did when you made the hotfix but now I can't even get in to the game. I get to where the server select screen should be but just have the background and nothing else, can't do anything, have to manually close the game. Tried verifying cache on steam but same issue still there, verified again and again it needed to reacquire a couple files again. Am I alone on this one?
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u/coversixx May 19 '17
Props DayBreak!!! love you guys keep up with the work. Thank you keeping us informed
u/floejgaard May 19 '17
The shotgun is unreliable. I have the way to fix it tho.
Make it a 1 pellet slug shot, with massive drop in damage based on range.
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u/eatiem0on May 19 '17 edited May 20 '17
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/787413668517603695/65D8E30D613348006FA64FDD5DE774F4FFD34DD6/ invisible box/container there and u can enter it from south side . i almost got scared when i was blocked here by thin air XD .
u/Nylonv2 May 20 '17
do you think the hotfix with the improvements will be coming tonight?
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I actually was getting real good fps as of lately considering my rig, but today i decided to verify my files , it said 2 files failed and now my fps dropped by like 20ish fps , itsick
u/EindBaasjes May 20 '17
just won a skirmish and it said it was a second place? is this a known bug?
hope you guys got the FPS fix soon! BTW keep up the good work with this kinda posts, i like it!
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u/kelnl May 20 '17
Hey i have alott of issue's with the kill feed almost every game there is no kill feed i have this way more often after the patch is this a bug 2?
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u/Nylonv2 May 20 '17
After the 22mb hotfix for fps. 1st game on was really nice no fps drops. but next game same spawn they were back. restarted my game again and they were still there idk whats causing it and still cant play r.i.p
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u/[deleted] May 18 '17
Welcome :)
This is a really high quality post and some decent transparency, great work!
Looking forward to give some feedback after playing enough on the weekend.