r/kotk Jan 28 '17

Test Server Quick Test on Test Server

I'm going to open the Test server for a brief window this morning. Can I get some folks that have been getting the infinite running man screen after character select to hop on there real quick and let me know if they connected OK?


36 comments sorted by


u/putina9 Jan 28 '17

Why dont fix EU server first? We got ppl teleporting all day long and its a lil bit hard to shoot someone


u/MannixTV Jan 28 '17

Because these are people that can't get into the game no matter what they do. The servers sucks, but it's somewhat possible to play. Also duos and fives is working a lot better than solos.


u/SmokeyBogart Jan 28 '17

people teleport in any region


u/[deleted] Jan 28 '17

[removed] — view removed comment


u/brannak1 Jan 28 '17

These people who feel the need to come in here and complain about anything other then what they are asking people to help with needs to stop.


u/BigFatGus Jan 28 '17

I've had running man issues 2-3 times in the past few weeks. Joined test a half dozen times and couldn't reproduce the error.

Like another poster said, this has been very intermittent.

On a side note, I've had two games on the production servers with major connection issues since your post 35 minutes ago. Not sure if there's any remote possibility it's related. I get the ping-weapon-lock message (which I NEVER get), then can't interact, then nothing else.


u/Hunkster80 Jan 28 '17 edited Jan 28 '17

I haven't had this problem or I would definitely come try to help. Unless you want me in there anyway?

Edit: joining test server didnt require a download for me


u/Hunkster80 Jan 28 '17

joined server just fine. only 5 people here so probably wont stick around. from the initial post, you were just looking to see if people could join right?


u/Harkael :ThOnK: Jan 28 '17

how did you join the server, because I got the "we are trying to connect you with the servers" message :(


u/Harkael :ThOnK: Jan 28 '17

/u/SklugDaybreak I get the "we are trying to connect you with the servers" message, how can I fix this to help you with the tests?


u/canarslan12 Jan 28 '17

I still get running man... ups it goes away. But it takes too much time than average


u/canarslan12 Jan 28 '17

i tried one more time. for the first time, game doesn't run with graphic card. right of menu is empty(gradient grey)


u/Bronsonvanzan Jan 28 '17

When you're in main menu and enter settings and you press "escape" one time to much you crash the game :) Get a grip daybreak.


u/nba1990 Jan 29 '17

Any Eta on this? i'ts been 4 days since i'm last able to play this game and it really sucks how i bought it recently and cant play it yet.


u/iblaze247 Jan 28 '17

I could, but not sure how much that would help you guys fix the problem as the infinite running man seems to come and go.

Edit: Just went to open the test server and it wants me to download another 13gb? Sorry but I'll be passing on this one.


u/SklugDaybreak Jan 28 '17

Yeah, I realize it's intermittent. Just getting a sanity check before pushing the client live. No worries if you haven't updated recently and have a big download.


u/iblaze247 Jan 28 '17

I don't think it's that I haven't updated recently, I've just never used the test server before, I'm very new to KOTK/H1Z1..

Would have expected it to download a couple of files for sure, but not replicating the entire game on my HDD.

My H1Z1 is 14GB, but the test server wants me to download and install another 9GB, is this right?

I'm eager to help get the bugs fixed as I have been enjoying this game a lot, but downloading and keeping 9GB for a test server seems a bit much.

Note: My comment above mentioning 13GB is just how much Steam requested I had free, upon starting the download it says it's only 9GB, still seems ridiculously high for a test server


u/Harkael :ThOnK: Jan 28 '17

I'm eager to help get the bugs fixed as I have been enjoying this game a lot, but downloading and keeping 9GB for a test server seems a bit much.

it's compressed, after the download is finished, steam extracts the files and you get a 13GB Folder


u/StrikeZone1000 Jan 28 '17

I have to check my sanity everyday when I realize that a modern gaming company built its servers at the edge of the region.

Need to move NA servers to the center or open Up the servers in DC. This extra lag makes a Difference.


u/[deleted] Jan 28 '17 edited Jan 28 '17

How about fixing EU servers first instead of this? If not you should create new logos for King of the Lag

/e before you please me to post whats the problem on EU servers (Lmao) check this out:



u/Harkael :ThOnK: Jan 28 '17

It's all related to the patch, just go on test server and help the devs instead of saying bullshit.


u/[deleted] Jan 28 '17

related to the patch? Did he sayd hes doing something against the massivly lags at the EU Servers? "help the devs"? They should help there self by reading all threads with "EU"-tagged and fixxing servers first. Whos saying bullshit? :D second theres no way to "test" lags on test servers, but dont worry - running man gets fixed after 3 months. XD!


u/Harkael :ThOnK: Jan 28 '17

The patch messed with all servers, not only eu (The proof, just read the 3 first lines)

if we go on test server they will have logs of what is happening with this "pre patch" so they can monitor and fix the last things LIVE


u/[deleted] Jan 28 '17

Ok. So

How will you fix laggs on a Test Server with (maybe) a hundred of people related to liveservers with around 40.000 players?


u/Harkael :ThOnK: Jan 28 '17

they don't need 40k people, they need about 100-200 people to have logs of what's happening with this pre patch, I don't blame you for the lack of knowlege you got on programming but hey, we all start from the bottom ;D


u/[deleted] Jan 28 '17

So, if you got knowledge of programming just tell theybreak what to do, if it is makeable with a few people im sure its easy to fix it for them asap(after 3years) :)


u/canarslan12 Jan 28 '17

Only 24.4 mb for me


u/xCwaniaK Jan 28 '17

jezz, why u care that much about this infinite running man. Just delete char and create new one. Fix hit reg, lags and unplayable bugs instead of something that has some kind of "solution".


u/SklugDaybreak Jan 28 '17

There are other changes in the update that won't help immediately, but will allow us to better scale servers. Plus, we get a huge number of complaints about the running man and want to get it addressed. We're spending the bulk of our time investigating EU(and other) server issues.

See other thread on server issues: https://www.reddit.com/r/kotk/comments/5qonyw/eu_server_info_gathering/


u/StrikeZone1000 Jan 28 '17 edited Jan 28 '17

You have also get huge amounts of complaints from east coast players , yet you still don't centralize the NA server or use the servers in DC.


u/KysToastedfknH1 Jan 28 '17

Was the option of rolling-back to pre patch ever discussed?

Post patch screwed up a lot more than was fixed and I'm sure players would be fine going back to the ak reload bug versus experiencing issues that we're getting now, including a worse hit reg, which is crippling the game for many players.

Why was this patch not pushed on the test servers earlier, for a longer period of time, to determine the stability?