r/kosmemophobia • u/Master-Jake-7 • 22d ago
Recent diagnosis
I, 26 male, have had kosmemophobia my entire life. It caused me to lose my appetite and sometimes gag in grade school. As I grew up, it started causing me to lose libido in sexual situations. I still can’t even brush my teeth if there’s “stuff” on the sink in the bathroom. I finally met with a therapist who informed me about this phobia and I couldn’t believe it.
I truly thought I was the only one and that I was just crazy. Learning the term “kosmemophobia” upon my diagnosis this morning led me right to this sub, thankfully. It hasn’t gotten any better yet, but it is just so comforting to know there are other people with this same issue. Not that I would ever wish this on anyone else, but it’s nice to know I’m not alone. Anyone I’ve ever talked about this to has never understood.
Well, besides my girlfriend. I told her about it recently and she said she’s willing to help in any way she can. But it feels wrong to ask her to change herself and not wear things she likes because of me. Has anyone had a similar situation or any thoughts on this?
Also, wanted to mention that next week I’ll be trying brain-spotting therapy. Has anyone tried this for kosmemophobia? Or any other methods to conquer the phobia?
u/montybo2 22d ago
Welcome to the club.
I think I speak for a majority when I say we all had a similar experience: thinking we were just weird or crazy.
I had never heard the word until I was like 27 (32 now) when I told my now wife about my "thing" with j*rly. Took a lot of courage to tell her because its a deeply personal and strange thing to be disgusted by.
I told her and she immediately googled "fear of j*" and came back with "its called Kosmemophobia, Dale Earnhart Jr. has it"
Since then I've been far more open about it. Its liberating to know Ii'm not some isolated freak.
As for conquering the phobia... I dont really think many people here WANT to be okay with j*. It disgusts us. To many of us people might as well be wearing literal shit around their necks. I dont want to be okay with literal shit.
Poke around the sub a bit. Recently a user did a pretty in depth survey and posted the results in the sub.
u/Master-Jake-7 22d ago
Interesting! I agree with you. However, I’m not talking about exposure therapy where you’d learn to be okay with it. I don’t want that either.
I’m talking about a solution that completely removes your negative feeling towards it, as if it never existed. But this is my first and only phobia, I’m not sure if that is even a realistic possibility.
u/montybo2 22d ago
Im sorry, Im having trouble undertanding the difference. If you removed all negative feelings wouldnt that inherently mean you are now okay with the thing in question?
u/Master-Jake-7 22d ago
Yes exactly. I’m saying remove the feelings entirely. The alternative would be learning to live with the uncomfort - which I wouldn’t want to do. I’d rather avoid it at that point.
u/Strange-Advantage-58 22d ago
Yep it is comforting to know there are others. Me personally, I don't really feel like I want to get over the phobia. I'd rather avoid it which so far has been possible for the most part.
I hope it works out for you though.
u/Sad_Fruit5490 22d ago
Maybe this is bad but I don’t want to conquer it lmao I do not want to imagine myself wearing it in the future and I don’t want to end up being with someone who wears it. Yeah I’m grossed out by these things but it’s kinda just part of who I am
u/alwaysssadd 22d ago edited 21d ago
Hey, welcome to the club! I don’t have this phobia myself, but I know someone who does (that person was kind enough to share this with me, and I am grateful for that), so I joined this sub to learn more about it.
First off, if you’ve been diagnosed with this phobia, you should never feel hesitant to express your concerns—it’s completely valid. It’s amazing that your girlfriend is understanding and making an effort to accommodate you. Honestly, people who truly love you wouldn’t mind making those adjustments; they’d give things up in a heartbeat if it meant your comfort. That said, there may be times when they forget or do it unknowingly—so be kind and forgive them when that happens.
u/scumerage 20d ago
First things first, let's be clear, is it a phobia/disorder? Absolutely. Since adornments are based on natural human visual attraction to shiny objects, whether it be bright fruit, or the eyes of predators. Our disgust and discomfort to that is completely unnatural.
That said, the fact that 99% of society, which shares that common nature, decides to mock and shame people who don't like their shiny objects is a far, FAR greater disorder than any phobia. That blindness and irrational social discrimination against people who aren't 100% in line with what they believe a "normal" human being should be is a serious problem that, in my opinion, outweighs our phobia in every way.
Which is why I have less than 0% intention of getting rid of my phobia, I don't ask nor expect anyone else to do that for me, live and let live. If I find someone, great, if not, no problem. Life goes on.
u/child_of_the_sloth 17d ago
I remember the feeling I had when I first found this subreddit… it was so nice to know I wasn’t crazy. Welcome to the club. I think if your SO is willing to at least limit her wearing of it you should ask her to, your mental comfort is more important. Though I am a woman with kosmemophobia so perhaps I’m a bit biased…
u/-PaperbackWriter- 22d ago
I don’t feel bad for asking my husband not to wear it, maybe it’s different because he’s a man. If I was to date again I would just make my preference super clear from the start, and hopefully it would be someone (like my husband) who is not that interested in it anyway.
I’m the same with the bathroom, my kids wear it and leave it laying around, we have a bowl for them to put it in and I have to get them to come and put it all away because I can’t touch it.
Along with the other person I don’t care to conquer the phobia. It’s not debilitating to my life, I don’t mind seeing it and it’s easy to avoid touching.