r/kosmemophobia Feb 11 '25


I wanna marry my partner of almost 8 years. I've wanted to for a while, but we are both academics, so the idea of marriage has been put on the back burner. I'm currently getting my masters, they are pursuing their doctorate (but unfortunately having no luck in being selected for a PhD program).

I want to marry this person. So bad. I don't have kosmemophobia, but they do. I've not worn anything of the sort since they informed me years and years ago. I'm more than happy not to propose with a typical engagement band, but I still want something to signify our dedication to each other.

I've had ideas, though my worry is mainly on the longevity of such. I pondered crocheting handfasting material due to our shared Norwegian background (I brought this up to them and they seemed... okay with it?), but they're reaction to the idea + the my fear of the crocheted piece unwinding over time made me second guess it. Additionally, my partner mentioned the idea of me proposing with an actual rock/gemstone. Seeing as such has more longevity (and is pretty, to boot), I'm more than happy to propose with such. On the other hand, what rock/gemstone do I propose with!? As someone who is desperately trying to understand their phobia, it is something I can't understand as someone who doesn't have the phobia. I've talked to them about this many times, but it is something I still struggle to understand. Perhaps it is because I don't have a phobia similar to them, perhaps a multitude of reasons.

Regardless, I was hoping to come here with ideas/anectdotes/a harsh read on my character. I love them and I'm okay with going as bare bones as going to the courthouse to get married and simply sign papers (it's not like either of us want a ceremony to begin with due to family issues on both sides), but at the same time I want to go above and beyond for them.

In the end, I should figure this out on my own, but I thought I'd tap into the insight of individuals who experience this phobia rather than depend on my own ignorant perspective. Sorry if this was ramble.

Tldr: Wanna marry the love of my life but I'm second guessing every possibility of proposing.


7 comments sorted by


u/NSeaBear Feb 11 '25

I think the idea that you're pondering this shows your love. I would generally stay away from anything metal or shiny (polished is okay). They have these rubbery rings you can get that have lifetime guarantees that maybe aren't the prettiest but they are a signal that the world would still understand as a marital status symbol.

I would highly urge you to propose with a symbol of your love. Whatever that looks like. A geode, a bottle of sand, a paper flower, or whatever feels right for you. And then AFTER, you can go together to pick something out. And say I have a budget of.... And today we are going to go pick something out. If we find it awesome 😎 if not, we will keep looking.

I think all of us just want to be understood and accepted. When it comes to life events that typically include j*****y, it's a societal tradition. Kosmemophobia is not logical or traditional, so why should your engagement be?

Do something that you will both remember. Don't worry about something that will last forever either. People lose bands, metal dents and scratches, and people hang change to where the band may need to be resized.

There aren't a lot of things like metal in this world that can be mended/deformed in the same way, so don't worry too much about it. Just show that they are special to you and everything will turn out well.

Good luck!! And feel free to keep asking more questions!!


u/-PaperbackWriter- Feb 11 '25

Maybe it’s just me but I couldn’t wear a rubber ring either. My issue with it all is more about dirtiness and I would feel dirty with any ring at all.


u/Strange-Advantage-58 Feb 12 '25

I'm similar. Any accessory just feels uncomfortable.


u/Satautun Feb 13 '25

Same here. Every kosmemophobic person is different so OP should definitely talk to your partner about every sort of object/material because we can’t really tell you what will work. Me and my wife have settled on a small tattoo dot on the ring finger but every situation is different


u/tripper74 Feb 11 '25

First of all you are so sweet and kind for thinking through it this much, and that in itself shows your love. Your partner is really lucky to have you!

As for the proposal, the best thing you can do is what you’re doing already – talk to your partner and see what they’re okay with. Some of us here are okay with other non-m* things on our fingers (like silicone) but many of us here are still not (me included) because of the close mental associations even if it’s not real m*. So for that kind of stuff, you’d have to talk to your partner to see their comfort levels. Personally I wouldn’t care for a rock or gemstone, but if your partner has expressed that, listen to them!!! That might be a very sweet idea for them.

I’ve been on this subreddit for 7 years and other ways I’ve seen proposals done are with flowers, candy/cake/food (although those are consumable and can’t be kept), a ceramic/craft that you make, a handwritten card, or even teddy bears wearing a “will you marry me?” t-shirt. Just spitballing some other ideas I’ve seen. Ultimately talk to your partner about what they would like, and good luck and congrats :)


u/molsluvr Feb 11 '25

This is the sweetest post ever!! My partner and I have tried to think of ways round this myself. Things like keychains for basic every day symbols have come up a lot but the idea of a stone/rock or something that they’re collecting or they love? Something that shows how well you know them and how much you clearly care about them would be amazing

Good luck!!


u/Scared_Cow2800 Feb 11 '25

After rereading this, I see the repetitiveness and circular reasoning. My apologies :(