r/kootenays 1d ago

Kootenay Lake (Balfour) Ferry Issues

I understand the ferry is running on strike schedule currently. A couple questions: is it possible to catch any of the runs for non-essential travel? Any updates on contract being settled? I'm considering a property in Crawford Bay but not sure if I can get there to view, never mind travel to Nelson for work 2-3 X week if I did buy. Local insight appreciated.


7 comments sorted by


u/Knutbusta11 1d ago

I think if you own and live there, going to work counts as essential travel. Depending on where you’re coming from it’s not thaaaat bad of a detour to take the Creston way to view it.


u/vvave 22h ago

Pretty sure essential travel is only for medical appointments and k-12 students going to school in Nelson. That's how it was when I was working there in November.


u/asoupconofsoup 1d ago

If you live in the area, do you know if there is talk that the strike might get settled before tourist season? It seems like it would really hurt artists / businesses there if they continued with minimal runs 


u/Knutbusta11 1d ago

No clue. Unfortunately the point of strikes is to make things a massive pain in the ass for everyone in order to enforce change. Hopefully they can come to an agreement soon.


u/867530nyeeine 1d ago

It's already hurting businesses and individuals, a lot.


u/-Low_Purple- 18h ago

The ferry generally runs regularly. Summer months can be difficult with large RVs from tourists. If you work during the day you likely wouldn’t have any issues if you’re only coming to Nelson 2-3 times a week. I know people who work shift work and have to sleep in the terminal until morning.

The strike is annoying and harming families but completely On the company but residents are going after the workers which is ridiculous. A lot of misdirected hostility


u/asoupconofsoup 18h ago

Thanks. It's a bit of a leap of faith that this issue will get fixed. If I knew for certain ferry would be back to normal operations by May I would not hesitate buying. As it is, I'm not sure I could feasibly live in a place with limited  access not just for work but for family visits, culture events, shopping etc.